PREVIOUS THREAD In the early 2000’s we saw an outright renaissance in white society that obliterated the degeneracy and niggatry of the 90’s. White people became cool and culturally dominant, we were vocally angry about, anti-system, and espoused a wealth of right-wing sympathies. Not to mention that the women of this time were hyperfeminine. 00’s rock more or less preached proto-fascism and thot patrolling, so the Jews subverted this renaissance with pop-punk, indie rock, and media looking back on this era as cringe.

We simply want to continue what was so wrongfully cut short.

>But emo men were soicucks!
Just because something is a bad role model for a man doesn’t mean it’s a bad role model for a woman. Other genres like metalcore for instance were full of chads, so there is masculine merit to the 00’s. Plus, Emo was merely one genre in the midst, and the aesthetic was still incredible on females.

>Definitive theory on why emo girls are superior
Emos, goths, and other alt-fashion can represent cuteness as well as seductiveness, which both require youthfulness. A tradthot can be 40 years old, but you can’t have a 40-year-old emo. By promoting this fashion, we are reinforcing the constructive use of a woman’s youth and emphasising how precious and fleeting it is. Girls will recognise what they have, how long they will have it for, and what they must do with it. Their overwhelming femininity would stimulate aggression from feminists and soicucks since they absolutely would not take kindly to cute girls ruining their cult of androgyny and aesthetic sterility.

>To jannies
Moderators have been getting upset by these threads and moving them to /bant/. Let them know that this isn't a shitpost or a meme, this IS politics and is relevant to culture. This is a war we're fighting here.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck the kikes for raping our resurgence and its legacy. After the early-to-mid 90’s white societies were in a desperate need of culture to wipe away the stains of niggers chanting about selling crack, borderline trannies preaching Satanic degeneracy, and harlots crying about their sex lives. And our needs were answered.

What we saw in the early 2000’s was nothing short of a renaissance for the white race. An ethos rose that was uniquely white in character and spoke to us by encapsulating our hopes and grievances. We loudly and proudly said fuck you to this broken system, this system that engineers sociopaths, that tells us to spit on sufferers and further their pain instead of offering compassion, that expects us to take our beatings with the utmost conviction like good little slaves, that we must pretend to be nice and brainwash ourselves into believing our own bullshit, that our goal in life is to be consumed by the consumption of instant-access “happiness” to hide our thoughts instead of embracing them.

We were angry and we let the world know, and to the Jew’s dismay this was cool. This white resurgence was everywhere and united whites the world over. The music of the era like metalcore, emo, alt rock, etc, had philosophies we sympathise with like wanting to be left alone (ethnostate), revolution, thot patrolling & traditional sexual morality, constant undertones of war, resent over boomers lazily raising their kids, the security of a community or the fasci, the desire for genuine long-term happiness and in general doing the opposite of what Jews say.

We even saw the peak of women with emo girls, they were hyperfeminine in appearance and personality, and not in the way that r9kfags would say is annoying. The were polite, dressed stylishly, and actually listened to good music. The dark demeanour did nothing to stop them from spreading optimism everywhere they went. Honestly just really good people, every one of them was wife material.

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Kikes hated this so they started pushing rap west coast rap music even more aggressively, getting more putrid by the year. Even east coast (the better coast for rap) artists began emulating the west coast style, which at this point isn’t even hip-hop anymore, it’s just a Talmud orchestra. But whites were still cool and culturally dominant, so they needed to actively make whites not cool. So then, on top of all the propaganda painting whites as bland and pedantic, we started seeing more faggy pop music like Justin Bieber and abominations like indie-rock and the oxymoronic pop-punk. Whereas the men in early 2000’s rock music lamented over issues in the vein of a warrior-poet, indie-rock and pop-punk simps autistically and femininely wailed over inconsequential bullshit like the emasculated basedboy cucks they were, all the while mixing in Marxist agendas and unrhythmic instrumentals.
And where are we now? White people are considered lame, society fetishises niggers, and things whites stood for as recently as 10 years ago have been obliterated. But fuck that shit, do your part for the white race by putting Tony Hawk soundtracks on your playlist and dating an emo girl.
With the whole 80’s nostalgia thing we’ve been seeing in the past few years, the demand for 00’s nostalgia will eventually result in a really big market gap that will be satisfied by subcultures re-emerging and reuniting. This mightn’t be the best interpretation of white society, but it’s the best one we have in the modern era and we should work from there and make sure it’s not subverted again.

Ultimately, if Saudi Arabia can dictate what women are allowed to wear, I say the time has come for a white country to do the same. MARCH UNDER EMO GIRL NATIONALISM, BRING BACK WHAT THE JEWS TOOK FROM US.

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The jannies are still lingering around. You should post this like 30 minutes from now and you should be good.

Be sure to post good music and artists
I'll start:
Christie Front Drive
The Appleseed Cast
Ranier Maria
Texas is the Reason
There for Tomorrow
Simple Plan
Ocean Grove
Jimmy Eat World (arguably pop punk but whatever)
Egypt Central
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Circa Survive
Say Anything
Dillinger Escape Plan
Every Time I Die
Brand New
Taking Back Sunday
Horse the Band
Asking Alexandria
Balance and Composure
La Dispute
Touché a more

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We need more right wing musicians and artists

its a shame we ve gone from that to this bring back hot scene girls

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those things were a cancer that cursed the 2000s as the millenium of cringe, and you want to bring these fucking dyed hair dykes back? this is a shit meme and youre a fucking poof

that's unironically hot and attractive traits in that picture.

emo isn't the only genre I mentioned


take your pills

Suck a dick

There are a lot of good right-wing modern musicians but I never keep up with them

God these women knew their place.

Early underoath
Ice Nine Kills
Bring Me the Horizon's first two-three albums
Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Cute is What we Aim For
Of Mice and Men
The Devil Wears Prada
Dance Gavin Dance
Sky Eats Airplane
Audience of One
Isles and Glaciers
Armor For Sleep
As I Lay Dying
From First to Last
Falling in Reverse
Funeral For a Friend
I Killed the Prom Queen
Invent, Animate
I See Stars
Motionless in White
The Sound of Animals Fighting
The Used

"take your pills schizo" is the asian mods new way of trying what the jews did with "anyone else sleepy" during pizzagate

if emo is "white culture", then whites deserve to be exterminated.
OP is a massive faggot and should report immediately to the nearest Ministry of Suicide office for quick processing.

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There's a direct line between emo shit, Tumblr, and the genderqueer shit we're left with today.
Not to mention dyed hair, tattoos, and shitty piercings

A direct line? That shit exists because the Jews culled early 2000's rock prematurely. It's (((their))) replacement for 00's rock.

Tattoes are kinda hot though, ngl. Don't you just wanna put her in her place for being a bad litte slut who taint her body with tattoes?

Fuck it's so hot.


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>user you're not listening to pop punk
>plays thps for music
does not compute

skater punk is different from pop punk

myspace was awesome, facebook, nerd culture created by Big bang theory, the iphone, SJW BS all started in 2007 which is when scene/emo started to fade away.

It's a cool idea but why is the main focus on women and emo shit. Just focus on reclaiming rock in general. Punk, Metal, Emo. The general early 2000s rock scene was very chad white, and women were pretty feminine. The right needs a "scene". Rock is clearly it. There should be a NatRockGeneral every day on here

1% of the text I wrote was about emo and women, I just put emo girl as pic related cause cute

Based girl, pls give to me

2007 was the last good year. Zoomers don't understand just how shitty things have been since then.

I'm a zoomer myself

Emos are faggots.
Hxc are selfcocksucking bands who play punchie punchie pogo while drinking jaggermaister with redbull.
Man the fuck, find a job and work for your community.

Social media also contributed for the rise of the self righteous Social Justice culture

Guys, emo, goth, and industrial started in the late 70s and early 80s with bands like The Cure, Depeche Mode, and Skinny Puppy. It goes way back before the early 2000s.

Based. Fuck poofters.

was really basic back then though

Emo music is still infinitely better than any kind of rap, which is pure faggotry and degeneracy in its purest form.

I was 10 , 2007

I know you are. And you should stop living in the past, for your own sake.

Agreed. They're always tight. Boys really do make the best girls.

keep on preachin' brotha.

But I'm looking to the future

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90' and 00' were best times. Those times will never come back. :(

We know. I enjoy some skinny puppy. But that's like saying rock goes back to Bach and those faggots on their little mandolins.


the whole thread is "EMO GIRLK NATIONALISM" and you keep repeating this retarded phrase all over the place.

The writeup was good and I agree with the gist, but the threads need to be Nationalist Rock General or something similar, instead of this silly teenageer obsession with "EMO GIRL NATIONALISM" whatever the fuck that is.

Promote white culture, and encourage a takeover/return to the rock scene, yes. Weird obsession with emo waifus wtf

I figured emo girl nationalism would get more attention

>Early underoath
Act of Depression is based. Disambiguation is their best album though

Who's that?

You can't recreate something like this artificially. It's over.

Have a (you)

Fair enough. How can we re-engineer a resurgence of chad white rock bands, and encourage redpilled guys to take (back) over the rock scene in their cities?

its overran with SJW faggots, but it used to be the opposite in many places.

But it was killed artificially, this is a natural demand, an actual market gap

Is this whole thread just a bunch of simps who wish they could get attention from ShoeOnHead?

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Such a good album, but Spencer was such a good singer so it's almost worth it that the maylene guy left.

Who here remembers slut-shamming deathcore, metalcore, and post-hardcore of the mid-late 00s?
I do!

Adept is a good arse band

Spencer is for sure a better vocalist for underoath, but Dallas was a better Christian. Maylene is good shit too, it's a damn shame what happened to him.

>He wasn't listening to Burning Witch in the early 2000's

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Emo Girls rock.

Those all suck except for ETID

Man I miss Christcore. Oh, Sleeper was great too.

I always he figured he left because they weren't Christian enough for him.
What happened?
Man I haven't followed any of these old bands for years. I only heard about Tim lambesis and the lost prophets guy like 2 years ago...

Enjoy your zionist zombie brainwashing you simp.

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Really sad story, hate it happened to him.

Got on a four wheeler accident and almost died. Basically ended his career.

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What's wrong with Switchfoot? The only thing dodgy I could think of is a misinterpretation of the lyrics,
>I pledge allegiance to a country without borders, without politicians
But that's just referring to the Kingdom of Heaven

For whites to go back to "emo" culture, instead of moving forwards, is retarded. The Jews prey on your emotions. They weaponize them against you. The next step is clear.

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that's hot

Don't you see the irony in criticising going backwards, and then attaching a photo of a National Socialist?


but what about orthodox music?

National Socialism was killed in its infancy. It never got a fair shake.

There are valuable things from the past that have been ripped away from the people, we can only look to the future by bringing them with us.
Same with 00's rock desu

Christianity teaches forgiveness and compassion far too much to be more then utilitarian for any serious effort at an ethnostate. The NSDAP realised this and tightly locked down and limited the church so they could discourage it and control it.

When völkischand ayran-unity people speak about Christianity being good for inspiring and uniting action they always forget that it has to be controlled first. And if possible, eliminated. It provides too much moral doubt that has to be taught out of people regarding the rightful subjugation and elimination of the subhuman races.

Plus with lots of the shitholes of both beaner and nigger decent being christian there's always going to be compassionate types who'd need to be purged anyway.

Damn. And I thought Aaron Gillespie getting fat was a shock.

Emo girls are the best girls

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If you wanted some bad ass music with an implicit white identity, you could have just asked.


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scene girls were the initial wave of turbo thots you dummy. Literal highschool groupies = scene girls

The thing about the Bible is that you can cherry pick it to all hell and interpret it however you want. I wouldn't automatically assume that Switchfoot were cucks for being Christians.

Bomb ass list dude as I lay dying is my favorite band to play covers of. An ocean between us is still one of my favorite albums of all time

in what way?