Things leftists say

I'll start
> Flatten the curve

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> I literately can't even

>The science is settled

Oh, my sweet summer child.


Liberalism has absolutely nothing to do with actual left-wing ideologies.

> this so much this
> problematic
> sweety
> cool story bro
> spreading hate
> wow just wow

In general, most lefty memes are either regurgitating wide spread ideas, appeal to authority, or appeal to social shame,


In the American south old ladies call you sweety. I agree with the rest though

>Let's Roast the Coronavirus
WTF is wrong with reddit.

>thats a no from me, dawg.

Hey frogo, liberalism is not "libéralisme" in french, but "sociale-démocratie" or something related to that. In English, "liberalism" is "classical liberalism".

leftyfags like to adopt nigger/south colloquialisms to sound cool and/or folksy



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>There is a scientific consensus on that.

Tsssssss no sweetie we litterly are the left.

>You need to educate yourself
>It’s not my job to educate you

>coof coof I'm coof dying coof coof coof
>At least coof I showed everyone coof coof coof I'm not racist by hugging that asian coof.coof coof coof coof coof coof coof coof coof

Love not hate

It's like that in America just because Republicans are in power. Over here it's the cuckservatives and right wing populists of opposition that are constantly demanding more and harsher Corona measures and blaming the leftist government for underreacting.

Why you and many anons can't download imaes properly?

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But I thought it was ok to be curvy now? Amy Schumer said so

>wrong side of history
>I'm vegan

>the current year+X
>pupper, doggo, etc
>listing pronouns (especially if they’re the same as their obvious sex)
>science denier
>one race
>X is dangerous/outmoded/irrelevant (where X is one of the Bill of Rights)
>there’s no link between obesity and heath
>my body my choice
>clump of cells
>just call the police
>being the first to tell you an individual is white, male, heterosexual, and/or Christian in an attempt to diminish the effect of that persons argument
>I don’t control my spouse/partner



I fucking hate that they coopted this word. Sometimes I actually cringe at things, people, or situations, but I can’t say that things make me cringe because so many faggots use the word as a single reply. It’s so bad that the word “cringe” actually makes me cringe now.

>"stunning and brave"

> Flatten the curve

I want the curve to grow. I really want to. Pls

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Is this a British thing? I've noticed US liberals avoid southern talk

"cringe" has always been, unironically, cringe, since it is basically a short way of conveying the appeal to popular opinion, or otherwise implying some view/action is to be disapproved of because most of society would "cringe" at it



Go fuck yourself. Use a real insult.

>Climate emergency
>You do you
>I'm so fucking done with [benign concept]
>It's almost as if, y'know,
>Ok boomer
>Start a conversation on race
>In the community
>X occupies a space at the intersection of A and B
>*Wears NASA branded apparel*
>My blackness
>Now more than ever

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>I literally can't even
>Check your privilege
>I need a safe space to dilate in

Let's unpack this

Thanks for the gold kind stranger

Who hurt you?

I'm literally shaking

My 8 year old just came up to me and said, "Why didn't Cheeto Hitler cure the virus?", and I told him, "Because he's orange and bad." Then everyone on the bus clapped.

mostly something i've noticed on reddit. although, i've lived in the US south, and met american libshits on holiday (in europe) and they do like saying some colloquialisms like sweety, honey, bless your heart, oh lawd, etc, etc

Me too bro

>when you're level 2

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>you're a white male!
>ok boomer
>punch a right wing Nazi
>have sex incels.
>lets unpack this
>I found it on reddit
>This is CNN LIVE
>This is BBC News
>Washington Post reports
>New York Times reports

they didnt coopt shit zoomer its been a word for a long time, not even political in origin. learn english ahmed

If you want to really piss off leftists, use their own words against them.

Call them cringe, incel, racist, etc. It works amazingly well.

I want a line going straight up. Fuck the curve.

> I haven’t found any credible articles/studies that confirm that

Interesting thanks for answering brother


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One time I was at a party with a friend from high school and his brother and a few other people were there. His bro starts raging about trump and everyone joins in.

Was truly like the minute of hate from 1984. I told my bro bye and left shortly after, haven't seem him since.

>Not my president
>anyone can get their period
>if you take that $1,000 that’s socialism
>I’m donating my $1,000 to the DNC
>you can’t assign gender at birth
>liberal arts degree
>women’s studies
>*posts selfie if their nails across a used Mercedes steering wheel; vehicle is a 12+ year old beater car

reddit doesnt have an option to upload images like here, this is new for them but they will learn

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im from texas so i have a yall pass but i see so many yankee faggots saying it now

>t. i read the first chapter of a poli-sci book ONCE
based retard. modern day leftism and liberalism are made of one and the same fibre.

They just regurgitate tv news talking points as if it was their own idea. Even if they never watched the news, someone in their social circle did. And word for word every talking point one after another.

>Consider you an inbred retard
>Talk to you like an inbred retard
>Use the language and mannerisms of the “inbred retard.”
Why do they do this?

>a white male did a horrible thing (and are you surprised?)
>and then this brave stunning little brown girl did this and see what happened!
>everyone clapped and the white male crawled away crying for his mommy

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>I don’t control my spouse/partner
I say equivalents to this regularly. Part of controlling my wife is making her think she's in control, that everything is her idea. At the end of the day the only things that are ever truly her idea are all manner of housekeeping (cooking cleaning decorating) and caring for our kids.


>cool story bro
although this was appropriated from 4chin

muh contributions:
>fuck my life
>you did not just say that!

also, they tend to overuse the word "literally" and use it superfluously.

>you can’t
You could have stopped there.

you forgot
>LGBT Studies
>Afrikana Studies
>Latinx Studies
>Why Straight White Males Should Be In Camps Studies

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Passive-aggressive condescension.

The fag in the back isn't feeling it.

Low IQ

All these Califags moving here need to die.

Kek I came up with unironically,
I used it on the many shits I took on Yas Forums when making fun of wh*tes

When they don't understand minimum payments don't accrue loads of interest over time

>I've made payments on time for 20 years and still have 200k debt in loans

You should have plugged that shit into excel first

Over and over and over and OVER again.

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We forgot this too

it is as old as the ages. she probably tells people she lets you think it was your idea.

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