Anyone else unironically turning to socialism after seeing the fragility of capitalism due to an almost nothing burger...

Anyone else unironically turning to socialism after seeing the fragility of capitalism due to an almost nothing burger virus?

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If by "turning to socialism" you mean becoming a stalinist retard, I suggest you look into the Italian Communist Left dude


*national socialism

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Nah certainly not stalinism but definitely soft or even hard forms of socialism maybe even soft communism not sure yet.
seethe harder kike.

I'm not into jew worship. They're all insane.
They call this insanity chutzpah.

Most European countries are more socialist than third world countries though. What do you think the welfare system is like in Zambia? Lmao.

Nah nat socs tend to collude and incestually marry mega corporations and the government I would rather the workers own their own means of production rather than an authoritarian government dictate what must be done for kikey corporations.

how would that be possible when the entire capitalist world is always posting anti national socialist propaganda?

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I call it a halatzah

Nah, I'm not converting to judaism just because money was a hoax.

I am. I'm sure that it will work this time around, we have grown so much since it was tried last.

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>Money is a hoax
Money is not a hoax in itself. Pretty handy actually, so that I don't have to trade my painting skills for your goat's milk. How many painting's go for a bucket of goat's milk?

>full house

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communistic society seems resistant to a disaster because they are always in disaster

How come you don't post the death toll of capitalism? See this is why I am turning away from the anti socialist propaganda it's almost as if kikes operate here now.

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Because most of these death happen under most systems. socialism included

First of all, that is not capitalism you ignorant twit, that is countries.
Second, communism kill's it's own people.
>had to solve fucking 4 captcha's

Kinda! I'll be looking into the Nordic model. Denmark Norway and Sweden would be amazing places to live 40 years ago. The partial welfare state thing, controlled economy. Parts of it are certainly better than being criminally abused like the US healthcare and education system. 700 dollar bags of saltwater, 200 dollar books, 3000 dollars per lecture.
I'll also be looking into Japan. Their prisoner rehabilitation programs seem interesting, and I wonder how their society is exploited and supported by their economic models.

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But they don't most modern wars have been to secure capital interests, go look up what a banana republic is, it's basically when corporations fund military endeavors to secure profits in foreign lands, same things happening in the mid east now Mr Kike.

Oh, and ten thousand dollar 10 minute trip on the weewoo wagon

how long did that bullshit fantasy last again?
13 years lol
the Jooos

answer this

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Nope, this has been the plan all along by the leftists, intentionally provide false advice to Western Govts in relation to the severity of the virus facilitated by their puppet at the WHO, the Ethiopian Communist Tedros. Secondly, once their activists in the media downplayed the virus and they were satisfied the virus had spread sufficiently throughout the Western world, the narrative changed to a more alarmist one with the activists in the Civil Service intentionally providing conflicting advice to dis-credit the Govt. Now we’re in a situation where the leftists are advising Govt’s to indefinitely shut down their societies so as to accelerate the collapse of the economy in the hope people will flock to a Communist revolution, they’ve used this crisis masterfully.

national socialism mixed with absolute monarchy would be best.

Under communism the regular life would be even worse.
But still, I admit it does make you think when you see people falling into financial ruin and businesses going bankrupt after just few weeks of rougher times and uncertainty, and it's just a boomer plague. If this is the resilience of our societies, the western civilization would be fucking obliterated in matter of days if something actually horrible happened globally.


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yep. communism would just be moving the greedy corrupt establishment to the government. just about no difference really.

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No. Every government has handled this incompetently with the exception of the hypercapitalist ones like South Korea - an indication that America is already far too socialist (read: shitskin)

>sure hope my king is an national socialist
>not that i have a choice, or do i?
how do you ensure that? By vote? or by hope?
il be your king if you want hope bootlicker ;^)

In other words, I'm going back to libertarianism. I was wrong to think that governments could ever use power wisely and in the interest of their People. It's up to each of us - because no one person is as dumb as all of us together.

what even is the diffrence in the picture, how do you ensure such a thing? Communism has an entire (shit) theory on how its supposed to work, but fascism and nazism have no such thing, all they have is hope
il be your ruler of the """people""" if you don't want democracy to ruin it bootlicker ;^)

But but but....

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anything that's anti capitalist i'll go with it.

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Nothing compared to the death toll of capitalism caused by structural violence and whatever wars it has caused.

Nope, the death toll is not capitalism, it's democracy.

Stocks run out
Capitalism: restocked within the hour/next day
Socialism: eat your pets

The only ones who support socialism are braindead hippies who wants everyone to be equally poor

Sure, national socialism.

This isn't capitalism. Capitalism wpuld be letting people die unless they have money enough for treatment. Also capitalism would be ok with worthless/retired people dying. It would be considered a gift from god.

Didn't say it's perfect. That doesn't exist. But it is best.

>Anyone else unironically turning to socialism after seeing the fragility of capitalism due to an almost nothing burger virus?

Yes but not the sort described by Karl Marx but more the kind described by Jacque Fresco. Something without monetary system and where decision making is not based on democracy but scientific method and hard data like the Resource based economy. When it comes to running nations I simply don't believe the proletariat would be any better running the show than bourgeoisie hence I chose neither.

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Alt+F4, beta male.

Fiat money is a hoax

Fuck off and die commie bitch

>Jacque Fresco
So just a different jew fairy tale

Fuck off kike

>seethe harder kike.

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Bakuninw as based as fuck

>guys is our leftist politicians’ stopping the president from doing his job making you hate him yet?


get fucked commie jew
get ready to learn your mantra
"but that wasnt real socialism/communism/marxism"

il be your king bootlicker, not ideal but atleast it works

Literally no one

Time for National Socialism

>being a faggot commie
No thanks, I want to eat and not be systematically executed.

Kek, no
National Socialism is much better than Socialism or Nationalism, as it combines the good aspects of those two

You're all kike assets. Capitalism with some social safety nets will be the future

>inb4 muh capitalism is done
No, were just going to abandon fed and jewish banking

I agree, we all just fuck our maids and leech off more successful people.
Damn i love socialism when all i have to do is sit on my ass and poison the well for hard working, worthy men.
Socialism is even more dishonest than a market based society.

>opposed to all jewry

the choice is obvious

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There are also Capitalist aspects however


Natsoc is jewish. You will find out soon that Hitler and Mussolini were kike backed