Coronavirus, illicit drugs

With the borders being closed, and lock downs/ curfews being put into effect around the globe, are we going to see drug supplies start running low?

Prices spike?

Will we see mass-withdrawal?

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Bro I just want my lsd


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It comes in on sneaky planes and improvised subs and inside big machinery
This doesn't really mean shit

i have no idea. what i do know, however, is that i am about to go do some marijuana dabs. that's right. i'm going to go do some marijuana and then play some game, but i don't know which one yet.

ding ding ding

maximum profit right now

beds r full, cashpay only.

byebye scholarship

hello cigna

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No. The CIA hasn't shut down

I think our supply chain is going to be fine, we closed the borders but there technically isn't a serbia-kosovo border so we might only run out of cocaine as amphetamines are locally produced and weed and heroin come from kosovo, cocaine is the only drug that has to cross an actual border

Yes, here they have increased security around pharmacies all around the country. Recreational drugs are running out and they are afraid that junkies will rob pharmacies. Yesterday when I walked near a closed pharmacy it took five minutes for a security company car to appear. Guard kept looking at me "what the fuck are you doing there?" and stayed there after I left.

Imagine not growing your own weed and keeping healthy levels of uppers/downers spare

God damn, I wish I had some good crystal right now. It's been so long since I smoked

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my Mexican delivery guys with the black tar and crystal say it isn't an issue. one of them said he just had enough brought over to last months and got a great price break. another one laughed when I asked if it would be harder to smuggle into the U.S. while a third said his comes over the border on foot inside someone's backpack. what they are worried about is people running out of money and not being able to buy, people running out of money and robbing them at gunpoint, and not being able to get product out on the streets because of the lack of cars out and the increased police presence. all of my Mexicans seem to be offering more credit and being more generous in general, it seems they just want to get as much product on the street as possible. this has been your report from your local heroin user, feel free to ask any follow up questions and if I don't have an answer I can ask one of the mexicans.

Would be hilarious to see junkies die off or wreck havoc in their likely Liberal cities.

there is the answer.good bye.

So glad I'm just addicted to beer and depression. Wouldn't even want to think about another habit right now, I'm risking my life just staying isolated and fapping all day. I'm worried I'm gonna chafe it down to a major vein and bleed out.

shut your god damn filthy leaf mouth!

Ironic thing is, you're most likely just as useless and pathetic as the junkies you want to die

Why do you think there are so many shills calling this a nothingburger?

grab your elementary school science book and figure out how to turn a hydroxide into a salt (hydrochloride)
or, if you don't care about understanding the chemistry behind it google "how to cook meth" and pray you don't blow up your house

He says posting on Yas Forums.

I know I'm gonna finally quit taking kratom. If I can't just run to the store and get some then that'll be it!

>thinks 'Muricans study chemistry in elementary school
Silly Serb, we just play with crayons up until at least 8th grade.

Price hikes followed by more price hikes followed by ludicrous price hikes which will make crime increase exponentially because these weak minded junkies think getting their fix is life or death.

kek'd out loud, but anyway it's a pretty simple reaction, you need an acidic environment, an oxydizer and a catalyst or some other form of energy supply, pretty sure there's at least 10 ways to make meth with household items

>weak minded junkies
what people don't understand about heroin addiction is that it flips a switch that makes logic no longer work, and it literally IS life or death in your mind to get well again by getting that next bag. that switch may or may not flip back at some point and people think that if it didn't, that person is weak. have some empathy, it is the fault of the dealers and this kike system we live in. like I said before the dealers have made heroin easier to get since the virus crisis, they are evil but I literally don't care because it's a slight load off my mind about how I'm gonna get well if I run out of money due to my work being shut down.

You're right but you only need to import pseudo. And with the chinese border lockdown, good luck with that.

also heroin will never go above $100 a gram for the end user unless you live in Alaska or north Dakota or some shit. there will always be Mexicans who will smuggle it in and undercut the current dealers if they decide to raise prices. heroin in most major U.S. cities is $10 for 100mg, $40 for a half gram, $60-80 for a gram, $150 or so for 3 grams, $500 or so for a half ounce. prices will never go lower than this in major cities or like I said some other dealer will undercut.

just like with alcohol, junkies can die from heroin withdrawal.
not that they will be missed tho, heroin junkies are scum

That's true, but with the massive drop in traffic they will be much much easier to detect.

Oh well, doesn't quitting heroin cold turkey take a week or two?

Wrong, fuck face, read something cunt

I really hope for you you'll get a long life without any trouble and keep being sheltered for many years.

You're going to see street thugs lose their source of income. Guess what happens next?

the heroin epidemic is your health officials fault tho, they got people addicted to a shitload of opioids, cranked up the price and made addicts they created switch to heroin out of poverty, the heroin epidemic is not like crack and meth where people chose to do drugs to have fun

You should be nicer to America's single mothers.

Three weeks to a year, it’s called “post acute secondary withdrawal.” First the physical withdrawals will last at least three days, up to three weeks, and then your brain has to heal and you need to find motivation and ambition because you will feel like a raw, weak, limp dicked bitch that’s just learning how to eat and sleep “right” again

I was a drug addict for most of my adult life. Cocaine and booze. I screwed around with opiates but never stuck nothing in my arm. Stop wasting your life. Lift weights and have white children. You can't be a good parent if you're fucked up all the time. Good luck anons.

Shit, what a horrible drug.
Are you a recovered addict yourself or seen a lot of that stuff up close in other people?

If you have users addicted to your product, you don't want to risk them losing their addiction.

You can't cold turkey an heroin addiction. Even after 24h you want to bang your head to the walls. Imagine after 5 days. Every single muscle fiber you got feels twisted, you can't have one second of comfortable position, you'll sweat even it's -20°C outside, you won't think straight.
That's the most painful experience you could ever have.

the only "thugs" dealing heroin are in eastern seaboard towns, most dealers are either junkies themselves or professional Mexican dealers, try reading an article or a book or even just the thread you're posting in. real life isn't like on HBO the wire.

imagine not prepping your drugs

Sure, but not really. Thanks for the link. This is quite the stretch, alcoholics and benzo users have seizures, dying from opiate withdrawal is practically impossible. I’d rather go through alcohol or bento withdrawal because it doesn’t feel as bad as opiate withdrawal but an otherwise “healthy” person doesn’t need to concern themselves with dying from discontinuing use, you will beg for it though

One of the only smart posts in this whole thread

pseudo ephedrine is synthetic, most drug companies produce it, all our meds with pseudo are local, that's why it has the pseudo, you're thinking of ephedrine, which is found in plants in china, the only difference between the two compounds being the angle of the OH bound onto the CH chain, both can be turned into meth since all you need to do is remove the OH anyway

Shit, so what is going to happen do you think?
Heroin can be stored for a while so I'm sure there is a fuckload out there in storage.

Who gets addicted to cocaine? Do a bunch, go to bed, wake up, repeat? It’s really easy to not repeat. The more and longer you do cocaine the less the body actually wants it. When you discontinue cocaine use you start healing and feeling better, not the case with opiates. Booze is a bitch, I like coke but I’ve never understood how others could get so deep with it

did corona solve the opiate crisis?

I’ve been an addict about twenty five years

Yeah it can be stored for many times. But as the supply will go low, the Big Guys will keep most of it under control, price will go up af in the street and people will do crazy shit to get some because of all the pain.

Oh ok. Ephedrine is it then. Thanks for it.

Reported for being a degenerate and having affiliations with smutt pedlers
To the oven with you fren!!

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In Newfoundland at least they lowkey expanded our methadone programs in St. Johns for the pandemic.

>Sign up.
>Get your cup of methadone in Tang.
>Get the fuck home and don't shoot up by Quidi Vidi lake

good. fuck junkies they can all burn in hell

How "normal" are you?
You're able to post coherently on here which puts you above a good number of people.

I don't know how to scale these things, but if 1 was "take for fun now and then and can walk away at any time" and 10 is "sucks cock every night for hits" where would you be?

The worst part of opiate withdrawal for me is when your dick stops working and your prostate swells so it’s hard to piss and you should liquid every fifteen minutes. So you have this shriveled dick with piss that won’t come out and a nasty raw ass, irritated from battery acid spray. You also can’t sleep or eat, you really do spend the entire time wishing for death. Anyone who has quit opiates on their own is a mentally tough person, even if they are a stupid fuck. Imagine being hungry and having to wait it out? Same thing, only you’ve tricked yourself into thinking you need a chemical instead of food to survive

Pretty ironic coming from the USA, aka the most addicted country to benzo and other painkillers in the world.

>Will we see mass-withdrawal?
This was always a concern of mine when I was doing heroin.
There was no plausible scenario where I get to raid a pharmacy, and ween myself off in piece if shit hit the fan.
Basically everyone with physical addictions, and even most diabetics will not last long in the boogaloo.

We have gypsies running that shit 24/7. They've been jumping borders their whole lives. Junkies probably pay x3 the usual price.

Fuck man, why did you take that shit in the first place.

The LSD we get in the U.S is generally made in the U.S.
It's not difficult to make, and there are families that have been making it for decades. A lot of them are on the West coast. That's why it's so easy to find acid in California, but when you start getting further into the states it becomes more scarce. Most of it has been eaten up by the time you get to the mid west.

probably the smartest move to hand out more methadone than having people running through the streets with withdrawal

I’ve never done rehab, I’ve never sold or stolen anything for my habits. I have been a pretty good addict but only because I’m a half wit and was raised as a good little Christian so guilt and shame always gets me to stop. I take Kratom, cannabis caps, snus, and shitload of caffeine every day. I do LSD maybe once a week and a gram of ketamine every few weeks. I am okay with how I am living my life now, I don’t feel like I’m wasting time or money and most of what I do works to my benefit

Yeah i heard there are LSD manufacturers in US. The people make shit ton on liquid

They do this with Suboxone, which is the superior drug when it comes to releasing a shitload into the drug population. Personally I like methadone more but that’s from an addicts perspective

So do you have a job? Or did you have one before this lockdown?

I mean, if you're a contributing member of society I guess you're not such a bad guy.

That's pretty sick, sadly most of my dealers in San Diego are fucking shit. I had some dude legit try to convince me to cash and stash (leave the money at a location and that he would swap it with the drug) he tried to sell me a tab for 20 aswell lmao

we won wars for your right to do that. I salute you

I'd say the acid is keeping you from going off the deep end. Maybe? Am I wrong?

>Anyone who has quit opiates on their own is a mentally tough person
I realized this after I quit, and knew dozens of people that had to go on maintenance to get off.
I have a friend who years after getting clean still takes suboxone. It's stupid as fuck if you ask me. 2 weeks cold turkey, and I was completely back to normal. The acute withdrawals on last about 5 days. Then it just feels like a minor cold.

>cannabis caps, snus, and shitload of caffeine every day. I do LSD maybe once a week and a gram of ketamine every few weeks.
I'm so jealous I can't even.

not per capita. you fucking degenerate

Nothing but research chemicals here since 2003. Good thing I got a few back in the late 90s
t. Texas

I have a fairly decent paying job, I’m pretty good at my craft. I’m still working

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Nah, I’d say you’re right on the mark

Wake up and repeat the following night. Or start cooking it. That's a quick way to get hooked. Really I was doing it on average 3 times a week. If you don't think that's an addiction you're wrong.

I’m with you there. Everyone I know fucked their life up with those gay pill programs. Should’ve just stayed on dope

Acid is really good at preventing addiction. I legit smoked a few cigs and garnered a craving for them until I dropped some good old lucy

Hah, nah, it’s an addiction, I’m just saying that I’ve never understood the appeal or how it hooks you.

And by the looks of it you have a real job, you help people and work with your hands and you make shit. Chin up man, just try and walk away from the heroin if you can, now might be as good a time as any since junkies are going to start getting worse for it.

We don't need to use drugs for funding anymore. So expect a draught.

yea u can.. ppl who think its hard have no will or arent prepared to face consequences like a retard.. ya it hurts but 2-3 days in ur back to normal. i do h/fet on weekends and work weekdays lol

I’ve always had head problems, the acid offers perspective. Most of what I do now works in my favor, I spent a long time waging war on myself, shit gets old and embarrassing, it was either live or die. I chose to die, but I decided to take a bunch of acid my friend gave me because I had a shit attitude, that was a year and a half ago and I’ve had my best year on earth since. Now I take LSD whenever I feel myself slipping to maintain perspective

taking into account how long the high lasts, you were basically tweeked about one third of a workweek if I did the math right, that's not as bad as some I know, also anyone struggling with addiction should get high off datura, that shit is so horrific most people who do it either stop or decrease their intake of drugs, stay clean anons

>how it hooks you
you kinda become embroiled in the cocaine lifestyle. good coke is a great drug and if you're partying, fucking, etc. then hey -- let the good times roll.
until they don't.

I had a kid with a stripper, I know the drill

I forgot to buy toilet paper.

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