Brit/pol/ - Corona Text Edition

>UK adjusts to life under tight new restrictions

>Mobile networks send 'stay at home' text

>Sadiq Khan warns 'stop Tube travel or more will die'

>Sports Direct U-turns on opening after backlash

>Wetherspoon boss suggests staff get a job at Tesco

>Pandemic is 'accelerating', WHO warns as cases pass 300,000

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I own this thread now

First for are Mozza

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you swords are not going to stop bazza hurtling down a hall way with a crow bar

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>Boris allows leaving isolation to batter Chinks and coof on darkies

What's Rishi gonna say lads

>Coronavirus: Thieves steal oxygen from Manchester hospital
>Coronavirus: Essex school burgled and all food stolen
>Three women arrested after stolen food found in Wickford
>The looting begins: Shocking moment gang of thugs smash doors of south London Sainsbury's after raiding store for alcohol


I still haven't got my "stay at home" text so I reckon I'm good to go out

I am the bazza

> The former editor of The Times, Sir Simon Jenkins, recently listed these unfulfilled scares: bird flu did not kill the predicted millions in 1997. In 1999 it was Mad Cow Disease and its human variant, vCJD, which was predicted to kill half a million. Fewer than 200 in fact died from it in the UK.
>The first Sars outbreak of 2003 was reported as having ‘a 25 per cent chance of killing tens of millions’ and being ‘worse than Aids’. In 2006, another bout of bird flu was declared ‘the first pandemic of the 21st Century’.
>There were similar warnings in 2009, that swine flu could kill 65,000. It did not. The Council of Europe described the hyping of the 2009 pandemic as ‘one of the great medical scandals of the century’. Well, we shall no doubt see.
>But while I see very little evidence of a pandemic, and much more of a PanicDemic

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Mancs and southerners need to be gassed

Just start some Norf FC chants and he will recognise you as an ally.

Shit is gunna go real very soon. I always said the "economy" was a meme and didn't reflect the real standards of most of those who werent boomer retirees or outside the South East. Either Boris does a U turn soon or there will be literal riots over food.

just realised it's tuesday wtf

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>>Mobile networks send 'stay at home' text
Three's pajeets haven't sent me my text yet.

Funny how they got from "We do nothing" to "We total lockdown now"

>peter, you're on fire!
>no I'm not.

He's right but the wheels have been set in motion now and there is gigantic societal pressure to go along with it. Until all the teachers and council workers on paid leave get the Wetherspoons treatment.

it will when he runs into the point and becomes a norfman kebab

Its the corona virus fault that 40 hours a week doesn't always cover the food bills

Its the corona virus fault I pay bank charges when I can’t cover the bills

Its the corona virus fault my rents gone up again

It's the corona virus fault my youngest couldn't get into the local school

It's the corona virus fault I’ll never own a home

It's the corona virus fault my eldest still live at home past their teens

It's the corona virus fault the kid got stabbed in the park the other night

It's the corona virus fault my parents couldn't see a doctor for 6 weeks

It's the corona virus fault I cant find them good social care

it's the corona virus fault the main road into town is congested every morning

Its the corona virus fault I spend fifty five pounds on train tickets each week

>Its the corona virus fault

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EE just sent me one. Joke's on them. I am an essential worker.

Holy fuck you're right it feels like a monday

I just got mine from three. The Mrs hasn't got hers from vodafone yet.
It was pretty underwhelming desu.

Why does Hitch care? Shut down has given him more of his so called “conservative” agenda than anything else in living memory. He should care it and be enjoying the new paradigm that will come out from the other wide.

He’s “Achuktually” personified

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Hitchens is truly the original Ron Paul. If only people listened.

We're just keeping up with the science

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not really everyone knows they were buying time

Its why everyone still panic shopped

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I got it at around 8 from Three, wonder if their network will go down again today like it did yesterday

he is just going to crow bar your teeth

you can't cut through a crow bar, this isn't one of your animes

bollocks. the message has changed like the wind. its easy to be clear sighted with retrospect. Boris is clealy adapting to mainland Europe numbers by the day.

More like Sunday

I got it from EE about an hour ago.

Here you go m8 hope this keeps you alive

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imagine being such a pampered weakling that you see working class people as basically invincible orks

What happens when the pajeets go on lockdown? There will be no customer service for anything.

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I'll chuck a greggs roll on the floor or the back page of the sun and chop his neck off when he goes down to pick it up

All Universal Credit meetings and appointments have been cancelled for the next 3 months
Anyone who applies who wasn't in a job previously, aka neets and students, will be automatically classed as self-quarantining and get UC.


>Trudging back over pebbles and sand
>And a strange dust lands on your hands
>And on your face
saw are Mozza live ten days ago, feels like last century now

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>Sadiq Khan warns 'stop Tube travel or more will die'
1 week prior
>khan says "no risk" of people catching coronavirus while traveling on buses and trains in the capital,

you can NOT allow this incompetent lying clown be re-elected bongs

This guy gets it

Leave the phone and any networkable devices at home innit

Trump made a 'just a flu' post one day before banning travel from Europe.

The two advisers are morons who undercut their own message every other sentence. Chris Whitty tells you to stay inside for your own protection while at the same saying it's nothing to worry about and even if you get it you'll be fine. That Vallance twat says he's modelling based on what Italy did and didn't do, all the while the Italian government is saying they wish they acted sooner to contain it. I hope they are both unable to buy toilet paper.

>Peter, my son. You have believed in me and now you are rewarded with eternal life.
>No, I do not believe in you.

[insert "intelligent" comment about 1984 here]

that's why you won't see me in a hallway

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Funny how Boris and England are copying the EU plan on handling this now. Are you guys sure you don't want to be in the EU? You might as well be by how you are acting. Literally no difference.

Its not about invincibility, its about the fact they can do things without a 2nd thought

you might second guess yourself about killing a man

bazza won't think about it killing you, he just wants to smash your jaw in

to defeat the norfman you must first know the norfman

UK_gov.exe has just altered and updated the settings of your phone. If you opened the message you’re now listed as ‘active’ and now paired to GCHQ location tracking

lmao, there's gunna be HUNDREDS of thousands of self employed signing on from now, fuck me we are watching the real time collapse of the economy. I can see Boris doing a Trump next week and calling it a nothingburger. At this point he has to.

Yeah, I don't have expectations of fuckwits at the best of times, now they'll have more bullshit to add to the excuses about how they are the perpetually innocent and not responsible victims of society

>tfw already on ESA and DLA
Why don't I get extra NEETbux this is a fucking outrage.

should have banned travel when they had the chance

i've got a dumbphone and haven't received this.
based dumbphones

To be fair, corona *is* an immigrant.

he’s a libertarian

Would that stop a burning wheelie bin being hurled at you?


Trying it now

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No more Tim walks until Coronavirus is over...

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LWCRA and SDP master race here. The NEETS will inherit the wastelands.

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They'll send some of those self deleting virus texts lol

hitchens isn't a libertarian you mong


Never forget!

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Thank you.

How very.....christian and not at all very....jewish

Even if they banned personal travel too and from China in January, people would be REEEing about the economic impact over 'the flu'. There's no winning.

>he’s a libertarian
Steve Baker called himself one in the Commons yesterday. And did so during tears while calling for the government to impose its tyranny on us all.

>what will win, zero impulse-control monkey aggression or decades of pent-up autist rage waiting for an excuse?
>there's only one way to find out!

Been reading Blindness by Saramago since morning and I'm nearly done with it. Pretty proud of myself for nearly finishing a 300 page book in one day. I could probably get this thing read by afternoon or tea.

They are using it as a carrot to get everyone on the stick that is UC, they **really* want everyone on UC


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I've got like a 8 year old phone and I just got it with three

Oh bull fucking shit, the UK could pay all citizens 10k Pounds a month for 50 years and not run of capital.

recession is a euphemism for enormous transfer of government money (i.e. your money) to private banks and business
so business as usual

Just got my text

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it'd be better than this

do you think because i dont like khan, i like trump, or boris?
I detest the lot of them at this point.
Tho khan is one of the most detestable because he a blatant globalist traitor that's dont nothing good for London.

come on Norfs lets get back to skegness its a facking lurverly day!

Just get on the universal credit webpage nigger

Create account, put in details.

He's completely right and they're making a huge mistake with the Act.

Live in a town of like 15k people, went to the post office and you wouldn't know it was a quarantine,everybody is out and about like usual in the town centre.

Yep. Gone full S Korea. Fuck the virus, at this stage most of the country is going to be reliant on the govt for money. If that stops, literal overthrow. There's only so long the populace can be bailed out, and that's not taking into account all the disruption to supply, customer service etc.

I was going to sign up today anyway. My work contract is only 4 hours a week so even if the government gives me 80% of that like they said they would, it's fucking peanuts.

In reality there are no real libetarians in our political scene. Perhaps bxp/nige/old ukip came closest

Wagie wagie get in cagie

hitchens opposes big state

lol. Wait till it hits you, Jann.

Boris is dipping into the billions we've got saved in war reserves


bail out the public this time. it would be more stimulating to "muh economy"

>just heard my neighbor coofing
fuck lads...
virus is closing in on me :(

niggers the lot of them

Fucking lightsabre techniques and shit.


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Look I'm just saying the UK is supremely wealthy, there's a reason 90% of UK flags here are probably shitskins.

go shadow box for 5 min and see how unfit you are

then imagine gaz and baz who worked construction and you swinging a sword

if i get the text i'll have to take a pic of my phone with my laptop camera to show it you all lmao

>I'll chuck a greggs roll on the floor

All Greggs are shut. Looks like you're norfman's manflesh now.

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Yeah the time for edgy right wing takes on what constitutes a recession is over user. This is getting serious.

If you’re hourly but work has stopped is applying for universal credit still the right move?

It’s ok, we’ll borrow from Rothschilds at 2000%


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