Holy shit Trump is the worst president ever

Holy shit Trump is the worst president ever

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Holly shit, you're a fucking faggot

Best president in History!

We need to get business up and running again fast.
China lost this bio war and America is stronger than ever again.
A few thousand dead boomers is a small price to pay. Let the business continue.

Trumpfags coping

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The destruction of the economy is worse than the virus.

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>shut down the nigger cities
>keep the real world running
nothing wrong whatsoever

he is right though

>nooooooooo muh boomers dying at a slower rate than car accidents!! shut it down!!


OP kill yourself right now

Based Trump gonna get stupid muh freedumps burgermutts put in hospitals and die

Hospitals should just ignore people over 50 and only treat younger people.
Only those who are productive and can make money should be saved. No excuses and no more reason to destroy business.

Thank fucking God he's over this nothing burger. It's just the fucking flu.

He’s not wrong.
My brother had coronavirus in NYC and he got better after a few days. It’s no big deal, he could still be working if Cuomo wasn’t such a fagtron

I wonder if the virus is real? I guess time will tell

Yes you orange faggot, PLEASE open the country again. When the hospitals are overwhelmed and millions die (both those with the virus, and those with other conditions who can't get proper healthcare) we'll see how the economy looks. Good luck with your reelection.

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Commie faggot doesn't understand how economy works... No surprises there. Seethe more fag..

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Fuck off, nigger. Trump is the best fucking President in history. If your chickenshit ass wants to stay home, then STAY HOME. The rest of us are going back to work and none of your bitching crying and shitting your pants will stop is.

Hopefully we at least get some real gibs outta this nonsense; and I'm not talking about some "stimulus payment" that I have to pay back on my next tax return either.

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answer me this boomers: if you're so scared about dying why don't YOU choose to quarantine yourself for a few months instead? The virus isn't going to smash your wall down. It's entirely up to you.

Funny how you Trumpfags turned against the coronavirus the moment it made your cult leader look like a buffoon to the whole world. Sorry to break the news to you Trumptards but Trump is the laughing stock of the world and is only supported by a fringe minority on /ptg/.

He's an accelerationist

You're fucking stupid.

>Says the shill who's been coping for almost 4 years
Always projection with you people.

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Americans aren't afraid of a flu. Chinese failed in their bio attack.



and how do you expect me to get my nails done?

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Most people have already had it and didn't even know it.


Back into your Mosque bong.

All we need to do is slow it down enough that our hospitals can get their shit together

Is it worth losing a trillion dollars a month in GDP to shut down half the economy and spending trillions on stimulus to keep a million boomers alive? Fuck no.

He's having a fun time being a kike's bitch,

Boomers need to be culled anyway

>chapo tranny house faggot makes post on Yas Forums
Yawn. Where’s my herbs.

It was a funny Chinese meme but no longer it's time for the world to go back to work never take a meme too seriously

I'd say why go down with a captain and his ship, but the reality is he's throwing crewmen into the sea to keep sailing.

>Funny how you Trumpfags turned against the coronavirus the moment it made your cult leader look like a buffoon to the whole world. Sorry to break the news to you Trumptards but Trump is the laughing stock of the world and is only supported by a fringe minority on /ptg/.

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Sure whatever you said mate, stay outdoor please :)

sage slide threads
put Sage in Options fucking newfags

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Shutting down the world is worse than the virus, you faggot.

>keep things open
There's a chance of SHTF
>shut everything down
Guaranteed that SHTF

>live in Jew york
>mfw orange man is going to make more states like this

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just sageing twice for good measure

>It was a funny Chinese meme until it made Trump look bad
Fixed it for you

This is the first smart move from Trump in a while. I’m tired of the fearmongering over this nothingburger and how normalfags here and IRL are begging for martial law

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Ze uld ‘otspot trick eh?

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Exactly. Losing a million boomers would be such a boon to American prosperity.
Just make sure hospitals can still help people who deserve it.

>When the hospitals are overwhelmed and millions die



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But what about muh "free speech" lol Trump cultists everyone

a lot of states are already in lockdown

locking down the entire country is dumb

basically jew york is its own italy right now

>things that didn't happen
i'll be memeing corona-chan and voting Trump, so suck shit shill.

If the happening continues and this causes a collapse we are going to kill all the politicians and businessmen.

Waiting for Tucker to scold him and he will back pedal yet again

>be me
>vote for Trump in 2016
>started hating him in 2017
>didn't vote in midterms
>won't vote in 2020
I think trump is a lying POS who betrayed his voters, but shutting down the world is retarded.
Trump already fucked up by supporting the retarded measures to slow/contain it.

Boomers are the ones at risk.
Boomers are the ones running the world.
Boomers support shutting down the economy (for workers) even though it's those workers who pay for boomers.

Seriously just fuck boomers

The destruction of the (((economy))) would be the best thing to happen in a millenia. May it never recover.

>Sniffin’ booger. A big sniffin’ booger.
>I just don’t understand things generally

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Get a load of this newfag.

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Why do you do this? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Get right with God, fren.. you’re about to loose bigly

I hope someone eats you

>Turned against the coronavirus
user I...

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Doctors who want to shut everything down because muh corona are no different that the climate scientists who want to shut everything down because muh global warming. Yes it's probably dangerous but so is shutting everything down.

hes actually right

doctors would ideally have it for 8 months. thats unacceptable for something that is benign in 90% of cases.

Ignore the criticism, these same people were going on about the economy and how its tanked. They can be ignored

Why didn't the dumbass do that from the beginning then? My company just called it quits, they won't bring anyone back. I'll never vote for anyone over 60 again fuck this senile boomers

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Im in Ulster county, about 100 miles north of NYC
If we stay below 100 cases after the two weeks, they should let us reopen
The city might have to stay locked down for longer

Oh fug.


WTF I hate Trump now

Your garbage country had a war in the 90s. Like 50 years after everyone got their shit together. Bosnia is a shithole, I don't think you can lecture anyone about anything.

>Asserting that Nebraska needs the same solutions to this issue that California does
Let me guess, you live in a city.

Maybe if Democrats didn’t stop people from getting financial assistance we wouldn’t have to go back to work yet. But since Democrats blocked the aid, we don’t have a choice, and have to go back to work.

why you so scared fren? he's right. if the economy crashes then we're finished.

To Hell or Highwaters!
Boats towards the waves!
All hands on deck!
Death is nothinburger!

I don't think people fully grasp how backwards all this shit is.

Either holding onto reigns of power, or retired and part of the only voting group that gets as much attention as illegals.
They are either retired and contributing nothing, or they are in their final years of holding back everyone below them at the company.
Imagine having 1 million fewer old people collecting SS.
1 million fewer old people clogging up the roads.
1 million fewer old people racking up huge medical bills to extend their life.
1 million fewer old people holding onto their homes.

It is *shocking* how much America would be improved if 1million+ boomers died off

Maybe the only sane ruler is the world right now and I'm far from a magatard

Doctors are over-educated socialist faggots. They would rather the world economy DIED than a few hundred old people.

He's right though. Specialists tend to be unidimensional. Doctors want to contain diseases. Economists want to grow the GDP. Psychiatrists want to reduce mental illness. Each specialist has his own metric of success and you can't just take one metric and forget about the others. If you want to make good decisions, put a bunch of those together and let them debate.

To all the RETARDS screeching for world quarantine that would lead to world hunger and millions upon millions of kids dying of hunger.....

....if we apply the same logic to motherfucking cars which kill 1.3 million people, and disable 50 million people, EVERY.SINGLE.YEAR.... then we should all be putting cars in quarantine indefinitely

I wonder how many of the god damn assholes who are just begging for quarantine would give up their cars... granted some of them are so pathetic they just ride a bicycle, except of course, per mile traveled bicycles are more dangerous than car so FUCK YOU

Meanwhile in reality

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imagine being a drumpf drone
one week
one week later
one week later

Blue pilled

Most Republicans are braindead golems, this should surprise no one

no, he's pretty fucking good
if only because he closed the borders:
US: 1.7 deaths/1M people at day 19 after the 10th death
italy: 29.9 deaths/1M people at day 19 after the 10th death (ie almost 18 times more than the US)
now: dilate, groomer

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>voting trump in 2020

>no wall
>no send them back
>no drain the swamp
>no lock her up
So you vote for Trump because he's 1% better than the Democrat (which Trump is also one)?

>Blue pilled
wow that really makes you think

Lol Republicans wanted to tack on 500 billion of slush fund money that would just go to giant corporations, fuck up idiot.

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I'm a hawkish conservative and so is my fiance and they way this retard is acting is pissing conservatives off. Getting up there with his foot in his mouth. Boomers are pissed too because he's having pacs calling for donations during lock downs

If the Dems are going to stop relief payments, boomers have to die.

You did not listen.

You fell for fake news you moron.

Are we being raided by reddit or some shit? Whats up with all these faggy whining posts about ARNGE MAN BAD? Bros....are you there..?

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So, what you're saying is that Pr. Trump (a) doesn't understand the concept of a quarantine, and (b) values only the economy?

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I know you're joking but it's fucking true. 50k dead boomers would be better than depression 2.0 that lasts 15 years while China continues to regain strength. Will) it will all end just like the first depression, with world War.

>When the hospitals are overwhelmed

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>muh 6 gorillian

if you ban all restaurants and service work for months you are pretty much creating a depression

>there it is

When those millions of boomers are white then hell yes it's worth saving them! You do understand after the plague wipes out boomers whites will be a minority next year

Imagine thinking your vote matters to begin with

>Wagies are going to be sent into a pandemic with no PPE
Lol. Bye bye wagie.

not one lookner image until now

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And that's the crux of the problem.
Boomers are boomers, and we can expect them to fuck EVERYTHING up EVERY.FUCKING.TIME.

What we have here is boomers on both sides of the aisle wanting the world to be shut down to protect them.

Boomers just need to die.

If there was a REAL bioweapon wreaking havoc on the world, the boomers would make sure that old people get the cure first (not that I would accept a "vaccine").
When boomers were kids, kids came first.
Then when boomers were working age, workers came first.
Now that boomers are old, it's old people that come first.

Boomers have always only cared about themselves, and it's time they face their comeuppance

I can’t do all the ‘not just boomers’ and ‘epidemiology is wrong’ shizzle. I need a coffee, just woke up. The media & government are feeding you on shit. It’s not just the old. They just don’t survive well for face down for months on a cramped ward with a tube down their throat breathing for them. Strong covid can effect anyone. Right now it may be that it has affected with strong covid 87% dark haired people. Epidemiology, the TV and all who follow it will tell you covid affects them more. That would be wrong and the probability WOULD STILL BE 50/50 BETWEEN LIGHT AND A DARK HAIRED PERSON GETTING STRONG COVID. I am not doing a box full of typing that the dimmest will just skip anyway. If you do not understand have faith in uncle /pol. It’s true.

Oh wow you said a catchphrase, you've opened my eyes!
No, it was 500 billion with no oversight.

All the let it rip people in this thread can you tell me do you believe in evolution?

>cubie uprising when they realize they won't be getting their 6-18 month free vacation
worse, desu

Trump supporters are truly retarded faggots, but keeping things open is the right move, and trump should've stuck with that instead of flip flopping

My numbers are the best. Simply the best. Sick people dying? Many such cases. Underlying conditions. Sad. Happens all the time the doctors say. Greatest experts we have. Economy is roaring. My resorts have been closed for 1 week and I want them open. Chyna will pay for this

trump is screwed

he either has to destroy the economy or kill his own voters

"Oh no I can't argue unless I have 50 people that agree with me saying cuck, cope, or libtard over and over again"