so, how would a libertarian propose dealing with a crisis such as coronavirus/COVID-19 without a government?
So, how would a libertarian propose dealing with a crisis such as coronavirus/COVID-19 without a government?
they'd probably convene a temporary government
Let everyone die. The survivors inherit everything that's left.
People would do what they think is best and the smart ones would make it and the dumb ones would all die off.
If my local community os any guide. Get the hell out of our way Government. Businesses are desperately trying to stay open so they can offer help to the community.
This fight it being won by Governments, it's being won by the people.
You lock down your community from outsiders. You lock down your house if the former isnt possible. You show charity if you can and want. You have a stockpile of things are not. Precautions are your choice, things will play out. Any questions?
Let him preach that shit out in the middle of a favela where there is no law and the government is a bunch of warring gangs.
Easy to preach that shit when you live in the woods with birds landing on your shoulder.
Surround yourself with lawless thugs and criminals and see how fast you tuck tail and RUN to go find the nearest government and beg for help.
The best possible outcome
When your economy isnt debt based you have savings for times like this
>Surround yourself with lawless thugs and criminals and see how fast you tuck tail and RUN to go find the nearest government and beg for help
For that reason you need to kill all non whites first
The libertarian wouldn't do a damn thing and re-read their favorite Ayn Rand book while masturbating to their gun collection (not there's anything wrong with guns).
>You lock down your community from outsiders.
like a government securing a border
>You show charity if you can and want.
like a government with social assistance
Lolbertarians BTFO once again.
Roaming packs would go around shooting skeletons, villagers and the odd creeper.
After a while that would have a safeguarding effect of the mincraft playerbase itself, due to the lessened chance of being attacked at your base and then less people spreading the virus.
The difference is that it's all voluntary
And what if some of your community don't want to lockdown?
As a libertarian who has bounced upon both the right and left-wing variants, I think the stateless libertarian solution, whether you're approaching it from anarcho-capitalism or left-wing anarchism, can be summed it in two words:
Not staying at home and potentially infecting others violates the NAP, so kill em
The only way I can think of for a hardcore Libertarian or Anarchist to be independent is to just live in the woods and hunt their own food etc. Avoiding infection is easy in that case as well.
Someone like Jeff Bezos would copyright the virus and bill anyone getting infected without paying for it.
The McMercenaries kill the traitors, simply as
Libertrian? How would fucking anarchists deal with it... they'd all fucking die!
Even better, you kill the infected for violating the NAP
ahah nice
A libertarian society would not be capable of supporting the population density which allows pandemics. Neither would it be capable of supporting the technical infrastructure of virus engineering. So a libertarian society would not have to deal with crises like this, and therefore would still not need a government.
Libertarians don't ever deal with problems
Since this is the only correct answer here and it's in support of libertarianism, no one will respond to you.
Libertarians do not believe in society. They would rather die than centralize aid and resources for people not in their immediate family.
Libertarianism might have been a good ideology in the old west or could work in a small space colony but not for earth in the 21st century.
Turd immunity?
Ergo: libertarianism can not work on this planet anymore.
Not gonna lie, sounds pretty based.
Actually good answer
I mean, the epidemic isn't even as bad as it's commonly hyped to be- the coronavirus in some aspects is more so a justification for more authoritarianism rather than something that actually requires what we're seeing now. It's not that substantially deadlier than something like the flu.
Going off-tangent here, but this poses more of a threat to the old people who run the governments, banks, and corporations- look at what they're doing now when they're targeted. This isn't them trying to fight off an epidemic, this is the status-quo trying to get a grip....and so far, it seems like it's failing to do so, because there's no way everyone can just return to normal society as it was up until 2020 at this point. Assuming this will go on for months, everyone will be given enough time to take into consideration the faults that are inherent to the current system.
>No roads
>No mass gatherings because people are afraid of getting murdered over slight NAP violations
>virus shows up
>virus unironically dies out naturally
It could work in the 21st century if we destroy modern civilization- or if we pushed further for space travel. Either/or ig.
Aspects of mutual-aid anarchism are already working now actually, as despite the media hysteria over """social distancing""", I'm seeing more people gathering up to support each other locally in a relatively decentralized fashion.
and jews
There's natural and technological reasons why multiple local independent groups, organizations, associations, tribes, hierarchies, etc. end up being integrated into fewer and fewer bigger ones, but why would I expect a libertarian to understand that?
Libertarian mean voluntary, not alone. The principle merely goes that noone should be coerced to serve others. which brings me around nicely to.
You lock down your house. It was in the post.
Does this answer your queries?
The crisis was created by the government and media and is a hoax. Without a government the crisis would not exist.
wait another week when it blows over
Externalities exist. Market failures of the sort will always be the bane of libertarians. We don’t live in our own little bubbles where our actions do not impact others.
Organisation is fine, forced participation isnt. But why would i expect a the spanish to understand that?
Our current system, aswell as many untested ones like moder libertarianism, already handles externalities poorly. It can be easily argued that polution is such an externality which we do little to compensate. We must then make a trade-off between which system handles externalities best, and how important externality handling is to the integrity of a system. I think that the combatting of tangible direct manipulation of one's property as a infringement warranting action is a good enough approach.
Did you have a specific case in mind that would be particularly destructive to libertarianism?
Contrary to what both Redditor ancaps and Redditor-tier libertarian critics usually say, libertarianism isn't just forcing the market to handle literally everything. Markets will operate when necessary or desirable. The delusion that externalities will entirely ruin libertarianism is based on observations of failed efficiency-expert capitalism, not on any sort of libertarian theory or project.
>without government
why do you think libertarianism is anarchy?
Who cares.
Libertarianism is a rubix cube to keep high IQ retards occupied with dumb thought experiments while the world crumbles around them.
>anarkiddie flag
>talking about libertarianism as if it were anarchism
>what is statism
Shit thread hidden.
They're not necessarily the same, but they overlap.
Best post and also most practical post.
Libertarians aren’t anarchists l tardo. Either way the disease isn’t that bad.
Oh my fucking God, how many times do I need to tell you brainlets this- while libertarianism and anarchism are not necessarily the same, they undoubtedly overlap.
Anyone who refutes this is unironically a braindead normalfag who probably votes for the big L Libertarian Party or some other partytarianfag post-2012. Libertarianism is not specifically minarchism, minarchism is a subset of libertarianism, which includes various forms of anarchism.
There's no such thing as left wing anarchism. How can you stop me from owning capital and trading goods and services with another individual? monopoly on violence (state).It's not what nature intended
What, a minor cold? Probably by scarcely noticing that it existed
I suppose you could argue that, if people voluntarily agreed not to own capital, it could maybe work. HOWEVER, I think it flies in the face of how humans function and eventually you'd have someone who didn't agree to the rules and would be subject to coercion.
The free market will provide adequate ICU space, RNs and masks obviously.
we are talking about aryan societies
That's the point :)
Double trouble trips checked
Let the welfare die, along side with the welfare dependent ppl. But this wont happen, since the whole thing is acted upon mostly by governments, and its mostly illegal to do anything more but to save yourself/family. Which is fine, by most libertarian standards, but in case of voluntary action - it is mostly forbidden.
absolutely checked
Libertarians aren't no government, they're small government. Anarchists allegedly are no government you memeflagging faggot.
Let the weak die off so new life can start, same as always
It is just the flu faggot. How many more data do you need?
This article is by John Ioannidis:
>Ioannidis is a Professor of Medicine, of Health Research and Policy and of Biomedical Data Science, at Stanford University School of Medicine and a Professor of Statistics at Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences. He is director of the Stanford Prevention Research Center, and co-director, along with Steven N. Goodman, of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS).[5][6] He is also the editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Clinical Investigation.[7] He was chairman at the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Ioannina School of Medicine as well as adjunct professor at Tufts University School of Medicine.[8][9]
And watch this:
>Born in the town Itzehoe in Schleswig-Holstein, in 1966 Wodarg went, after his secondary school exams, on to study in medicine in Berlin and Hamburg. He got his physician's licence in 1973, and in 1974 he received his Dr. Med. doctorate degree from the University of Hamburg with a dissertation on the Mental Diseases of Seafarers - a study of suicide, alcoholism and other major psychiatric disorders. He subsequently began work as a ship's doctor, and following a research trip to South Africa he began in the position of port doctor in Hamburg. Since 1983 he has held the position of Amtsarzt at the health department of Flensburg, of which he became director in the same decade[3]. Wolfgang Wodarg is a lecturer at the University of Flensburg.
If they die, they die. . . It is the only logical response
Also fuck you and your meme flaggotry. Show your real fag, Jew and or chink....
This...... Also sounds appealing.
If they die... They die.....
>so, how would a libertarian propose dealing with a crisis such as coronavirus/COVID-19 without a government?
talk a bunch of cucked philosophy theory bullshit and be insufferably oblivious while raiders sneak onto his property and fuck his wife and enslave his children
they'd get shot by some redneck or nigger within 10 minutes
>hire scientists to find cure
>manufacture cure
>sell cure to public
Since when is it your community? Who gave you permission to decide?