
Boris Johnson tonight announced a lockdown plan to stem the spread of the coronavirus in the UK as he told the nation to stay at home. People will only be allowed to leave their home for the following 'very limited' purposes:

>Shopping for basic necessities as infrequently as possible.
>One form of exercise a day.
>Any medical need, to provide care or to help a vulnerable person.
>Travelling to and from work, but only where this is absolutely necessary.

Meanwhile, the PM has announced a ban on:
>Meeting with friends.
>Meeting with family members you do not live with.
>All weddings, baptisms and other ceremonies but excluding funerals.
>All gatherings of more than two people in public.

The PM said the police will have the powers to enforce the lockdown measures through fines and dispersing gatherings.

To ensure people comply the government is also:
>Closing all shops selling non-essential goods.
>Closing all libraries, playground, outdoor gyms and places of worship.
>Parks will remain open for exercise, but will be patrolled.

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Other urls found in this thread:

A lockdown is in effect. Violators will be transported to the flooded district for treatment and rehabilitation.

London transport still crammed, lol, london is fucked.

The way people are all pulling together as a nation brings a tear to my eye

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>old women fighting over poo paper in tesco
Pulling together.
losing it already lads

Might take a cheeky walk round the local nature reserve later. It's usually free and open 24/7. I'm such a mad lad.

wall off the city let it burn

Deus Ex timeline

Thinking of training to become a teacher lads. Only I'm 5'9, shy, quiet, have bad social skills and still struggle with speaking without a stutter and in a way that makes sense.

Been on the line to the Jobcentre for about half an hour.
Before that it cut off from a continuous double-beeping, what's it mean?
I guess they're swamped? I got on JS last year, bastards didn't pay me a few weeks back, and I still aint gotten my money despite attending my last session.
Getting worried.

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Everyone's limbs are going to be atrophied.

congratulations you're hired

Would like to be as brave as you when I get older.

Gonna be honest lad, that song was a touch homosexual.

Do you mean UC?

>touch homosexual.
How about this?

Nah, can't have UC because I'm on 'premium disability benefit', basically I have to go for normal jobseekers because I'm almost blind and get DLA.

Lovely sunny morning lads. Imagine staying in on this glorious day.

If you do try to get into a decent school, I taught in the slums in Manchester and the shit you had to put with on a daily basis was unbelievable

Never my thing. While losers were playing this I was playing BF1942

still people on jsa
new claims are kinda specific reasons though

>people swearing and throwing items back at staff at my local store because things are either out of stock or they are limited
>watch as someone asks staff for help and as they politely get told what the situation is, the people scream that they are going to put a complaint in about them

yeh its like war time britian

Have you said your prayers this morning?

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I played both, and outside.
You're almost blind and don't just get automatic disability payments?
Retarded system.

thas your victims mentality that's causing that

>not posting the cure

I'll pray, but first of all I need the right Goddess
Which Goddess is the cutest that I can make a daily offering to?

I was sanitising my hands constantly when using the tube last year. It's filthy at the best of times.

Yeah, it's pretty surreal sometimes

I read the Bible everyday while doing my daily poo. If that's not good enough for a ticket into heaven then I don't know what is.


The system in place doesn't allow it.


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absolutely nothing has happened
the fragile and neets are still hiding away and the chads are still out
there was one (1) police car today in town hahahaha

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>I taught in the slums in Manchester

What part of the city?

>and outside.
Me too. Remember making an underground den in my mate's garden. Used to shoot pigeons in the Spring to protect the cherry tree from annihilation. I hate getting older. Time is so precious but I waste it all. Gonna go get a dose of the coof on purpose.

>posting the cure in this frightful time
Are you tekin't piss la?

Can I assume the grooming gangs are exempt from this order, as they are exempt from all other laws?

What did you teach?

I'm thinking of teaching in the general region I was raised in (and have since returned to). It's quite poor relatively speaking, in places quite rough, but I'd like to think I've developed the patience and desire to tolerate certain behaviour and try to help people learn and be more well-mannered etc.

>needs hand holding
The fucking state of children

They don't speak English, so boris's message went over their heads.

Reminds me of when I made a den in a large bunch of bushes in the neighbourhood.
Me and my cousin set up some simple trip traps that would swing sharp sticks at you.
One day we came back and the traps were sprung and the entire place was wrecked, I only hope that the bastard got hurt.

Locking down your mum because she can't help herself the absolute slag

Guy fo' realsies, no one else managing to get through to the Jobcentre?
Been a fuckin' hour on the line now, still waiting.

The NHS is whitey's problem

fuckin kek, only 48% of london understood the message.

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This. I'm down the park in shorts and a jumper

You sound like you want onlyfans, not a priest
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand

Bro, just become an alcoholic and skip the middleman

Does anyone remember electricity black outs? I loved that shit.

Just come downstairs and the missus has the kids doing exercise watching this geezer

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just going down the park with the kids, going to feed the ducks and play on the swings, my job used to make these things difficult so enforced time with them feels good man

Any interesting stories?

Lads I can't have my usual 4 greggs sosij rolls for brekkie. What do I do? Is life even worth living any more?

Lighting Candles and having sandwiches for tea.
70s was cosy.

I haven't got the gov message yet they can't get anything done

that's coming, internet bandwidth rationing too, they are going for it lol, globalists were losing the game so they flipped the table and will be the ones to reset things. hold tight and stay close to family

Aye, we had a black out in the village not long ago.
Luckily, someone caught him before he could do any harm.

Practically cheating on you mate.
Women shouldn't look at attractive men without their husbands consent.

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Need testing and masks like souf korea


Still only on old testament though. Just started 1 Samuel. Lot of war senpai.

Happy days lad. Coof on a duck for me.

The lock down is not tuff enuff

>three day week
how fucking old are you?


it's OK, only white people pay attention to government instructions lol, by the time this is over we'll be a pasty skinned island once more

Ahhhhh I haven’t coomed in six days to try and save strength for the virus
Ahhhhhh I need to coom so badly ahhhhhh


>4 greggs sosij rolls
gluttony is a sin user.


I found the bible was just what I needed when I was in prison.

>Ahhhhh I haven’t coomed in six days to try and save strength for the virus Ahhhhhh I need to coom so badly ahhhhhh
coom inside a woman user, the pheromonal exchange that occurs between a man and a woman during coitus boosts testosterone production, that's why chads are chads, they get busy fucking while the saps are wanking away their life force

Hah I only wish I could the tools to make traps like that.

It's fucking day two and I'm losing my fucking mind already


go to iceland while you can, before someone realises and bulk buys all the greggs line

>YouGov has 93% in favour of what Boris said last night
Fuck this Orwellian shithole of a country.

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Why don't you grow some plants from seeds you have in tomatoes, chillis etc?

Why won’t Corbyn play by the rules?

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what should he have done then

you need to find a gril at the supermarket for some "we're going to die anyway let's fuck" sex

Anyone else not get their universal credit in?

Lemon saplings are pretty easy to grow.

Just help the seed by removing a little bit of the husk, put it in a wet paper towel in a jar

My sideessss

>93% in favour of not going into work

Deport all non-whites and Jews

You and I both know he isn't fit enough for that

it's a flat, nowhere to grow
might just start burning things

Did that happen to you user?

That's hilarious. Get to bed grandad!


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No. I'm just reading the Bible desu, not Christian though. Just like reading it. It's relaxing and it's part of my routine now. And there's some lovely maps in the back of the Bible that I like looking at too.

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true maverick, the leader we needed, still, kike johnson is doing a great job seizing powers for the globalists and in so doing snatching victory from the jaws of defeat

I live in a flat and I have potatoes growing in the kitchen

>dont know
Why is there never a "don't care" option?

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Use a tea tray and put the pots on that at the bottom of your bath or shower until they get established then put them on your windowsill

I was trying to humour him, to give him some hope

>Closing all libraries, playground, outdoor gyms and places of worship
Oy vey, this is just like anudda Shoah

You could do a mega clean of your flat. Clean your fridge. Then cook some meals to freeze.

Friday will be hilarious.

yeah, expected on the 23rd but hasn't gone through. Phone line is kill and they aren't replying on the website either.

Everyone is out like is business as usual desu

Are the courts still open?

Yeah, but I have food
I don't need more food
I'm just going to meditate and draw disturbing pictures

your either a brainlet that doesnt understand the gravity of the situation.
Or just some hyper individualist devoid of empathy.
Communities common together in times of crisis (like war), to protect our future, is based.

She's too busy shouting at them for not trying hard enough.

>Almost blind
>Can still use a computer and type coherently
Get a fucking office job you fucking pathetic scrounging cunt

freezer is full
going to eat a bit stuff and then make some bulk stew
Do have some painting to do though, may end up doing that

Jury trials got suspended last week