“Let China sleep, for when she wakes she will shake the world.”

“Let China sleep, for when she wakes she will shake the world.”
–Napoleon Bonaparte

We need to start waking up to the gook problem

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Other urls found in this thread:


There is only Anglo scum problem.

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Kill yourself janovich


pronoun error. In tasmania we have enough cliffs.

Take the world lol. I think you mean cast into a lake of fire.

The anglo and jew problem take priority to the chink problem

You morons will be the death of white civiliansation. Better start learning gook faggots


More like "infect"

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based aussie. If only burgers took the yellow menace seriously

When was judified society white society? Being ruled by chinks is an improvement.

burgers and jews are the reason china has such a powerful industrial capacity and america a crippled services economy that doesn't produce anything that isn't globohomo and military industrial complex weapons for al-qaeda and ISIS or israel

you have no clue

So where were you when an Amiga computer game from 1991 predicted the future?

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>having that pic saved
>anglos are the problem
fuck this im out

China needs to be nuked.

T.wears a shirt made in china and posts from a phone assembled in china

>gets flooded by Pajeets
>99% of the threads on the catalog 5 second pasta about China
>we need to talk about China

funny how leafs are the only rational ones about the chinese question and how to deal with it because we know the consequences of what they can do, but get called kikes by amerilards for pushing for "war".
America is responsible for the death of the west because of their lack of awareness due to a civic nationalist soft spot embedded in their stupid fucking goyim brains.

My shirt is 100% cotton and made in India, and I don't own a cell phone, you piece of shit insect.

Oh shi-

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Seriously. Americans would rather pick on some irrelevant desert dwelling camel piss farmers in Iran than man up and fight a real threat to the entire world like China.
It's cowardice.

At least Pajeets know how to play cricket

Imagine granting citizenship to someone who doesn't know a proper cover drive or even know who don bradman is

m-m-m-muh oil!
muh israel!
muhhhh DOW

>letting a mutt preach to you inbetween these symbols

the absolute state

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forgive them, for they do not know.

Based and also redpilled

Fuck the yellow slint eye gook faggots anyone who thinks different is joining them in the pit

(This is satire)


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The woke Chinaman is the final solution Moshe. If I were you I'd panic buy ky-jelly.

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The woke Chinaman is the one turned to bloodmist in a Chinese traffic "accident". Albeit rudely woke.

Ironically, with its shit tier architecture and general tendency to be a cesspool, most of China already looks like post-bomb rubble. It reminds me of the cities in the OG Power Rangers where buildings collapsed perpetually

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Funny thing is that they haven't even hit their potential yet. They are just getting started.

China must be glassed immediately

usa and the Italy at fault.
-american flu lives at 100000+
-america army at Wuhan
-great china economy now.
-we link supply countries europe no thanks.
-china solved American flu.

Why is the responsibility of the world because of bases American not looked at for spread virus?

>Power Rangers where buildings collapsed
hahahahahah, yea... the good old days.

You are clearly NOT out and you want some more, you hypocritical fetishistic fuck.

Let's block China's access to our software.

Upload content that is censored in China to GitHub.
GitHub hosts open source code of many projects such as Google's Android, Apple's Safari browser, and Facebook's AI framework.
They can't block GitHub without also blocking themselves from stealing our code and software.

What can I do?
1. Create an GitHub account
2. Create issue tickets, bug reports to existing GitHub projects or simply create your own project and include censored content (Paragraphs about Tiananmen square massacre or Uyghurs concentration camps)
3. Creating your own project and uploading text (modifying the README.md) does not require any programming skills

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Yes, Napoleon was right about so many things...........

This shit wasn't funny when you started either.

Everybody must help to stop this person

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>mass replying this hard
Fuck off you robotic insect goblin creature. You are worth less than a dog. Probably the reason you eat dogs. Jealousy.

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Create a github account and upload something that is censored in China

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>water drips from the dragon’s belly

Jesus what a travesty

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Do something.

Let's block their access to code and software

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This poster right here is autistic.

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I'd rather not sign up for things like that. The only thing that can solve the China problem is a nuclear war.

It's a transexual soldier for the JiDf

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It's done. USA has committed suicide via replacing its high IQ populace with a low IQ one from the 3rd world. And that's not even to mention the cultural obliteration, debt based economy, and economic outsourcing. This can't be undone, the future belongs to Chang. Boomers aren't universally despised for no reason.

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Take his contacts off. A chink can’t see without contacts or glasses


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Chinks suck at war, they got beaten in vietnam even worse than burgers and their food production rests on pillars of sand.
Just airdrop drugs on them.

I wear clothing that's all 100% American or European made. Of CV ourse my cost is about 30% higher, but well worth it. I have very nearly 100% American and European made products in my home. Yes my phone was made in Korea however Korean morals and values are so in line with the west, in fact I think they are superior, so I have little regret.

>The belly of the dragon will drip water

China is giving birth

The 'jewspiracy' stuff is speculation, hysteria, and forced dogma, which most of you don't truly believe in. Chinese global hegemony on the other hand, will be a very real in your face thing.

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So here's the thing. Engaging China in a soft war is folly. They have hidden advanced tech based off of stolen US research. Anyone can look around and find the one story we're allowed to see about how the FBI caught one of them red handed (haha).
Either way, you have to consider that not only do they have many US tech secrets, but they also have their own. There are Pyramids in China that only THEIR government scientists are allowed access to. Consider how much of China's actual ancient history we know; not a lot. It's all hearsay, and likely majority falsified.
Next consider the war's fought in Egypt. The Middle East. They were looking for, what was it?
Exactly what kind of weapon does that mean? Just nukes? I highly doubt it. Either way, if they have enough tech to produce pic relateds, then a soft war kinda goes out the window. Lucky for the world, I'm confident the US (and maybe their allies) have some of these as well.
>It would be pretty beneficial for China's image, which they are bolstering with US character assassination anyway, to be the first people to produce and "distribute" anti-grav tech. Don't you agree?

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>US 300 million people (150 million whites) vs. Chinas 1,5 billion homogenous bots
>China owns 1,5 trillion dollars of US debt
>China sits on the largest industrial capacity in the world, and US is completely dependent on it

But the US got a few more nukes and an aircraft carrier without a ramp so no worries.

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Funny you guys complain about china, when 90% of the items in your house are made in china. Yas Forums is just full of children.

Lmao. This is based and underrated. Khalid, you’re a comedian.

Honestly after more thinking. China > USA.

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too late user, far too late, they unleashed a virus that will bring the west to its knees and they are getting stronger even as we speak.

this is it, since december 2019 they have sent more than 14 million infected to every major city on earth, you already have it but the 20+ day asymptomatic incubation period is still in play.


This Gott strafe england.

Brits are pseudo intellectuals, theyre shifty two faced creatures, much like.. You know who.

Fuck off reddit. If I have a choice I always buy American. The fact that I don't have a choice most of the time is just another part of the Chinese problem. When the Chinese factories are destroyed in holy nuclear fire, they can be rebuilt in the West.
Your argument is retarded.

I wouldnt be surprised if their only high tech and only wmds were biological weapons and genetic engineering of humans. Chinese are not so competent


The west is a disgrace to the humanity. It should be obliterated.


what if gender mushrooms is a fungus too

what if everyone is supposed to be female

There was a time when Anglos sucked at war, they used to get spanked by your ancestors, yet they went on to conquer 1/4 of the planet. Any race with decent IQ can acquire military prowess over time.

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Many products with “American made” on it are also manufactured overseas. Not necessarily China. It’s just “assembled” in America before giving the stamp and the associated mark up in price. You’re being fucked big time goy

Atleast russia and china arent cucked by the jews like the west is. They dont have the shitskin problem either. Face it, the blame is on the west itself.

A little bird told me israel will pay reparations to whites for bolshevik crimes against humanity

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I believe "gook" is a slur for the Vietnamese. I know it's tempting, but you should really focus on ensuring you aren't lashing out at other Asian groups who hate the Chinese Communists just as much (or more) than you do.

Think again dummy.

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What are you trying to prove, that it's pointless to try to avoid Chinese made products? Shut up retard shill. Tell me something I don't know or put your face back down to the floor like a good caliphate.

correct. Gook is a derogatory term for Vietnamese.