Evening lads.

>Coronavirus Australia live updates: experts warn Australia could see more than 50,000 cases by Easter

>WA coronavirus LIVE: Four-year-old child one of 35 new cases in state overnight

>Coronavirus Australia live news: National Cabinet meets, Government announces changes to telehealth, millions of masks on the way

>Coronavirus School Closures: Teachers Slam Conditions, ‘I Had No Soap In My Classroom’

>More than 200 Australians stranded on cruise ship Costa Victoria with confirmed coronavirus case


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Other urls found in this thread:

the more ScummO talks the more confusing his shit is

>Have a doctors appointment in town on Friday

So am I going to get stopped by the cops and asked what I'm up to then have to tell them about my penis?

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it’s game over lads



whyh cant they skip this bullshit and shut the country down NAO

Back to work wagie, all jobs are essential. You have to save the economy.

and pay tax for our neetbux

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Wagies are gonna lynch NEETS bro.
They will target the guys carrying tendies

David wins

Cunt NEETing ain't free.
I got 3, count em, THREE aus/pol/ up right now
Wagies supply the dollers, we'll fight the memewar for em!

I feel like this isn't going to work and the infections will be fucked in a week and ScoMo will panic

my mum buys the tendies, you’ll never notice her, she is my undercover tendie purchaser

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of course this isnt going to work, how the fuck can you cram 1500 kids and old teachers in the same area and then say having more than 5 people in a wedding is banned and possibly now illegal?

Genuinely pissed off I can't go into Qld to fuck my tinder hoes.

I'm literally like a km across the border.
All the late night take away is on the Qld side.

Hey guys

This is the non ASIO thread

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So what happens with job search/work for the dole??

Wow that sucks chad. Fuck yourself.

I will lynch a females enabling NEETS in minecraft. Your tendies will never reach you.

>>millions of masks on the way

I am NOT stooping to chink level and wearing a bug mask


Only if you lack sufficient cognitive sophistication.

This post genuinely makes me so happy.

you don't have to job search for a week, work for the dole has been suspended for an unknown amount of time

This is bullshit, but I believe it

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and the centrelink site is down....

If Saudi Arabia can dictate what women are allowed to wear then the time has come for a white country to do the same.

i have a camping holiday, wait till im back from that before any shutdown plz

Who said work for the dole has been suspended?


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so there's mortgage relief but the solution to rent is "go to centrelink".
thanks scomo!

>Group settings

They will probably do work for the dole with individuals somehow

It's essential that you suck the Corona out of my dick so you can do that if you like


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landlords can't evict so no rent to pay

430 new cases today.

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Finished up being a wagie for the day and stopped off at KFC looking for 10 for 10 tendies.
turns out its over. feelsbadman

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Pretty pissed lads, my wedding is on hold indefinitely.

Only positive is I can work 70 hours a week now.


Hope she's white lad

don't worry the govt is still saying they're mostly from overseas ;)

This is the most bizzare thing ever, will it blow over? Or are they just gonna make it permanent

I will sneak him covert tendies.

You cannot destroy the NEET legion. You live paycheck to paycheck.

>tfw no qt to marry during the lockdown period that gives me an excuse for not having any irl friends to attend the wedding

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meant for

Goal is to keep it below 30% growth per day. When you consider all the people who have rushed back to Australia pushing up the numbers, this chart seems pretty good

Sex is literally banned right? Wasn't this Elliot Rodgers dream world


There's such thing as non-paid sex user

Fuck scomo lads

Why the fuck are schools STILL open?
Easter holidays start at the end of next week, so they'll be closing anyway. And there's no way they're reopening for the rest of the year.
All they're doing is putting parents+teachers at risk of corona.

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I think ScoMo will regret this one

Schools have mandatory vaccine days. This is creating a chance for Bill Gates' vaccine microchips.

Thank you based user, luckily my mother has me as overwatch at my battle station utilising hacked security cameras giving her live notifcations via her earpiece on the locations of coofers and tendie thieves

Fuck, I was in the gay thread


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Finally someone gets it
t. Teacher

fuccccccckk I only got that once due to like never going out but still. fuck that was good.

retailcuck here

so we basically have to continue working and being exposed to customers?

why the fuck are people still coming out to our shops and putting everyone in danger?

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Can someone explain why they won’t reopen? I’ve heard this a lot and can’t understand why.


It's a fucking media hoax anyway what are you worried about?

We need supplies

Seems logical

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Amazing what you can achieve by limiting testing.

The growth factor has been in a slight decline for the past few days

the neet shall inherit the earth

I'm getting sick of waiting for my NEETbux. I had a job for a year and I've been living off savings instead of applying for Centrelink because it's such a pain in the arse now. There's gonna be riots soon unless they make NEETbux more accessible. GIVE ME NEETBUX.

This entire situation has been caused by our government, banks, universities, and major businesses being addicted to the yuan.

They delayed closing the borders to not inconvenience China. When they closed the borders, they deliberately did so in such a way that the Chinese could circumvent it openly, while laughing at us, to the tune of thirty thousand students and tens of thousands of other Chinese nationals.

They have allowed the Chinese to sweep through our stores and buy our supplies, not only for their personal hoard, but to continue sending back to China in massive quantities.

The measures that are slowly being put in place are on a schedule that does not benefit White Australians, but the Chinese and their financial interests. Their primary concern is emerging from whatever happens to our country during this pandemic to return to business as usual with China, while being able to say "look, we ingratiated ourselves as much as we could during this crisis!"

Our collective health and safety has been judged to be worth less than Chinese shekels.

If watching White Australians line up around the block to job offices while chinks openly mock us in their media, on their forums and in their dorms does not set your blood boiling and make you resolute in what we must do to remove foreign influence from our country once and for all during this once in a lifetime thunderdome match we've been handed with the foreigners and traitors, nothing will.

Happening cancelled?

Praise him

Landlords can't evict?

It's going to get worse before it gets better.
Nothing short of a vaccine would be able to reopen schools in the second semester.

yeah nah, i can't shoot my load into the dunny either user. see here

Scomo said they're seizing supplies being sent out to overseas

Are you allowed to wear face masks?

So work for the dole gone?

they're gonna have to resort to giving everyone funds unconditionally, centrelink has proved itself to be an incredibly abject and useless intermediary. just blindly deposit money into people's banks.


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the scanner told me cops aren't doing ANY arrests for non-violent behaviour.

Not necessarily, the decline is very minute, it could very well go up again. But as of now, things are looking slightly positive.

wageslaves trying to find some light in this grim outcome
>ESSENTIAL wageslaving
>cant quit your job unless forced to
>have to go and work with coofers, anyone could have it
>have to navigate to and from work with coofers
>no double cenno
>no 750 x 2 bonus
>get to shop at the supermarket AFTER neets have cleaned it out
>no drinks with the boys
>no barbeques
>no partying

>double cenno
>750 x 2 bonus
>get to play video games all day, work out, walk the dog, go for a swim at the beach, smoke weed
>no coofing
>free to go to the supermarket and get the prime choice (particularly if you have a pensioner concession card)

mood : BASED

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In the same way they stopped the boats, and have now closed the borders. When are you going to realize that these actions are cynical and meaningless theater intended to stop you from rioting while they allow 99% of this shit to continue?

temporarily but the slave program should've been abolished years ago.
still unconfirmed on this but it seems likely that it is unfeasible and courts won't pursue frivolous matters for the time being.

Good evening boongs.
I haven't been here in a long time, I guess you are all kvetching about the virus.

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what should i do anons?

No theres not?

Well no ones spreading it anymore, happening over probably all back wage slaving by Monday

Just do it in the shower

dirty laundry, you're gonna wash it anyway

Universities most of all imo. They were shipping the Chinks back in any way they could.

We knew that was happening ages ago too. Yas Forums right again.

>Sex is literally banned right


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How long is temporary?

Rub it into your hair.

Isn’t that what Kev 07 did during the GFC?

Hey guys new non ASIO thread

The Chinese are colonising Australia by setting up parallel civic institutions so as they will never have to interact with the locals. Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and so far the Chinese in Australia have registered private colleges that exclusively enrol Chinese students from Primary School all the way to University, these students never interact with the locals and will
never assimilate. Furthermore, these same colleges are registering for courses which allow them to train exclusively Chinese students in the license to register as a Real Estate agent in Australia's two largest cities. The
aim of this is to have Chinese facilitate the colonisation of Australia's largest two cities by brokering real estate transactions with the Chinese colonists arriving from the
mainland. Recently, evidence has emerged the Chinese are now registering for the course that allows them to train and certify early childhood educators so as they can legally register for Child care centres that will exclusively only care for Chinese children, they're colonising
Australia by stealth.


Course. That and lockdown, neetbux & Chinks.

At what point are the rest of you even going to be willing to do something about this? Do you not give a shit? Or will she be right all the way up to our total ethnic replacement?

Yas Forums has always been the ultimate source for intelligence gathering agencies


since we're gonna experience food shortages, now is a good time to start savouring your cum. It may sound gay but for survivals sake you have the proper nutrients to survive on. That's what me and my Dad did when we got lost in the bush a couple of years back, saved our lives.

However long this lasts of course.

The 5000 centrelink jobs page doesnt even work

>only allowed to go out for food and medical supplies
>retail stores to stay open

Hard backed. Our forefathers anticipated this, hence the White Australia Policy. We have gone so far as to debase ourselves so shamelessly I struggle to believe we have any dignity left. We need to rise up and take the fight to the law makers who sold us out to the chinks, and bloody the nose of the Chinaman himself.

Get fucked cunt almost all aussies wore masks during spanish flu.

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You don't think those massive cenno cues will be a problem? lol.

Big brained NEET

The fuck, why aren't I getting any (You)'s?

Where is the confirmation of it being suspended?


I Know how to quote. Fuck the mods.

how likely are food shortages iyho?


Never forget!

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I don't get this meme.

But I hope the mods get onto you promptly.

am I allowed to go out and apply for work?
where should I apply for work lads?
everything is shutting
I get more on job seeker payment then a job
what do

i wish i could tell you but at least for a year, might be gone altogether
yeah as a one off payment, this is far worse than the GFC, they're gonna have to beef up their financial response. i keep posting this but scomo and the liberal party cannot afford to have the property bubble burst. they will do anything within their means to prevent it. if they must, they will extend those means beyond any recognised constitutional limits. this property bubble is all they have and why they are in power. they are not a crisis government, they represent banks, big business and landlords.

already tried that once and the fucking shit turns into concrete when it hits hot water
can't do that either, i don't do my laundry so people will find my stiff socks

We are being forced into autarky for months, if not a year. I cannot imagine a better time to sort our shit out.

There will be thousands or millions of Australians going through tough times. There needs to be Golden Dawn style action. Everyone with means should help these people on an ethnic basis, and make sure to have a good chat about why this is happening and who is responsible.

I firmly believe this is a make or break hail Mary for this country.

They had some cool right wing ones too.

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Have to get business paying the wagie bills as long as possible, never mind they'll just be standing around

Hmm. I got this (You).

The trend is still weak, but things are tentatively looking towards a positive direction.

on the condition you sign a waiver stating you believe in transgender rights and open borders and volunteer for thise causes, it’s the Nancy Pelosi plan of implementing Communism.

I am doing something. I'm shitposting here lmao. Chinks got snagged at the borders & there's backlash building anyway. There's nothing else to be done.

Makes you feel proud really. "Either give us some intelligence or do a terror ya fucking NEETs"

My condolences on the disability

that's because 200,000 people are trying to access it.

Fuck these impotent measures, was hoping I would be free from waging but no, just locking down all flights, and a few minor restrictions that won't effect anyone in a positive way. Guess they care about their shekels.

If work for the dole is gone, I guarantee they replace it with something

But... The open contradiction, wtf

Very. There are production problems out side of corona like bad harvests. This will just make it worse. Lots of new money chasing less and less goods = weimar.

I think they could be a problem, they could reverse the trend if people in the queues are infected desu

Apply as a cleaner.
I reckon you could cash in on doing it in a hazmat suit if you marketed it right.

“I think they should just close it all,” said a manager at a cafe in Sydney’s inner west. “Look at China, they closed it all and six weeks later it stopped.”

See, everybody loves China.

Issue unless there's a government mandated ceasing of rent then even if you don't pay your landlord is just going to not re-new your lease and you'll be forced to leave when it's up.

>I am doing something. I'm shitposting here lmao.
It's not enough, mate. There is everything under the sun to be done. These people hate us and are trying to destroy us. There has to be some part of you that rails against that.

i would prefer something i could shoot into because i sometimes use lube when jerking off

Mandatory NEET compounds.

No one cares, Australian’s are the most apathetic and degenerate people in the world.

Gee I'm sure glad we didn't cheap out on the NBN all those years ago.
It would have made us look pretty silly if we were in a situation where people relied on our network infrastructure to work from home!

that'd be very cruel and tyrannical of them right now but it is scomo and his band of ponzi schemers so who knows.

Sorry to hear the kikes got your foreskin user

The fuck are "job providers" like tursa and shit gonna do now?

he warned us

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Depends what it is.
Grain, meat, fruit and veg should be fine. Imported crap will be the problem.

Get an onahole or a gf.

>T. Cleaner

I work for a cleaner for coles and I am sure there is a conspiracy going on, Coles is saying they will let emergency workers aka paramedics, doctors, nurses, police, firefighters in with old frail pensioners. Yer that will end up good, expose the most vulnerable to the people most likely to be infected.

neet decontamination squads

What about rolling lease tho

The same as they have been.

I care. I work hard every day. I can't be the only one, and it only takes a few of us.

I've seen hardly any people wearing masks at the supermarkets. All these cunts touching the same trolleys and touchscreens. Its going to spread.

My bet is infections get worse and ScoMo is out in 6 months

Finally be closed like they should have been years ago for being a uesless, exploitative piece of shit.

Scomo stopped auctions and house inspections. WHAT THE FUCK SCOMO WHY YOU PROTECTING HOUSING MARKET SO MUCH

Holy shit.