wish i could say it was nice knowin ya, you flossing vaping eceleb worshiping fucks
Zoomers btfo
Other urls found in this thread:
>by (((steve gold)))
who would have guessed
>age group 18-69
Lol. Is this a real article?
>age group 18-69
>lumping in retirees with college students
this much COPE
how are 25+year olds zoomers?
well no fucking wonder, that's at least 60% of the world population right there
I also read a statistic that all faggots are between the ages of 1 and 115, including OP
>noooo Zoomers arent falling for my jewish tricks
>better get the (((media))) to write it as dangerous for young people as well
>deaths soar
>from two to five
NOOOOOOOO!!! You can’t take away my heckin spring break!!! Fuck the patriarchy!! Down with white men!!
Imagine all the BWC filling up that white cunt
Almost 1 billion dead better stay home. Why wont anyone listen!! So frustrating!
>18 to 69
Imagine being the type of NPC that wouldn't even notice this
>all these newfags falling for a photoshopped fake news article
I can't believe how low-IQ the average Yas Forumslack is these days.
shut your whore mouth retarded finish bastard.
Zoomers are barely 20
This still includes mostly boomers. And young faggots with asthma dying from an influenza that lead to pneumonia is no fucking surprise.
Where are the bodies, where are the footage and so on and so forth. It's curious that in evil closed up boogieman China videos were coming out and found their way to us, but none from Spain, Italy or any other allegedly 'high casualty' nations.
Curb your irrational fear of a flu. Pay attention to what your respective ZOGstates are doing, the initiatives starting, the measures taken, the laws being passed. That atleast is something worth fearing.
Nice disinfo, kike. Don't use the retarded "zoomer" meme and don't capitalize it in the middle of a sentence. Also get the age ranges consistent. Did you make this in like 30 seconds?
Fuck zoomers
Is that guy fucking stupid
finish him
no its fake. the image is used in articles about how kids are braking the rules during spring break. the schizo boomer OP is offended by that so much that they made a fake news screenshot about it.
>young are not safe
After abusing drugs, chain smoking cigarettes, binge drinking, and not eating properly or exercising regularly. Yes, they would not even survive a common staph infection.
Yas Forums has always been low IQ. that is the main reason this place is entertaining. its like watching retards wrestle.
Jesus Christ I am getting so sick of these fucking idiot Berniebros and Chomsky fanbois slithering in here and thinking they can just grab up a few of our memes and re-purpose them like no one will notice:
lol "roastie" "4 out of 10 but wants to fuck Chad" "she got tattoos she degenerate" (am I sounding like a conservative yet guise have I got them fooled?) "AN SHE WOAN OBEY THE GOVERNMENT FUCKIN BISH" (I think I slipped that in without anyone noticing).
No, we noticed, you dumb little lice-haired, white-rasta, house-squatting, welfare worm. Get it through your thick subservient little head that master-seeking morons like you CAN'T MEME, so throwing in a few insults about "roasties" before launching into your spiel of "obey your overlords, they know what is good for us, if we try to resist they will take away their protection and we will all die" is fooling NO ONE
>that 18 year old boomer
Holy fucking shit, this is literally one of the best posts of all time. So fucking based. Jesus that faggot got fucking eviscerated.
>that 69 year old zoomer
what the fuck are you even talking about?
are you defending spring break, the most degenerate gathering of college kids in the west?
You are precisely why everyone hates the British. Your smug, condescending, know it all tone, with that cunty accent. I can picture you seething at your computer in bongland, that putrid breath permeating from your mouth full of fucked up rotting teeth. God damn I want to stomp on your bong head until my foot is covered in brains.
It's even worse in the past week after all the schools are closed.
fake stats = fake news
What we saw from China was people collapsed in public with no one helping. Under Chinese law, if you render aid, you thereby assume liability. It's backwards but that was the real spectacle. In western countries it's not happening as much in public because people are more aware of it and staying isolated when they have it.
Shut the fuck up niggermutt, your IQ is too low for discussions with the whites. Go back to /r/worldnews, or alternatively, get skullfucked by BBC.
This board is gone.
There isn't a single legitimate thread. All slides. All shills. Or "moved to bant"
Mods are enemy.
Jannies are enemy.
Board is kill.
They are so desperate. This is awesome.
This is an example of how a state-worshipping Berniebro "rebel" reacts when confronted by a careful, reasoned identification and dissection of their attempt to pass themselves off as precisely the opposite of what they are.
No counter-arguments, no refutation of any of the perfectly clear accusations I levelled at them.
Just the keyboard equivalent of rabid monkey lashing-around with a bike-lock, impotently hoping to draw a little blood.
"condescending tone", "bad breath", "rotting teeth" - nothing but centuries-old comic-book fantasies and massive butthurt at having been intellectually outclassed and publicly exposed.
You can't meme, Bernie-worm, and you sure as fuck can't debate. Crawl back into your lice-ridden squat and "fight da powah" by waiting REALLY HARD for your invalid's welfare check.
It's propaganda to get us to listen to the state lockdowns.
>literally writing zoomers in the bottom of your fake article
It's fake and gay
its true
>died in my late 60's
>died at just 18 (with undetected lung cancer)
You forgot WEED LMAOing
>Zoomers and Boomers BTFO.
>Millennials and Gen X rise up!
of course not. OP has been making this articles for well over a year at this point, i think. he's gotten better since he started, though. He used to put really over-the-top names in like chaim shekelburg and it ruined any humor that was to be had. compared those ones this one is almost half-way believable.
good job, retard OP! you're making progress.
Again, I won't die before the seeing the new Higurashi anime
Based and sage
Have a classic image and a sage, faggot.
Being a reclusive 21 yo at the best of times, I haven’t talked with someone in my age group for 2 years and never really had friends. I am horrified by the self centeredness and their behavior. They’re literally throwing parties without a care i. The fucking world at a time like this! They think it’ll effect everyone but them. I hope it kills my generation by the droves. We’re too far gone.
what's up with girls and side tattoos?
consider yourself finished, mixed race ape
Have you consider that your obsessive hatred of women isn't a good look, and is very much part of the reason you have little luck with women?
>intellectually outclassed.
If that is true than why did a few farmers rape your readcoat asses in 1776. And you forget we saved your faggot asses in World War Two when we shouldn’t have. You SHOULD be speaking German right now you British cunt
>Only in America
Have you tried not being fat?
Fuck off white knight scum. Go be happy with your sloppy seconds
>state-worshipping Berniebro
Lol, half of Bernie supporters want the state as it currently is to be burned into the ground.
>mixed race ape
>literal mongolian subhuman
You millennials think you are safe, but more people under 100 have died of Corona than people over 100. Did you consider that?
You are precisely the kind of person who thinks repressive police states aren't "big government", while doing literally anything to aid the poor is.
hopefully the people 100+ dont find out they're immune and start getting reckless
Lmao, and then you cry about how women "only want chads", have you considered that maybe "chads" aren't pathetic bitter misogynists?
>spring break
>most degenerate
Burning man and Coachella are 6 time more degenerate, fren.
Lmao dude you got roasted good. Just take the L bro.
I didn’t get roasted. Bong man got triggered hard by a cartoon meme. It was too much for him to handle
Just take the L. Brit was right.
Why should the poor be helped?
The Brit was wrong, im not a Marxist. In fact I know about a dozen different millennial women who drive jeeps, are alcoholics, live to party, and engage in degenerate hookup culture. The meme is real, and the bong is deeply hurt by the reality of the cartoon. This is a good thing. Truth makes people uncomfortable.
wendy hi
Some of us are taking this shit seriously
>still depending on the system