#notdying4wallstreet trending #1 on twitter

#notdying4wallstreet trending #1 on twitter

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kek, Trump better be playing 5D chess

he's playing with your lives and you're just pawns

Q mentioned this last year

lol with that .gif

i loled.

The coronavirus situation in New York State is trending much worse that either Italy or Iran were at a similar point. It now has the fastest growing infection rate in the world.

The true redpill is realizing that everybody who isn't a world leader is an NPC, and world leaders are nothing but pawns.


I was just starting to go a bit mad from being in the house all the time, then it started snowing and now I don't want to go out anyway, thanks climate change


then who was phone?

I am a Nazi but unironically I would have nothing against Communist revolution. Kill the Tzar (Trump), execute the bank CEOs, exterminate the ///stock brokers/// for good measure, round up every fucking boomer and pickaxe their skulls, and then collapse because it's inherent Communist trait.

>people lose jobs
>get paid in government handout
>handout funded by taxdollars
>taxes paid largely by workers
>people lose jobs

yeah thats not sustainable. its not even about wall street. people have to be able to work again

Same here buddy. There's 30cm of snow outside. No point in going out.

how about we try yugo-nazi this time? that's the only thing we haven't tried yet

we need to go hard on social distancing to crush to coof as fast as possible in a race against time so we can go back to work before the handout money is burned up.


Shutting down the country has nothing to do with saving lives, preventing anyone from dying. It is just the means to restructure society along totalitarian lines.

They're also using that as an excuse to deploy more 5G, so keeping the country shut down means actually hashtag-they-are-dying-for-wall-street.

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>crush to coof
crush the coof

this is great.
imagine you work a low-wage job and you're booted because of the virus. most of your low-wage friends are doing fine, statistically, but you're in deep shit. suddenly your commie friends start the #notdying4wallstreet trend. and that's when it hits you - the economy works for you. you are the economy. and your communist I-got-mine faggot "friends" don't even care. while you wonder where your next meal is coming from, they make sure #notdying4wallstreet robs you of months of your young productive life.

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10D chess moron

The fuck, I have to go to work tomorrow. Why the isn't Florida shut down?

Should I just not go? We're all going to fucking die because of this bullshit. Who the cares about the economy if you're dead.

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you'll die of coof. there wont be any protests ever again after the great coof scare of 2020 and people will instinctively keep their distance from each other. fear is a hell of a gentile control method

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>people have to be able to work again
money is not real


Trump wants to get rid of the FED. Sure does help having the people be against the bullshit 'economy' it helps prop up...

>The fuck, I have to go to work tomorrow. Why the isn't Florida shut down?
>Should I just not go? We're all going to fucking die because of this bullshit

why don't you have a job that can be done remotely in 2020

even so
if i try telling that to the supermarket cashier she will just give me a blank look and not let me walk away with food.

you're about 2-3 weeks away from public looting and thrashing of stores

It’s 4-5 of the same accounts spamming for retweets.

it's 41.4 thousand tweets.

Go to work or go to the homeless shelter when you're evicted. Eiither way you're gonna have to leave neetdom at some point.

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>go to work
>go to
I work from home

so with the stores thrashed where do i buy food?

From 4-5 of the same accounts.

we told you to stockpile and to grow your own for years, man

cause it seems to me i need a store to buy food. and a job to make coin to exchange for food at the store so... saying money isnt real is a nice theory but if so how do i get the food? if i grow my own i wont have time to work.

You don’t buy food retard, you get out of the city and start sustaining. You should’ve bought surplus food a while ago

ok but you are missing my point
besides i have a month worth of food and water

here i tried again

ok great but if everyone is a farmer then the only job is farming and we dont have a civilization we just become a bunch of farmers with nobody to spare to do anything but farming.

>how do i get the food if i don’t have money
Leaf I know you’re baiting, but there are people out there who actually think like this. This retardation is real.

>if so how do i get the food? if i grow my own i wont have time to work.
if you grow your food you don't need to work

>great but if everyone is a farmer then the only job is farming and we dont have a civilization
you don't need a civilization

you don't need netflix, the nasa, airplanes
you need potatoes, pasta, tomatoes, oil, meat, and a bit of dairy and some fruit.
and a wife and kids.

Yea then leave nothing but the genetic trash like Tyrone and cleetus and have some faggot millennial politburo member legalize child rape sounds like a grand ole Time

Considering the circumstances, if society were to go down then a piece of paper is worthless. Take Venezuela as a prime example, currency became worthless when the government couldn’t provide and alcohol became the barter good. The barter system predates our current economic system, there was a time before money but not necessarily before value

someone needs to work or nothing but farming gets done. if everyone is a farmer then farming is all anyone does and civilization just gets stalled at the farming level. also most people live in cities so your plan would cause most people to die and civilization to reset back to the bronze age.

you don't need to progress to anything my dude

>also most people live in cities so your plan would cause most people to die and civilization to reset back to the bronze age.

As is mandated by the pastanigger. Pasta is like crack to you degenerates

yeah but we want airplanes and trains and bridges and internet and antibiotics and transportation and all the other things. we dont want to be 8 billion farmers thats not even going to work. fucking get real you absolute retard

Imagine being a slave to all of the comforts of modern society. Imagine admitting that and taking pride in it too.

>>yeah but we want airplanes and trains and bridges and internet and antibiotics and transportation and all the other things.
no we don't
you're brainwashed

> 8 billions
it's high time we make a big cut

Lol. We don't even have quarantine. Just going to work as usual. It's also sweet driving because there no retarted woman driving their kids to school as they are closed.

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ok but barter system will just result in money again. we will have notes that represent so much alcohol. an alcohol backed currency because we cant walk around with litres of alcohol in our pockets everywhere we go to buy things.

seems to me you want an end to fiat currency then say so and i might agree. but to say money isnt real and we all need to become farmers and give up on airplanes is just goofy talk

Banks are getting a bailout larger than in 2008.

Based GOP ami rite??

based weaboo svinina

>it's high time we make a big cut

You first.

ok and you have decided that for us then
oh great king retard

he allowed the FED to inject 2.1 trillion dollars already...

He isn't doing shit but licking their assholes clean.

imagine telling me all that on a computer hooked up to the internet while sitting in a comfy chair with indoor heating and electricity

>ok but barter system will just result in money again.
That’s great, but I’d say we need a restart don’t you agree?
>seems to me you want an end to fiat currency then say so and i might agree.

Fuck you pasta nigger. I hope my gym also be empty today skipped a week because of fucking flu.

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>money is not real
Then give me all your money. Retard

barter doesn't have fractional reserve

it will take centuries to get back to "banks" again if we nuke all electronics for good

not if billions die in the process and we have to go back to the stone age

>skipped a week because of fucking flu.

You can indulge in the pleasures of modern civilization without being reliant on them, can you not? If it were all to collapse tomorrow, would you be able to say with certainty that you are well prepared to leave all these things in the past with little baggage?

Fucking this.
All those wanting a reduction should start with themselves. Otherwise, suffer like the rest of us.

Oh wait you are an even bigger moron. Civilization is the reason you don't die of sepsis from an ingrown toenail. Civilization is why you don't starve to death if one year you get slightly less bountiful harvest. Civilization is why you can spew your retarded opinion on the internet.

It wasn't a corona I had never even coofed once.

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Don’t think of it as the Stone Age and don’t think of it as billions dying, think of it as progress. The current path humanity has been set on is unsustainable. Billions won’t die in the collapse if the fabric of society which bonds is together is a strong as you say it is, but otherwise maybe they will.

dude we are not all going to become farmers
your plan is to let billions die and the rest to farm and give up all civilization and technology and everything and start back at the stone age.

and we are telling you no, fuck off. if you want to go into the wilderness somewhere and play pre-industrial farmer go ahead, nobody is stopping you. but if you really wanted that you wouldnt be here on a computer telling me to fuck off over fiber optic cables under the ocean.

Self checking quints

Grug say you big gay

if you're less than 30 you can have very light symptoms

remember to vote on referendum april 22, get in a queue with millions of people

I love going on walks in the snow. But I even stopped my nature walks because of fear of getting the virus. Are you only at risk of being exposed when you’re in public with other people?

What a waste

>he allowed the FED to inject 2.1 trillion dollars already...
And how did that work out? Are the people happy with the results? Are they questioning how that much money can be pumped in and still things are shit? Are they starting to question what the fucking problem is?


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Yeah it’s fucking insane-Connecticut should close its borders

What a waste of quints.

is twitter, dare I say it, based?

Lmao I think you’ve become lost in who you were talking to user. I never said society should go back to the Stone Age, I was merely critiquing modern reliance on technology and the idea that currency is concrete. You can speak to the Italian fag if you want to talk to an anprim

I live in a small but rich Siberian city. There are no millions here.

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>A guy on Wall Street sneezes
>the Fed prints 2 trillion dollars a day

its carried in droplets in the air or on surfaces so if you are a good distance from everyone else and you wash your hands before touching your mouth or eyes you will be fine. the droplets dont float around forever i think the spread is like 20 feet at most from a coofer.


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you first
go wander off into the wilderness to grow potatoes
but no you dont want to do that. you want to pontificate over the global communications grid using a supercomputer while being comforted with indoor heating and modern medicine.

if you were anything more then all talk you would be out in the fields right now pulling your own plow and desperately hoping your harvest comes through this year so you dont starve to death.