How can we solve Japan’s racism problem?
How can we solve Japan’s racism problem?
Why would you want to?
racism is reality.
if you remove reality there is nothing. no japan. nothing at all.
>OP is a phoneposter
Eradicate all Jews
By leaving Japan the fuck alone.
Wevah got ah biggah frish to fry, OP-san
Why is Yas Forums so obsessed with Japan specifically? China and Korea are ethnostates too, yet only Japan here is respected?
Japan needs more immigrants to help their birth rates.
Move your military bases out of Okinawa and Honshu. Stop raping Japanese citizen.
Oh look the cowards of Europe speaks up!
Im glad theyre racist. glad they are to whites as well. whites who move to japan are often lefty niggers who immediately wanna implement the same values that ruined Europe.
Globalist interests are attempting to make Japan less japanese.
True this. Japan, never let anyone move there. Subsidize births. Keep your population as it is.
Where did you hear this?
The Chinese are parasitic lying filthy bastards who have a superiority complex whilst ignoring how incompetent and unhygienic they truely are. Their society achieved grand things in the past but such progress has been lost after decades of war, replacement of the han chinese and mass genocide and cannibalism. add communism to the mix with these souldead mutts and you've got a recepy for disaster.
Koreans are often well behaved.
Dress better than the Chinese and seem a bit more lively. in my eyes theyre often a bit like a knock off version of the japanese. my experiences with the koreans arent bad but they also have dont leave a very big impact on me. theyre pretty relaxed.
I have experienced communicating with nearly all types of asians. (japan, china, Indonesia, thailand, hong kong, taiwan, south korea, Malaysia)
Racism is based and redpilled
>Why is Yas Forums so obsessed with Japan specifically? China and Korea are ethnostates too, yet only Japan here is respected?
Because only Japanese resemble Europeans.
>an ethnostate
tell that to the uygurs, mongols, tibetans, hmongs and zhuangs, cunt.
We don't.
Stay the fuck out!!!
Messatsu the yehudim, then everyone who cares about racism is gone.
The Chinese are like Americans abroad but always acting like that.
We could send them some of our surplus Jewish population..
You have never been to Roppongi and you never will.
Die in your palace of innocence, I don't give a fuck.
Chinas not an ethno state retard. Take a look at how many ethnicities actually inhabit it.
What part of honorary do you not understand?
If there are no races other than Japanese in Japan, then there will be no racism.
By accepting there's no problem with racism.
All you fucks stay here and I will move to Japan.
Problem solved.
>Where did you hear this?
agitator spotted. Not today, Chang.
Trust me American tourists although often dumb and sometimes crazy as fuck are nothing compared to chinks. chinks are so fucking stupid its like their writing system has overloaded their brain making it so they can barely function as "humans" theyre clumsy, selfish and rude. they hate following instructions because the mao era thought them to disobey everyone like teachers. they also idolize cheating and lying if it gains profit.
nope fatboy you're going to stay in America.
>Im glad theyre racist. glad they are to whites as well. whites who move to japan are often lefty niggers who immediately wanna implement the same values that ruined Europe.
Look up kanjidamage, for example.
Good kanji learning system, but the author is a jew, and it shows.
No, really, look through the cards, they're all free (yeah I know, shocking) to browse through and read throgh the mnemonics and comments.
They truly are eternal, it's the genes.
Who cares about Japland? It's kinda ironic that so many white nationalists obsess over a strange land located thousands of miles away from their homeland.
By importing African bbc by the millions. This is the only way to have a stable and just society in the East. We must blanda up if japan is to survive its low birth rates. What’s the deal with rascism anyway? They have good food and are great lovers (bbc).
Not even that hot.
When I was a child, I remember going to a target with my mom, in a suburb of LA, I was there to get Zelda Ocarina of Time. And for some odd reason a bus was parked outside (it was late at night) We got out of our car, and afterwards the bus doors opened up, and our poured all of these asians, who are the time looked very strange. They started stampeding like literal rhinos, running to the door of Target and luckily enough I didn't get knocked down. There is no doubt in my mind today, these couldn't have been anything other than chinese subhuman chinks. No other asians have such an animalistic instinct to stuff like these animals. It wasn't 'hey, a sale is happening, lets go', it was like I was surrounded by animals.
They made chinese things bearable.
MAny of the kanji are copied but don't sound like shit in japanese.
I'm so glad The Olympics are getting canceled
FUCK Globalism
You don’t know your geography do you?
You have a chink Gf dont you? Uni student i bet
The Ch!nks are hive mind CCP drones, whereas the Japs have individuality and creativity. The Koreans are somewhere in the middle where they have some talented ppl and some drones (eg. Feminazis).
Shame that jews just cant control their shenanigans. another good example is a "german" YouTuber girl from AskJapanese who wears a fucking star of david and constantly makes racemixing videos on how to date japanese people. and then whines bout "Japanese racism and homophobia" tired of this shit
Why are goyim so racist?
I couldn't say it any better myself. what you said is accurate as fuck.
Dunno guess I'll take a shoah and give it some thought.
Every week with this post. Get fucked OP.
>Nice homogenous society you have there
This. English teachers must hang.
Kill yourself wumao.
Sometimes Nazi Weeabos don't have logic in them
kick out all non japs
fucking easy
This. And they come in like fucking scared cats. This cunt over here would be a blue haired freak, but over there they just try to slightly suggest and prod.
You are too egotistical. What is the problem with people of different color? We are all human. Just with slightly different beliefs but in the end we are all the same. All of our beliefs are merging too so everyone is the same now. This is why Jews must rule as we are less egotistical. Only we can rule the nations because we are not offended by a different color. One day all races will be one and we will make it happen with bbc.
Expand it
Kill yourself.
>good example
No, it's a cherrypicked one. She doesn't represent jews.
>What is the problem with people of different color?
good point. let's remove affirmative action and give white-coloured people more chances for equality!
>We are all human
>How do we solve something we think is a problem in an other sovereign country?
Classic mutt
I don't want niggers in Korea. Simple as it is
But actually she does. Stereotypes exist for a reason.
Give me YOUR example of a good representative of Jews.
Leave Japan alone