Are you going to accept the Microsoft Certificate?
Are you going to accept the Microsoft Certificate?
Other urls found in this thread:
Always the cropped version. Why?
You realize ID2020 is just about making a digital birth certificate/social security number on a blockchain for poor people in Africa and India right
There is absolutely no microchipping, tattooing, anything involved and it isn't for any first world countries at all.
The MIT experiment was a test to track Nigerians getting vaccinated. That's it
A digital certificate is not a physical thing. It's a PDF saying some poo got vaccinated. Some seriously stupid disinfo surrounding this
>inb4 shill
Fuck off Bill,
First im not a cattle
Second i do not trust people operating your servers
Third you are fucking nigger faggot
this is an actual paid puppet
This was inevitable, they're pushing for "vaccines" now. It's any wonder what's really in them at this point. Sterilization most likely.
Hey Bill,
Windows 3.1 was legit yeah..
10 is dyke infested dogshit.
Sort it out senpai ya get me?
That's probably why only the cropped version of the image is ever posted now, since the bottom two links don't support the doom-and-gloom narrative that's being pushed aggressively on Yas Forums right now.
Anyway this is obviously just another demoralizatoin shill thread. Sage and ignore.
Stick your vaxxeen up your mongrel arsehole, you subhuman jew cocksucker.
I will die before I let the state, or anybody, put a microchip in me.
i was unaware of this version
my bad
It's begun already
> 3/19/20: Wrote list of 5 observations and made 4 predictions based off of them, which have proven accurate so far.
1. Event 201
2. Virus is real, but the panic is intentional and used to provide an excuse for sweeping economic changes and pushing the following agenda.
3. Federal Reserve provides unlimited funds to now failing industries
- Govt + Industry: National Socialism or some variant, new form of government in america.
- Presidential Seal and E Pluribus Unum flag no longer present in press briefings
4. Federal Reserve providing funds to other country's central banks, preparation for single currency.
- Useful resource for 3 & 4:
5. Digital ID
- See number 6 below
>on 3/19/20 numbers 6-9 were predictions based off of 1-5. As of 3/23/20, one out of the four predictions has proven accurate.
6. Digital Currency Up next:
> 7. Normalization of digital currency and ID
- cash and credit card will be phased out for contactless payment in the name of public safety
- increasingly limited options other than digital dollar makes it all but necessary for survival for those not already self sufficient
- stigmatization of people who resist these measures as dangerous, violent, unpatriotic, etc. character assassination in the media.
> 8. World Adopts universal digital currency and ID
- Digital ID and currency become augmented with the physical body. "The Chip"
- potentially delivered as part of vaccination, but this is conjecture based off of one of ID2020's partners
> 9. World Government Established
- not much else to say at this point, welcome to the cyberpunk timeline i guess.
I already said inb4 shill, sorry guys
Anyways Bill is a literal genius so it makes sense to trust him over some 90 IQ retards shilling out disinfo and stuff they have absolutely no understanding of
I'm invested in one of their partners so its in my financial interest to get the chip.
what? I don't understand what shit eating puppets have to say
try again
fuck off Jew
It's true that Gates hasn't explicitly mentioned wide-scale chipping as his stated intention. But taking what he and the institutions involved are saying at face value is contingent on their integrity, which they don’t have. You can clearly establish connections between companies and think tanks involved with digital implants and their donors, governments, supranational entities… At that point it’s just a question of putting 2 and 2 together.
sorry I know big words are hard for a leaf with a brain the size of a walnut, maybe ask your mom for help
if Bill and the Illuminati wanted all you retards chipped they would have done it right after you were born and in the 90s
So step 8 is no more passports needed and much harder for criminals to hide their money.
Some how that jumps straight to world government?
>I already said inb4 shill
Sorry but that’s not immunity. Proceed to “your whore mom dies in her sleep v2.3”
bc the third link isn't real. go ahead and type it in. it doesn't exist and never existed.
this guy is right.
>bc the third link isn't real
it's nothing guys that's why it's such an important universal project
Feel free to fill in the missing steps. Throw a war or two and an uprising in there maybe, but once the digital dollar or a rebranding of it becomes the defacto global currency and the last unchipped die off from time and other causes there will only be those who accepted the chip or were born with it.
Digital ID. He's talking about poos and homeless and Nigerians with no identity or birth certificate. The true redpill is realizing that Bill is trying to depopulate third worlders only
How can your personal info be secure if it's on a passive chip in your hand? What is to stop somone near you from quietly scanning your chip and stealing your identity?
I'm with you, just surprised someone would try claiming the website doesn't exist at all when that's so easy to verify.
There is such an effort being made on Yas Forums right now to try to get people panicking, it's unreal. I've never seen the board like this before.
First there won't be any chip of any type, read over the website, everything about it is a digital system
Secondly it's secure because it's on a blockchain. No one can edit it except you. An example would be Bitcoin. You can't edit your or someone else's amount of bitcoins at all, otherwise you could steal billions
I should have said no one can allow it to be accessed or edited except you
based and redpilled
i am ready to be a citizen of the United Nations of Microsoft360, as long as it comes with free word and like at least 2TB of storage.
What's microsofts take on the digital dollar and wallets?
I feel like if MS wanted to do that they could have done it when crypto first became a thing
I'm not a shill I'm just saying if they wanted to chip you they easily could have done so after 9/11. Everyone would have agreed and the tech has existed since the 80s
Certificate authentication is insecure, for any type of verification. Every time Microsoft uses some sort of token or certificate to verify the identity of services, vendors, or anything else there are always people who crack them open like eggs and forge legitimate looking data to bypass security.
Bill Gates thinks like a pajeet and this is a terrible idea.
That's why they're moving to blockchains
Nope. That would turn my Mac into a PC and I will sue Microsoft.
I still miss XP and you even took 7 from me fuck off Bill
How do you know? Because they don't explicitely say so?
Sure, it's conjecture at this point, but you can draw all the likely inferences from the parties involved and their areas of activity. All things point towards this being the probable end goal.
And it's not going to be one large corporate monolith that is going to implement it from the top down, but a network of smaller, glownigger financed, more localised companies that will implement it under the pretense of different purposes but in what really is a covertly coordinated endeavour. Some countries will have it first as a vaccination certificate, others to replace cash, to provide social ID for people outside of the system, etc…
Going from an already existing multipurpose digital identification to having it on an mandatory issued actual chip in your hand is really not that much of a stretch.
A lot of it will probably start with the pandemic as justification but it will likely be a progressive implementation. This first stage implementation will later be repurposed to apply to other aspects of life to the point where the chip ultimately has the same function in every country and then they will centralise everything, at least as far as the public is concerned (it already will have been).
Swedes being Swedes (muh futuristic gadget):
Carbyne in France (article in French, Israeli security app):
Texas has MyPass for the homeless:
Bangladesh worked with ID2020 and Gavi:
And I’m sure there are more examples.
I'll put my dick in little billy before i ever take the mark of the beast
>Everyone would have agreed
Fuck no they wouldn't, people still had to pull a wire out of their cell phone before calling. Nobody was hooked on constant dopamine hits from their smartphone yet. The internet was something that screamed in your ear when you picked up your house phone while your idiot son is is downloading a picture bit by bit for the past 10 minutes only to realize that it's a dude with tits. People were worried the world would end because the computers clocks wouldn't know how to handle the year changing. 9/11 hadn't happened yet and the Patriot act wasn't a thing. Nobody was desensitized enough to surveillance and thought computers were reliable enough for them to ever get enough popular support for it. By making digital ID associated wallets for digital dollars the only way to obtain relief funds most people will accept the money. I don't firmly believe it will be chips at first, probably cell phones and other contactless methods but the potential for there to be an archive of every digital dollar spent being trackable from a to z with the details of every exchange and the IDs of the associated parties logged is highly concerning. Perhaps drivers licenses incorporate digital ID, and since apparently everything is so much more advanced than we know, self driving cars with digital ID ignitions become the only road legal vehicle, with a deposit paid towards a purchase of one of the new vehicles automatically added to your digital wallet in exchange for relinquishing possession of it? What if it becomes the only way to pay for public transportation, utilities, phone, internet, food, medical marijuana, guns, media, literature?
Bullshit. If the government said everyone needed to be chipped after 9/11 everyone would have said yes. They didn't do it then and they won't do it now.
Patriot Act
Passed the Senate on October 25, 2001 (Yeas: 98; Nays: 1)
Iraq War Authorization
Passed the Senate on Oct. 11, 2002 (77 - 23)
that's an assumption
but the link is quite real
Eat shit nigger
microsoft can't even get windows right and they want to run a global campaign for ID's...
gates must be delusional...
You realise starting your post with 'you realise' makes you sound like a shill right?
The stimulus bill that Pelosi made includes a clause that the stimulus will be paid in US DIGITAL DOLLARS issued by the FED. All FDIC participating banks will hold a US Digital Dollar Wallet for you.
This ENTIRE fucking fiasco (virus scare, shutting down economies) was a Trojan horse to hook everyone into wanting/needing corona coins.
And these idiots will gladly take in this centralized digital currency and unknowingly say goodbye to their childrens' freedom. This fucking stimulus package is locking the world up into serfdom for the glomohomo banks.
There is a small window available to fucking put these kike assholes to bed. People need to wake the fuck up and realize digital currency is happening whether they are comfortable with the idea or not. And the only way to fight these assholes with their worldwide enslavement plan is it to get educated about the difference between centralized and decentralized digital currencies. FED and government WANT to enslave you with CENTRALIZED digital currencies. And guess what happens next, microchipped money/ID.... WAKE UP!
People need to put their money in any other kind of decentralized coin (monero, btc, ltc, bch, it doesn't matter which one) and start using any of them over the bank's centralized coin. There are many option, but they have to be used by the population. People that understand the dangers of digital currencies issued by a fucking central bank MUST teach and explain the difference to their normie family and friends otherwise their stupidity will enslave you too. We need to to fucking stop this shit for our the sake of our progeny
Who fucking cares about editing it, its who can access to see your info and what it will be used for. TPTB will use it to initially restrict travel, then broaden it to attend mass gathering events if you do not have the proper vaccination.
Fuck you Bill
If they coulda they woulda.
No they would not people were not enough desentizised on big brother is watching you in those years.
if they pay me for it why not
I still dont get how the chip and digitazitation of money are somehow needed for world government
Stop picking on one piece of it. Say we drop the inevitable end result of globalization, and assume Digital ID and centralized Federal Reserve digital currency will only be implemented in the states. The violation of privacy, the security concerns, this alone is reason to be highly vocal about the dangers of what is to come. The chip doesn't need to be inserted by the vaccine, it could be as simple as Apple pay is now. I know the DMV where I am is now issuing IDs with electronic components. I don't see how you can downplay the implications of the chip and digitized money on their own, much less when it comes to lubricating the global consolidation of political authority.
i will personally make someone pic up the player 2 controller in minecraft and then kill them