Landlords absolutely BTFO

Landlords absolutely BTFO

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my mates mum only did this with five of them. of course now she's stuck up shit creek with no paddle

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Good. They’re disrupting the housing market with all their bullshit. Housing market collapse incoming. Get fucked boomers


So is now a good time to buy a house?

If you got money, then yea def.

>responsible AirBnB owner here
doesn't fucking exist lmao, you chose a get-rich quick scheme and now its coming back to bite you on the ass. Serves you right for making popular tourist destinations financially unviable for the people who have to live and work there. Corona-chan is scary, but also beautiful in a lot of ways

>its not funny

actually it is


Give it a few months to a year for the collapse to kick in.

Yeah I'm fine with people renting their places but airbnb is aids. The idea is nice, stay in a home instead of a hotel, but the impact it has on rental prices is unethical.

nah give it 6 more months. Housing market is slow to react.

>hospitality industry
You just serve short term rentals. You're not like a bed and breakfast or hotel that has amenities that a staff provides. You simply provide a room. More akin to a hostile than a hotel.

wait wut? why is airnb bad?

You goto an event or anywhere for travel. you could split a hotel room with a friend for two beds and like 150-200$ a night or you could split an airbnb for the weekend for like 100$ a person and you get an entire house and driveway.

Seems nice. Dont have to sleep next to a crackhead fucking a hooker down the hallway

Not a big problem for the landlords since the eviction would be really simple, as no one lives there. The guy's fucked though

Kike detected. Air bnb is kiked


the island I live on has 4000 airbnb and less than 1000 rentals. this is a great thing and it stabs the greedy people right in the heart.

If true. That's peak acceleration. Fucking lmao

Can’t spell hospitality hostile nor hotel without ho.

Oh look the 500th landlord thread in 3 days
Leave or get some new material, Leftypol

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Anything financial is kikery in its purest form with the kikes at the top and the crypto kikes fighting among themselves with the illusion they could ever be at the top of the pyramid.

i've got toilet paper

My cousin bought a house and the end of January (I told him to hold off, the market was about to cool down) and it's already lost nearly a quarter of its value.

I'm sitting on 100k savings.
I'm starting to get anxious about living with my Mum at 26.

Is buying a house honestly a good move? I feel like having a permanent roof that can't be taken from me would be pretty good. The minimum mortgage payments are less than rent too.

Based Pakistan

>airbnb, lyft, uber getting btfo
Corona-chan wrecking numale commie businesses is hilarious to me.
Turns out, sharing shit is fucking disgusting.

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>i've got toilet paper
Great, now learn to use it

People like this need to lighten up

>is clearly not

>I feel like having a permanent roof that can't be taken from me would be pretty good.

so move to french polynesia.

Top fooking kek

These property hoarders just need to pick themselves up by the boot straps.

>leftypol keeps spamming about landlords
>it's supposed to be evil to rent stuff
kys, commies and the idiots that fall for this bullshit

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>since this problem is something muh leftypol cares about, that means it's not real!!1

Uber and lyft are up like 8% in the past week while markets are down ~5%. Their food delivery is keeping them pumping

Holy shit what kinda of smoothbrain thinks this shit is commie and not ultra capitalist.

Lenders raised rates for mortgages (~1%) across the board right after the Fed cut rates. Mortgage backed securities aren't being traded as much as a month ago and half the population of the U.S. couldn't come up with $500 cash before SARS 2 fucked things up. Now lots of people are out of work and shit is just starting to hit the fan; people and businesses will have hard time paying rent/mortgages if nobody is working or buying things.

Should have just ignored it instead of sperging out and proving his point.

>own Airbnb in college town
>been booked all month by chinks since dorms closed and they can't go home

Better clock in soon, wagie. Corona-chan has been a Godsend for me.

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le butt mad? you butt mad? le butt mad

lmao you think you understand what i'm doing.

OK Joomer

Is this... legal?

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The people behind it and who take part in it.
The entire concept of sharing with strangers.

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You're just a resentful nigger that can't fathom that someone who is doing well can also be a decent human being. I own three properties and furnished two of them to rent out or occasionally put on Airbnb. They are not my main source of income, but they give me a good side income. The fact that I was able to buy these and rent them out makes you butthurt? Fuck you then, you communist nigger.

>what do you do for a living
>i own someone elses home and they pay me to live in it

going on just to shit on the sheets, noway their going to charge a cleaning fee now

>it's Jewish to not share your property with foreign nationals

Commie wagie cope.

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The concept of "bed and breakfast" is ancient. The only thing kiked about Air BnB is trying to have this business in a neighborhood where it isn't welcomed.

Someone needs to reply "learn to code, boomer."

Yes. Its the reason everyone hates airbnb. Rather than having 20 different families use those homes you have retards like that fucking everyone else over jewing them to tourist and shit

no the dude subletting all rentals for airbnb is about to get lawsuit raped into oblivion

even a broken clock is right twice a day
the landlord question is one of the very, very, VERY few things where the leftards have a point



>Hotels are communist
>Car rentals are communist
>Gun ranges that let you pay $50 bucks to rent an AK are communist

Please shut the fuck up

the example in OP is definitely not legal. otherwise they wouldn't have been doing it in secret. guy mentioned in OP's pic is most likely going to jail.

Time to choke yourself with it Ahmed.

Air BnB is the tacit admission by the government that their regulations and controls on the hospitality industry are too much. They make half-assed local limits on Air BnB which are not enforced, and they don't enforce them because the market for Air BnB exists. This market exists as a result of hospitality services being prohibitively expensive due to government regulations.


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cv is forcing hands on many problems very nice

I'm the exact same with 100k at 26, hard to commit to buying on a single income
Will be looking at buying if prices drop enough

>Is this... legal?
Depends on the terms of the lease. But in all likelihood no, short-term subletting is not covered. If the property owners were fine with temporary rental of their properties they would be doing it themselves.

based tas user?