Worst teachers you’ve had?

What are some of the worst teachers Yas Forums users have had?

I had one in 11th grade. She was (((one of them))) and told the class once that (((they))) were the most oppressed group in the world. It was an English class so she didn’t even have to be talking politics. But she couldn’t resist constantly shoving propaganda down our throats. She even supported imprisoning parents who didn’t give sex changes to “transgender” children.

Anyway, what inspired me to write this thread is that I just found out she’s been infected by the coronavirus. It’s a serious infection too. I found out from my friend’s parents who know her family.

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My 4th grade teacher put this one kid in the garbage can and made him say "I am garbage" over and over again.

Was he garbage though?

Hahah based af.

History teacher in 6th grade told us that Hitler ordered his young troops to raise puppies for a year, then after a year Hitler ordered them to strangle the puppies to death to prove that they could be merciless. Of course this was a blatant lie. Hitler was the first leader to outlaw animal cruelty. Still can’t believe I bought into such a lie for many years.

Was he (((one of them))) too?

Any female English teacher. They should shut the fuck up already. Every fucking book is about the Holocaust or some minority facing injustice. In 9th grade there was this one bitch who came in to talk about her book she wrote on a “Latinx drag queen” who was supposed to be in fucking middle school. All while she was using “hip” zoomer language.

OH MY GOD. I wish I had a teacher that looked like that.

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Based, you deserve this win, Bruce.
I had some psycho cunt coming up in psychiatry (yeah shocker, i've since switched tracks after my redpilling)
She made me sit on the floor by the door because I was a smoker, not a chimney mind you, 2-3 menthols a day. Then she moved the garbage bins there so that people would have to step over me to enter.
Then she would make jokes when describing psychoactives "user CARE TO TELL US WHAT COKE FEELS LIKE?" ect
so then she got pregnant about a week into this madness, because I corrected her when she cited money on my entrance paper's notes.
I started getting a lil less "good with it" and would flippantly correct the bitch mid group discussion and would cringe and laugh to my group.
This bruised her ego and she got hormonal later and said that I have to leave the class I paid for because I smoke and her pregnant nose can't handle that in an auditorium.
So i pulled my phone out and stated, that's what maternity leave is for, i didn't pay good money for half of a professor"
then hit record. She screamed for about 15 straight minutes then called security.
Strolled into the dean's office and showed him, then said, yeah x and y and z are in my current group, check the tapes she makes me sit by the door and moved her trash there too, ironically both now closer to her.
Lost her job, didn't know cunt was un-tenured.
Saw her a few years ago at Target, asked her how her leave went.

>forced latin studies class, one of two white guys
>idiot beaner goes on about how la raza is a myth and that's okay because beaners need myths, calls whites casually gringo, calls me gringo
>i remind him that this isn't high school and in these walls he is my employee, and i won't be hearing that shit, but polite, just gritted teeth
>he continues
>file complaint
>sue school
>dont work for 5 years after grad because i was swimming in destroyed life money
>letter from jew solicitor slammed into his offices desk like an extinction level meteor

it was a middle aged lady,im not sure if she was but someone higher up definitley told her to incorpoeate that into the ((((((lesson)))))

10th Grade, freshman at an autistic school (literally). Italian/french teacher with a black husband would basically be a total bloodhound sniffing for any possible signs of muh racism. Even though my class was autistic, we quickly caught on shes just married to a black dude because she’s a hardcore “holier than thou type” seeking only to undermine anyone and everyone so she appears like the next Gandhi.

One of my friends at the time called her black aid “Ms brown” (she was a fucking retard, idk how she became a teacher), note this guy is a HARDCORE AUTIST. Meaning he lacks social awareness. Unrelated to autism but he wasn’t very bright. She flipped out and branded him a racist and sent him to the office. He nearly got suspended.

Absolutely ridiculous. I don’t care if people choose to intermix, but to basically make everyone feel on edge because you’re constantly judging and evaluating them to your moral standard is a horrible thing to do and is one of the reasons why fascism & racism is growing in popularity in every western country.

I had a feminist cunt english teacher in high school. One day we were writing essays in class as a test and I finished earlier than everyone. I was sick and so I just zoned out and was nearly sleeping when she started talking shit to me. After some exchange I used one of the vocabulary words to talk shit back to her and she sent me to the front office. She literally ran the schools feminist society.

I literally had sex with my 7th grade English teacher. She told my parents that she would happily provide "free tutoring" at her house every Wednesday from like 6-7:30PM. She was always really mean to me in class, but at her house she was super nice and even told me that I was her favorite student but that she had to keep up appearances because she didn't want the other kids to know.

She wasn't that hot, in fact she was kind of chubby, but she had really big breasts. Something like on the 3rd Wednesday night she wore this low cut shirt and leaned over and observed me while I did some worksheets, and I instinctively looked down her shirt and she was clearly wearing an over sized bra, and I could see her tits, in fact they were the first ones I had ever seen. I was very sheltered as a kid.

Long story short, she asked me what I was looking at and then when she saw I started to get nervous she started telling me that "it was alright" and that curiosity is normal for a man my age (I'll never forget she kinda stuttered before she called me a "man," I was 12 mind you). Then it began with "would you like to see them?" Followed with the whole "if I ever told anyone" she would just deny it and make sure I got expelled, which of course horrified me because I knew my dad would beat the shit out of me if I ever got expelled.

The following Wednesday she started touching me, and then she told me that we should be tutoring every day of the week, my parents obliged, and about two months in we were basically having a sexual relationship.

For years I thought I was the luckiest guy on the planet, because I got to "bang the teacher with the big tits," but after some time I've come to realize that the whole thing really fucked me up, and I would not doubt it's the number one reason I can't get attached to people and have a whole host of other social problems. She ended my childhood before it should have. Boys who have sex with their female teachers aren't lucky.

My music teacher Miss COHEN. All we did learn about from her was about nigger musicians and their shitty niger music.

I had to watch that Bob marley documentary two times...

was it a nigglet?

Our books were pretty good actually, until 12th grade, where for our final exam we had to read the most boring feminist shitfest about some woman travelling across the outback in the 70s. I didn’t finish it. It was too dull.

This is a classic drill sergeant move, once watched a guy thank everyone who gave him literal trash for 30 minutes, fun times.

in 6th grade i had a 24 year old okay ish looking teacher. she was constantly hitting on me. touching my dick through my pants, asked if i want blowjobs etc. truly degenerate disgusting whore. i hated her

funny thing is women never understand that men don't like this over-needy behaviour

I punched a bully who was picking on the tiny kids of 5 years old.
The teachers forced me to wear a sign around my neck "beware I fight." Wouldn't listen to the reason.
At this point aged around 8 or 9 I understood the hypocrisy of adults.


There are autistic schools?

I'm 36 now but still remember the dirty hippie "science" teacher I had in 6th grade named Ms. DiAngeles. Fried clovers in pancake batter making us eat them. Rubbed my shoulders A LOT. Talked about her vegetarianism constantly. The ONE science-y thing I can remember doing in her class is was going out to a pond adjacent to our school building and identifying different microorganisms in our water samples. Thinking back, she touched a lot of us like that.


>after a year Hitler ordered them to strangle the puppies to death to prove that they could be merciless.

But it's also somewhat true, at least it was a requirement for some to join the SS, I believe. Maybe it wasn't the SS, but I know I've read about this somewhere before.

Was the kid jewish ? It would fit him nicely


My history teacher kept dropping little hints on israel and the jewish lobby, we thought it was weird. Only years later I realized that's probably as far as he could go without getting in trouble. Based teacher.


Public school set me back 10 years in my life

>Hitler ordered them to strangle the puppies to death
I'm in stitches @ kike lies

I want that teacher to bare my butt and bust my ass with that ruler until I'm sobbing

Don't care didn't ask plus this is a slide thread

I was fucking 12

>Maybe it wasn't the SS
that's one of the requirements to join the Mossad

I had a sculpture teacher who was a like late 30s feminist who hated men because her baby daddy left. Boys weren't aloud to go to the bathroom, go to their locker etc. She banned handshakes then fist bumps for some odd reason so we all started hugging each other just to make her man so she banned all physical contact in class and made us sit 4ft away from other students. 6 of us got 3 weeks of in school suspension for elbow bumping.
For real teachers the counselors lied to us about the new fresh outta college lady chemistry teacher. So like teenage boys we all chose her rather than the cool chemistry teacher. She was a hook nosed kike who was fat and repeatedly taught us everything wrong, gave us a correction like day of the test. Not one student was passing and she also marked students down who had small handwriting on homework. She didn't get rehired the next year.

I wanted to fuck so much when I was 12. Would have given anything for that.

>I literally had sex with my 7th grade English teacher

I remember my 8th grade science teacher he was this 50 yo boomer was was sort of nice, but very apt at dropping red pills inadvertently

Every boy WANTS that in that age but it is not what they NEED in that age

>I know I've read about this somewhere before.
oh shit then it must be true

Wait you heard this too? Anyone have sauce on this

Yep and they’re way nicer than public schools in a lot of ways. All classes get an end of the year paid for camping trip, dedicated therapists with a legit open door policy, really high end school lunches which were usually also organic and HUGE portions, and recess was a thing until graduation. Also there was only 2 or 4 girls at the school so it was a big fraternity in a way. None of the kids were SUPER AUTISTIC, all were highly functioning just a few years behind in maturity so a lot of us spent the day joking around and playing nintendo DS (the classes were insanely easy because max 12 kids per. And all teachers could focus on each student)

There was also a point system, where at the end of each class you’d get a “score” I guess from 1 to 5. And biweekly you’d go to the school store and you could spend the points on things like Visa Gift Cards (basically a paid debit card), video games, consoles, workout equipment, and whatever. And you could make requests, and you’d get points quick as fuck. 8 periods per day and you earn 5 good boy points per period, and a $25 visa gift card costs 500 points? Yea, lol. It’s pretty badass. It’s how the entire class had a nintendo wii or xbox 360 by the first half of the year. We all just saved points the entire first 2 semesters in 8th grade

Was this done after the dog went through the masturbation machine?

I had a based as fuck politics teacher who actually NAMED the Jew. He was talking to a couple of my friends and I about the Syrian Civil War and he told us the Jews created ISIS and Al Qaeda to destabilise the Middle East.

The ones who believed in my potential but I let them down so they were unfairly harsh on me

Huh, indrasding. What state are you from if you do not mind me asking?

We had a female English teacher in secondary who was based.
She insisted on reading Of Mice and Men aloud and would always stare down the black kid in our class as she said nigger

Mr Dios - my A-level physics teacher.
Wanted to be cool and everyone's friend.
Easily distracted by banter from kids.
His idea of teaching was "read chapter 3 in time for next lesson".
Big part of the reason I dropped out.
I believe he was fired at the end of term.

Almost every teacher I ever had was terrible, then again, I went to an inner city school and not one person there gave a single fuck.

public schools are just concentration camps for children

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I really doubt this. This is some Africa tier soldier training, or some shit you’d see in a Hollywood movie. Personally, I’m not nuts about Hitler, but I am very well aware that he was a huge animal advocate, a vegetarian, and would journal quite frequently about his dogs and nature. In fact, Germany’s jump in consciousness (which is why they left behind every nation in terms of development) indicates to me they were probably even further ahead in terms of animal rights than we are today amongst other things.

I had a boomer teacher that said he thinks the burqa should be banned

Muslim kid goes “my mum wears a burqa”

“How do you know it’s your mum”
The guy was a fucking legend, we would never reach these levels of based now.


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After they fought bear and eagle

He’d be sent to prison for 10 years in modern Bongland.

Its not one of the worst by its just a story that coincide with yours
In highschool, in english class we had a Jewish professor: Madame Feider. An old blonde rag. She wasnt that bad, like we would pratice talking english for 30 minutes every class talking in groups, was cool, but she would make us read some Maclean's magazine. I dont know if you know but Maclean's are the more anti québec/french media available in Québec. So every classes we would read about some propaganda against our nation, race, tradition and doings in general and we were suppose to talk about it in class. At the time I wasnt that passionate about our condition but I was still a bit pissed on how it was always some Québec bashing. The squareheads have the whole of North America, could we be left in peace on our land for God's sake.
Then one time I was sitting in front by the windows and there was a swastika engraved on the desk. She fucking walk up to me and accused me of doing it. I just responded it was there before that I arrived and left me alone. Kind of funny tho.

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First day at my secondary school I saw someone had sprayed H.M. Prison on it during the summer holidays.


My religion teacher in high school. She asked what we wanted to learn, and since religion is a bullshit thing to learn in school and has no value what so ever, and I knew she was hardcore dead kike on stick lover, I said satanism. Its a religion. She got all kinds of pissed of and threw me out. I never went back. Nigger, Im gonna paint cars for a living, fuck so I need to know about desert cults for? And here i am ten or so years later, run my own shit, dont bite off more than i can chew, and live a simple life in the woods with my girl. Corona can suck my cock!

Bet you take it up the ass now mutt.

Did you ever go to the police? If not, it's not too late, the statute of limitations for rape is generally a long time, depends on the state.

You reek of faggotry.

uni history teacher said that the reason why hitler attacked poland was because they had a lot of jews
no mention of danzig or western prussia
no mention of the legitimate claims they had on stolen "polish" land

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Had a fat fucking cunt math teacher in 4th grade. We used to swap classes every hour or so, but my class was in the computer lab at the time, so when we all came back the next class had thrown out all our stuff into a huge pile. Someone had stolen my fucking homework too, so I got in trouble for that. Anyways we were all rightly pissed and blamed her, because she's the teacher and she's fucking in charge, but she got super pissed at me for blaming her for it. I guess a lot of parents called and complained, and she kept pulling me out of class to complain to me that I was the one who did this, because somehow this was my 9 year old selfs fault. To this day I wish I had beat the shit out of her fat ass. What a fucking cunt. Fuck teachers

Why do you talk like a nigger? Being a white trash is something to be proud of?

>I said satanism. Its a religion
the person that wrote the satanic bible is a jew
you're literally stuck in a jewish dichotomy mate

Absolute homo

She was killed by someone. They never found out who it was.

I went to a really shitty highschool these were some of my favorite.

Team Sports

>he was also the wrestling coach
>got me and some of the wrestling guys to hold the ladder while he changed a light in the gym
>hey guys look up
>look up and he has his balls pulled out
>calls us faggots for looking at his balls


>8 am class
>constantly drunk and smelling like booze and cigs
>call him out for it
>admits he drinks in the morning
>lets students leave class to go buy shit for him at the store/fast food

Principles of Buisness

>huge black dude with scars from multiple gunshot wounds
>gambles poker on the internet the entire class
>we never do fucking a single thing the whole semester
>he rarely ever even fucking talks to us at all

Senior English

>diagnosed schizo/bipolar
>normal most days
>other days a complete fucking paranoid abusive nutcase

Holy based batman!

This teacher didn't let me go to the bathroom when I was 5 in kindergarten for some reason and as a result I shat my pants. I later discovered that she got fired for abusing kids.
I guess that my teachers were pretty normal beside that.

Can you imagine feeding and caring for an animal just to fucking kill it... kike creativity.. The hall-of-cost happened too!

I've never really had any terrible teachers, but two based teachers in elementary school: one young guy who made us all do the salute, and one guy who read us the bible once in a while with the lights out and candles on, and he taught us a lot of history, especially the imperial era, and Frederik II. of Prussia and so on, and there was a portrait hanging in the classroom of Otto von Bismarck. He never taught us much German 'war atrocities' holocaust and whatever. He got fired like 10 years ago, I suspect because of his nationalism, but I remember his classes to be very interesting and comfy

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Checked and based

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Based scandi

No, but I have an intense sexual desire to be with middle aged "chubby" women who dress like teachers. It was weird when I was younger, but now that I'm reaching middle age myself it's not being noticed as much, or at all.

Hell back in my early 20's I had a longtime relationship with a 47 year old woman, and every single one of my friends thought I was insane. Waitresses either figured she was a friend, family member, or a "sugar momma." The later of which she actually kind of was. She paid for my college tuition and bought me a car. I think she even saw herself as one.

So it's basically a reversal of the kid who gets molested as a child and then goes on to molest other children. Instead I went the other way and just sought out older women. "Silver linings" I guess..

I had a sociology teacher who belived 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by the government, and the moon landing was a hoax. He also said that it made sense to him that Africans would have evolved to have better athletic capabilities because they had to run through jungles and jump over logs

Fuck you. Why would you say that? Do you have any idea how fucked up it is for a teacher to take advantage of a kid like that? But then again I sometimes forget that this board is infested with pedophiles and psychopaths.

She sounds awesome.

It wasn't any National Socialist organization. SA, SS, or anything else. The Third Reich outlawed animal cruelty.

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Only guys who would cry about getting pussy through out school are faggots

All of them. Timothy 2:12

Sorry to hear that user, some guys would have been fine with it and looked at it positively but everyone's different

I've had so many bad teachers, everyone of them female. But two super-cunts stand out. In middle school I had a homeroom teacher who accused me of something I didn't do and tried to physically drag me to the principal's office, so I punched her in the pussy, and I got ISS for it. I didn't even do anything and was assaulted by this bitch for no reason, but nobody cared. And in college there was an old hippie that taught some rando humanities course I took for diversity credits and she said to the class, and I'm not making this up, quote, "there is something special about when a black man and a white woman join forces." Not only that, but she took the whole class on a bus field trip to a black church in West Philadelphia where we had to play African percussion instruments. The best part of that trip was that on the way back from the church a bunch of black elementary schoolers threw snowballs at our bus. She just sat on the bus and stared straight ahead as THUNK, THUNK, THUNK from the snowballs hit the bus. She also made us group up one day in two female/two male groups and then instructed the girls to tell the men what scares them about men and instructed the males to sit there silently and not talk back to the girls. And this went on for entirely too long. For like half the class.