Three Seas General - Only member states

Do you guys support this? What are your thoughts on it in general?

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Other urls found in this thread:ád_Group

Bump with good overview:

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I am more Visegrad fanád_Group

but always for alliance with Croatia Bros

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Interesting take:

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Im more of a Danubian Federation with a Monarchy fan.

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It seems like its almost the same thing, just 3seas is disguised as "economical project" and smaller for now.
Im worried that it might be used as tool by US to divide Europe so its easier for them to dominate...
Building north-south infrastructure is great though. Highways, pipelines etc

Thats our secret world domination project, be quiet bro

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Nice, temporary-not-Russia countries meeting. Hello, how are you doing?

lmao i knew it was a croat. pathetic.

Based, but would prefer patrio-monarchy.

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Serb- Rapebaby go Liberate yourself like you always claim you liberated us with Jewslavia.

Whats that?

Romania and Bulgaria have no right to participate in European affairs.
Fuck Hungary. They've never done anything for anybody, and they have nothing to offer.
A corridor from the Baltics to the Adriatic would be cool tho.

Add Serbia, Greece, and moldova.

>Fuck Hungary. They've never done anything for anybody
While they were the main problem why Austria-Hungary wasnt able to federalise, currently they are one of those that are protecting European Culture.

>Steals italy's med supplies.
Nothing personal bro.

Memeflags have no right to say anything on Yas Forums.

that wouldn't make sense.
Moldova is a literal toilet, not in the EU, and has no coast.
Serbia doesn't get along with the nations currently in the initiative, and they don't bring anything to the table. Also no coastline and not in EU.
Greece is on the Med which is besides the point of this.

Also, this is a real thing. The countries are already defined.

What do you think, is Russia threatened by this initiative?
Why? I just wanna hear peoples toughs on this semi important political movement, try to be mature please.
yeah, what is patrio-monarchy?
please show flag in this thread, lets keep it somewhat constructive.
threadxit please

I'm up for it if the (((other))) members contain their autism over land claims hundreds of years old, or atleast unite Visegrad group with Craiova group. Would be better than any EU.

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Sure, good luck. Just don't make the same mistakes as the EU.
Don't allow the apparatchiks to become your rulers.

My amateurish take:
Infrastructure development
connectivity of east europe north south axis
50 mega projects
over 500 billion euro worth of projects for the region

Large investors might dominate the agenda
US or Germany want to pump money into it to dominate agenda.
Geopolitical, not economical, there to divide, not unite.
Might trigger Russia into desperate move and backfire.
If EU falls apart and Germany and Russia decide to be buddies it will be a wedge and maybe conflict.

>fantasy hopes
They do try to use use, but we take their gibz (we are good at that) without doing what they want.
There is conflict but we BTFO Germans and take over Europe, now europe is based like East europe and we kick out fags.
Now we btfo russians too if they dont join willingly.
World domination from Krakov.
Squatting mandatory during anthem!

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It's when only men can lead the people. Unlike in a normal monarchy, where also women such as Queen Elisabeth II or Empress Maria-Theresia.

Good thing about us 2 is that we are building terminal to sell your gas through our sea, so we will both make more money via cucking Russian gas.

based, but can we add a clause that if he is under 100IQ he is not allowed to rule?

well if we're resorting to Yas Forums rules, check the digits of my post you Roman orphan larping as a Dacian practicing Slavic witchcraft in the shadow of a Greek church that was originally an Ottoman mosque but is now mainly used as a gypsy portapotty in a backwards, vampire believing mountain village so irrelevant that even Hungarians punch down on it.

What is this? Never heard of it, are you sure this is anything more then a symbolic "cooperation"?

You are a jew.

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>What do you think, is Russia threatened by this initiative?
No. It's a symbolic anti-Russian move at most, so business as usual.

It's a total meme.

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Yea but like that almost never happend, like there was only one Habsburg ruler that was Female aka Maria Theresa.
Thats because the crown always goes first to the son, or 2nd son.... never to the female.
The female only get the crown if the main family has a daugheter, or it goes to the current king cousin, brother... You know the had to had put Maria theresa as the leader as if they didnt the current family line whould have gone exstinc on the male part.
And legaly her husband was still Kaiser.

fuck no

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3 seas is more than symbolic cooperation. Its big, when Trump got elected, first thing he did in Europe was fly to Poland and give speech on 3seas and pumped money into it, also supported it while cucking EU. Its big one.
Central European Defence Cooperation is more symbolic though, but, the amount of people who are for return of Austro Hungarian empire and Habsburgs is surprisingly high bellow the surface.

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wait what is this? a firefox extension?
does it actually work?

All countries luster herę, except Austria and Slovenia, are shit tier both economically and mentaly. /thread

(((America))) is pumping money into it? Feels bad man. Revival of the monarchy on the other hand, I could get on that bandwaggon.

going by this logic urban development will continue to spread and where is it needed most? well in area of 3 seas actually.
That is what they want to do, make north south infrastructure so it will look like a developed grid like in west europe.
Where there is no potential to grow (already developed) there is no money, what do you invest in to grow your money when it already done? So capital will go where it can grow, and that is east.

We want in or Russian icbms go up, we invade Kosovo and Bosnia, launch missles at the rest of you faggots and destabilize this whole region for decades to come. I'm not playin

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yes and it converts your flag to star of david

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You're wrong. Our countries continue to grow and once the (((West)) is overwhelmed with sandniggers and covid-19 we will prosper.

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>US supports it
Oh so it's some kike scheme.

Would it use Interslavic as a substitute for English?

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Ok, this is actually a very good point.
This movement must be very alarming for Serbia. Defiantly a stabilizing factor for the reason...but what can Serbia actually do?
Russia is far away, serbs are landlocked...who can it ally with in the region?
Well only 1 big power with interest in balkans.
so this might push serbs into turk arms again, sad.
Here we see Serb PM praising Murat (ottoman who conquered serbia)
Here is Serb minister singing for erdogan while some muslim mufti gives him 100e tip (humiliating, they should kill that mufti)

Dont take this as me bashing serbs, just politics, they are playing the hand they are dealt.

Yes they do, big time.
This might be why Also here is Trumps first speech in Europe:

We are all poliglots so we can use whatever we want, unlike angosphere where their brain can only handle 1 language matrix, thats why they are not creative at all.

But yeah, noone will use english, slavs can understand each other super easy.

Why is everyone hating on russia?
All they do is selling us gas, eat borscht and visit for skiing trips.

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Of course. Usually, monarchs have many children, anyway, so if one is of sub-100IQ, it won't matter. I also propose a concept of the Roman Empire, where no architectural building can be built without the public's permission through exhibitions and votes; let's perhaps apply it to other points, such as education and cultural matters.

personally I dont hate them. I would rather we have europe+russia alliance against US kikes.

I think the issue is because pipelines and infrastructure is east-west and it can be cut off by russians and they have to much power over those ex soviet countries, so they want to make them more self sufficient by connecting them north-south - pic related
>Defiantly a stabilizing factor for the reason.
type error, i mean its not a stabilizing factor for the region.

PM praising murat:

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>without the public's permission through exhibitions and votes
lets define public as land owning males though

>Well only 1 big power with interest in balkans. TURKEY
Nah, all our companies are owned by either Russians, Italians or Germans, most of our weapons come from Russia, we're practically an EU/Russian colony.

And also that drunk moron sings with everyone. Here's him singing to Putin:
And with a Greek minister:

Intermarium will be landlocked like on my map
Czechia, Austria, Poland, Romania and Ukraine

Green - Euro Russian Federation
Brown - Bundesimperium
Orange - Mediterranean Union

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So you dont think that if 3 seas does not include Serbia you will spite us with Turkey and wreck the whole thing by applying pressure on its Balkan borders?

If I read one more user call бopщ 'borscht', I'll lose it. There is no T in borsch.
Obviously. Personally, I'd also like to put women back in the kitchen, based on many studies that say that women are happier at home with their children, and the good side effect would be that they stay away from, like you wrote, public matters. Female voting rights were a mistake, anyway.

In your map, how long would a tank take from intermarium to moscow? Looks like it would be to close to risk it in that north european flat terrain, Russia would just swallow it if those are the borders.

>Russia would just swallow it if those are the borders
that's the only way Russia will allow it to exist

Suck it homo, I dont speak ausländisch and I dont care too

So whats the point then, just draw russia borders like it was soviet union then, but that is unlikely.
Also why would anyone want to be landlocked in 2020s...better to be on 3 seas imo

I just don't see that happening, more likely is that we are included in some way in the deal which satisfies EU/Vucic and doesn't piss of Russians.

Personally Id rather put you guys in, but then when I think hard, it all looks like a kike scheme to divide european people, so then I actually want you to be out and ruin it kek

>So whats the point
to have a couple of jew puppet states

Im thinking 3 seas is also that in a sense...
Like austrian anons said, best thing would be based monarchy. I would even go further and make it an empire, 3 ocean empire.

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Hyperborea 2.0

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Sei froh, dasst einstweiln nur mit Russisch und Englisch ztuan host und ned mit Kebabdialekt.