There is nothing wrong with marrying a woman who already has a child, so long as the child is white and so are you

There is nothing wrong with marrying a woman who already has a child, so long as the child is white and so are you.

The bigger cuck is the biological father who still has to pay child support while you take the actual rights to raising the young lad.

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not politics.

right or wrong meh, it just means you are weak.

>n-no you
you quarantine faggots can go back to plebbit where you came from

i guess

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You stormcucks shit this board up. Go away juden

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Low quality b8, get off my anime image board faggot.

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Begone single mom

how? how does marrying a woman and taking on her son/daughter as your own weak? that is pretty manly, desu. Throughout european history there have been bastard children whether it be from war, famine or plain old degeneracy. Look at some of the greatest European leaders and most of them were bastards or raised by a Step-Father.

kys, moshe

Shut the fuck up or you will end in one of my execution videos.

this board has never been an incel board until you mgtow plebbit kikes came here. So n-no you can go back to plebbit. Seriously why would you even reply to this thread? oh because you are a fatherless incel kike.

>he bigger cuck is the biological father who still has to pay child support while you take the actual rights to raising the young lad.
I thought the child support stops once the woman remarry or do you burgers not do it like that?

go ahead it will only bump my thread while you wait for your ban

Alimomy stops generally. Child support goes until the bastard is 18.

naw you still have to pay, it's super cucked here in the US. The bio-Father could take the mother to court and get it lowered but usually it never happens.

Or you could just find a young, fertile bride who hasn't been pumped and dumped.

ya that's wishful thinking for most guys in the West, desu



You are a cuck

>how? how does marrying a woman and taking on her son/daughter as your own weak?

The very thing you say makes you a cuck, don't raise someone else's children you cuck.

makes sense only if you are an infertile man. Most men are weak and their decision making is highly influenced on getting some pussy especially when they are young.
A man in his 30's can easily get a 20yo chick and bang her senselessly even marry her if u will and have kids, actually no need to marry her even.
And im not even a traditionalist like most mf's here, but having a relationship with a mom is annoying since she will always be tired/overwhelmed by other task, which u will be expected to help with.
Ye u get some puss puss faggot, but its the easiest way to do so, hence making you a low impact weakling.

A single mother has already failed as a mother and a wife. Perhaps the ex was the bigger failure but the single mother is a massive fuck up in her own right regardless.

She'll be desperate to find a good man to provide for her and her child but why go for low hanging fruit when there's almost guaranteed to be a worm in it?

Not to mention raising someone else's child is literal cuckoldry.

Because it devalues women who remain pure and chaste, exalts and exonerates promiscuous women, degrades the value of husband quality men to clean-up men and incentivizes pump & dump mentality as there'll always be a fool to take care of your bastards.

Actually a good and valid point....

Never play another man's saved game.

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>there is nothing wrong

Kid is likely to have mental issues resulting from it.
Mom is likely to have mental issues of her own for picking a bad husband, bad enough to abandon while having a kid.

that's trace back to miths age, because cultural heroes must be fatherless for be effective, otherwise they would take the father as role model, grow to be like him and not changing the word at all.

>don't raise someone else's children you cuck
How? You would rather the mother work and take a job that could go to a Father? You'd rather that child, your volk, be raised fatherless and on the street or on welfare because his mother cant find a man to marry and raise and take care of them?

>having a relationship with a mom is annoying since she will always be tired/overwhelmed by other task, which u will be expected to help with.
I mean yeah it definitely is baggage but that baggage can be used against her. When you make a woman and her child dependent on you then they will never leave you. Plus you get a son/daughter without having to pay for it

Raising someone else's bastard, wasting resources, time & energy on it is just pathetic. It's even worse than having a daughter.


Only a kraut could sell us this cucked fuckshit: Nice try, Hans

What’s wrong with marrying a woman with a child but also have her pump out one of your own?

Yes there is.

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yes, it use to be very common in France, Germany, Rome, Greece, Russia all through the ages because of War leaving sons and daughters Fatherless. Sons would join Guild/Apprenticeships and the Masters would take them under their wings

I never said she wouldn't also have kids with you as well. I was saying if you married a woman who already had a kid. I wouldn't do it if she couldn't have more kids.

Remove niggers from the equation, what happens?

My post defeats your meme pic, idiot. I agree that keeping them "single mothers" isn't healthy, they would be better off marrying another white man having more white children while he raises the bastard son/daughter.
Your pic makes my point exactly why we should be marrying and taking in single mothers with white children, so long as you are white yourself. I dont want to see any white kid or woman single fatherless.

All you fucks laugh at people for not having your own kids, and that is a "cuck". But If yo split up you don't have an alimony, you dont have to pay child support, and you can leave the little shit behind.

Why does Yas Forums of all places even want kids? Not having your own gives you the best of both worlds unless the kids are old in which case you might be screwed, but then again you're an old fuck.

well I was more thinking you would eventually have more kids with the single mom. But yeah that's true, desu

Your role is to "fix" the unfixable? Pathetic.

All single mothers are worthless scum. They're single for a reason.

I would genocide the entire white race with my own hands before raising a bastard. You must never be a cuck - being a cuck for 'your race' still makes you a cuck.

Children need a father figure to become a Chad
More chads = more whites

Even if you're not the biological father, they can still make you pay child support, if they can prove you took on a fatherly role, or unpaid babysitting.

Plus it's not about the mom, it's about the kid

>Because it devalues women who remain pure and chaste, exalts and exonerates promiscuous women
You're operating under the assumption that the child is a bastard or from a failed marriage. What if she is a widow?

Eyes not blue?
Marriage not true.

t. roastie

What about widows?

Children only learn what they're taught.

Also worthless, not worthy of sympathy because their spouse died. Why eat off another man's plate. You'll never live up to the memory of a dead spouse.

Then teach the basterd

No "chad" would raise another man's kid. It would be a spineless cuck, a loser.

It made sense to adopt children back then because you could use the extra child labour and use them as a retirement plan. Doesn't make as much as sense these days as kids are money pits who could disappear at 18 unless you need the extra child support bennies

>not worthy of sympathy because their spouse died
This and not marrying them are not mutually inclusive. You don't have to take on anyone's responsibilities or get involved in their life in order to have sympathy for them. If you feel absolutely nothing for someone who has suffered the death of a spouse you're probably a terrible fucking person.

Running from a kid is even more cucked, hell it creates cucks

It's only cucked if the biological father is still involved

opinion discarded

Fuck you. Its still kidnapping and alienating the actual parent.
I hope you die in a fiery car crash.

That's their main personality traits though, ever met a widow? Why would you waste time on someone without closure, hung up on their dead spouse. You'll never live up to their memory, their kids will hate you, you'll never be their Dad, it's like teaching a nigger to swim, you've a small chance to be successful, but more than likely will fail.

You are raising another man's offspring that came forth from his testicles, he deep-plowed your gf/wife.

Teach them what? Why not have your own biological children and invest the time? Doesn't make sense to buy a used car and take it to the racetrack, ya know.

Make the child redpilled

I'm going to assume you replied to the wrong post or you didn't read a word of what I said because you're responding to an argument I didn't make.


Pol is pro cuck now, bit only if the kid is white. Lmao!!!!!

Dumbshit.... that was in a time where widows were an actual thing. This is not the case today, whereby you are literally cleaning up another mans leftovers, due to choice on the mother.

Please pick some styling music to go along with it. I love the one with funky town playing in the background, top tier aesthetic honestly.

I disagree. Being a good Step-Dad is alpha af. You guys don’t realize most of these single mothers are excellent lovers and great wives who were abandoned by shit dead beat fathers.
Most of these women are beautiful inside and out and know how to treat a real man and be a real woman.
It just takes a few dozen losers to figure out what is really important.
Want a blow job every morning?
Single moms.

There is no argument, eating off another man's plate is cuckoldry and prostration to women, which are pathetic. Have your own biological children.

Or, have your own biological children.