Oy vey goy whatre you worried about? It's just 2.5%
Oy vey goy whatre you worried about? It's just 2.5%
Why is it so hard for this 2.5% to get masks and protect themselves? We know how it spreads. It's all so fucking stupid.
I have to agree. All this ralk about socialism in the form of free money for Americans and swinging landlords from lampposts has me scared. I want capitalism. Not communism.
that 2.5% will become 10% when hospitals are crowded and ventilators need to be rationed since 20% of cases require hospitalization
God I really wish this was deadlier
Fuck the world
Its just boomers, who cares? Trump is doing the world a favor
I don't want capitalism or communism. Where am I to turn? NATIONAL SOCIALISM! COME HOME WHITE MAN!
Factor in asymptomatic infection and make that claim again
It's impossible to factor in asymptomatic cases. It could be 1% of cases or 50%, we'll never know.
Democratic Socialism. Bernie is the compromise candidate.
selfish boomers wreck the world once again
>Current case fatality rate is calculated at 5.5 to 5.9%
>That's without overwhelmed hospitals.
These fucking idiots.
There is a sick clinging to life about this current generation of the elderly and their sons and daughters -- don't any of them care that they're turning our hospitals into a death trap for young expectant mothers and their offspring? All this has really reinforced in my mind that before my time comes I nees to go up into the mountains to die.
Who cares. The world is filled with so many parasites, this virus is a blessing. We are wasting the potential.
I have a friend that's an officer in the military and he's working with COVID. He's not allowed to say much at all, but he said they believe it's incredibly infections (obviously).
He said its very likely everyone will get it if they don't have it already.
If you took the wealth of just 1% of the population, there would be no need for the government to take extra loan to support the economy.
Because we still wouldn't know who needs the masks without testing the entire population at once. Asymptomatic transmission won't allow it. We don't have enough masks for the entire population becuse the Healthcare system failed to prepare for this, and even if we did have enough masks, you just know there's gonna be enough fuck ups around who don't put it on right and spread the shit anyways
People will move toward Natsoc because of this. It wont take long until people realise that capitalism and communism are two sides of the same shekel.
Infectious* stupid chink phone auto-correct
I agree with him
Why is everybody freaking out about 70 and 80 year old's dying?
Shouldn't this technically help the economy?
Complete bullshit. You're relying on numbers where they only test the sick, while tons of people have it without any major symptoms so they never even get tested.
The only population where they tested everyone was the Diamond Princess where they had a fatality rate of 0.85%
So it's about 8x more dangerous than the flu, which is definitely a problem, but not a reason to shut down our entire civilization just to save people with weak immune systems.
It’s not 2.5% you fucking retards it’s fucking nothing wake up you’re all fucking sheep take a fucking close look at yourselves
Even 3rd world countries started making masks for their citizens. US did nothing
They're just saying the percentage to cover up the real number. If the US population is around 330 million or so, 2.5% is 8.25 million people. Good luck letting 8 million people die. The Jews pushed so much holocaust guilt out of less.
Noooo think of the money!
show me the bodies.
Why do we really need this certain 2% of the population in the US. Everyone already hates the media, the banks, and the colleges they control.
>casually advocating killing 200 million people
hope this faggot dies from corona
In that case let's run those numbers
5.5 * 330 = 18 million dead
This its a false flag reaction.
>tfw boomers are soon to realize their precious elites want them dead
Reminder that 40% of hospitalizations are aged 18-45. If you need a ventilator and there is none available, you suffocate slowly.
>Let's just kill 60 million people
Actual non-humans
Boomers are terrible and I won't shed a tear for them, but the ones dying largely won't be the kikes in control.
What could go wrong?
>oy vey, we dont want any unproductive goyim
>By not helping me you are killing me
>Don't let nature take its course.
That' a pretty anti-Semitic tweet right there.
>muh economy
>I want capitalism. Not communism.
How about a civilized (kike free) capitalism?
You mean massive corporate welfare left for you, the actual worker and taxpayer to foot the bill? You mean outsourcing all our manufacturing while importing subhuman, foreign civ visa workers to work the "good" jobs here, all to enrich 0.01% of the population? Wow, sounds awesome.
corlyanon is that you!
>There is a sick clinging to life about this current generation of the elderly and their sons and daughters -- don't any of them care that they're turning our hospitals into a death trap for young expectant mothers and their offspring?
I’m not looking forward to being at the hospital when my wife gives birth in June.
You might as well be a chimp with your lack of empathetic instincts.
>tank the entire economy
Which is itself (1) generally expensive to maintain and (2) not productive.
The 'nothingburger' narrative is being pushed hard by money Jews right now.
If Saudi Arabia can dictate what women are allowed to wear then I say the time has come for a white country to do the same.
It's unbelievable everyone is shilling for Jews.
Hard truth is, another economic crisis will get way more people kill than coronavirus.
>I'll be at home waiting for this to blow over
>Other people should be willing to work, I need to buy my specificly branded things at the store; they are getting more difficult to find
Please don't act like the world isn't massively overpopulated and filled with useless NPC drones. Letting the virus run amok is the best thing to do for the long term success of humanity.
Are you retarded?
>not productive
Except everyone who is productive is at work and will get it now wat do
Stop caring for your grandparents and parents and get back to work bucko!
1. Your worthless ass isnt doing any saving, in fact you cost more than you pay in taxes.
2. The downward trend is from the Sauds flushing opec synced with corona.
>meme flag
Okay kike
After you then my brother.
These memeflags have existed since 2012 you cancerous newfag.
>1.7–2.6% of total U.S. population, 2012[4]
Yes, 2.5% a lot versus the fate of the country... Dogwhistle much?
Hey moron, the people that die from this are all elderly (retirees that drain the economy) and/or have pre-existing conditions (a drain to the healthcare system).
Western nations have tons of these people due to social safety nets and modern medicine. But they are a drain to the rest of us.
Death is a part of nature. And nature culls those that are weak. A nation that has a mass of such weak people becomes weak itself.
The reverse is also true. Nations that accept the inevitable and don't tank their economy and surrender their basic civil rights will come out of this much stronger than before.
Yes that means some will die, but it will be for the betterment of the rest. The elderly already had long, fulfilling lives anyway.
Is he going to commit suicide at 60 to stay true to his beliefs then?
It's a combination of bull-cuck boomers in denial, trolls and actual shills.
>we must ensure that everyone lives forever
>billions of people need to stop living because a few million will die slightly sooner
>humanity must cease all progress anytime an old person might suffer
>all risks must be mapped out and prevented
>please plug me into a matrix where machines provide all of my needs via perfectly sterile tubes
It is much less faggot!
This article is by John Ioannidis:
>Ioannidis is a Professor of Medicine, of Health Research and Policy and of Biomedical Data Science, at Stanford University School of Medicine and a Professor of Statistics at Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences. He is director of the Stanford Prevention Research Center, and co-director, along with Steven N. Goodman, of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS).[5][6] He is also the editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Clinical Investigation.[7] He was chairman at the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Ioannina School of Medicine as well as adjunct professor at Tufts University School of Medicine.[8][9]
And watch this:
>Born in the town Itzehoe in Schleswig-Holstein, in 1966 Wodarg went, after his secondary school exams, on to study in medicine in Berlin and Hamburg. He got his physician's licence in 1973, and in 1974 he received his Dr. Med. doctorate degree from the University of Hamburg with a dissertation on the Mental Diseases of Seafarers - a study of suicide, alcoholism and other major psychiatric disorders. He subsequently began work as a ship's doctor, and following a research trip to South Africa he began in the position of port doctor in Hamburg. Since 1983 he has held the position of Amtsarzt at the health department of Flensburg, of which he became director in the same decade[3]. Wolfgang Wodarg is a lecturer at the University of Flensburg.
what has this world come to? Actually letting older people die out of selfishness. You will all rot in hell
After having my first child in the hospital I wasn't looking forward to having my second in the hospital, even without the virus. Thankfully I "suffer" from rapid birth and was excused from having given birth at home. Still went to the hospital for after care. After care is good
It's not like it only kills retards. The world will still be just as bad if we recover, even worse since white people don't have kids anymore but the retarded shitskins sure do, which means they'll grow into an even larger proportion of the global population.
I really want you to see talk like this when you're old yourself, after paying every month for your insurance for 40 or so years. "New disease comes out? It's fine, just let it kill me."
It's much easier to speak shit when you are 20 or 25, I know.
you have done this every flu season of your entire life
>Sauds flushing opec synced with corona
And why do you think that's synced, boomer? Oil demand is way down because of the virus.
oh sure, eliminate one of the largest white conservative voter base and give the left an upper hand in future elections. not happening.
Population is 327.2million, 2.5% of that is ~8million
Yeah, That's just 8million people dying. Nothing to see here. Just 8 MILLION PEOPLE DYING.
Flu doesn't overwhelm hospitals. If you get ICU treatment and die, that's life. Soon, that won't be available for plebs here and all the kikes care about is trying to delay the inevitable great depression.
these people are talking about intentionally sacrificing them. Not the same thing. What an absolute nigger thing to do.
Yes, even if a country is counting all the numbers right, there's still all the rest of the population that it has no data on it. And that are the country that are at least trying to do a transparent job. So is a pure fiasco and a clear demonstration that statistic profession is just scam that's always lacking data or doing the calculus wrong.