Any one else feel sorry for Pastaniggers

poor bastards

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The numbers are starting to go down Italy has gotten over the worse

Serves them right for infecting our American tourists after dealing with Chinks


No fuck shitaly

Not really, they claim Istria and Dalmatia are ital*an
We are surrounded by enemies

Yeah, it breaks my heart, desu.
I miss so much when this was just filthy chinks dying due to their own dietary habits or sloppy virus lab handling.

No, divine retribution for killing Mussolini

They're our future m9.
Any Italy bros on here?
What's it like
Mass deaths?
Arrested if you leave your home?

>the infection has grown to much for us to handle at this point we are going to start limited who gets tested
They ran out of test kits a few days ago. You poor ignorant bastard. Well I guess ignorance is bliss right now. Best to you.


ironically they're all dying in lombardia where they made huge cut to public healthcare in favor of private clinics

now they don't have beds - sad!`

London alone will overtake italy in rates of dying?

We need to start a hug an Italian campaign.

We are all gonna experience the same, there is no escape

Check’d and upvoted

>Yo Lil' Donnie

Italians arent white so idc

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File deleted?


Pasta niggers can fuck off, because of them we also got the virus. They hugged infected chink sleeper agents and now Europe is fucked

thanks for the pizza you wops

how many recovered?


I looked it up and there's 60 million people in Italy. Doesn't that seem really high? Italy is pretty much the size of California, yet has 20 million more people. Why is this allowed?

>ignorance is bliss
that sums up this ENTIRE THING so far, world wide
>i-i-itll be over, just 15 days more!

Have you received the disease yet user?

That they fell for identity politics with the “International Hug A Chink” day was the reason they found themselves in such a train wreck. I’m not a cold-hearted bitch, but I don’t have the circuitry to want to hug one. Let alone if I know they recently came from China .

I have
been coughing for over a weak

The people in the Vatican didn't pray hard enough I guess!

>Have you received the disease yet user?
my wife apparently did (just a flu, lel)
i'm asymptomatic

Have you heard of anyone you know of dying of this yet?

I pity the elderly, but then I remember those very same people occupied parts of my country and tried to replace us.
We should take this opportunity to reclaim Trst and Gorica.

>They ran out of test kits a few days ago.
Bullshit. We have such surplus that we even sold you half a million kits. Why do you retards keep changing version of facts to change your narrative?

Lol no

C'mon! Is at least 30 years that we stopped claim that soil!

History says that your people always heve been subhumans to be dominated

it is italian you dumb bitch.
Once this will be over, expect a war, you Croats are polluting our soil with your stink

Fuck your kik country founded too, you muttard wormsburger

in Venezia they were known as Schiavoni, big slaves.

This fat whale was a typical croatian female.
Now they have the gall to call themselves owners of Istria and Dalmatia

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Leaffaggot. Fuck your ceta

Nuke shitaly

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Ahahahaha you have thousand of sandniggers breaking in your country and you accuse italians of the spread of the virus. Can hercole chop your head, feta piece of shit


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I hope pasta niggers beat it. They're retarded in lots of ways, but they add to white people as a collective.

Who cares. Pasta niggers and anglo niggers will pay for their arrogance. Mario or John dying rly makes me happy!

This begun to us a month ago..let's see what are you gonna do james


Indeed. These numbers should be in united kingdom of pakindia

Of course it does, when you're nothing, and aspire to be more but can't, anything and everything falling, above you, makes you happy.

Two subhumans fighting whos gonna die more lol. Herd immunity vs irresponsible partying like degen. Go hug your grandpa retard

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italy is practically africa, why aren't they spreading it there and to do the world a favor

It is maybe the hole your mom has in between her legs?

Shut up retarded mutt you let niggers rape your own women and kikes laugh in your face with sites like blacked. Literaly 13 50. If nonwhites did such crime here thex would already be lyncched you beta sissy

Venetians were huge jews. You used Holy wars to first loot and then get a claim on christian Croatian city of Zadar and Dalmatia. How fucking dirty was that.

Ahahahhahah your kik founded country it is the most degenerate ever

because Yas Forums is full of spergs who are desperate for this happening to keep getting worse because they're bored and it's funny

Are you Puerto Rico? I literally can't tell. You both amount to the same nothingness.

We have a treatment now, this thing is over. All that's left to do is widespread testing and treatment. Everybody get back to your life.

The best you brainlet idiots can do in your country is jew pornography

So you have to lie and make shits up because your little mutt brain got triggered? Must sucks to know you will be less than 50% white in your life time.

As an Italian in the US, I hope I get Covid19 and it kills me. Fuck this gay Earth.

>a Holy war starts
>crusaders need ships
>jews from Venetia offer them ones
>"but only if you help us loot and conquer Zadar"
>cruseders conquer Zadar for them
Italians hundreds years later:
wE aRe ThE trUe RuLeRs oF DalMatia

We stopped claiming them years ago.
Except in a couple of small towns, that we should get back btw, italians were sent back to their homeland so we have no right to claim these former parts of our country. Except these couple of villages of course

Relax mario after this crisis you will be economicaly bellow us. U have astronomical debt already while we have lowest in europe with 35% gdp while you are like 200%. You have triple of our uneployment and our economy is not tourist based. Ur fucked lol

No, I'm not kidding. You quite literally don't even register on American radar of anything of importance. France, England, Italy, Germany... fine. You're a literal 'who the fuck?'

not at all, thay are getting what they deserve for being rats during ww2
t. slovenian

I actually dont mind it, I mean, Istria was never a part of any Croatian land until 1945
But hey, nations lse land. We lost Bosnia for example. Id hapilly trade Istria for Bosnia

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Yes of course.