Why do americans lack empathy for their elders

Why do americans lack empathy for their elders

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This is a country built on individualism, acquiring wealth, and the pursuit of self interest above all. Of course it will manifest in every way of life. It's just that this way of life is not conducive to solving a public health issue.

Because their elders sold their futures out the the Jews.
>also because boomers are a bunch of selfish cunts who spend what would be inheritance left for their children. They are the only generation to have it better than the parents and their children.

It's funny how democracies work about Corona-chan. Here it's the capitalist cuckservatives and right wing populists who are constantly demanding MORE restrictions and overbearing reactions just because they are in opposition and want to put pressure on leftist government that reportedly was very reluctant to even declare state of emergency.

Nobody respects boomers because boomers are selfish and shit on everybody constantly. They completely ruined the West’s post-war prosperity and sold it off to other countries. Even Europe’s boomer equivalent were scumbags and hiked everyone’s cost of living through the roof.

How can you respect people like that? They are horrible and you hope they shuffle off quickly

can't afford not to lol

Are we suppose to shut down the entire country every time there is a seasonal flu? Not everyone can be a neet like you.

A lot of the elders lack empathy for the young. It also doesn't help that said elders want pity for the problems they have brought onto themselves. They didn't handle their finances or health well, but now expect others to pay for their poor choices.

because their elders lack empathy for them

Mutts lack empathy in general. See I mean what other country is constantly bombing the shit out of 3rd world shitholes and mutilating their male newborns genitalia for "health reasons".

It's not just the elders. It's also young people with underlying conditions. Some also who are otherwise healthy will be critical and some will die. It's also people that won't get the virus, but won't be able to get treated for other illnesses because hospitals will be full. Then there's people who got the virus and who could survive if they got treated, but won't be able to get treated because the hospitals will be full. These people will also die.

I wasn't sure few days ago, but at this point there is no doubt in my mind that America will be hit the hardest by this pandemic. When it's all said and done, it will be the biggest national disaster in the history of the country.

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Europe and USA owned the entire world after WW2. Europe and North America were 95% white. Boomers gave it to niggers for literally no reason at all, then somehow made sure the next generation were knee deep in debt, then started kicking out their kids (Especially in the USA at 18). Even today most of them (except for greatest generation) are still "trad con" and love fags and niggers

Money is an idol big city Americans worship on the daily.

They view the elderly as being behind on the times, stupid and old fashioned.
Meanwhile I'm taking care of my children and my 80+ year old grandmother who has so much wisdom and life lessons to teach me and my children. Lessons and values we would not get from city slicker cuck dweebies like pic related.

In all fairness, boomers have been telling the younger generations that they’re glad they won’t be around to deal with the mess they’ve made of America for quite awhile now. If boomers don’t garner respect it was because they’ve done nothing to earn it

These are leftist whites and biden voters. They're essentially just niggers.

Got to admit it's a bit alarming that people's finances are being ruined and businesses are falling on their knees from just few weeks of rough times and uncertainty. If a major global happening struck the world with this level of preparation, it would probably destroy western societies within a month.

i have empathy for them especially my own elders. but....in america at least, old people tend to vote for socialism for themselves, in the form of things like social security and healthcare. and yet deny these things to younger people and call young people lazy for wanting them

its not hard to see why this would cause resentment among young people. old people in this country constantly decry socialism yet support it for themselves

we created a generation so stupid they lack the foresight to see that it will be their turn someday

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Bunch of kike grifters whinging about business, none of them even work real jobs. The real virus is the jewish race and all need exterminating.

Because they live in accordance to their kike masters.
In a healthy society it is normal to live with your kids together as a one big family. Elders, parents, kids and grandkids. All help and cherish each other while patriarch leads them to safety and prosperity. This is a natural unit of our race.
Not in a kike dystonia where children are thrown away from their homes to serve their kike overlords and give most of what they earn to kike landlords.

80+ isn’t boomer. The oldest boomers are still only around 74

This. I can't wait to go back to the land and shoot these faggots coming onto my property for trespassing.

I don't see what important about an economy or money.

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They weren’t nice parents

Because billionaire companies cannot manage money. One week of revenue decline and they are going bankrupt. To many hands in the honey jar and fucking too many non essential jobs in the executive space. Fucking idiots

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America was the first country in the world to sell its soul, sold for cheap housing, weed and yuppie office jobs by oldtrash while they profited from the enslavement of young people to their malice and narcissism. Fuck boomers, I legitimately hope that all of them die choking on lung glue. If you are 60+ reading this, you will die in agony and that's a good thing. Fuck you.

Never said it was. That's why she actually teaches important life lessons. My grandmother was collecting pots and pans for the war effort as a little girl. She actually knows what sacrifice and family unity is.

The jews probably have some way they can sink their claws into 401k money and savings if boomers die before they can access it or some shit.

I don't know, just thinking what a jew would do.

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Ok, Boomer.

God I fucking hate this lowbrow fake humble joe boomer humor so much. I will cough on you, you piece of shit.

shit clocks tickn bud

Name me a mutt show that comes close to the genius of TPB.

No idea, I don't watch television or netflix.


Because my elders literally had me molested with a knife when I was an infant.

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because this world is hell and it belonged to them before it was given to us, so they are responsible for it

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Why should I be invested in a system that just sees me as a cog in the GDPmachine, and is willing to replace me the moment I get rusty? I thought I paid taxes today so that they'll look after me when I'm too old to work.

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It's always sunny in Philadelphia

Ok boomer meme brainwashed them into thinking boomers are the enemy

If everyone is left with his own interest, the whole will suffer.


Because the boomers said don't trust anyone over 30.

It's only a matter of time before the already crumbling mutt society completely gives way and implodes in on itself.

and the kikes will move back to isarel with their dual passport just before it happens.

Not before they cash in.

checked and based... fuck boomers... let them die... I'm ready for some discounted real estate.

As 1st post said, the ZOGamerica schtick is individualism and muh I do what I want.
On the 60's this degenerated to the point that boomers started burning all the generational wealth in nihilistic lifes.
The other gens have a point in criticizing them, but forget they are 3x more egotistical and self driven than them.
Narcisism from both gens culminated inOPs pic.

That's the reality of living in jewish controlled nations. They cannot be allowed to have power.

Well said

I think the major global happening is just starting to kick off as we speak

Why do elders lack empathy for the youth?

>he homeless KEK!

Prepare for another mutt caused financial crisis.

Don't worry.
One day they'll be old boomers with no family and no one to take care of them because they spent their lives working on their twitch or youtube streams instead of cultivating friends and family.
They'll be in a dimly lit, dingy nursing home sitting in their own filth. It's not karma--it's just nature, and nature is a fucking cunt.

My boomer parents credo, pasted on my 12 yr old refrig:
>live long enough to be a burden to your children

Left me nothing but heartache

The weak should fear the strong

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This. It is learned behavior.

our social organization doesn't require elders; it requires money

t. anthropologist

They fucked over my generation and even have the nerve to insult my generation and laugh in our faces about our predicament.

Dunno, why did Germans vote the Nazi party out of the blue in a functional liberal parliamentarian democracy?

You're wrong.
Be me raised and tosses in the trash by boomers
Be me have kids bend backwards to prove I love them more than life
Be me bend backwards to help them get on their feet although I have literally nothing
Be me kids want to stay home until 30 not helping with bills
Be me... yeah you probably don't want to be me

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Businesses should just tap into their savings lol