By sitting inside and doing nothing you are lessening your chance of survival

Fresh air. Sunlight. Throw away all your shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They are still delivering newspapers here in Plainsboro.

Connection to nature is how you stay alive.

Means you exist.

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This is little to nothing that can be done to stop the spread of this other than good health.

Which, of course, is too late for many.

How they treat animals is why this happened, as well.

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If you want to live forever leave as little evidence of your being here that is ugly.

Beauty is the currency of the immortal.

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Not money.

Tell that to the Marquis de Sade.

I would wager in a couple of weeks nothing will matter to you other than staying alive.

Some of us are accustomed.

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"Princess Stephanie."


People don't tend to fight too much when things are fair.

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"Always been a big fan of the hard way."

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When my father was forced to be around his family, he went ape shit.

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jesus you Yas Forums sounds like a bunch of faggots lately.

>Fresh air and sunlight.

Words to live by.

Lock yourself inside and believe government goy.

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google Masturbating Boost Your Immune System?

If this "virus" was real, syrians, pakistanis and blackfricans would be flooding OUT of Europe to run home away from this "deadly virus."

What a joke, I'm going to take a vacation in the sun

Are you ok user?

How much nicer life is without airplanes.

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you can go out, just stay away from people. the problem is you can't explain that simple enough for everyone to understand and everyone that sits on a packed beach would claim that they are right and the ten people around them are doing it wrong




Thank you brother. I was getting lazy. Time to go outside and go full 1488 on those faggots.

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And ten hours of leaf blowers a day.

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no shit, sherlock. These lockdowns are going to kill more people than they save. Especially in the age groups they are supposedly trying to save (where fresh air and exercise are often key to staying alive). This whole thing is an illustration of how people are incapable of looking ahead at inevitable consequences of something. It's all of the lemmings running toward the cliff when the hawk can only take one of them.

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it's snowing here right now, it's cold as fuck and there is shit to be done around the house

Education, beauty and culture.

Not government.

And naturephobia.

>everyone that sits on a packed beach
deserves to die.

"Im allergic to peanuts."

Kill yourself.

You sound like you're tired of winning. Sad. Many such cases.

I had been living in and out of the hospital on the verge of death for two years waiting for an organ transplant. A week before I had the transplant my dad died, I spiraled into a huge depression and stayed in my room for months trying to block out my reality. One week My grandfather took me hunting in south Texas. me and him walking around looking for the birds we shot as the sun was setting over rolling hills. It was butterfly season and there literally a millions of them flying around and the sun was reflecting off them it was awesome. I shed a few tears on the way back to camp, It was like a reset

>It was butterfly season
How many did you shoot?

Whether it is wrong or not is what matters.

You do not get away with anything.

It does not happen.

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>hides under bed from flu while tweeting tears for fears

that toilet paper supply gettin low huh.

There's still snow on the ground.

We are not asking. We never were.

Your souls will be provided for.

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I was just thinking about this today.
We need to get out more.

They were migrating to Mexico, so many we had stopped our vehicles and scraped butterflies out to keep going. It was beautiful but there was so much food for the birds they hardly came out. Watched my 78 year old grandpa, with a 300 mag, blow the head off a hog freehanded 150 yards out tho

>fresh air
yes good goym let the disease in your home

Banned weddings in the state of New Jersey.

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>the 30 year campooner.jpg

I'm in Chattanooga.
The sun was killed in January by Hamilton County Sheriff's Officers during a drug-related traffic stop.
The death was a result of the officers' attempt to baptise the G-type main sequence star in the Tennessee River.

lol just sucked a dick at a primary school glad school was shutdown

>waiting for something that is not a possibility

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good bread
have a (You) and this infographic

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anyone else been going to work as normal this entire time? it’s funny how willing America is to act like lazy dindus because of a flu.

Sleeper cell MK ultra sequence activated Kill The Moon program begun

Nice story but the cost of keeping you alive definitely isn't worth it and you should definitely kys

0% gangg
Literally made me stand up for two minutes. This shit is scarier than nothingburger (((pandemic)))

You want to laugh?

Ethyl Kennedy was the one who saved me.

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yes i go out even more than normal
ride the bike to work and go for a walk almost 2-3 times every day...
its so refreshing all the places are thinned out
you only seem to meet nice people out
have not seen any of the human trash category
also no officials around to check on people what they do or where they go, why they are outside...
and ontop of all we are having the nicest weather here since the whole ordeal started... sun is shining , no rain , blue sky , a little wind , 60 °F but it feels like 80 or more if you get a windless spot
it gets even better
through the stockpiling from the last months i dont even have to go to the supermarket , went once at the beginning of mach but i basically have everything i need
this thought is totally soothing together with the vireual freedom and almost privacy outside
really enjoying it
sometimes i think of the scared people inside their homes or those who lost their job
i wonder how long all this is going to take and what the economy wil lbe after this
when things keep going people realize maybe that what they did before was entirely gratuitous ...
but what are we going to do with all the people ?

Best OP post i have ever seen.

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I'm fucking horrified of the state of the world, and I'm from now.

Third hot bath of the day. It's 9 a.m.

same here ^.^
currently remodelling my pc place at home so the monitor and keyboard + mouse will sit ontop of a waist high bookshelf so i am planning to use the home pc only as some sort of information-access-terminal mainly intended for standing use.
however when i feel the need i can switch to wireless keyboard + mouse to sit in the armchair when i want to sit down and relax

Good thing i‘m either standing or lying down.

"...putting all this my mother' asshole...when she is sleeping."

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>been living in and out of the hospital on the verge of death for two years waiting for an organ transplant.
Maybe cancel getting your dick cut off and see if you improve.

>sitting inside
Nigga I’m either working in my garden or out in my kayak fishing.
Life is pretty good right now lol.

I am too dumb to be a bad person.

If he was he would be dead.

>not having a custom built walnut desk with electric legs that go brrrrrrrrr up and down to any height

Plebs, all of you.

Good one

Kids like you formerly read comic books.

I was Hardy Boys kid.

maharah shiv ki jai ho! JAI

"He's too retarded to have stained this."

Hardy boys were fucking tight. Those blue covers take me back.

Open a window then yoy fat, American retard. It is 't hard to be responsible for less than a month.

actually the tabletop is made out of cherrywood but as i am going to change my habits
there is simply no need for the desk anymore :-)
the primary reason being the change of habits , lowering use of the computer (lowering the possibility of doing work from at home when i really should not ;-) ) and to gain "breathing" space for the room