► Detected: ??? ► Died: ???
Another virus has officially been detected.
Don't get me wrong, Yas Forums- but I think we might all be fucked.
► Detected: ??? ► Died: ???
Another virus has officially been detected.
Don't get me wrong, Yas Forums- but I think we might all be fucked.
Other urls found in this thread:
Inherently zoonotic, retard
Until it isn’t ,cuck
It’s airborne
It mutated
>no human to human transmission
>New, more lethal virus is killing people
>A comet will pass the Earth very closely on 20something of April
>Yellowstone is waking up
>Swarms of Locusts fucking up Saudi Arabia
Fucking hell, this is the end of the world, isnt it?
If it wasn't a nothingburger last time, it's not gonna be one here.
Nothing burger, it can’t spread as easily as corona
don't really worry about it.
it's weak that in China every year have a few infected.
my doctor friend said in school it is the one they need really REMEMBER ill.
it has vaccine,don't worried.
let us back to corona virus.
It’s not new to the human population like with the novel Coronavirus. We know a lot about Hantavirus and it’s not that big of a deal compared to what we have now unless it mutates for the worse, but that can be said about any virus.
And just as life was getting better
I want to go back
Yet another """"""""""""""""nothingburger""""""""" made in China
Amirite fellow chink bootlicker?
This. I just started making an adult's paycheck two months ago...
rabies are a corona virus
fuck off glownigger/onions
Fuck you fucking chink niggers. You deserve to be nuked. I can't even go to the gym anymore because of you fucking hivemind Mongaloid cunts. And greggs is closed.
Me too my dude. Just as I was getting my shit together, the chinaman curse has fallen into the world and fucked everything up. Heres to another shitty decade to come, but this time its gonna be game over for real
stupid fearmongering, hantavirus has always been around, it isnt new. ita aa if you'd open a thread beein scared of rabies and think the world is ending now.
hantavirus is detected in every year in shanxi(陕西,not"山西 in English it has same accent.)you can search in medline or NIH.
but novel corona make my doctor friends wear gas masks.
>le glowie!!1!
Based schizo poster.
Rate my PrEP boys
I've actually had hantavirus and lost my sister to it in the 1993 outbreak. It's a horrible illness but isn't spread that easily, not nearly to the same level as coronavirus.
>ameriflap falls for retarded clickbait riding off the coronavirus wave
say it ain't so
take your fucking ribavirin and shut the fuck up
I had literally the same reply to a previous thread by a chinese when I asked about corona virus lmao. Im sorry but I cant really trust your kind anymore
Having our border closed to China is so racist atm.
Even if it's airborne and spreads more efficiently than coronavirus, frontiers are closed, we're safe.
Well shit..
The only thing I can do is laugh, because all of us are fucked.
If Saudi Arabia can dictate what women are allowed to wear then I say the time has come for a white country to do the same.
Hantavirus is kinda common in rural areas in my country. It's propagated by the fecal matter of a long tailed large mouse that is colloquially named "Guarén" you should meme the "Guarén of reckoning"
for some reason and error i'm the only one that use this flag in Yas Forums
I want off this ride.
Show tits
Nice legs
I've heard this before. It didn't end well.
Hantavirus isn’t H2H. Thankfully.
If China fucked up and make a H2H Hantavirus everybody gonna die.
it doesn't have human-to-human transmission
It's not airborne, you pretty much have to come in contact with urine or feces of the animal carrying.
Lol the virus has no treatment in the article it even says so. What kind of game do you play chink.
there already is a hantavirus that spreads from human to human
lol that's what people said about coronavirus.
A chinese shill defending the hantavirus. Guess we found our real contagion virus.
>no human to human transmission
China and WHO said the same thing about Covid-19
>According to China’s Global Times, all 32 co-passengers that the infected person travelled with by a bus have been tested positive.
>Early symptoms include fatigue, fever, and muscle aches. It has a mortality rate of 38 percent.
/hvg/ is cancelled
Get working on your ark, God will reset the world this year.
Hnnnngh Pole women are my kryptonite
He is probably a femboy or something, females doesn't visit this board often
Kill Em All 2021.
410,757,864,530 DEAD CHINKS
Won't be long before it mutates into super chink hantavirus.
English motherfucker do you speak it?
I know, I know. I'm just saying that in even the worst case scenario we're not in danger.
Do you have HIV or something?
So it begins
i was pushing so hard
i am ready
Is that you Xi?
Motherfucker, I hope burgers nuke you subhuman scum. Fucking dog.
>the fucking world is dying and we still have the "shut up schizo" faggots.
hope you manage to kill yourself
It’s takes on average 2 rolls of toilet paper to wipe 10 fleas off the human body, considering it is proven that most humans have 20-55 fleas on them at any given time that’s atleast 3-5 rolls an hour we will need.
>human to human not possible
sceencap this for when we're all dead.
That's the old strain of the Hantavirus, RETARD.
Go gas yourself, sandal maker
Sorry for your loss
Murder at our every footstep, and we're living mandatory suicide.
I’m ready. Cleanse the world of kikes niggers hajis shabbos Goyim race traitors and pedophiles. Let. It. Burn and a new sun rise.
no fucking way stick in your /cvg/ bullshit god damned attention whoring idiot fuck this bullshit seriously you guys didn shit up the fucking board enough already?
fuck aways god damn retard
Show boipucci
Posting in a nothingburger thread
Another virus from China, that's it NUKE CHINA, for the sake of mankind.
I can’t find the global times article saying this
Can anyone help find it? Is it fake?
McArthur was right...
Hanta is already all around the world you idiots. It some fucking shit you get from rodents.
Northwest Germany had a little problem with it in 2019/18, like 30 people or so were sick.
The latest patch introduced a new strain, RETARD.
again i'm not my chairman,i don't like him because his culture policy
Actually that’s not what I said about nCoV-2019. I started raising the alarm on social media with my real name attached to it back in January for that’s.
Hanta is a virus I grew up around in the high desert and I’m familiar with it, I’ve seen it kill people. The hanta currently in rodent populations isn’t H2H airborne so as long as it remains NOT H2H we are fine.
If Hanta goes H2H... we are all dead.
it's such a nothing burger that there already is a chinese shill
Yeah but chinks made it airborne allegedly