Be healthy White person not bothering anyone

>Be healthy White person not bothering anyone.
>Be the only race that has significant amounts of empathy and dreams to help the world as shown throughout history.

>Kikes shoot me (attack), tie my arms and legs together (make poor), and duct tape my mouth (censor).
>Shitskins start making moves on my Women, my beautiful White Women and better half.
>1/5th of every advertisement features a White women with some non-White male.
>Dating apps programmed to give shitskins preference.
>Too low IQ to see that their "success" with my Women is propped up by Jews.
>Catholics/Jews continue to fuck children and cannibalize the 3rd world.
>But shitkins hate "White People"
>Too low IQ to see that it is the Judeo-Religious cultures doing this to them. NOT Pagan/Norse cultures from the White Ancient world.
>"White people should just die".
>"White people are a disease."
>Continue still, to pursue my women, my future wife, even though we all should "die" and are a "disease"
>Continue to benefit from welfare/affirmative action/and other tax paid benefits from white nations
>"Islam is a superior culture."
>"Blacks are the master race because of our common genes White boi!"
>Invade my towns, vandalize the property, mug the elderly in my communities,
>Recklessly have 5 children per mother with no plan for them except to fend for themselves
>"Who gonna pay for my keeds?"

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Get involved in my nation's politics
>Run for office and win with sheer numbers. And heavy Jewish endorsement
>"The cities first transgender muslim mayor. She beat the odds!"
>Great I hope she is a good leader then?
>First piece of legislation:
>"We need mo' diversity! too many wite folx!"
>Still 8% of the world's population
>Oceans upon oceans of Chinese, Africans, Arabs living and fucking in their home countries
>Even the slightly traveled notice the demographic difference in the world
>"But we need MO' Diversity!"
>Change the curriculum in my children's schools to be more "inclusive."
>Teach everybody that White people are the cause of all the evil in the world
>White children get bullied, beat up and raped by non-Whites.
>Suffer psychological issues for the rest of their lives.
>White girls lose their guidance from White men and turn to the State for a sense of purpose
>State tells them to fuck niggers and hate their own culture
>"Say no to White bois"
>Become a single mother or crazy bitch after 20 years.
>Boomers apathetic about current event and "it'll all work itself out."
>Pretends the civil rights movement was good.
>Millennial too despondent to do anything.
>Jews making all time profits and sucking America dry

-Freeze frame. Record scratch.-
Hey Chang. Hey Abdul. Got two seconds of attention? Question.

If you were in our shoes, and wanted you and your people to live and have a future, how would you resolve this situation, without killing EVERYONE non-White?

the new generation of nazis will erase everything non-white until 2100, screencap this

Deserve a bump



the only solution is to burn this society to the ground and start again after all the jews have been made an example of and destroyed and the invaders have been killed or sent back

the biggest obstacle is our own people, the soulless brainwashed ones who believe the jewish morality they were taught
they must be terrorized mercilessly


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The absolute state of the (very recent) world today, to be honest, I blame a lot of it on Yas Forums for not propagandizing fast enough. I see redpills on the important topics dropped on a daily but I see zero of that shit being posted on social media or anywhere online with tons of traffic. If Yas Forums could just come together for ONCE, it would make a huge difference in the current normies perception

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I have seen Arab, Asian looking men unironically say they are White.

Show them a yearbook from the 1980s. Show them video from just a few decades ago and they won't even believe what they are seeing. Like the definition of "White" can change so fast... Like a mountain lion saying it is a Tiger because of slight resemblance.

In just a few short decades we have lost what is truly genetically and culturally White, these non-Whites have no idea they are a reduction of what they claim to be, and it was barely 1-2 generations ago.

>how do without killing all non whites and race traitors
dont worry user
thats exactly our plan

Fingers crossed

Read the book of Esther but replace jews with whites and and it tells an eerily modern story.

I hope Kek wills it.

I hope they fuck a nice BBC

Fuck off nigger

Move back to Europe dipshit

Any American/Canadian/Australian who stays and whines deserves what he gets and more, because he pays into a system that is used to destroy the real "west".

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where the white women at?

based little white girls

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What does Europe look like right now?

Can I find a nice White wife if I move there?

I want to sniff their unwashed underwear so bad I could scream.

It's feverish. I lust for fragrant panties.

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meth heads like this are extremely dangerous and should be dispatched without mercy

once a meth head always one, no mercy, they are absolute degenerates that will hurt children


Sorry kike but the satanic practice known as Judaism is the product of sickly inbred rabbis trying to make themselves fit into civilization.
Christianity is explicitly anti-kike. A true Christian would simply put your head on a pike, and God would be pleased.

Shitskins stink, so any white woman who falls for a shitskin has ZERO self respect.

Empathy is something less barbaric and more intellectual. Stupid retards who lack empathy usually end up destroying their professional reputations (yes, psychopaths are intellectually inferior scum).

Reminder that this poster is asian

Reminder that Asian incels from reddit spam cuck interracial porn and make cuck posts like this to "troll" white men

Reminder that these Asian incels blame white society for their lack of sex

schwitzer sind so dumm dass es weh tut ^^ geh sterben du vollspast lmao

Unironically this. Corona is a godsend, honestly. The depression will put millions of europeans out of work. An angered and destabilized Europe is excactly what /ourguys/ need

Thread would get much more attention if we could see these girls feet.

wow this sounds so buthurt crybaby-style. just go kys with your "high IQ" lmao I bet its under 40

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Why do you circumcised kike mutts post shit like this as if you are a part of white European culture history and heritage

You are literally the same as mixed race or niggers who have no history, it’s why we dumped you in (((America)))

No. This is our land. We earned it. We will take it back.

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there's nothing about christianity that we need
gods are not meant to be personalities they are meant to symbolize aspects of reality

monotheism is a fundamental lie, it sets a limit on reality for absolutely no reason
it's a jewish lie meant to stop people from growing and exploring
monotheism is to worship one's self, one's own people, and be ignorant of all else
it's to say that the prophets and priests have quantified all reality and have seen the limits clearly and know certainly they can never be exceeded, when in reality they are setting limits on YOU so they can function at your expense until you go extinct from ignorance of the full scope of things

monotheism is a suicide pact, christianity is no exception
face it, you're owned by a cult that wants to suck your blood and you're too cowardly to escape because it's all you have known until now

incel thread

Well your "True Christianity" is nowhere to be seen. Not sure it even exists.

I do know that nature respecting ancient White religions did exist, and did fight for White biology many times throughout history.

But a White Christianty? An Aryan Christ? Sounds like a bunch of BS to cope with the fact that Christianity is a foreign middle eastern ideology.

incel poster

A woman's answer

you are completely disgraceful, all you care about is coping with your submission to jewish power at any expense

what OP describes is exactly what is happening with the majority of our people

Kill all anglos first pls. Gott strafe england

From reading and experience I'm pretty sure 'Jesus' was some kind of great aryan leader like Hitler that they co-opted and made jewish and faggy and erased all true history of

White people are pussies ive seen white dudes be cowards in front of their ladies. I dont think we collectively have enough of the violent gene to ever fight back.

Mutts are expendable retards.
Fuck off LARPer. You're giving actual Western people a bad name.

Focus your rage on something else and quit being a whiney little white fuckboi bitch.
For being master race yall do cry a shit ton.
All that wasted energy.
White niggers should be hung.

>NOT Pagan/Norse cultures
The only thing left of this culture is a few, utterly degenerate larpers.

Your country is built off the endless burial grounds of Native Americans who didn't do a single thing to harm you. Your fellow "whites" captured, enslaved, raped, tortured, conquered, colonized, and decimated millions of innocent peoples and their countries and cultures. Even if your grand, concocted anti-conspiracy theories are true and some irrelevant blue check mark twitter nobodies pretend that being white is bad, you still have it easier than anyone else. Leave your house one day and see if anyone treats you poorly on the basis you're white. They won't. Even zoomers try to emulate your culture to this day. Yas Forums is rotting what little you have left of a brain.

That's because white doesn't mean anything.
But I can say someone's French, or English, or German, or Swedish, or Scottish, or Finnish and you exactly what that means.
Anyone calling themselves that and not actually being that are just larpers.

Blood is more important than skin colour.

why are these israeli kikes posting on american IPs like people are even awake in america right now

Sex is not an issue for me, I have had it with 10 different women which is enough experience to satisfy my memories.

What is an issue for me is finding a good loyal girl to be my wife, because I am looking around and seeing nothing but a wasteland of bad female choices, jewish propaganda, reckless anti-White hatred and other things which have truely made me realize how dire the situation is.

Our women are literally reaching 30 & single without even seeing a problem. Right or wrong aside - girls used to be married off at age 14 because every year that passes, they knew the risk increases that she will NOT have kids. That means White genocide if she doesn't!

That's why the situation is dire. We can't even find a women who is loyal & stable enough to settle down whereas in the past generations THIS would be a non-issue. Men's problems were about politics/money, but finding a wife? Never a problem, society helped to ensure it. That was first priority.

Our generation, us men, are living in the WASTE of past generation's degeneracy. Now - when you have a wife, its not uncommon for there to be Cuckhold type relationships because "shes gotta have fun." Or relationships with older women who know their clock is ticking and need sperm. Or divorces, because a young hot women found a hotter guy and dumped you even though you both took vows.

And some men who try to be good - get screwed. I've never hit on a girl when she was in a relationship. I put myself in the other guy's shoes. I was taught that was wrong, right? But then 2 of my past relationships ended because I was traded up for another guy. Meaning some guy out there hit on my girlfriend.

That's the shit that happens especially to good men who just want restore order to this world.


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Mutts suffer from a collective identity crisis.
They have no real roots or culture.

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Yeah the anti white hatred has been dialed up to 11 the past few years. Im a total mutt and its actually starting to disturb me, because nonwhites are very open about their hatred of whites around me. I just want to live in peace ffs.
I dont know though, I honestly think you whites might be finished. You are so SO pussified and cowed by your women its unreal. I mean all races have cucks and simps, but whites take it to a completely surreal, almost demonic level. You are slaves to your women for real. Its so sick and unnatural the obvious result is racial destruction. Put your fucking women in line, they are a disaster. The first woman God ever made fucked over humanity forever, that should say it all

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built for bbc

yeah latina and Black women are BASED compared to whites


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>put your women in line
But isn't it black women who always sleep with 10 brothas and end up having 5 niglets from different daddies?
I'm confused here.

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Lmao 2100? Nazis crack me the fuck up. They got btfo and have the nerve to keep shout that they’ll be back. It’s too late, Europe has fallen, North America has fallen.

Get in line or get run over. I for one welcome our Muslim overlords.

>my Women, my beautiful White Women and better half.
this post is pure cringe, htfu faggot

Most of those burial grounds that you speak of also showed something interesting. Evidence of war between tribes. Injuries to the remains indicate that they actually tortured each other, and the number of bodies showed that they engaged in mass killings. You think it was any different than gang warfare that you see today in say, Mexico?

Every race has done evil things. But what makes white people unique? Look at the racial obsession of blacks, or the racism of south east Asians, or the deep hatred of Jews. Each one secretly covering up the little "mini-genocide" that they have all attempted to their close neighbor. Turkish to Armenian. Blacks in Rwanda. Japan to China.

Then tell me, which nation was the first to abolish slavery? Where did civil rights take place and not get shot down immediately? Which countries give the most aid to other countries.

Tell me that White aren't the most tolerant race on the planet. Tell me that precious empathy - an evolutionary RARE trait - does not exist in White people more than everyone else.

You better stop hating. You need to start preserving what is good before you lose it forever.

Have fun dealing with nogs and beans...

which explains why your demographics have been transformed to america-level demographics in like 1/20th the time

stop pointing fingers at others and realize 'white' means all of us Europeans, we all have a shared interest in uniting against the jew and we all have much more in common in general than with anyone else

white women choose to fuck brown/black men. nobody forces them.

How is that any different from the jews taking over your land with niggers?

Shvitzing a bit there, Shlomo?

kek, we don't DEAL with them mutt, we wipe them out like we're wiping out the muzzies.
We're not cucked leftists ffs.

>You are so SO pussified and cowed by your women its unreal
> he thinks it's the women
you fucking idiot. you think the people we ignore completely are doing that? you think we want them acting like that? they're parasites who adapt to the social order even if it means abandoning their own species, pay attention to who owns the media they CONSOOM obsessively in all forms movie magazine.etc and you'll get it.

Hint. Big noses. same ones that did most of the slave trading.

das rite

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>Projecting your own inadequacies on others
I am Scandinavian. Most Americans are German stock.
Seethe, worm.

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Smells like paki

Canadian cuck posters, please refrain from posting we dont give care what you have to say.

>Most Americans are German stock.
I thought anglo was the most common ethnic background?


If it wasn't for your jews and your fuckery in the middle-east and africa we wouldn't be dealing with this rapefugee crisis.
We don't give a fuck about you mutts. You're already a lost cause. We don't want your help because you always fuck things up even more.
You dumb cunts are only good at destroying shit because you've proven yourself to be capable of nothing else over the last 3 decades.
Grow some self-awareness you cunt.
>hurr stop pointing fingers
You're all retarded degenerate niggers, no matter how white you claim to be. You're not fooling us anymore.

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Day of the Rake

Exactly. A Big B*charest Cock.

the jews got their foothold in THE NETHERLANDS then used that influence to invade England in the civil wars

the American Revolution was fought to free the colonies from jewish banking

but anyway you're a literal kike and no one can see this thread actually

hes not dutch though, hes a moroccuck

Aren't most of Irish/Anglo-Saxon stock?


Where's the pic from? Unrelated question

onderaan kneus

its not the genes, its judeo-christian cuckoldry ingrained in our culture that makes us soft. hitler himself acknowledged that. hes been quoted sayin that maybe it would have been better if islam took hold in europe instead of christianity


>the jews got their foothold in THE NETHERLANDS then used that influence to invade England in the civil wars
Good thing the Dutch ended up outjewing the jew and have had no big problems with either jews or refugees until muttts and mutt jews started niggering around.
>the American Revolution was fought to free the colonies from jewish banking
And look how that turned out.
>but anyway you're a literal kike
t. Trevor Noah
No point in delving up old history. We live in the present. Stop denying your fuckup.

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>coming from a kankerbelg
How ironic.

White people were based until recently though. Even in the 90s in norfern England whites were openly racist and macho. The kikes have fucked us though, and the people I looked up to back in those days as a young lad are fat and apathetic, and are unwilling to see the Jewish hand that has orchestrated this mess.

That’s what you get for being a soft cuck and not having any back bone.

People take advantage of you

The closest apostles of Jesus were Jews, user.; that means whatever you're talking about is something good.