Cardi B says she think celebrities are being paid to say they have the virus!

Attached: cardi-b-gets-naked-on-instagram.jpg (400x500, 21.97K)

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Wow! This must mean the virus is fake!

I'll go tell that to all the people dying in the hospitals.

Fucking moron.

I believe her, she's pretty based


why are nigger chimps always clapping their hands

The Jews are trying to trick Trump into lifting the restrictions, which will allow coronavirus to spread unchecked and largely wipe out older White males. This is part of that effort.

Once people see celebs got it.. It causes fear mongering. Don't be a faggot leaf neighbor

What is this baboon saying. Can someone translate?

God, niggers really are fucking retarded, and I'm not talking about what she's saying, just look at that sheboon and listen to the way she talks, no way she's above 60 IQ.

Bill Gates patented & released the virus because he wants universal mandatory vaccination laws followed by universal microchipping:

Actors being payed to act
No no no no


Why do zoomers constantly spell ‘paid’ this way?

Unpopular opinion but i really enjoy hearing ghetto nigger talk and white trash cracker talk.

absolute kween

who cares what strippers think?

Big if true

don't be an idiot nigga.
celebrities are being the biggest faggots right now singing songs instead of donating money and all that. fuck them.

>if you is paying niggers to say they got it
>pay me too
Principled as fuck.

Yas Forums, you have finally met your intellectual equal

>Wow! This must mean the virus is fake!
Wow! A retard that just hears what he wants to hear!

She couldn't possibly mean they're being paid to spread fear.

Fucking faggot.

> caring what a woman’s IQ is
women are not supposed to be smart they are meant to be pretty,docile and fertile. That’s about it. IQ does not factor into good child rearing

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i don't speak nigger

>ayo lieeeek uhmmm forreaaal lieeykk uhmm yoooo drumpf doe yaaam sayin?? lieeeyk bruhh I be bout dat aight!???

Why does she talk like a valley girl combined with a spic combined with a nig?
Worst fucking combo in existence

WTF?! I love Cardi B now

dats wat monkee do oo oo oo ya do tha monkee groov

Based and would make 209% white offspring with


Its funny how celebs through their legal teams have an idea of the business structure of their little faggot Hollywood world and Chinese companies are at the top. That and the whole pc, don't want to sound racist against chinese attitude they have now, is lumped onto it.
Anyone notice any weird propaganda by these faggots either staying hush hush on China at fault or trying too hard at saying not to be racist against asians?
One thing I found odd was on Walking Deads after show Talking Dead, they all wore red. I didn't watch all of it but they would have mentioned at least why in the first 15 minutes. I think they were faggots showing support for China or communism like many of those retards do.

> retarded nigger whore says something
> thinking anybody cares
OP is once again, a massive faggot.

why do they sound like that. why do they keep repeating the same phrase over and over.
i fucking hate the united states

>black women and their loud nature

this getto prostitute couldnt find an arab shiting on her mouth she as the IQ of the turd im dropping right now..

lol i just opened this vid to hear the nog speak, was not disapointed

That was surreal.

She's right. Based black bitch.

Here in Germany only famous people have coronavirus. Not a single normal person got it. Kind of weird.

I think coronavirus is a NWO hoax.

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Things are getting crazy out there, it'd be a shame if you accidentally got raked up in it.

Attached: dayoftherake.png (1400x900, 814.16K)

What a fucking state

How the fuck does she function with those nails?

Typing like this


You came from Reddit

niggers are simple minded creatures.
they repeat phrases when they cant conjure up another sentence.
they get stuck on a line and repeat it till something triggers their amygdala and they shit out another stream of nonsense.
this is why they insert meaningless rote phrases into their speech like "ya kno wut ahm sayin..." and "ya feel me"
it is a sign that they are bog standard run of the mill niggers with zero chance of being anything else.
if you meet a negro who doesnt say "ya kno wut ahm sayin" or "ya feel me" every three seconds, you may have met the rare Respectable Black Person.

>Timestamp 2:45
She is actually pushing door to door checkups, the rest of her rant is a distraction to get you on her side.

Shut the fuck up you CCP scumbag. - A patriot willing to detonate a strategic nuke in your bullshit country. Fuck your slavery, your evil, your concentration camps, your organ harvesting, your lack of God. You will pay the ultimate price. You will not achieve your fucking goals by 2049.

Attached: china.png (2480x1396, 3.7M)

WTF is a "Cardi B"???

Check this

I don't think that what the quote says, I think that's what YOU just said.

zoomers can barely spell any word

Literally BUILT for BWC

Fuck off you evil CCP fuck.

it doesnt function.
this creature never even contemplated doing any actual work in it's life, beyond opening a welfare check or swiping it's EBT card.
this filthy animal is TNB personified.
the prime example that stereotypes exist for a reason, and almost invariably run true.

Watch her somehow get coronavirus, even though she isn't going out and die in the next few days... Like the whistle-blower doctors of CV

Whistle blower celeb. First celeb to die in USA.. Save the video now!


based retard

I wanna fuck her doggystyle

that's a stretch. so suddenly it's all about china not, the real fuckers: our benevolent over kikes? where's my redpills...

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Was waiting for someone to post about it!! DING DING DING

it's so hard to listen to this monkey.

She herself has it. If she didn't sip from the drip you would have never heard of her name.

WE know its about the jews. Normies dont know shit about China and the jews. Celebs not much more either imo except for the top in the know people. Its not a stretch at all when you consider China has bought up much of Hollywood.

FUUUCK I love that ghetto ass way she acts, makes my dick diamonds

Haven't watched and probably won't but she's right you know

Whats the IQ of this numnut? Great boobs though..

Faggot gaslight nigger detected. Go glow somewhere else pussy

Been in many threads tonight and I keep seeing this link.. what is the fucking deal with it? why spread this link all over the place?

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Except when their retard genes give you retard children hurr durr

Look another gaslighting glow nigger. What the fuck do you want faggot? say it already.
This picture has nothing to do with anything discussed at all, youre clearly gaslighting someone. Say what the hell you want pussy.
inb4 schizo claims as per the manual of gaslighting glownigger puppets. Get some nuts faggot