Can a dog ever replace a child? Why does the left push this?

Can a dog ever replace a child? Why does the left push this?

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I fucking hate it when women call their dogs their babies.

of course not. A child is the future of the human species, your genetic bearer, someone to whom all the knowledge available can be imparted and shared with.

A dog barks, licks his balls and fetches.

Yea it’s disgusting. Trying to wedge your mother instinct over on a dog is almost as sickening as using your sexual instincts on it

The Left is a death cult and 'fur baby' culture contributes to the collective death of a society.

They shill it to satisfy women‘s mother instincts because they are brainwashing them to not have kids. They know exactly that they have to sooth the instinct in some way or their agenda won‘t work. For men, it‘s porn.


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Idk man I want kids regardless of whether I'm beating my meat to porn or abstaining.

(((The Left)))

>is almost as sickening as using your sexual instincts on it

well no... not at all

one is infinitely more disgusting than the other

No. A dog is a pet, a companion too. A child is your legacy, it’s a genetic copy of you for the most part. Trying to compare the two is the biggest cope of the (((modernist))).
We are meant to have kids at a relatively early age and the conditions of (((society))) have made that a more and more difficult thing as people who aren’t retarded typically don’t want to bear offspring when they can’t provide for them adequately.

I meant, porn is the solution they have come up to satisfy men‘s sexual instincts without risking people actually getting into relationships, being able to sustain them and form healthy bonds that lead to families. Men obviously also have an interest in having children, but it isn‘t as concentrated into a few years and thus urgent as in women. Women have only a few fertile years, so nature has made sure that in those years, women crave babies. Men can have babies from the moment they hit puberty to the day they die. Their need to procreate isn‘t as pressing since there will be a lot of other opportunities for them. At least in theory. The bigger treat in men is their sex drive, so that‘s the main target. In women, the bigger treat is their mother instinct kicking in, that‘s where fur babies come into play. And then we wonder where all the furries come from... doesn‘t surprise me after they have spent decades trying to anthropomorphize pets.

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Nah. Dog's are honestly kind of annoying. But, I do love mine. Just as pets, not kids.

I doubt it's THAT deep. The easier answer is that when people don't have some genuine things, its substitutes begin to sell really good, be it porn, video games, pets or anything else. The market just follows the demand.

Porn actually makes me want to have a relationship more. It sort of reminds me of part of what I'm missing out on, not including the positives and, of course, negatives of relationships.

Ease of access to hot women really makes you want a woman to fug.

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A dog or any other pet is just a worthless animal and a moneysink, "loved" by people who know they are unlovable, incompetent and who constantly need their egos stroked by unconditional "love" even if it comes from a biological robot.

I hate dogs, cats, all that retarded shit. Above all I hate pet owners, dog people, those kinds of retards. I hope corona fixes this and people realize wasting time on a dumb animal is meaningless and fruitless.

Maybe you‘re right and there is nobody behind this that is trying to get humans or at least western societies to exterminate itself. But the issue remains that this is what we are doing. It might be someone‘s agenda or it might be basic evolution. Maybe some day we‘ll know which one it was.

Utilitarianism is a dead-end philosophy, since nothing in this world has any objective sense or meaning. Pets are fine, if they don't prevent their owners from pursuing more important goals.

>Pets are fine, if they don't prevent their owners from pursuing more important goals.
They always do.

Western birthrates decline because market economy demands women to join the workforce if they want the same life quality their neighbors have. It's that simple.

People who prefer animals over humans make my skin crawl.

Yeah, if you screw it, at least you don't end your genetic lineage.

>Can a dog ever replace a child?
No, but a dog can be a great companion. A child succeeds you, a dog dies before you.

Honestly this. On a basic level I don't have an issue with pets, but every person with a pet has to live their whole lives around them, especially dog owners. Take my own parents for example. They literally can't enjoy their retirement because my mom wanted a dog and ended with a "special needs" one that requires constant care. So they are all stuck at home and can't travel for more than short spurts. No cruises or real vacations or seeing the world. I mean, yeah, right now thats a good thing, but the rest of the time they do nothing but sit inside and have a piece of shit animal taking up all their time.

A kid can amount to anything. A pet can only amount to not shitting outside the designated shitting areas.

porn is non realistic

> I hate dogs, cats, all that retarded shit

Me too user. I agree with you 100%. People on this side of the world spend a shit ton of money on the pet Jew. The pet industry is pervasive and everyone is brainwashed into getting multiple. No wonder the pet industry Jew is making 80 billion a year in America alone.

>Pets are fine, if they don't prevent their owners from pursuing more important goals.

> Pets are fine, if they don't prevent their owners from pursuing more important goals.

Agree. However, modern pet culture dictates people to put their animals before anything including their children because “muh family member”. I work in healthcare and I have many patients with asthma and allergies who are on heavy doses of inhaled steroids, or using biologicals to be able to tolerate their pet allergies. I tried telling them to get rid of their pets but you’re faced with the same response you get from telling fat people to diet and exercise.

There’s people who prefer animals over themselves even.

Yep. Pets, in particular dogs are freedom killers and a money waste.

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The problem with kids is that they're attached to a roastie. Have fun losing all you possessions and earnings for the next 18+ years.

Take the dog pill. Pic related.

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I have a dog and a kid. And I love my dog of course I had it before my kid was alive it's my buddy. But if my dog hurt my kid I wouldn't hesitate to drown that fucking dog. LoL. So it's not the same thing.

Oh, no. They can't travel the world. How terrible.

>A dog is a pet, a companion too.

Eh, a dog is a commodity people get to virtue signal how morally superior their are. They “rescued” an aggressive, diseased looking chupacabra to brush their ego then they neglect them and deep inside regret getting them. Google “i regret my puppy” you will see what I mean.

How do you plan on spending your retirement user?

I'm not white, should i even bother making babies?

An interesting thing I noticed is that men who actually train dogs to do something useful (like, say, in law enforcement) tend to develop their own character too. A dog is an animal after all, and you need to be stern and direct with it, but also consistent and mentally stable for it to recognize you as a leader. These people especially improve in their relationships with women, of all things.

Why? Because Kalergi Plan. That is why.

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> puts clothes and hats on a shit eating beast with predatorial drive

What an utter loser user. It’s because of people like you the Jew pet industry is making billions.

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> law enforcement dogs.

There’s literally zero science to law enforcement dogs. Here in America police dogs are trained to bark when commanded to and are used to violate your 4th amendment rights.

Picture this, you get pulled over by an asshole cop, they say they smell weed in your car, they tell you they want to search it, you decline and tell them to get a warrant. Instead of a warrant they radio for the k9 shit eater that barks when they pull the leash. It comes and of course barks, “what’s that officer puppo???, it seems that mr whiskers smells druuugs” they have probable cause now and they tear your car inside out.

Same with drug sniffing dogs in airports. They’re for intimidation only.

Yes. Stay in your country and preserve your culture, tradition and race.

Having pets with children is as bad as exposing them to second hand smoke when it comes to the pathogenesis of asthma.

At least these dogs help to contain upstanding African American gentlemen.

Dog hating chink detected.

A kid will not let you know when an intruder is on your property or help you hunt game. A kid will eat, shit, and deplete you of resources as quick as possible. You will pay hundreds of thousands for them to get a gender studies degree and develop an opioid addiction. After all that they will still loathe you and want you to be thrown in a home and euthanized the first time you lose the car keys.

Kys subhuman incel nigger

You sound like you’re a shitty human being and a shitty parent. Probably a fatherless nigger. But by all means, get a shitbeast instead. Waste all your money and time on a “doggo” you fucking nigger.

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>Cats are the female equivalent of a sex bot
It's so fucking true. Spend any amount of time around a childless woman age 25+ with a cat and it's impossible not to see it.

Have sex

You forgot:

Damn it. I hate people who use these words, they try so hard to be those irritable NITW characters

10 years ago even normies would bully and ridicule faggots like you who put clothes on animals. It’s fucking depressing where society is going with this “fur baby” virtue signaling thing.

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I loathe it too user. The doggo lingo is cringy af

> Some dogs are doggos, some are puppers, and others may even be pupperinos. There are corgos and clouds, fluffers and floofs, woofers and boofers. The chunky ones are thicc, and the thin ones are long bois. When they stick out their tongues, they’re doing a mlem, a blep, a blop. They bork. They boof. Once in a while they do each other a frighten. And whether they’re 10/10 or 12/10, they’re all h*ckin’ good boys and girls.

Only the NPR NPCs would adopt and use those made up silly words because NPCs are programable

Never no
I really care for my dog, as a valued canine companion. But I wouldn’t feel a weird paternal bond with it

I doubt anyone uses these words outside of reddit karma whoring threads.

Faggy anons use doggo and pupper all the time on this shit board.

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Dogs are good companions but they can't beat the potential of having your own child. With men being feminized starting as boys for decades now it makes sense they would be so pathetic and settle for a "fur baby" or get their balls fixed while the whore they're with gets breeded on the side anyway. Also women fell for the feminist meme so a dog is more convenient than an actual child since they're in the workforce now. The suffering of these women will be a beautiful justice once they hit their late 30s, maybe sooner since burger women are so fat and live such degenerate lifestyles.

Get help you fucking bum crack

Your life is meaningless. Kys faggot

Yas Forums talks shit about the chinese, but replacing your children with dogs is much more sick and dysfunctional than eating dogs. Whites are much, much more sick in the head than the chinks.

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Yep. Worshipping another species and preferring them over your own fellow human beings is degenerate af. Sickening.

>I meant, porn is the solution they have come up to satisfy men‘s sexual instincts without risking people actually getting into relationships, being able to sustain them and form healthy bonds that lead to families.
Yes its so very healthy that women are allowed to withhold and use sex as a weapon because "muh marital rape". What a crock of shit. Women give away the best they have to offer for free and then expect you to pay for it like it's new, while they may be earning the same or more than you. Women becoming uglier inside and out is why more men would rather coom to a screen than wife up a vapid whore.

Playing roguelikes since I will be blind and deaf


>develop and opioid addiction
druggie favgot


Dog culture is peak consooooooomerism.

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