He unironically picked Wall Street over you, lmao

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(((Wall Street)))

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Wrong. I own a business and want to get back to work. Fuck the shutdown.

That's good

He did that from the beginning.
"It's just the flu bro" - Donald Trump

Honestly I'd probs do the same.

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shit narrative. try harder shills

op refuses truth.

>want to get back to work.
>want more money cause I'm a greedy jew that values it more than his own family
ftfy kike

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I don't want your commie handouts anyways.

Hope you're a boomer with dementia

I am willing to sacrifice boomers for the economy

they have overstayed their welcome

We know who he really serves.

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Don't we love our globohomo corporate plutocracy? We have the best plutocracy, don't we folks?

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Jew detected

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Last time I checked it was Dems who voted against Trumpbux. We need to get a Republican majority back in the House.

Trillions went to banks and corporations immediately without a chance for a single question being asked and now the US government can not pass an aid package for the tax payer citizens

Death to America will replace the Pledge of Allegiance

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>burgers unironically thought a billionaire businessman would care more about human lives than money

Lmao. Still better than Hillary, but anyone who thought Trump cares about the American people is an imbecile.


>We've set aside 8 billion for relief efforts
>...we've set aside another 50 billion for relief
>fed injects TRILLIONS into the market
Tell me how this isn't just fucking communism with pretend monopoly money.

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I unironically want the entire Jewified economy to crash and fucking burn. I'm not dying or becoming permanently disabled so some kike can make more money.

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fuck boomers

Oh no, he will kill some boomers - WHO THE FUCK CARES???

Fuck no!

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>owning a business makes you a jew

>meme image
Concession accepted, bootlicker.

Shut the fuck down

no, wanting to make money over the lives of you and your family makes you a jew.

Yes, when you realize whitenats are mostly loser neets you stop taking pol seriously

Just relax and let the new plague wash over you. Afterwards just go and work again for the people who have more money than you.

No he picked the working people. It's those stuck at home and lost their jobs who are most affected by this not Wallstreet.

>everything the left did to get trump taken down
>he ends up fucking himself for re-election

Ok boomer.

Am I the only one that is fucking sick of the amount of shill posts on here these days? Acknowledging that the country has to go back to work one day equates wall street over people? He gave no deadlines. He didn't say when. He literally just said 'yeah jobs will be a thing again at some point soon.' Go suck on some more jew dicks you paid peice of shit.

>hurr durr i can't read bills on a gubmint website
Fuck me, you shills are so far gone it's almost not worth insulting you anymore. Be glad I'm drunk enough to give the (You).

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What did you morons expect voting for this clown. Luckily, this might be the end of populism throughout the world. Great at shouting and keeping up appearances, pretty fucking terrible at doing what it takes to tackle serious issues.

it's ok. i'm just a temporarily embarrassed wall street big shot

he's looking out for future me

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>invest in stocks week 3 of virus
>stocks on the rise finally

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>end of populism
Trump is leading the polls though, despite all the shilling lmao. How do libshits fail this badly?

I don't take criticism of jewish strangers personally.

As opposed to he ironically picked Wall Street?

You unironically are a fag.

yeah that'll change real fast once trump supporting boomers/parents of trump supporters start dying.

democrats are self isolating while you retarded fuckers think this is a hoax created by the democrats to make trump look bad. you will get fucked so hard

trump had re-election on lock, he just had to not act like a retard just this once. its like god gave him the perfect gift to clean up his image... yet he failed every step of the way. holy fucking shit.

Coronavirus hasn't even broke 1k deaths in the US, unlike swine flu. Thanks Obama.

Yeah. It's almost as if he wants to avoid this from happening.

Give it a rest you seething trannies. Nobody wants your faggot green new deal.

You have to be 18 or older to post here

The death rate went down in the great depression. Going through another one will be fine.

Killing millions of people to prevent stonks from going down ruining your chance of re-election is just pure evil and downright stupid because it wont fucking work.

ever heard of exponential growth? you shoulda stayed in school, bud.

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It’s not just about counting death’s. Trump is plunging the USA into economic- and healthcare crisis it won’t recover from for decades to come. The USA will lose their no. 1 position to China and the rest of the world will turn their back on the USA. So much for America First.

Fuck off faggot, I assure you you don't want to go through a depression

All the cases are in blue areas... like NYC.
No Trump supporter is dying from this disease.

How is Trump doing that??? He wants to open the economy up again

Every U.S President is a kike puppet some are more obvious than others.

damn...that meme is old af...reandomly made the just ignore dem meme pop up in my head.

too late. being a wishy washy faggot about it is doing more damage than picking a course of action and sticking to it.

With no healthcare and welfare system in place, he has no other choice.
Trumpbux failing means the us will turn 20-30% of its population into hungry hungry hobo, aka full societal collapse.

This, not everyone who posts here is a shut in.

Fuckin Based. Perssonally i cant wait to get back to work, Mr. Noseburgs 3rd yacht isnt going to pay for itself. Fuck Neets, Wagies rise up!
>coof coof

What growth? Random happenstance? Wash your hands, zoomie.

>panic incited by the media
>Trump did his best to quell fears ahead of time
>markets tanked anyways as if by design
Surely it was organic.

Been here for awhile, honestly don't give a shit about the left/right march. Anyone with a brain knows Trump is a diehard independent, I don't support the guy just because he's under the R banner.

There's a lack of merchant faces on these memes.

It’s not like opening up the economy will prevent them from any crisis. Around 20% of the population will become too sick to work. And most of them do not have health insurance, meaning the death toll in the USA will be much higher than 1%-2%. While more people get sick and the death toll rises, the whole country will panic, pick up their arms and seek shelter for the coming months. I can assure you there won’t be any significant economic activity during those month’s. The USA will become a third world country and Trump will be remembered as the man who sank the flagship of capitalism.

dude... the president can't just shut down the country for weeks and weeks. "the economy" is people living their lives. I've got shit to do. I'll stay put for a few weeks but then I gotta get moving.

I'm honestly surprised no one sees the point of the FED printing money, the more normies wake up to the FED being the greatest scam of all time, the easier it'll be to reign it in. If Trump can cite the will of the people as a reason to shoah the FED, then we can get back to a stable currency again and get our money back from China.