Will China receive blowback for this? Surely ruining the world is enough for countries to start hating their guts

Will China receive blowback for this? Surely ruining the world is enough for countries to start hating their guts.

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They collapse within 5-10 years.

Yes that is why they are trying to save face by calling it “racist” to blame them and also sending supplies all over the world

China is masterful at PR and control a lot of media like Reddit and large amounts of Hollywood. That's why they always receive such little blowback

I sure fucking hope so. Fuck them

The only consequence for China will be that the virus response is ruining the economies of all the countries that buy their shitty exported products so their economy will suffer too.

I hope.

That would be racist :^)

They're going to buy Disney to kill Winnie the Pooh

Thei first tried to blame America for this Chineses virus and afte they failed now they try to blame italy for this Chineses virus, how low can those people will go?

LOL no.
Everyone will be china's bitch from now on, as they own literally ALL the means of production.

They did do that, but first back in late december they were leaning into playing dumb with the bat meat market theory. Their changing narrative just shows how fucked they are.

Amazing that Trump turning against the world would result in the world flocking to a new superpower. Who could have ever seen this coming?

Mods need to limit threads to a single per IP on the Catalog

Subhuman Trumnigger shills keep sliding the entire board with the same 5 threads posted over and over again

Probably not. In all honesty they will probably emerge stronger, which isn't a good thing for civil liberties around the world.

Dont buy any of their monkey metal garbage

No, they will emerge as the LONE SUPER-POWER. America is OVER.


No. It's just because Xi is a globalist plant and everyone below him is not.

how the fuck are they trying to blame italy? Like how would that even work?

What are they producing that you need?

They aren't jews, so they didn't spread the virus. Maybe the cucked chinese coomie party helped them.

Wow a reasonable and well-spoken post on Yas Forums.
Wtf are you doing here?

No, they are going to take over from it.

Don't need to hate them when they're now a potential biohazard.

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Well how about for example the fact that about 95% of all antibiotics the US uses are produced in China?


I would be surprised if the numbers for Australia and Europe would be much different.

Worse, they're a net importer of food from memory.

I think that number is bogus considering Chinese people don't even trust baby powder made in China. Makes no sense that they would likewise trust anti-biotics.

Yeah I'm sure you're the bigger expert concerning the world medication supply.

Well considering how NBC has covered crap over the last half decade, I wouldn't trust anything they say.

What do you need antibiotics for? You know all these antibiotics fuck up your entire immune system? You know India is one of the largest consumers of antibiotics and they spread disease to no end because of it?

A lot of India also doesn't use toilets. Are you retarded?

implying only NBC is talking about this FOR YEARS


Ever heard about the times in which people ware dieing because of comparatively small cuts? Do you want that times back?

Agreed. The anti-China threads are proof that people aren’t immune to propaganda. In about a week the narrative on Yas Forums has shifted. First it was Trumps fault for not blocking flights from China, then China was lying, and now the outbreak is China’s fault somehow (bioweapon?).

when did they blame america or italy

Who knows, maybe this will be the wake up call to get westerners off their asses and get back into producing their own resources....
nah, of course we're not.

>Ever heard about the times in which people ware dieing because of comparatively small cuts? Do you want that times back?

You're exaggerating. And if antibiotics are your excuse then you'll have to find something better. China makes virtually nothing vital for any Western population, unless you think endlessly buying useless shit is vital. And we already have phones and computers that need not be replaced like they are now.

This. They're already spinning it on how they're going to save the world from the virus since they're the only ones who "beat" it.

And they compensate for their lack o hygiene by literally depending on a steady diet of antibiotics. Oh so traditional and cultured India is, they depend on Western derived tech to not develop some unheard of plague.

Oh the america thing is a pretty common accusation on twitter and Chinese media, claiming that some US solders had somehow caused the initial corona outbreak in whuan.

I really hope so, but I have little faith that they'll be willing to sacrifice their huge profits from exploiting Chinese labor conditions.

You are absolutely clueless concerning medicine buddy. Antibiotics are about the most essential drugs ever.

Which is fucking retarded considering the economy is built by circulating currency which improves buying power. Better jobs with higher pay makes everyone richer without needing gibsmedats. But for whatever fucking reason CEO's need insane amounts of money they will never fucking spend and can physically NEVER spend. Who's gonna buy their shitty cars when nobody can afford it?

I hope so, they fucked up the whole world when nothing else could

Why should we hate China when COVID is from an US Army lab?

Trump says VT is lying about US Army origin of CV19 in Wuhan, we say he is “Full of Shit”

In October 2019, the US brought 172 (really 369) military athletes to Wuhan for the World Military Games. Despite having the largest military in the world, tenfold, the US came in 35th behind nations like Iran, Finland and Slovenia. No video or photos exist of the US team, no records were kept, a huge team but a pitiful performance for the best military in the world. The US team did so badly that they were called “Onions Sauce Soldiers” by the Chinese. In fact, many never participated in any event and stayed near the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the disease is said to have originated only days after the US left the area.

The US team went home on October 28, 2019, and within 2 weeks, the first human contact cases of COVID 19 were seen in Wuhan. The Chinese have not been able to find “patient zero” and believe he was a member of the US team.


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We actually have issues because I'm pretty sure the US manufactures most of our medical supply.
Oh and we can't make tanks because we outsourced that to China, who by the way pays your government literally in bags of cash.

its amazing how they effortlessly spin everything. last week the story was "trump is trying to buy the cure from germany and have it only for americans" so america is the villain of the corona virus and china is completely ignored

>Why should we hate China when COVID is from an US Army lab?
Look at what discussion it stimulated though.
There is a high probability this was the intended result of the virus because even if some corps are making bank nominally, they're not making shit real term wise.


no people will keep hating the US
and it's the right thing too
fuck all these US incel slide threads trying to deflect

I hate both.

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Go choke on bat soup, chang.

I mean, imagine being so delusional and retarded
>being american
that you think China helping everyone will look worse than Trump trying to take the cure and make it exclusive to the US and similar shit
with all the other shit going down
care to explain how you can be so shit fucking dumb, delusional and naive? do you even realize the shit tier intellect at work that comes up with this kind of hope?

If your so fucking sick that you can't go without them then you deserve to die because your genes are so fucking weak. And most of the procedures that go on in our Western hospitals are mostly the old and narcissistic post-poning their death and the young's full expense.

>some chink ate undercooked bat, their communist government tries to hide it
>no, you see, it's Trumps fault somehow!
fuck you

>some chink ate undercooked bat
They had papers in Wuhan on something extremely similar to this virus in 2008. This isn't from bat soup, it was made in a lab.

I'm stuck inside

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Tanks make no difference in a fight, they'd get crushed by the mass of China anyway. Australia never had any security other than America. The only other way to defend this place is with millions of heavily armed White men and nukes. We have neither.

And what does most of our medical output go towards? Keeping rich old boomers alive after they drank their youth away? Migrants demanding free treatment for the results of the inbreeding? More tourists from shit holes countries claiming refugee status just for some medical procedure? How much of our medical output actually goes towards Australians and how much of it is really necessary other than some dental and broken bones?

if another virus comes from china in this lifetime, they can expect to get nuked

Wow I think I've never witnessed someone being this medically illiterate ever before.

This is a shill post.

The majority of Western medicine is superfluous and thus medically illiterate in and of itself. Basically keeping the weak alive at the expense of the strong with only minor exceptions.

I agree, gas all australians.

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It's called having a soul.
You want to gas all old people, go to China where they have no soul and will probably start doing this.

China is good at PR.
Turned off adblock and i was fucking showered by chinese propaganda by CNTV on youtube ads.
Doesn't help that duterte is basically a chinese dog right now. Based president turned into cuck president sucking chinas dick.

I unironically miss you US bros.. Duterte can go fuck himself.

This post glows.
Nice try though.

Do you have any proof on that or is it just another conspiracy?
IF covid19 was made in a lab, might as well have been intentionally released to crash the world economy. The west must declare war on China.
I'm not falling in that rabbit hole, sorry

Great. They will resort to eating more dogs, bats, and other mystery meat than they already do and unleash new fucked up viruses on us.

I'd rather have our old people live well and die gracefully in comfort instead of extending their lifespans beyond all proportion.