Remember these faggots, some of them MDs and PhDs (probably on the CCP payroll) who argued that the mortality rate, while much higher on average than seasonal influenza (1-2% vs .01-.02%), was still too low for us to reasonably speculate that it might be a Chink bioweapon?
Well here we are, with millions of Americans sheltering in place, unemployment set to soar to 30 or 40%, millions of businesses shuttered and many slated for bankruptcy, and our fanancial markets experiencing their worse panic since 1929.
And we're told that we may have to endure this for 18-24 months, or longer.
How much more devastating would this have to be to be considered a bioweapon?
>if it's a bioweapon, it sure is a bad one!
World leaders already know this and preparations are being taken for war with China.
But it affects China too?
It could be more robust outdoors
It could kill slightly quicker
It could spread more lethally to all age ranges
But none of these things matter. If your fucked up bipartisan system doesn't pull it's thumb out it's ass then this is the end of the west and the beginning of a huge shitshow.
My guess is that the coronavirus is natural or doesn't even exist at all (psyop). Bioweapon sounds kinda dumb, but who knows.
The real scoop. This is the ramp up to get people ready for rationing
China isn't gonna be running out of insect people any time soon user.
It sounds too far fetched to me, i think it's either a natural virus OR viruses aren't even real and this is all a media psy-op to bring about a technocratic New World Order.
I've been telling my wife this for weeks.
They say there's a billion+ Chinese but i've never seen them IRL or in video format, count the people in your neighborhood some day. See if there's any online stats, see if they correlate. If you live in a small or moderate sized town or if you live in a city and you're really autistic try to manually count how many people live in each house and see if it correlates with the demographic statistics. I suspect there's not as many people as we are told there are in the Flat Earth.
The trutth is that having training and supplies and guns and ammo for like 3 months is only going to do so much, if people are shooting in your direction a bullet might kill you. There's no safety.
This is why you need religion.
If they’re chinks and talked, they lied.
Perhaps pic-related's lab had an accident.
working exactly how you’d want a bioweapon to work. bioweapons are meant to cripple. chemical weapons are built to kill.
Exactly Jesus will protect us all from the bullets when the chimpout happens
Could be, when it's something this big i simply have a hard time believing someone would do it on purpose. I don't have a hard time believing thaat it could all just be a media psy-op, though. That one i think it's possible, people at the top lie and since information is compartmentilized and it sounds plausible everyone else goes along with it, reporters report what they are told to report. If you don't tow the line you get fired. Coronavirus could be real but the death toll might be overblown for some reason, maybe to censor the internet or pass gun confiscation laws.
Jesus promises eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven on the Flat Earth for those who follow him, IIRC. If you truly believe that then you won't be afraid of death.
it's an economic bioweapon designed to collapse health systems forcing economic meltdown.
If Jesus is legit then yeah, he might intervene in your favor or God might or the angels or what have you.
Towards what purpose?
>But it affects China too?
chinese are reopening malls, schools and movie theaters now
Who said bioweapon needs to kill a large percentage of people to cause a shit storm?
So China becomes a super power when the US goes into a depression
I don't understand how a virus escapes from a lab. Like, how? how is that even possible? they allegedly have several preventive measures to avoid just that.
It is a bioweapon, but of global production. You'd be fooling yourself if you think this bioweapon belongs only to the chinks. The moment this virus struck Europe, most european media outlets started buying the chink numbers and propaganda, and sucking their dicks because they sent some supplies our way. It's one big joke.
Cool, i hope this blows over.
I don't get it.
sure looks like its done an awful lot of damage to me, but its average daily rate of death increase is 17%, which is horrifying.
But how did they know that Trump was going to call it a hoax and just the Flu? Did they made a deal with Trump?
And why is south Korea and Japan so unaffected? ARE THEY PART OF THIS TOO?
I think it would be better if we all just admitted that we don't know and we're just throwing theories around.
Yeah they did this to their own people. The members Chinese Communist Party need to be held responsible for Crimes Against Humanity this includes their own people who have seen the brunt of it for 70 years.
are these chinese operators or just some random ''lone wolf'' bio terrorists?
It does look like chin is spreading this to fuck up their competitors in global scale so they can just steamroll in after they have dealed with their problem
So is their point that it can only be a bioweapon if it kills more? That kind of idiocy is a godsend for all bioweapon users.
The point of a bioweapon is to overwhelm an enemy nations healthcare system you stupid brainlet
Because it's really important for the government to prevent a panic. The thing about mass panic is it can be really dangerous. An angry super spooked mob literally has the collective IQ of a horde of zombies and you're just as destructive so it's necessary. This information is necessary to keep the calm I know it seems stupid but people are stupid so. Like dissolves like.
Did you also tell your wife's boyfriend?
It's a USA operation, nice try.
I don’t think China could have ever hoped to accurately predict how stupid America is being right now
Accidental release of a half-finished project. The Chinese didn’t mean to do it. YET.
Typical communist tactics.
Jews molded the modern Chinese perspective, it's part of why they are such a degenerate bunch today.
You can already see it beginning to spin in normie media.
Don't get it myself to be honest, the Chinese economy relies on the american economy, if america goes down then China is going to be fucked too
We know nothing of long term effects or how long it will take (if at all) we can build immunity.
Thus you really can’t judge properly if it’s a “bad bio weapon” or not.
Not enough time has passed.
I don't believe in crimes against humanity.
The 1977–78 Russian flu epidemic was caused by strain Influenza A/USSR/90/77 (H1N1). It infected mostly children and young adults under 23; because a similar strain was prevalent in 1947–57, most adults had substantial immunity. Because of a striking similarity in the viral RNA of both strains – one which is unlikely to appear in nature due to antigenic drift – it was speculated that the later outbreak was due to a laboratory incident in Russia or Northern China, though this was denied by scientists in those countries.[15][16][17] The virus was included in the 1978–79 influenza vaccine.[18][19][20][21]
It's a bioweapon made in china. Says it all. Chinks can only copy paste and this was a bad copy.
Now this is some interesting nonsense
It really has, and with no end in sight. 10% of the global population wiped out widespread collapse of countries wouldn't be unthinkable. It's like a nuclear gut shot.
I think it would be better if you admitted you don't know and stopped spamming like a fucking retard.
Yeah, i really think this might just be a virus (although some say viruses aren't even real) that is probably not as dangerous as we are told it is but everyone nowadays is just a pussy and the media loves to sensationalize their content for views, a whole country under quarantine really means nothing, it's just a goverment thing. Couple public events cancelled, people reccomnded to stay indoors. Big deal.
>the chinese lie about their population numbers
im shocked
By the end of this year we will be certain if it's a nothingburger or not, maybe sooner.
I reccommend you do it, i'm actually scared to do it. I'm scared God might be real, mainly cause i'm evil.
I'm not so sure nukes are real.
It's a real virus, it may or may not be a bioweapon but it is being used strategically as an excuse to make sweeping changes to the economy and personal freedoms with minimal resistance. pic related.
We're obviously too god damn stupid to be alive one way or the other. Why the fuck aren't suicide booths a thing? I've got 5 bucks. Should be enough.
>that is probably not as dangerous as we are told it is
the entire world is shutting down. Im pretty sure governments don't quarentine their entire populations because "its not as bad as they say" I think that its much much worse. Like when some niggers break into your house, and you get your shotgun and go out to defend your wife from getting enriched. You say to her, "its going to be ok" but in reality its fucking not going to be ok, there are either going to be dead niggers in your house or she's getting raped.
Europe suffers from Stockholm syndrome
I think everyone might be doing that, The Bible says that only like 144.000 people will be saved IIRC. Only way i can make that really make sense in my head is if there's only a couple million people in the Flat Earth.
Dude, i've never seen this alleged millions IRL or through a screen. Cities don't look that big or populous to me.
I think they may just be lying to justify censoring you and taking your guns using the pretext of the pandemic, dude.
Get a shotgun, go to the top of the tallest building you can fnd, blow head and make sure you fall to your doom. If you can't get shotgun use knife to cut jugular then jump.
Jesus christ please tell me you're taking the piss
Europe got weird after, shit, The French Revolution.
I'm not.
Earth is prolly 6.000 years old.