At this rate itll be called italian virus

WHAT the fuck is italy doing?

Attached: ITALRI.png (438x240, 14.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Mamma Mia-choo!

Don't need two threads about Italian corona

Proving it's a nothing burger by infecting everyone but showing only a miniscule portion die.
Very based country

We're winning. See you on the other side!

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I would bet that USA meets Chinese numbers around the same time as Italy

Here in Madrid we keep the dead bodies by the icerink so we can avoid them rotting away until we can incinerate them

it's testing, and it's reportingh its numbers. stupid moron

Uhhuhh analsweatsuit, the Nazies used MASS crematoria. Also massgraves which definitely are there somewhere.

anyone planning on going to skate on that rink ever again?

Publishing real, uncensored numbers i assume.

Licking Chinese pussy to prove not racist.

Pasta to pasta transmission is very dangerous.

Generous classification. Italy considers anybody that died while having the virus as a Coronavirus death. 88% of fatalities involved multiple other serious illnesses. Only 12 percent of these deaths, did the person purely have Coronavirus.

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that graph is misleading because the curve seems to be flatlining, while there's actually an exponential increase since 1k to 10k and 10k to 70k is almost the same timeframe

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What are the odds I can move to ravioli land after all this and flex my American dollar

Is Italy 3rd now?

who cares

shitalians aren’t white faggot


Italy should just suppress and censor all info like based boy China so it'll become the American virus instead

Italy was merely a prelude. The real show will be staged in the U.S.
That growth speed is absolutely crazy and it's not like Italy where it's entirely focused in Lombardy and surrounding areas. You will not contain it.

our media is either completely run by chinks and kikes or they are retarded. Why the fuck would anyone believe news coming out of china?

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kek itally is taking extreme measures to stop the spread of the virus, your country isn't doing shit and you all gonna die, ifa nything an apartment in itally will cost about as much as the state of alabama


where are these mass graves or mass crematoria? Sounds like a kike lie

God it sucks that this site is now so “”influential”” that third party state actors will flood the site with retards like you to spew retarded shit.

Now the fucking Chinese are doing it

If your stocks don't stop collapsing every monday, by the time this pandemic is over you'll be homeless

America is going to be a giant petri dish by the end of the April

It will always be called the chinese virus from china, chang. Your weak efforts to whitewash your weak country are weak.

They already are you dumb yokel

No shit, as your presence here so clearly elucidates

China virus made by chinks

In 3 days, it will be the American virus.


Why not use some acid that leaves the bones but gets rid of the rest? Is it merely a question of that seeming indecent to the mourning? Would acid be too expensive? Or would it not actually be any faster?

and in few years we will call this pandemic "burgerholocaust".

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you're generally right but daily new cases have actually been getting lower for two days in a row now. that's not much but good news considering the situation i guess

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China hid the real numbers.

I would imagine China's deaths would be somewhere between 7-14 million so far.

So that's also why Italy isn't getting better. It had to be much worse in China for it to be this bad in Italy

>7-14 million deaths

you mean cases right?

Viral spread is exponential. The tapering of the slope still indicates it's slowing down because its deviating from a linear slope.

t. not a brainlet

You better worry about your own country pal

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And Americans keep saying it's a nothing burger.

These figures wont look better until the whole country is in complete isolation for like a month, a bit like Italy right now.

Confirmed cases don't mean shit, Italy have straight up said they stopped counting the dead, it's that bad.

Then why are numbers for the dead still coming in?

>people dying of cancer is down 15%
>people dying of the flu is down 65%
>people dying of tuberculosis is down almost 90%

You sure are Tony!

>by the end of the april
>the april

Get the fuck out Chang

>WHAT the fuck is italy doing?
not altering their numbers like chinkistan

yea i guess. god damn, poor italybros. hang in there lads

A Jew doctor in Italy claims they're denying treatment to Italians who need respirators... who then subsequently die.

Meanwhile (quoted in the article) - "Israel is currently purchasing thousands of respiratory machines, and they are supposed to arrive in the country by mid-May. On Saturday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel is using every means it has to secure medical equipment to help patients during the pandemic".

So Jewish doctors are denying Italians access to key medical equipment because they are sending the medical equipment to Israel.

Kill the older generations and colonize the young. I wonder how many Italian doctors are in Israel making sure kikes die out? Especially have many Italians provided safe harbor to Jews during WW2.

This is what you get for letting Jews live.

>Especially have

>WHAT the fuck is italy doing?
Switching sides and joining the virus, apparently.

>what the fuck is Italy doing?

>US at 46,000
It was literally 30,000 yesterday Jesus Christ.

>those death numbers

Is Goebbels back in the german ministry of propaganda?

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The north of Italy had factories where they would outsource labour to Chinese workers from Wuhan. What most likely happened is a bunch of infected chinks came over with their third world hygiene practices and infected half the region killing every chronically ill boomer in the process. Italy's delayed lockdown gave the virus more time to spread than in China where they had the army patrolling the street with in a few days and dragging people away. I suspect many of the videos where you see Chinks being taken away by police would be asymptomatic carrier who think some shit it up because they are being detained but do not feel ill. Also the North of Italy has a higher old people population because they moved out of the cities after ruining the country with immigration just like the country side in the UK

yeah that's the point of a log curve brainlet
if the curve is flattening then it means the spread isn't exponential anymore

This wouldn't be a problem if they weren't trying to manufacture ventilators from semolina flour.

Germany is testing more. It's just starting, watch it spike soon. Unfortunately.

Italy got setup

I don't get why china dislikes italia though

What I heard is that the Germans don't consider coronavirus as the cause of death of people suffering from other pathologies.

^From 30k chases we have just 500 recovered so the deaths will go up more in the next few weeks but not much because we are not africa tier like shitalians

The new italian pasta shape: ventilatore rotto
Soon to be offered in cans of Chef Boyardee in a delicious mucosal sauce

The wops need to stop dry humping each other whenever they meet.

Fire has cultural significance, humans are fascinated by flames. Acid is weird, horrible, disgusting.

The CCP is a corrupt governing body, not a virus

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Salvini was pushing them out. Now China is forcing themselves on Italy.

It's both

EU abandoned Italy

Exactly - where are the on the ground footage and video blogs from people ? All i see are shady fake stuff from China and (western) state approved 3 letter media agency footage.

Acid is consumed in it's reactions, it's relatively slow and expensive, and you'd need a fuckton of it and the waste would be much more difficult to deal with.

+10% of the country is dying you fucking moron. That isn't "minuscule".

I feel really bad for pasta bros

The commie regime isn't telling the truth, dumbo

that's fake news

EU pretty much abandoned reality itself

The growth rate of the virus is steadily declining in Italy.

More testing means more confirmed cases

imagine believing the chinese numbers.

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U had 10k new cases yesterday we had 4k are u stupid

Considering how many old people are in Germany I find it plausible