Sweden, Denmark...

Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland should unite and form one country to better be able to defend the people's interest in a globalist world.
prove me wrong, /pol
you can't

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go ahead

nordcuck's wet dream


Hahahahaha NO

yeah, well. kinda for it i guess

Aaaa, Kamelåså!

Your country is not mentioned in the OP, therefore you have no mandate in this thread bong.

La Svensker ha innflytelse over politikk som berører nordmenn?
Nei, takk.

First we need to leave the EU.

Det er mange svensker der har stemmerett i Norge, hvad syns du om det?

Se så, snart är oljetutten färdigmjölkad.. då kommer dere krypandes på knä och ber om anschluss.

Hyll Fascismen!

Also annex Binland and just make them go through fornorsking.

We really should. Defend our people and our brothers against all the fucking scum that try to abuse us.
But we all know how disgusting our politicians are and how much money they throw to niggers while letting their media buddies attack our people who want to protect us

Only with swedes as wassals with no right to influence, and kick out all the shitskins of course, actually only denmark should have control with the rest of us as wassals.

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You have to take the Finns too

fuck of and die, bareasses

>implying that danes are less intelligible than swedes

floot schoot hwoot poot djoop doop poop maloop skjoop

Calm down mohammed.

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>to better be able to defend the people's interest in a globalist world.
>They can't defend themselves individually
>but this will totally change once unified

I'm fucking ready
On one condition; Sweden gets absolutely fuck all political power and is essentially split between Denmark & Norway

Also, Norrønt is to be the official language union-wide
Also also, fuck niggers and shitskins

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Totalt, absolut, fulstændigt baseret og nordpilled

No, we shouldn't. We should go back to small communities, max 150 people, and elect a local leader who shall reign for one year. If he is deemed to have done a good job by the community, he is elected once more, but will always be abled to be challenged once a year, preferably on a high festival early in the summer. If he is greedy for his own sake or does not act accordingly, he is dismembered, also on a high festival, in winter. Point is, we must become less and more tribal. It is the only way. It is the natural way.

>implying that scandanavia isnt the secret cabal that is orchestrating the globalists

closet anarchist faggots get the rope

Not in the current state. Without strong nationalist leaders this is a bad proposition.
Sweden will always be one election away from fucking everyone, Iceland are a lost cause since forever.
The rest, Norway, Denmark and Finland, are an arm's length from being as dangerous as Sweden.

Most of our nations are dysgenic boomertownsor roach motels for human extinction with dying countryside.

One day bros.. one day

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>The rest, Norway, Denmark and Finland, are an arm's length from being as dangerous as Sweden.
Cliché cope, hop i kattegat med dig

Skyscraper villages, each floor has 150 people. Each tower has competitions each year and the winner moves up a floor and the loser down. If you reach basement level 30 then you get placed into a fight to the death against another towers basement level 30. The top floors above the clouds get special boy benefits.

Kalmar union 2.0, you are going to need a cooler flag than the yellow with the red cross tho

Until all three countries can agree on which rotting stinking fish delicacy is the best, they will never be able to unite.

you guys just need to not let Sweden in control of the group or you guys are fuck, you guys need to expel your niggas and do a global campaign to expel them from the planet or the planet one day may thing that they are with us and will try to fuck us over with them, made is already happening.

Lutefisk is based and redpilled.

i gotcha saatana jumalauta

fuck you fjeldabe, pickled herring is the chads choice

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I think Sweden has the biggest Nordfront group in scandinavia, could be wrong, but what other countries in Europe have openly natsoc organizations that actually organize?
You can only push a people so far before they snap and flip the table.

Alright. Let's do it then.

I would honestly like to see a reformed kalmar union in my lifetime

Better, Odins ravens are objectively cooler than crosses

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Infinitely cooler
You will be anschlussed too though

norway, you can't even agree on how to spell jeg and you want to federalize with three other countries?

Don't forget we took your jews during/after WW2. We literally sacrificed ourselves for you, and your pic is a result of that

On the condition that women cannot vote, we keep finnish as official language and kick all the shitskins out of the Union, otherwise pick related but blank-firing adaptors will be removed

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Based bump. Kick all the kikes out too!

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Is that a Smash Ball?

Blessed thread.

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> Finnish official language



now go fuck off someplace else

ill retort to some simple shitposting

nothing new can be said

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You get exactly what you fucking deserved goyim, the folke bernadotte treatment.

yeah some 3000 jumping ship iirc

I cant say sorry for my forefathers but that probably made the biggest difference between us and I do feel sorry for you because of that

If Saudi Arabia can dictate what women are allowed to wear, then I say the time has come for a white country to do the same.

well ok then

Finnish will be secondary, Norrønt will be primary union wide.

Shut the fuck up while the men are talking, whore

I fail to see how you could implement this change fren, last time it did not work in 700 years of swedish rule and the russians got themselves shot for trying to do just that

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Vi er smarte nok til å a brukt pengene til investeringer i utlandet aka oljefondet. Så lenge verdens økonomien er oppe å går kommer dere til å forsette tryglingen om å få servere oss mat og vaske dassene våres.

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And your language should be old norse. :)

You barely rule your girlfriends husbands kebab shop, you aren't fooling anyone pussy

>Så länge världens ekonomier är uppe

First Sweden has to go through a cleansing Civil war. Then we can cooperate with other Nords and teach a standardized old Norse for intercommunication

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In reality they'd have the overwhelming dominance in political power purely down to their size. Unless they magically change their attitude you'd essentially become greater modern cucked Sweden.