/nz/ thread - Dunners is fucked edition

>6 confirmed cases in Dunedin
> ---- Including 1 Logan Park high school student (school scheduled to reopen tomorrow).
>5 other confirmed cases flew from or to Dunedin Airport
> ---- including 2 men who disembarked from the Celebrity Solstice in Port Chalmers on the 15 March
>Ruby Princess, 25 confirmed cases, docked in Port Chalmers 12 March, morning to 6pm. Passengers were allowed to visit as cruise ships had not yet been banned
>1 Queenstown case visited Palmerston south and attended it's church:
How's your town holding up, Yas Forums?

Other news:

>Alleged people smuggler/Tamil Tiger terrorist given refugee-status in New Zealand

>Teachers beg PM to close schools:

>4 schools in Auckland exposed:

>Otago Univerisity students hold large party near affected high school:

>no mask, no service:

>current cases with details here:

>Useful coronavirus recommendations:

>Do NOT use ibuprofen or anything other than panadol:

Attached: Jacinda Ardern infographic.jpg (768x432, 46.42K)

Starting to suspect the cure is worse than the disease here and that Chinese and Italian stupidity are to blame for everyone freaking out.

Honestly I’m torn. I don’t want Australia’s little brother to get coronarised but on the other hand I want it to ravage your country so people blame the government and vote out this stupid beaver-looking whorebag.

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When do I get my coronabux?

Martial law in place the next 2 weeks. Screencap this

I want aus to get smashed by it so we can turn you back what you were made for, a prison.
But agreed that women needs to be replaced

This is a white mans board please leave now spic

This. Something is wrong with Italy's treatment. Why is their death rate higher than Diamond Princess? Higher than Japan? Higher than Korea? Even Dutton was discharged in like a day from hospital. The question is... what else is going on in Italy that nobody is willing to admit?

what's that horse doing holding a graph?

fLadDen Le cURbE

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>community spread in the Wairarapa before in Cuckington, Christcuck, Cucksterton North or Cuck's Bay
how the fuck did this happen aaaa

2 weeks? more like 2 months.

martial law? I think you mean Maori law mate

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We'll get mob rule before martial law.
They've already closed the northland border.

We have old people that are sick just like every year.

You know who isn't getting Corona? Those people living in Gloriavale. Hah!

Italy is filled with illegal chinks and oldies.

Was supposed to move to Auckland next month to play for a rugby club down there =(

Anyone else have their plans rearended by the rona

When do you want the next sandstorm?

Auckland is a craphole

maybe in between your next big fires. might be able to fit one in then?

I'm actually looking forward to it.

Don't we all

God this bitch is so fucking disgusting

Why the fuck is Dunedin getting so many cases. I would have picked any other city first to get fucked.

reminder that the govt could lock us down for a year and most boomers would cheer it on.

What's your problem with the woman leader you have? She seems fine to me

shit bait cuck

Yeah, you'd think the shithole that is Auckland would be hit first and hard.

>Kiwis getting shoahd by the ruby princess too

Glad we're not the only completely incompetent retard cunts on the block.

>Warehouse sells food and toilet paper
>Has to close because hurrrr not essential service

Fucking retarded.

>Cindy holding up that fucking Cuckoff gif
For fuck's sake

Whangarei here, all is quiet but you can sense the maoris plotting

Honestly this affirmative action push to have women in high places has guaranteed that I will never vote for a woman again ever.

Attached: 3tthhv.jpg (768x432, 67.01K)

Fucking cold tonight too lads. I'm stuck at home with my 2 year old son for the lockdown, shit is already driving me insane

fuck off bong

Been coughing for a week straight. Didn't qualify for testing though, so fuck everyone.

Ah fuck, they closed too? I was thinking the one down the road from my house would be a good place to get basics like milk instead of the supermarket. Already had to wait in line outside Countdown this morning, fuck that noise.

Because Southies are full of shit about the state of their Island.

What about that dangerhaired campus frother who's somehow in charge of telling us about the virus. Imagine having xir as your fucking spokespyrsyn

Just went for a walk, lads.

Bit strange.

Dunners is fucked, there was community spread loong long before it was announced but the government wanted to bury their head in the sand and only test int. fliers. I'm gonna right healthline tomorrow and beg to be tested

Stay safe mate. It's a weird atmosphere tonight

dont know how we are full of shit. It only makes sense that a more rural landmass has less nonwhites per capita.

feels like the purge is starting

Yeah you cunts have had it for weeks now. I know a few people there that got a flue in the middle of summer and weren't allowed to get tested.
this lockdown is going to be too late, i reckon one thousand cases soon. If it fails to work we are going to be at a million within a couple of months time.

How are things up in Auckland or even Welly? A mate up there said things were a bit tense yesterday, people stressing out and shit. I heard a supermarket had to close, could they not keep up with panic buyers or something?

1 million boomers dying would make my cock so hard it would explode

There were lines outside the gun shops.

There was quite a few Asian guys standing outside in the pic in the article...

Their stock price went up 35% today because they announced online they'd stay open. Gonna get slammed tomorrow

I live on a main road and opposite a block of late night takeaway shops, and shit is dead quiet. Not even the local scumbags are hooning in their shit boxes

anyone into tramping? perfect time to fuck off to a remote hut and bail up for a few weeks

>female leader
Don’t ever try to be on a high horse ever again

nar doc cancelled all hut and campsite bookings since we all pay and obey the rules they use for the huts, cannot got there.

You elected a Slave.

You had a leader who was the colour of dung

I'm not calling for affrimitive actian. But if a woman is good enough to be in business, law or politics then good luck to her. She's a good person, and your current PM isn't bad compared to most other political heads like Macron, Merkel, Boris, Trump and other fools

That's what got me.

I'd have thought there'd be people sitting outside, drinking/talking etc.

Nope, people have gone to bed early/it's quiet af out there.

Got a real bad feeling about Dunners bros

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she fucking sucks and took our guns.

How many other people have the same idea. If you're thinking of rocking up to hut on a known track, probably end up shacking up for the night with 12 other guys.

That doesn’t change what I said. You still have a female leader

>shacking up for the night with 12 other guys.
Fuck hope they're uncut.

ha, doc are a bunch of wankers. Pissed off because all the aussie national parks are still closed after the fires so I can't go bush (legally).

Better a female leader than a literal retard, shut in nerd , or genocidal maniac.

Why you scared of some woman? you fragile weak fag or something?

See the lines outside of the gunshops? lol i don't think they will stay b& for long.

you will in 2024

You had a black leader. Your criticism is irrelevant.

What should it say?

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Yes but she's better than most world leaders. At least she comes across as reasoning. Definitely better than someone like Mao, Stalin and Hitler bossing you around anyway

We are brothers. If we're a prison, so are you. If you are sheep fuckers, so are we.

You can say it again and again it won’t change that you had a female leader 3 times

'Kiwi Cock is Hot'

plenty of huts off the beaten track that get a couple of parties a year at most.

white woman leader > non white person leader

Is that a mutt?

IOTBW was the first thing to come to my mind.
Imagine the seethe


Phar Lap Wins Melbourne Cup

Four weeks of paralysis and Ardern shilling in the media. I can't wait.

I'm not a fan of cindy but only time will tell what was the correct course of action. Hopefully itll all blow over in a week and itll be forever known as the time every cunt had to sit on their hands for a month for no reason

Shout out to all the poor cunts working in the supermarkets

Why is jacinda so based?