Here we go boys

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Other urls found in this thread:

He wins again

*Following saddening slow-acting suicide


How familiar.

>according to his doctors
So where exactly is he, physically? Fake death and relocation incoming.

That's one way to get out of an unfair prison sentence.

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You're going to start seeing a lot of the "elite" start dying off due to this. It's gonna be awesome to watch!

Just imagine a world with out all the distractions from pedowood and the NFL and whatnot.

Get that flight to israel ready.

Next he'll be 'dead'.

Oy vey anuda shoah
Pay reparations goyims

He doesn’t have corona. This is a coverup much like Epstein. They’ll say he died and he’ll flee to Israel.

One less Jew. Good.

remember ken lay

Why the kikes are treating him like shit? He has already took the bullet to protect the rest of the Pedowood, and now they bring him down to his knees by infecting him with corona chan and killing him in the process. He just wanted some prime Hollywood pussy and in return, he has given a multi million careers to these sluts. He was not that bad.

How likely is it that Soros will get it?

just in time to catch epstein on his lolita express and fuck off to nowhere

He’s faking his death to get out of prison like the Count of Monte Cristo


soros was one of the architects behind it, would be hilarious.

source that, google is providing nothing

Looks like he's getting trip to Israel to retire in the same elite gated community Jimmy Savile and Epstein went to.

Another show for the goy. Mossad extraction plan fake death so he can join Epstein and Maxwell in a secluded part of Israel

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Him taking the bullet nearly unraveled the entire thing as #metoo went from being co-opted to randomly attacking everyone and everything. They have to get rid of Weinstein because his death will placate people

Unironically this

You know the score toothbased.

>no link
Oy vey!

Epstein did nothing wrong

The little FBI pp-boys perform their highly-compartmentalized investigations and the top-brass FBI & their CIA mason bro's cap all the main channels leading to the real trove of criminality.

And any high-level arrests they do make, like Epstein, just have their death's faked and they get shuttled off to safety.

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Harvey Weinstein didn't die from coronavirus

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>inb4 staged death and weinstein goes to a 1 mile deep military base with Disney ceo.

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What dah fug are Bill & Killary doing in your attic?

>in two weeks time weinstein will be chilling with epstein in israel
wew what a timeline lads

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. - checked
I fuckin knew this would happen

Who's side are you taking?
>Team Redpill (Q)
>Team Blackpill (G)

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Yeah sure. Next will come the faked death and then people will forget. Meanwhile Harvey is on his way over to Israel to continue his lifestyle beside Epstein. This is how Jews work.

Bingo. It was all a dog and poney show. He will never do any of his sentene and after the faked death people will forget.

>feel bad for me bro


EVERY SINGLE TIME. Are you mad shill that people are understanding how the Jew works?

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he'll be in israel spit roasting young russian girls with epstein in a few weeks

Epstein'd (kinda)

Is he going to go on a stupidly convoluted revenge plan to drive the people who wronged him to madness?

Turbo Lock Down, in effect tonight at midnight, is being used to cover up the Elite Satanic Pedo Ring. That's how all the major countries got on board in such a short time. The hands of almost every major politician and Royal are dirty to the bones. You are well advised to open fire on any state enforcers who try to take your weapons during this time.

>gets to escape to Israel like the rest of the pedo Jews
It’s so obvious at this point, it’s ridiculous.


One of the myths about the kikes is that they treat each other well. They don't. I've heard many stories about Jewish families and their appalling treatment of each other.

He's about to fake his death right?


Your writing is getting better OP. Pity you're a faggot.

Totally not staged at all.

Maybe Harvey got it intentionally? After all, Hollywood types like to be trendy.

Why do you guys reply to this fake article poster every time? Are you bots or just retarded?

he rolled over on everyone. remember that elia Kazan book he held at his arraignment?

good point those whores fucked him to become famous then when they hit the wall they cried rape. but he's a jew so idc either way

Wow that virus sure knows who to attack.
I mean, are you fags seeing this shit?
Are buying this crap?

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>coof coof Oy vey! Get me out of prison goy I need to go to isra... I mean the hospital coof coof!

No, Israel is just a small area, they have paparrazis like everywhere and it's just impossible to hide.Go see by yourself, you can drive from north to south in less than 3h.

He has it, but he isnt critical. Fake news.

sauce on qt goth in background.

all you have to do is get plastic surgery

>You're going to start seeing a lot of the elite start "dying" off due to this. It's gonna be awesome to watch!

Those are owl hatchlings?
Was this meant to be scary? It was pretty cute.

It’s fake

well, good riddance if we should be so lucky

He'll be critical soon, then ''death'', then we'll never hear from him again. We'll only hear about the evil white man he supposedly represents.

Not everyone reported to have the virus actually has it

Wtf is this from?

There are whole area's in the middle east including in Israel where no normie ever is allowed

God I hope so, he has the money