Yas Forums BTFO BY BILL COOPER!!!!!!

>What role does Israel play in all of this?

>Israel was created as the instrument to bring about the battle of Armageddon and the fulfillment of prophecy. A war that will be so terrible, nuclear weapons will be used, so that the American citizens and the people of the world will get down on their knees and beg for no more war. And what is the answer to that? They are going to be told the only way we can guarantee no more war is if we destroy the sovereignty of nations and come together as one humanity in a one world Government.

>Hmm.. right...

>Babylon is in Iraq, read the book of Revelation whether you believe in it or not. Read it because the men who are bringing this about are using it as their script.

>Well, the UN did indeed charter Israel as a sovereign nation. They are the ones who created it.

>Israel was really created by Great Britain and the United States with the United States being the major instigant.

>Okay, so was the real Jewish people were then being manipulated into believing it was for some other reason?

>That's correct. And I still get people who come to me all the time and go "Bill, you're all wrong its the Jews! The Jews are subverting the world!" Man, its not the Jews, its not the Catholics, its not the Blacks, its these men who belong to the ancient mystery schools, who meet in secret and decide the fate of the world. And they belong to all different nationalities, all different races and all different religions to the public point of view, but in secret, its another story (luciferian).


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Other urls found in this thread:


And this is coming from a guy who was 100% redpilled on the protocols, and even published the entire protocols of zion in his book which was redacted after he was shot dead for telling everyone 9/11 would happen before it happened.

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>Meme flag
So it's the Jews

I wish this tubby duck hadn't been so goddamn preachy. He'd spend fucking hours quoting scripture, until the point of whatever the fuck it may've been became utterly pointless. I also wish he had admitted that the Jews ARE THEIR OWN ETHNICITY. Sorry Billy, they have their own culture, their own genetic markers, they are their own fucking ethnicity.
>It's just a religion!!!
No Billy, shut up


They just use it as a powerplay to larp as 'religious jews' when in reality they are strict transhumanist atheists aka luciferian, and humanism isn't about a single ethnicity. Judging by you getting upset over scripture, you can't seem to admit that its ATHEISTS that are the problem because you are one.

Who cares about that dead boomer

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Turn off your meme flag.

Babylon is America and we are gonna get surprise nuked by Russia/China/Iran alliance

Not an atheist, bit do have some contempt for organized religion. Thanks Catholicism and Jehovah's Witnesses. What a larping over-dramatic waste of fucking time. If it works for you, great. I can't fucking stand people who quote scripture and look at you like they just enlightened you by reading some desert ramblings that barely translate to English. Half the time they don't even know wtf it means, most die-hard religious people tend to be not so bright.

>bit do have some contempt for organized religion
Then why so much hate for Bill? He literally gave an entire speech bashing organized religion. He hated organized religion, but saw Jesus as the ultimate truth teller.

He literally starts that video by saying "Am I attacking the church? You better believe it."

For some reason, probably saw it in a thread last night, I fell asleep listening to Cooper. Woke up to a 45 minute shovel, nothing but scripture, felt like I was listening to a sermon at fucking church. Shitbag way to start the day. I'm off to work. Have a nice day. God bless and all that happy shit.

Yeah, autocorrect, that's what I meant.

that's right goy, you owe us reparations for your zionist schemes

Unless you're dense and missed it, he could never outright come out and say "it's the fuckin' jews" for obvious reasons.
He called them out in every way he could without getting completely dismissed by everyone.
It just so happens that 99.999% of those welding power in the highest cabals are jewish. Bill knew that. when he says "it's not the jews", all he's doing is placing more focus on them as the root of all this.

>he could never outright come out and say "it's the fuckin' jews" for obvious reasons.
No, you're the dense one. Bill made his entire career on exposing the Illuminati and Mystery Babylon (which was his best work) and it goes far beyond the "Its the jews!".

Bill viewed the JQ as a psyop. He published the entire protocols in his book and prefaced it by saying that although it was accurate, it was released with Illuminati misinformation. He said you should replace "goyim" with "cattle", "zion" with "sion" and "Jews" with "Illuminati" if you really want a 100% accurate reading when reading the protocols.

3 hours of his Mystery Babylon series was dedicated to exposing Hitler's role in the NWO and how the Nazis never actually lost and moved to America through Project Paperclip to begin phase 3 of the NWO process (through NASA and space) to usher in the "1000 year of peace" aka the 1000 year reich. He claimed every war including WW2 was staged and Hitler was a useful puppet by the elite who was funded by many masons including Prescott Bush.

Theres a video of him arguing with a Nazi Yas Forumstard on youtube and he shits on Hitler and shits on the white supremacist for being so bluepilled.

Memeflag faggot.

Chuck Schummer has been the most hated man in America for like 30 years

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I for one welcome our Chinese, Russian, and Iranian liberators from ZOG oppression.

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Iran and Russia are part of the NWO long-con game.


jewdeisim is what ancient luciferianisim became

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> memeflag
> disinfo shill
> dindu nuffins

How the fuck was that EVER published?

bill is right but Yas Forums will never be convinced that it's not just the jews

but that's literally the jewish prophecy. gog and magog. jewish messiah will come, then there will be a big war, and then israel will become the head of the world government and they will rule the world.

bill cooper was just too brainwashed with post ww2 propaganda to consider it being the jews

>'religious jews' when in reality they are strict transhumanist atheists aka luciferian
what do you think a jew is? that's exactly what jews are you dopehead. Jews don't believe in heaven and hell, they dont believe the old testament stories happen, they believe god is transgender but also that he doesnt really exist.

why do you think jesus was so upset with the pharisees and sadducees?

You're right, it's just a coincidence. They are merely over-represented by dint of having such high IQs.

and jesus called the jews the synagogue of satan, multiple times

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rabbinical judaism is a mystery school religion. what the fuck do you think the talmud and zohar is? zohar is pretty much literally mystery religion incorporated into judaism

cooper was right about hitler though, nazism is a controlled opposition psyop to discredit all opposition to jewry

russia is run by jews, just like america. the russian oligarchs that you hear about are jews. youtube.com/watch?v=B8MQ4lHsxwg

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its not "the jews" but the people he talks about just happen to be predominantly jewish

Okay, so what are the links/circumstantial evidence/whatever that he drew the conclusion that the Jews aren't the bottom of the rabbit hole but a decoy? And if it's all true why don't the Jews release this information to save themselves?

Could Yas Forums be allowed to exist because we all believe that the bottom of the rabbit hole is Jews when it is really some illusive group that can't seem to be identified by any means? Sure. But what is there that he knew that we don't? Where's the fucking evidence!

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Only nupol and glowniggers dont like Cooper

bump for my boy cooper, even though we was a bit of a scrub on the occult

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I'll buy into that there are a small circle of people controlling everything at the top with no specific religious leanings. It's just that Jews, as an ethnicity, seem to be constitutionally predisposed to hold those roles. They're smart, and the way they think is as foreign to the average person as it would be trying to relate to a fucking space alien. Who the fuck comes up with fiat currency, usury, fractional reserve banking etc... abnormal and evil people. Call it whatever you like, a survivalist culture... bla bla... it's warped... it's most easily described as jew-think. The need for power, the likes of which it is in practice, impossible for one person to wield. So....

That is what Bill was talking about when he said real Jews are being fooled.

The Illuminati atheists Synagogue of Satan fake Jews (the one world communists) are ushering in the antichrist for the real Jews and the real Jews will think this figure is their real Messiah. The ones who are doing it all don't actually believe in a Messiah, they are not religious Jews, they are humanist atheists. They are merely larping in order to usher in this Messiah to fool real Jews into accepting the Antichrist who will then turn around and destroy all religions including Judaism and bring about the one world government with the one world religion (luciferianism).

>some desert ramblings that barely translate to English.
“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding"
i went through a "fuck religion!" phase as well only recently getting out of it myself. was raised catholic myself. there's a lot of truth in the bible (especially from jesus himself), and all religious texts.

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But you are wrong about the head, Jerusalem will be destroyed in the process, that is the goal of the Illuminati. They make real Jews a target by larping as them, which is part of the plan.

The one world system will be headed by Rome/Vatican.

>actually believing ~.2% of the global population controls the earth for hundreds - thousands of years alone and with paper monopoly money
>there hasnt been a real holocaust
its insanity, really.

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i think he was right about a lot of things but theres still a part of me that says he was part of the same coin he opposed.

>Theres a video of him arguing with a Nazi Yas Forumstard on youtube and he shits on Hitler and shits on the white supremacist for being so bluepilled.
and its a great one, dude hangs himself

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Don't disagree. And I see that it does work for some people. Just not me. After all the fights, beatings, being whipped with a belt, my parents splitting up, a couple kidnappings, car chases across state lines, the police getting involved... around age 12 I said NAH, FUCK YOURSELVES.

>45 minute shovel, nothing but scripture
im assuming it wasnt one of his radio shows? he preferred to limit bible talk so im curious what you were listening to. some scripture has a place however. i often use it these days and i dont belong to any religion

Cooper ran a newspaper for a while. with the editorial being by him, im assuming this is from one of his issues.

Finally. Peace on earth.


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persistence wears down resistance. its a lot of cognitive dissonance, really and not realizing theyre getting played as well. the people truly pulling the strings are master-tier social engineers

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Isnt it interesting that you can find massive amounts of Bill Coopers work on jew tube still
What happened to all of the Michael Collins Piper videos?
Why are they all censored to fuck?
David Irvings videos...barely any left
Look at all these Q tards....not censored at all
Always the same nonsense
Its not the jews guys....no matter how many jews impeach the President, Own MSM, are Hollywood pedos, cry for open borders, push for communism, etc etc

Nope its the Nazi Vatican Free Mason bla bla bla...no matter how many jews help control those institutions

Lol...fuck you kike

you want some real over-representation? look at members of the secret societies and ancient fraternities. many of which happen to be members of the CFR/Trilateral Commision/Bilderbergs, etc..

those who CALLED themselves jews, but are not. aka, the euro larpers hiding behind the jews (rothschild and friends).

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i think it's likely the jews are a foil
rothschilds = vatican bankers
red shield
roman shield

Isn't it interesting that Bill Cooper wasn't shot dead... oh wait.

So the stuff they say makes no sense, yet you assume they're the stupid ones? OK.

>whole world bows to muh jews because monopoly money
>there hasnt been a real holocaust to just slaughter the small population of people and take over
right, totally makes sense to me. rome, aka the vatican, all the thugs in russia, america, china etc... all completely going along with it all.. give me a break

a shield that when you attack it, it grows stronger

technically true, but they are now predominantly jewish.

Interesting, didn't know Behold a Pale Horse was redacted that way. Saved.

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

Prove to me he is dead...once a spook always a spook

>its these men who belong to the ancient mystery schools, who meet in secret and decide the fate of the world. And they belong to all different nationalities, all different races and all different religions to the public point of view, but in secret, its another story (luciferian).

It's actually just the Jews.

Globalist Jews
Lesser Jews
Lesser lesser Jews

All Jews are fine with the pecking order, even if they get burnt, because in the end...they get to be Jews.

You bet it's okay. If you can't explain what a bible verse means, why are you quoting it?

Kek. If there were intelligent people behind the shadows fulfilling some prophecy or religious teaching, they would use extremely old books.

Older than the epic of Gilgamesh. Not some 2000 years old kike book

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>the way they think is as foreign to the average person as it would be trying to relate to a fucking space alien
many groups think this way. look at cops these days with the massive us vs them mentality growing. other secret societies also keeps secrets, will always benefit that of a brother over another and work together. it helps, in the case of the jews, to believe in muh holocaust thinking everyones out to kill you. makes hammering that "us vs them" mentality in a non effort. to think its the jews is no different than nigger mentality, everyone else dindu nuffin. everyone else just HAD to go along for hundreds+ years. total fucking cop-out. all religion is destined to be stamped out. muslim world and israel are to destroy each other

what is a red herring?

- The political parties are completely controlled and were controlled by the same group, for decades
- There are groups like the CFR, that recruit people, indoctrinate them and then place them into positions of power. 80% of the administration is often from these groups.
- There are groups like the CFR and trilateral in every country. Australia, China, Europe, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico. They take over the governments by subversion and the public does not even know.
- The corporate owned media is in on this and does not talk about the upper level politics. There are three levels of politics above the public governments, then there is secret society network on the side, which is information exchange for the rich people.
- Bilderbergs, Davos is for business leaders and to get their buy in. There are multiple groups to get business leader buy in
- There is a network of NGOs, tied into oil interests that are absolutely sociopathic. They fund Palestine terror groups to do attacks and then fund the NGOs that protest the Israeli response to the attacks.
- When Rockefeller Standard Oil monopoly was shut down, it moved off shore and still operates today. There is an interlocking financial ownership structure that is blatantly obvious. They control multiple non-profits and NGOs. They bought into banks like Chase bank and City of London, to move profits offshore and escape taxation and regulation. Once the money flows were transnational, they could not be traced and ownership was obscured. Oil pipeline wars. Mass genocide, assassinations, overthrowing governments to maintain network. This group has most money/power because they have direct or indirect global control over the energy resources required for industrial civilization.

what is a red herring?

- There is an anglo saxon financial network out of City of London, that keeps trying to start a war between Israel and Iran and Iran and Iraq. Planned and carried out World War I and World War II. World War I to destroy industry in Europe and destroy railroads to preserve Basicly controls FED. Goldman Sachs and NY. Associated to the IMF/BIS network. British East Indies Company. Publishes all the anti-Semitic stuff. Hates Blacks, Jews and Catholics. Anglo Saxon race patriots. Closest group to global hegemony. Conquered Africa, India, China, America. Allied with oil interests, neocons and NGO network. Funded Bolsheviks to kill off Russian aristocracy, steal all of Russia's gold from Church and had it shipped to London. Overlaps with oil interests. Involved in every US presidential assassination.
- There is a group of anglo saxons WASP old money families in US, often called "Pilgrims Society", who took over the government by 1906 and used regulation and the court system to destroy their competitions. Medical cartel, Monsanto, FED, SEC. Interstate commerce commission.

- There is the Carlyle group and Wakenhut. This is the neo-con cluster. They are the ones who own and run the US nuclear weapon supply chain after it was privatized, own Sequoia Voting Systems, PROMIS scandal, private prison industry, Iran Contra, biological weapons, nukes in space.This group is related to but did not anthrax the senator opposing the Patriot Act.
- Defense Contractor Industry. Lockheed Martin (overlap with Carlyle group)
- Black Sheep New Money Families. Have no idea what is going on but are involved at level 2.
- The Israeli lobby. Jewish diaspora
- European Old Money Elites.

>those who CALLED themselves jews, but are not.
No, those who call themselves Judahites but are not. That is the jews. All of them. Edomite jews are no more Judahites than Khazar jews are.

what is a red herring?

- Together, there appear to be about 35 highly intermarried families that control about 80% of global production. There is a complex web of interlocking ownership and financial intermediaries, delegates and offshore financial holdings to evade governments. All of the corporations, industry, metal, steel, coal, gold, silver, manufacturing, oil, media. The Fortune 500. Ownership increased from 60% of EU/American economic production to 80%, since the 80s.
- Drug Money families. Prohibition, Heroin/Opium, soft drugs controlled by different racial/religious groups.
- China appears to be owned by 8 families, "The Eight Immortals" who nominate and control the Chinese party. The Chinese party committee appoints the lower party members and the lower party appoints the government and uses the party control of regulation to keep the businesses and districts under control. They are engineers, who lived through Mao and had difficult lives and guided China through a different transition. They did a very good job in China with economic development,. Their children are spoiled and corrupt and may end up destroying the country within two generations.
- French Aristocracy and Oil interests. 700 billion dollars a year. Still has colonies in Africa.
- CIA, oil/mineral/drug cartels/private army, PMC nexus. Pushed into private sector after 60s.
- groups like SJWs who started as controlled opposition groups, but gained their own resources and went on rampage. Autonomous political parties. Some crazy socialist groups with large membership here, who will wait for instability and then kill off opposition and seize power if allowed.

what is a red herring?

- pedophile networks. Hacked email servers in user ops, show that the majority of British Politicians appear to be members of pedogroups. The emails suggests that members are invited in first and then promoted to positions of political power later by other group members. Criminal activity or embarrassing rituals are often used to cement bonds between secret society members and this is normal.
- Euclidean/Pythagorean type study groups and secret science societies.
- BASF Chemical Cartel, Alcoa, Nazi industrialists. Hydra. Put fluoride in Americas water after the war, after effects validated in Jewish concentration camps.
- US military aristocracy. Christian. RAND corporation. Report From Iron Mountain. Technocracy. Logistics. Overlaps with Fortune 500 central planning groups. Protects US economic interests abroad. Reads Spengler. Cybernetics, Linear Algebra. Sane people with insane masters.

This is partial list of the gods.

>After all the..
your gonna blame religion to personal problems that have nothing to do with any of the religious teachings? haha, you really are like me. dont hold something else accountable for the fault of man. we have free will and use it for foolishness sometimes.

Its more than that though
Time and again they were persecuted in Europe for force converting their slaves as well
Do a search and you can find "jews" that look like gooks, niggers, street shitters and taco niggers all around the world.

The nation state is failing, because the countries which are not resilient to infiltration by non-state actors, pushing irrational economic and monetary polices, will simply be eliminated by Darwinian selection. The world can be thought of as a transnational cartel of competing parasites, that use bribery, infiltration and military force to infect and takeover countries and siphon off their resources and the mental and material prosperity of their populations.

We are seeing globalization and parasitic looting, go to its logical extreme. We will inevitable see the rise of authoritarian political and military leaders who - cut off global trade
- impose capital controls
- force industrialization through state guided investment
- execute or imprison business leaders responsible for poisoning populations
- protect local producers from foreign competitors
- ban foreign financial firms from siphoning off wealth from national economies
- reindustrialize and promote investment in machine tools and manufacturing sectors
- exile non-productive minorities, criminals and citizens which are a net drag upon society
- establish and enforce shared national values and a sense of shared community
- eliminate foreign control over currency and establish a sovereign monetary policy
- promote a strong work ethnic
- eliminate taxation and drags upon economic activity
- eliminate financialization and force investments into the real economy and economic production for export

The Fortune 500 works, by forcing open the country for trade and then a Fortune 500 company comes in and dumps goods in the local economy at lower prices, until the local producers are bankrupt or bought out. Then the Fortune 500 company is free to raise prices to any level and extract resources and labor from the conquered economy.

>no matter how many jews impeach the president

>own MSM
and yet america is in the throes of the Wiemar Republic 2.0. makes total sense to me how they somehow control everything but let it slip so far out of their hands that even the braindead liberals are getting on the "muh jews" bandwagon

>are hollywood pedos
are they the only pedos or something? is this a fucking joke? franklin, presidio, marc dutroux case, bush's, clinton's, brittish "royalty", list goes fucking on. tons of non jews involved

>cry for open borders
for about 100 years america as been being ripped apart to set the stage for a socialist takeover. the jews didnt do it alone

>push for communism
see above

>Nope its the Nazi Vatican Free Mason bla bla bla
except its all of the above, jews included. which is exactly the message cooper presents. came out hard against the ADL and exposed them, openly calls out jews when they are to be blamed, doesnt believe the holocaust.. you fucking idiots are so easily played if someone doesnt say "its the jews and only the jews!" they are shut down and ignored.. read more books and stop listening to pol for everything

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Bill Cooper was right about a lot of things, but about Jews, he was either playing a good boy, or simply too stupid to connect the obvious dots. Judaism is a cult, it is a mystery school, and it connects the entire hidden web of elite together.

Bill Cooper thought the Third Reich was the bad guys, so on some things he was dead wrong. He also did not have access to same information we do now.

Our generation hasn't been programmed and had their perspectives shaped from birth to believe in the myth of the "goodly jew"

One might argue that is untrue, but Yas Forums wouldn't exist in the way it does, in its many forms across the internet, if that weren't the case.

A jew is not a member of a race. They claim to be, but they aren't. Ashkenazi are Europeans with some sprinkles of Semitic lineage occasionally. Sephardi are majority Spanish.

To be a jew, is to be a member of a cult. An ideological, philosophical and POLITICAL cult. No different than say, Communism, and in some ways, National Socialism.

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Politics is completely irrelevant. The people on television are fake. They are distractions and ultimately anything or any information that does not lead to behavior change, is fake and will not have an effect on the world. What is real is
- changes in economic production technology
- changes in military tactics, doctrine. factions. distribution of economic and military power. Nuclear, biological, radiological weapons, death automation, sensor networks, meta data tracking, identify->track->kill loops.
- We are entering a world within ten years, where anyone can kill anyone with aflatoxin loaded biometric guided nano drones and there will be no ability to identify attacks or trace them back to the attacker. The number of ways of deniably killing or assassinating opponents is increasing and the proliferation of the technologies cannot be stopped and will filter down to lowest level.
- At the same time killing is being individualized and automated on a massive scale, there are military scenarios that could result in death of 500 million from biological, space and nuclear attacks. The destabilization of Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran is just beginning of a larger invisible global war. South East Asia, China, Russia, Iran, Israel may be next.

- The proliferation of these weapons is going threaten people in the third world and the elite of the elite in the western world. Nuclear weapons, ICBM missiles and weapons that required billions of dollars, enhanced the power of the elite and nation state. Drones, E&M, biological weapons and the new generation is going to reduce threshold for the elite to begin killing each other. There are billionaires in Russia that have their own armies, security services and live in mansion fortresses and they cannot even survive when targeted by mid level groups with last gen tech.

- We are going from assassination with knives. close range hand gun. throwing people off building, "suiciding them". to sniper/long ranged rifle. gangland slayings. heart attack gun to stop heart. To insect sized $10 drones with needle delivering nano gram payload that will kill target three weeks later.

- At the high end, you have NSA collecting DNA of political leaders according to wikileaks cable and emerging tech such as synthetic biology and custom biological weapons tailored to targets immune system. Generals, political leaders, business men are just going to be hunted down and eliminated. There is realistically, nothing governments can do to protect their citizens. When they start seeing this, people will change their behavior and begin to adapt volumetric warfare defensive strategies (living in domes, enclosed communities, enclosed in-door car ports, network security, layered defense zones, compartmentalization of offices, electromagnetic shielding to isolate volumetric warfare devices from command and control). In the middle ages, the wealthy lived in castles, fortresses and only left under heavy armed guard and we are returning to that.

The way war is waged has completely changed. Today war is "full spectrum". World War III began with 9/11 and is perpetual. There is no victory condition, no enemy, no objective and the end will not be within our life times. The war is being fought along a fifth generation doctrine and does not look like a "war" to the public, but is a new type of warfare. Hundreds of million of people may be displaced. Two billion may die of famine in some scenarios.

The war is corporate, with all intelligence, weapon system and operations increasingly being pushed into the private sector. All of the nuclear, biological, space weapons, drones, NSA have been moved into the private sector. As long as there is money and humans on earth, the war will continue.

"full spectrum warfare"
- weather weaponization
- vaccine weaponization
- water weaponization
- food weaponization
- space weaponizatoin
- biological weaponization
- cognitive / psychological warfare
- economic warfare
- binary nano/bio
- chemical
- biological
- electromagnetic
- radiological
- nuclear
- kinetic
- volumetric
- memetic

>muh right left paradigm
about as bluepilled as it gets, user.

>It's actually just the Jews.
hey can you help me out with a problem i cant get over with this shit? how come all the psychopaths of the world bow down to such a small population? you really think monopoly money is enough? why hasnt there been a real holocaust and others just taken over?

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>why would they be going off some book they rewrote themselves?
>heh what idiots
brilliant post user