Millions died and you bigots argue about whether it was 4 or 6 million, how the bodies were destroyed, and how they were executed.
Don't you understand millions of Jews come from Holocaust survivors?
Oh, but you probably don't believe anything your Grandmother tells you either.
Why do you faggots deny the Holocaust?
Other urls found in this thread:
The ones who try too deny it tooth and nail still have Hitlers dick up their ass.
Cause it's the only historical event that's illegal to deny you utter fucking mong.
fuckin' nazi scumbag antisemites
So thousands of inmates just marched naked into gas chambers knowing they would die?
They watched hundreds die and just walked into chambers to be gassed?
You really think this happened?
Jews are such horrible cowards that they didn't try to overpower the guards?
They traded possible death for certain death?
So how do such cowards control the fate of nations?
This is what the goym did to us in the Shoah
For anyone still on the fence about if the holocaust was real or not. This will settle it once and for all. The best documentary there is.
I don't know about you guys, but I think Nazis are the worst. Star Trek is the future.
Where are the bodies?
stop the hate antisemite
holocaust is fake news
can't fucking wait
What hate?
Just asking how the jews were forced into certain death?
What kind of coercion do you need to get people to commit suicide by willfully marching into a death machine?
Not only a small group, but SIX MILLION did this.
A group of airline passengers knowing they were going to die stormed the hijackers when it became clear they would die and the plane crashed in Pennysylvania. Why didn't the jews do this?
It's amazing that people think this is possible.
literally no one cares about the holocaust anymore
Watch The narrative is that it was gas chambers disguised as shower rooms.
> argue about whether it was 4 or 6 million
so now suddenly the numbers don't matter anymore?
Oh, so When Morty Schlossenberg, sees Rubin Bergblattz go take a "shower" and never come back, he's not at all suspicious?
So you suspend your disbelief by not only thinking jews are helpless cowards, but they're also dimwits?
It was 1,500,000 armenians.
becuz ur a mutt?
You're not supposed to ask questions. That's what the myth depends upon. And most people don't, you're supposed to feel bad about questioning it.
You again JIDF?
Even some faggots can see bullshit, just because they're degenerate doesn't stop them from seeing jews jewing.
Yeah, and hopefully enough of our young friends see this thread and my points are used to compete with the narrative.
The holocaust can't happen unless jews are suicidally timid morons.
Not denying it. Just saying the jews milked it for all it’s worth.
6 million jews died, now tell me how many polish, gypsies, gays, Americans , British, communists died.
You can’t? That’s ok, it’s not like it’s being forced down your throat.
see Six million.
The 6million number is a propaganda number, it has no connection to reality.
>6 million jews died
lurk moar
Old debunked trash. Every "question" in those first minutes is an IQ test lmao.
>How did any jews survive?
It's almost as if Germany lost the war pretty quickly.
>If it's a death camp why did they feed them?
Imagine not even knowing what a labor camp is
Read a book, skinhead.
How many Christians were killed during WW2?
Kill yourself, philo-semite.
The Holocaust Hoax Exposed:
Really makes you think.
I believe it was realistically 2-3 million kikes dead at least.
The holohoax never happened, but it fucking should have. Fight me kike.
>read a book
So you're saying jews were stupid cattle that were slaughtered by the thousands in "labor camps".
They didn't fight back.
They just walked into poison rooms.
Hundreds at a time.
Sounds like suicide if you know you're gonna be gassed.
How much of a coward do you need to be to just walk into a death machine?
The answers to these questions are not in books.
I read the books.
I'm gonna assume that jews are timid dimwits that are as helpless as drowning turkeys.
>Being this new
You are supposed to lurk here for 2 years before making your first post. If you had done this then your post would not have been this bluepilled tripe that I'm replying to
The stormfag cries out as it strikes you
where is your proof that the holocaust happened?
>oy vey they used them for labour, so that explains why the camp appears nothing like a death camp
>it takes over 2 years to kill somebody, in fact with all things considered it must take more than 12 years
The prisoners thought it was a shower. Do you not even have 5th grade holocaust knowledge?
If they lied about Ausshitz and Madjanek, and about Jew soap, Jew lamp shades, shrunken heads, anus air pumps of death, etc, what else are they lying about?
So you think 2-3 million were frog marched into killing jar rooms?
You know, after the first gassing, you'd probably have to line them up and gun them down.
Or, you'd have to shoot the whole camp when they revolt.
The only thing that keeps hostages from fighting back is the promise that they'll be safe and set free at some later time.
If you start killing them, the illusion is lost.
This is why Flight 93 crashed.
seeAlready answered this.
Because it didn't happen.
If you weren't such a retarded faggot you would understand that the questions you refered to are meant to be the ones children asked themselves when they were learning about it in school.
Nobody denies that there were labor camps, but there were no gas chambers disguised as shower rooms. kys faggot weakling
This right here should be the dead giveaway lol.
>Believe Jews
Nice try. Even if 6 million happen, much more other people died too so fuck them. But not it is like there was some war but it was all about gassing as many jews as possible. Fuck dead soldiers. Think about jews. JEWS. I am sure living in work camp was hard. But stop pretending that happen only to jews and only by germans. Every nations in every war did this to prisoners.
I do not know, nor do I care if the holocaust happened in the past. All that matters is that it needs to happen today.
No you didn't. You forgot that the majority of victims were gassed on arrival.
Nigger, US soldiers have actually massacred Dachau personnel. Who made this fucking retarded map?
>Oh, but you probably don't believe anything your Grandmother tells you either.
is this bait ? my grandma used to say to me when I was a kid to hide from jews during Easter cause they put children in barrels with nails and drink their blood.
not even fucking kidding.
From memory I believe the only lampshade picture I have seen had tatoo'd skin.
It wasn't just clear skin.
deny? we're just asking questions about the things that aren't sufficiently well explained to make sense to anyone paying some modicum of attention.
Nobody on here disputes the nazis putting people in concentration camps for ideological and political reasons. What we're kinda stuck on is the whole "the nazis didn't just run prisoner camps, they went out of their way to run torture porn camps full of the most depraved, inhumane prisoner treatment possible". Some numbers just, you know, don't add up.
soap and lampshade are so far out there jew fiction Yad Vashem was forced to debunk them, so are the Auschwitz 4 mil gasburn jews claim.
The narrator thought of the questions, not children.
And yes if you ask "hurr durr why was there kitchens? why was there a hospital?" you are functionally denying. labor camps existed.
So they magically lost 100lbs and died as skeletons because of the gassings?
The bodies of the victims looked like they died of starvation.
You're saying they shipped skeletal humans to death camps to be gassed?
Couldn't they have just not let them drink for a day?
How much belief do I need to suspend to believe the narrative?
I really want to know how gullible do I need to be so I believe the story.
It wasn't even 1 million, let alone 6 gorillion.
Yes, labor camps existed. Extermination camps did not.
I think nazis are all faggots. But every jewey accented new yorker voice I have ever heard confirms they did the right thing.
No, you're making his point for him, and you don't even realize it.
You are so married to a Rube Godlberg death machine story filled with crazy you've got to conflict yourself to explain away obvious holes.
You're falsely comparing recollected images of typhus corpses in liberated labor camps to gassed bodies. Next.
to talk about the holocaust and not mention that the Jews murdered millions of European Christians before WW2 even started is a lie of omission.
The Jewish comunists went on to kill ten times as many as the Nazi in peacetime, and the allies helped them.
There were 52 ovens at Auschwitz. The supposed gas chamber could gas 2000 people at a time in 20 minutes. It takes at least 2-3 hours to cremate a body, call your local crematorium and ask them if you don't believe me. Then the bodies has to be dragged and hand loaded onto a single elevator that could carry 600 pounds at a time up to the crematoriums.
Ask yourself why Germans would make something so inefficient in the first place. Then do the math and realize it would take 5 years of non stop cremation to dispose of 1.2 million corpses. That is assuming they could load one body after another non-stop and without any sort of breakdowns or maintenance for 5 years.
And that is the largest so-called death camp. There were only 6 "death camps" in total.
90% sure that jews were making the lampshades themselves and are upset the nazis stole them.
>leather lampshade
>Don't you understand millions of Jews come from Holocaust survivors?
how many?
Six million?
If we both know labor camps exist, why did the narrator not know? Why did he wonder about food?
Is it possible you listened to a brainlet skinhead?