India population 1.3 billions

>india population 1.3 billions
>only 500 infected
How they doing it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

By bathing in poo

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No testing = no evidence = no economic problems

Australia is doing really bad but the news is trying to break it gently. They're refusing testing for a lot of people.

the reason india will be a world superpower by 2022 is because most of them have developed hyperimmunities to every bacteria and virus know to man and several that the western world is ignorant of.
this is because of their constant ingestion and contact with bovine and human feces and urine as well as the rotting carcasses of various species in which they submerge themselves ritualistically.

INDIA 2022

corona chan ismt stupid, she know she cant handle the superpower of doodoo

Superior genes

Thousands of Indians die of various diseases every day, this just gets lost in the noise.


bow down to me kike, lick my boots or I'll have you thrown in the oven
seething at world superpower
pay check for servants decreased by ₹6 (US$12000)
hello fellow king

brother i am you're friend. i make joke because we are on internet brother.

INDIA 2022

Corona doesnt want to get infected by filthy indians

By not doing tests obviously.
We doing the same btw.

They bathe in, and drink from the Ganges.
Corona is the least of their worries. They are immune to some shit we've never heard of.

Ever heard of temperature?

It's really hot there for a sustained period of time and thus the virus can't survive as long...

Attached: 2B Bed#.jpg (1080x808, 118.59K)

test 600 people

High temperatures. No virus can survive

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Superpower by 2030

>How are they doing it?
They're not.

Do you think they have testing kits? These shitskins literally bathe in shit and think the most filthy vile river in the world is "self-cleaning". Corona is the least of their concerns. Indians are the dumbest fucking people on the planet and the most vile people. I was sincerely hoping Corona would wipe them out, every fucking one of them but even this pandemic wants nothing to do with them.

Also, it has NOTHING to do with the temperature. There's cases spreading near the equator.

They became a superpower in 2020

The virus is transferred via toilets so India is safe.

Pooball fights

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No testing and the poor masses routinely get sick and die of strange diseases, because they don’t have nearly enough medical care, so the corona is really just another of 1,000 diseases that kill their population. They throw the corpses in the river or have the untouchables burn the corpses.

Based and poopilled

>Australia is doing really bad but the news is trying to break it gently. They're refusing testing for a lot of people.

More info?

iran is hotter

more likely they don't even have test kits
and why should they use them, covid-19 is probably a godsend compared to the thousands of diseases they normally have

>How they're doing it?
They're not humans

Attached: IndoPakistan.webm (640x360, 1.89M)

Poo in cucked loo

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The virus went to India for a day and got straight the fuck outta there

Well, this settles it. In a surprising turn of events, science has proven that pajeets are undeniably 100% more hygienic and also genetically fit than every single Italian. Honestly didn't see this one coming but in the thunderdome anything can happen.

You mean superior show vagenes.

They literally bathe in shit.

Some say the city actually smelled better after this

maybe the virus is adapting to them, its not impossible that the virus affects a certain groups while others not

And the evidence clearly demonstrates that streetshitting and even shitbathing is less filthy than whatever every single Italian does in the bathroom. It's undeniable. This is science.

Climate is too warm. Spreads easily in 40-60 Fahrenheit. India is too hot, burns the virus out faster.

cant infect people if the population isnt people

Attached: duh.jpg (650x365, 39.43K)

No human contact

We aren't wh*toids. So far the virus only seems to be affecting cuck races (wh*toids, east as*ans). BVLL races seem immune to it.

OMG!!! How dare u!?!?

there are worse things in india than the virus

I WAS ON YOUR SIDE TO EMASCULATE ITALIANS!!!!! Now I'm going to verbally abuse every msft IT hotline i can find you motherfucker!!!

Immunity from constant exposure to filth.

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>INDIA 2022
not 2020????

Lol India has tested 15000-20000 people fag

So speaks the race with the tiniest penis by far.

It's not just hot, it's extremely humid too

user, thats not the Irish flag.

sneak attack mon frer. the west will not expect it by then.

On a population of 1,3 billion..

I appreciate bro, but it's the western countries that are going through this especially. All the east Asian countries have apparently checked the spread of covid( skorea, Japan, Singapore, China)

Did India stock up on toilet paper?

they bury dead in the ganges as well.

22 seconds apart. Does this qualify as d i g i t s?

Greek statues

And the median age of India is actually late twenties. Combined with hot,humid climate, not being a country famous for tourism, and somewhat better immunity, I think it's reasonable

Simply put their not

They're like China but more hardened.
They don't care if their own are dying off, they'll keep them working so they can collect more money, thus allowing them to further try and become a super power

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A poo bath a day keeps the flu wrath away.
Send bob

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Pay debnts and I’ll tell you

covid19 is a joke compared to all the diseases already there

>they play strategically dominant while America caters to special interest tranny feelings

They barely have old people

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It’s literally just flu for us. We fight with even more dangerous viruses every day.

On RT they said you guys will get cell phone trackers

Low number of test kits.


Arey bhai bhai bhai

All the white cucks are seething so hard with "not enough tests " cope, kek what a bunch of dumb bitches.
Where are the bodies then faggots?
Or is it holocaust 2.0 where there are deaths but not bodies.

Lol. What's a toilet paper? And do you have enough of it?

>Iran is hotter
Tehran, 15 degrees Celsius
Mumbai, 32 degrees Celsius

Admittedly, the WHO does state that humidity and temperate doesn't affect virus transmissions
>From the evidence so far, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather.

But it's just hard to believe that somewhere like India, which is blisteringly hot and humid (unlike Iran), can still get a virus that would otherwise be killed off at such climates.

Africa only has 1,400 cases as well...

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this. the same reason africa has low numbers or no infected at all.

The coronavirus has to contend with everything other virus and bacteria in them.

based and bidetpilled

inb4 new superstrain of shigellosis poo germ wipes out india

no joke probs a stronger immune system than the west

>Mistakes were made.

Virus is trying hard.


>Where are the bodies then faggots?

Floating in the Ganges?

Seething amerifarts.
suck on it losers, we're on our way to akhand bharat and you guys won't exist by the end of this year.
kek kys amerifarts.

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I almost died of maleria (age 19 years) once but I eventually recovered and mosquitos can no longer use me to spread it.

I also almost died of Cholera (age 8 months) and typhoid (age 12 years). Lets hope my luck hasn't ran out LMAO.

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I think we need to address the fact that Persian girls are way sexier than poo girls and are legit waifu material. Trump's policies horrifyingly ignore this indisputable fact.

>Where are the bodies then faggots?
Your holy men are currently eating them

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