Coronavirus causes woman to become deaf, lose sense of taste and smell

>An American woman who contracted Covid-19 in Italy says the virus made her go deaf in addition to losing her sense of taste and smell.

>After testing positive she said: 'My jaw DROPPED. How was I positive? I didn’t have the symptoms on the news.'

>By March 3, her last day in Italy, Julia said she 'still couldn’t hear', adding: 'At this point I lost all ability to taste and smell, yet I did not have a runny nose or cough.

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That sucks for her, but I’d still smash that disabled dead girl

*deaf lmao

nah perfectly safe virus unless you're old
now go catch it

*dead girl ftfu

>stupid american doesn't know she can be asymptomatic for 2 weeks
that's stuff we know since january
come on

Blind mystic Baba Vanga predicted Trump will get an illness that will leave him deaf. Now we know...


The symptoms are not a goddamn runny nose. Fuck. It's a dry cough.
Also, she looks fucking 40.

Checked. I got dibs on her when she croaks


No it doesn't. I also heard the fake virus is transferable to mosquitoes.

>be me
>Get bad sinus infection
>Lose sense of smell and hear fluid in ear
>Get a Z pack
>Clears all problems up

She should have got a Z pack when she was told she’s sick. The infection from the virus is what kills you.

We’re all fucked. If this news happens more frequently no body will want to re enter the workforce again for the rest of their lives.

That is just a mild case. Get back to work , for the STONKS

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>b-but the virus made me deaf
Obviously faking.
Women will use literally any excuse not to listen.

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Ok groomer

That sounds like it damaged her cranial nerves.

yet it couldn't shut her up

>I’d still smash that disabled dead girl

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Imagine the smell, hoe


Temporarily. In the last tweet she said she's fine. A virus that is able to do that is obviously dangerous though.

>that old hag
That whore must've been doing acrobatics on dicks since she hit puberty. It's probably cum in her ears that's making her deaf


Some people here are real psychopaths.

It was probably inflammation of the tubes that drain into the throat, nothing affecting the drum itself

>gib qt deaf redhead roastie who has had dozens of Italian noodles in her

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OH NO she saw Perfect Sense! FUCK!


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Sounds like they loaded her up with too much zinc.

groomers are faggots you dumb little queer

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didn't make her mute tho huh? shame, so much potential to shut cunts mouths

Ok groomer

That cunt is 20? Looks like Lorraine Warren.

That will make it easier for her to swallow cum.

Now they can only derive pleasure from big white cock

the media is playing on shit hardcore..
ever since the news about taste and smell came out.
this is hardcore fear mongering from them in many aspects

Spanish flu also caused nerve damage

Sounds like the side effects of anti malaria drugs.


complications caused by sinus corona infection affecting the nerves and travelling up

corona will cause autism on kids too
i'm predicting it

is DEAF an acronym for something?

>Get bad sinus infection
>Lose sense of smell and hear fluid in ear
This, it's fucking normal. I lose my sense of smell and taste every time I have a flu or hayfever, sucks, but what can you do.

Either Corona or the gallons of Med cum she took in the face. I bet her earwax is half sperm.

Umm, why was an American woman in Italy and not the kitchen?


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Ok groomer

Over reactionary female who's never had serious nasal congestion and a flu, yeah you temporarily have hearing issues due to the build up of mucous and related pressures, also taste is affected dumb bitch. She's weak


Called eustachian tubes

This is a side effect of the macrolide antibiotics they use to prevent secondary infections in the lungs.

>woman can't listen
>has no taste
>thinks her shit don't smell
that's how bitches are, corona or no corona

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While this is believable, it's also not really concerning. Even the regular flu has potential for strange side effects if it infects you in a peculiar way. My neighbour actually had to have his hand cut off because of H1-N1. There are more serious issues with "recovered" cases of covid19 such as risk of reinfection, lung damage and brain damage, which are all more common than what the OP is describing (though I didn't read the article, and it's possible her senses have been destroyed due to brain damage, and not due to problems with her sensory organs).

Christ there's no end to these bullshit articles at the moment.

Who cares? Similar stuff happens with the flu as well. As long as the senses come back once you're cured what does it matter?

based knowledge user

Finnish news said 2/3 of the infected lost or had weakened olfactory sense.

eh as long as her pussy works it's all good

Alot of old hags on this board.