Aus/pol/ - Don't forget the kikes edition

The Communist lung herpes is scary and all but remember no Chinese would be here if it wasn't for


It was the JEWS who implemented the Race Discrimination Act of 1975 by means of subterfuge

It was the JEWS who lobbied the government to implement 18C and it was the JEWS who prevented it's repeal

It's the JEWS lobbying for an increased refugee intake and ultimately responsible for the Sudanese crime wave

It's the JEWS who are pushing a big Australia and even more unassimilable refugees

It's the JEWS making a bunch of money off property development while pushing mass immigration to drive it

It's the JEWS pushing left wing ideas in influential left wing periodicals

It was the JEWS who represented Eddie Mabo and gave away 10% of Australia to the Abos

It's the JEWS running the anti-white ABC

If you're an Australian Yas Forumsack, reading this is mandatory if you want to have any idea what's going on at all

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Other urls found in this thread:

Roll Call PART 1 OF 2
>bust a nut guy/abo in alice springs
>who adelaide?
>Gas the boomers
>”ITS THE JEWS” pasta
>Gimme a job or ill rope
>ASIO is Aus/pol/'s greatest ally user
>Bunnings sweeper breaking user
>tinder ROLLer
>who ready for the collapse?
>praise him (ASIO agents/ ABC Journo’s)
>how do i get an aus/pol/ gf?
>fuck off we’re full webm creator
>Friendly (and rare) reminder to get your gun licence guy
>what’s for dinner?
>wanting job at asio user
>serial reporter of glowposts and bust a nut guy / roll call guy (me)
>the gf/the bf/the daily ride
>Central Desert Region user surrounded by boongs
>ausfag in USA
>Desert Lime Shilling Brit.
>tougher gun laws in QLD when?!
>US fag "fuck off we're fu-" poster with an image of australias population concentration on a map
>Q&A anime shirt wearing attendee
>Reminder to address to judge and jury in all your shitposts
>JUSTed user(s) (sympathy add)
>’checking in’ fag / meta poofter
>(followed by) “poofters fuck off”
>ASIO poster who uploaded screenshot which had ASIO login bookmarked
>coom for mommy
>guy that says he will an hero to get "no don't do it" (you)'s
>lithuanian user that's been planning to move to Aus for years
>'jannies can't stop me' user
>running for local government user
>fed up and willing to self doxx to create aus/pol/ political party user
>join the union fag / union shill
>user(s) who fingered a bird in a nightclub
>ASISinfo Tripfag
>It's easy to raise a family on one income, just grow your own food
>who /unregistered firearm/? glow agent
>who drinking?

>guy whose isp fucks up and gets the bong flag
>Bloke who married a Brazilian slut who took me to the cleaners once she got PR
>DSP neet in Canberra
>weird boomer anime figurine painter office government worker with lifesize trump cutout
>poster that pretends to be a superior asian and goes on about Australia and the US being Chinese land
>doomed by lollipop sign cunts schizo pasta
>guy that threatens to light himself on fire in centrelink (nabbed by glowies?)
>glowing merino poster
>'What'd ya have for dinner, lads?'
>That old fart who’s been pranked called, prank pizza’d and sent prank presents
>coomer bruce
and (You)
Am i forgetting anyone?

>what are boomers

>a ScoMo just flew over my house
it's over lads, full lockdown and tendies confiscation to commence at midnight

anybody been to the old people power hour at coles?

based DSP NEETs with their pension cards get let in during /boomerhour/

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Me, the poor cunt surrounded by chinks ( on three sides) in a bug box, & the cunts won't shut their windows - i've tried bbq smoke, mossie coils and cat shit. They're coofing like fuck tho so it might be a self solving problem.

What's for dinner lads?

I'm on newstart but they gave me a pension card

>2020 is the year I better myself!
>i'm going to read those shitty self help books and take responsibility for me own life
>i'm going to have a positive mental attitude
>no more being a shitty drug addict, i'm going to quit booze, weed, tobacco and lower my caffeine intake


Is it any good?

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>8 people die

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who drinking?

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Literally some frozen fish and mayonnaise. I might eat a can of beef stew later.

Did the seppo dox his name too?

No, you picked the greatest time in all of human history. Better yourself while the world burns and everyone succumbs to this corona shit. Be the man of the apocalypse you always knew you could be.

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Any announcement yet?

Just watch movies for escapism instead of grog and keep working out. Ignore the (((news))).
I know it's a headfucky time, but keep a routine.

cabinet meeting until 9pm, guess press conf then

I'm unsure how you could eat frozen fish and mayonaise in a figurative sense, but at least put it in bread user, I know you're better than this.

Yeah, penis inspection day has been pushed back to June.

Im fucking losing it faggots, 4 neets live next to me are now on over $2200 a week combined probably get rent assistance to also get 2x $750 each they are on over $100000 a year combined now, i run a shitty gardening business and am expected to just keep working hoping it doesnt dry up, i also have to earn under $1100 a fortnight to get a bonus of $550 a fortnight for sole trader, why would i go to work for an extra $150 risking the truck or tools breaking my only option as i see it is to go neet how the fuck is this fair neet household on over $100000 a year while workers get fuck all, will be going full postal when this shit hits fuck everything fuck them all

I use a knife and fork. I've eaten enough bread today.

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shut up and stop whinging wagie

no wonder you work in a garden job m8 because you cant count. How can you be on 100,000 a year for 4 neets if they only pay double for 6 months tops?

>4 neets living in one house
imagine the smell

is that enough time for the jelqing to take effect?

>DSP neet in Canberra
Yup, that's me alright

Sydney CBD status report:
>Saw the EMT take some boomer out of their house on a stretcher
>My fucking super market is filled with everything I need! (except TP)
>Millenials/GenX are out in force exercising like mad

everything smells like salty milk and coins

Libeler lives somewhere near Balaclava in Melbourne near that enclave right? Have no idea how he has managed to stay alive all this time.

Talking of these things. I walked past Stephen Bannon's house in Washington. I saw him sitting the basement running Breibart then suddenly these two guys in blacksuits appeared out of nowhere and just stared at me.

I'll post pics if anyone is interested in my story.

australia will never run out of food when there are literally tens of millions of wild kanagroos and camels waiting to be hunted

Should I get a gaming console before lock down? Ps4 or Xbox?

This exact same guy every one of these threads. trying to push made up terms like "wagies" to try justify his life as a neet no job no life weaboo cartoon posting faggot.

Last night you were posting the exact same amounts and shit as a made up thing, then tonight trying to say this is real now. Fuck off, just fucking go get a job you no life fuck.

I'll enjoy having money and putting it into shares and maybe buy another house when everything drops more.

same as yesterday. rock oysters. steak. liver.

Here’s a bump from a Burger. Sieg heil, friends.

Should have done it quicker m8.

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welcome to 10 years ago, if you couldn't predict or see this happening then unironically you were the NPC this whole time

Get back to work wagie scum

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You think they are going to lower the payments after this, bullshit mate once the greens get into it also that 6 months will be reviewed then there will still be no one in jobs in six months they will not be able to cut it back its out of the gate now

Bolognese without pasta because there is no fucking pasta. However I'm mixing it with mash potato

75% chance he's one of g*d's chosen

Ps4 lad I’m gonna try pick one up tomorrow but most places are sold out of em

>>Millenials/GenX are out in force exercising like mad
so many unemployed thots out and about in leggings. My dick. I wonder would they fuck me for some TP

>go to Woolies boomer hour with my pensioner concession card because I'm on DES
>get looked at with scorn by all the old fucks because they envy my youth
>buy all the tuna
Fuck boomers.

they were already pushing their literal communist plan in the senate last night. Anyone else watching the stream would’ve heard, but they basically said they want to make this the norm and for everyone and introduce “equality” to the financial system and that there’s too many rich people

Wasnt me mate, never been a neet while living in an area surrounded by them

Thank you for your service.

$228,000 of pussy and ass

Cenno finally went through lads, looks like I'm getting on the gravy train!
I think they might have waived the mandatory phone appointment - can anyone confirm?

working is good for your mental health. Neets are likely to kill themselves because they can't handle the stress. You are much more likely to work through the stress. also depending how bad things get you are perfectly positioned to work as a farmer in the new world, you already have loads of tools for it

Fish tacos and salad

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>boomer shaming
Post nose.

Starting to realise this now, anger rising

they don't enforce per person limits in boomer hour?

Similar situation.

My contract for night shift is 20 hours, pays exactly the same as what CENTRELINK now pays.

If I don't get much extra work I am going to quit, get the Neetbux and try get my start in transport.

We can only hope lad.

>unemployed thots
mate, they are going to be even more desperate if they're on a 457 visa and now need to leave the country!! (not sure how they would even be able to leave right now considering almost all flights are grounded)

No limits on canned fish.

Sounds delicious. I have a big batch of bolognese sauce in the freezer, and I was thinking of having it with some rice for my tea. Anything with a tomato/wine/beef based sauce goes great with mash. i highly recommend pic related.

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I second the PS4, mine's an essential item.

PS5 is out later in the year though so it's like a bit of a waste

damn nigga, the local IGA is 1 can per person

It really is easy to grow your own food, and you're going to need it because we're all gonna starve.

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>working is good for your mental health
that's what I'm doing as well. had the option of keep working and stay sane, or stay at home and go stir-crazy. easy choice!

Lol Get the fuck out of here boomer And take your colostomy bag with

I want to see overleverged property speculators jumping off bridges.

Greed is not good, anymore.

PS4, PS5 will get delayed, and why build a high spec computer when you don't know what games are even coming next year?

The olde' age saying goes, If you can't beat them, join em. I've started taking up Hebrew lessons with my fellow Moshe in return for my neetbux. World always goes full circle.

Reckon public transports will soon stop?

wife went to our local and watched the boomers strip the entire shop bare down to the last fresh onion.
fuck boomers.

>Australians will face restrictions on hosting social gatherings in their own homes

When do we start riots?

Yeah but ive payed heaps off the mortgage my min repays are $180 a week now with the missus out of work we would be on $1100 a week why would we work? Can live a comfy life off that which is the problem it shouldnt be like that and i really cant see the repayments going back to what they were

reckon gough whitlam was kicked out by the queen because his cabinet was full of kikes?

no limits at my supermarket ....

i actually can't come to terms with what is happening right now.. they're actually just going to keep printing money endlessly.. holy fuck

nope, they get the neetbux too. scomo confirmed ALL foreign visa holders will get access to the new neetbux scheme

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PS5 will have no games at launch, especially at this rate. PS4 has just about every fucking game from Red Dead 2 to Resident Evil 4 and is pretty technically advanced as is.

They make a fortune on the end of recessions

I don't think so, even in the countries with more severe lockdowns it's still operating, because nurses, doctors, etc. often take them

How’s attendance rates been fren?


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True. New COD BR actually looks like a good time waster

i doubt that

I'm comfy with ps4 and hacked switch

mid July when our strategic supplies of food run out - but it'll be too late. We'll be locked into suburbs and all riots easily contained.

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Its insane anyone on part time or min wage would now be better off on the dole if they rent even better, i just cant believe it

I overheard some ticket inspectors chatting at a station platform in Melbourne yesterday
- no ticket inspections (no way to do it without coming closer than 1.5m)
- about a quarter of the force isn't coming to work at all
- however, they said the trains at least (anything with an enclosed compartment for drivers) would likely be deemed "essential"

Checked. Unaware anons google “grand solar minimum 2020”. Crops are going to be absolutely decimated this year


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Yeah but ps4 is probably the console that’s been out the longest and is the most popular plus has had a shit ton of games released

id rather not buy a console but by the looks of things ima need one


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teach me how

>join a union
Mosley approves. Was thinking about it.

A nice stew user. Beef, veggies & bone broth.

Why the fuck is this happening, I want things to go back to normal i don't know if I can handle the fear I'm not a woman so I'm not naturally strong I'm scared lads any recommendations for anxiety?

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Wait what the fuck, I'm on DES too. Am I supposed to get a pensioner card?

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what are you doing there you glownigger

can you give me the tl;dr on this? will the sun not be as strong as normal?

Who /Townsville/ here?
White strongholds like this will disappear soon.

Mum got home yesterday and said she almost spat on a nigger Muslim coming out of Woolies

Look at it this way, money is going to start being worth less because of inflation, so you will be able to charge more for your work soon. The neets will eventually be earning much less then you. Plus you have a fucking house user, these neets are pissing away their money in rent while you have an asset. Could you get your GF to come work with you and knock out the work faster? might be nice.

For anyone still on the fence about if the holocaust was real or not. This will settle it once and for all. The best documentary there is. Spread it.

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watch the official coronavirus statistics.
you'll see that 8 people died in Australia since the crisis started 3 months ago

More people die every month of penis sucking accidents

Mate, normal fucked off at Christmas time.

Not gonna lie, that's pretty tasty.

he confirmed it two nights ago at 7:40pm interview with ABC. I’ll find the link and time stamp. He specifically mentioned that includes foreign students.
ABC presenter then proceeded to say asylum seekers should get it too because they are in such a hard situation already and deserve financial security too

Probably. It's just the healthcare card but red.

We are at millennium drought numbers for cattle and sheep (hint - they failed for feed the 4million people in Australia at the time) and our coming harvest is going to be the worst since the end of WW2 (where we had 8million people, but grew enough for 9million which was like party times).
>tl:dr we've got enough food over winter for ~14million people
>we have 27million people to feed

You just made me miss Christmas, back when we were free men

rhetoric, and you believe it?

Oy Gevalt take him down

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Youtube deleted all the Hitler speeches

I need an user to hold I'm scared

Wagie is an old term newfag, think it was Yas Forums from memory. Stop coping. Nice spacing too there, plebbitorino.

This. New normal now lads. What's left of the economy will adjust to having what is basically a UBI. Shit like that doesn't go back.

yeah man I've sucked loads and I'm not dead

Yes exactly that,
The sun goes through periods of how much it emits, it fluctuates, it’s currently been declining for a couple years, it predicted to go as low as when they had a “mini ice age” and the thames froze over somewhere between 2020-2025.
If you look at anons crop haul stats you’ll see it’s already been going down the last couple years, this is because the sun is going into its low period.

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I mean, I have autism and it does impact my work I'm with a DES provider cause of that. But I'm on Youth Allowance so I was sent a green & gold card.

I'm no so worried about the virus I fear this is leading to globalhomo trains to death camps type deal

1700s as pictured in pic related was when the rivers in london froze over.

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All you had to do was the mental gymnastics in your head. If I'm a casual worker who earns minimum wage and the minimum hours I can be given is 3, then is the security of such a job even worth it? If it costs me $10 a day to travel to work and takes me money/time to make food, then who is getting morally shafted here? Unless I'm willing to get given a MINIMUM of 15 hours a week then I might as well be on the dole since I would save more money, spend more of my own time doing my own things without living so frugal.

I understand I earn less than the 40 hour a week wagie, but at the end of the day if the system can't support itself then how will the system be able to provide the support to anyone else that it requires from it.

It was just a ticking time bomb that neets had been warning everybody about for years, but it was always met with "HURRGHH get a job LoSER!"
Those very same people who cannot practice what they preach. Just because you call it work doesn't mean it's work, it's an excuse you made for yourself so that society doesn't shun you whilst you break your back making another dime for mr. shekelberg.

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I know what your saying and your right in a way but if half my customers lose their job theres no work also i still have to pay running costs which dont change much even on half work, its hard watching these drug fucks getting cashed up while i get nothing should have at least given everyone the $750 also dont fancy going out into the infection realm while they get to stay at home

Sir, step away from the TP.

Only one allowed packet per customer.

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Remember happy times befor change

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Ah, might be because you're on Youth Allowance, I'm on Newstart. idk, I just got sent it when I switched to DES.

The little blip down in the 1970s had the world terrified we were all going to die because of an ice age.

I gave up alcohol this month indefintely on the count of I'm having a baby in April. How fucked am I??

I think you mean centenary drought, and you're full of shit anyway.

>allowed packet
packet allowed*

Free people, user. Free people.

Can someone edit in a gun could be funny

If Saudi Arabia can dictate what women are allowed to wear then the time has come for a white country to do the same.

There was an Indian security guard at my local Woolies

I could literally hold my shopping and pin him with one arm he is that much of a fag

Still plenty of trump speeches though.

>neets paying rent
lmao get a load of this faggot

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Biggest dick in the West here mate