Scenario: You live in a nice suburb in SoCal which also happens to be in this fine El Jefe's jurisdiction...What will taxes, property rights, basic shit your local government does be like? And what do?

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imagine thinking that many people will survive.

Leave and gather a large group of racially aware whites

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kill or die
extreme terror, baffling aggression
do so much that you are mortified of reprisal, then do it again
cost him 3 beans each time he runs a patrol through
pop capos and cornerboys from down the block
burn houses, trap inside of house and go elsewhere
not hit and run
hit and hit and hit and hit

Imagine not forming a clan with your extended family and the extended families of all your friends. Literally just get people together willing to do specific things and build your own micronation. Within the extended families and friends of all those people, you'll end up with farmers, doctors, former soldiers, and basically every other professional you could need, all united in blood or friendship, and whose bonds will only strengthen due to collective struggle.

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Sounds like El Salvador

mexican gangs protected my neighborhood grocery store during the LA riots and the korean owners paid them with free beer

You need stricter laws for a more savage people. But then again Japan is pretty safe. Maybe you just need culture.

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open bussy

i wish

Yeah man why not just give them your land.

you are very naive amigo. El Jefe wastes no time..

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Yeah, I don't live in a non-white infested area, I'm in no way concerned about people like this. When society actually begins to break down, that's when you start getting shit together.

JOg at half speed and watch as he collapses after 100 yards then go back and plant a .45 right between his eyes and then bury his body outback. Rinse and repeat.

yea. and end up in this situation. estúpido user

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Katrina agrees, was in a bayou neighborhood in ocean springs, our bridge out to mainland got fucked, fema didn't come for a month and change.
They delivered our trailers and rations to a street of stripped houses, tents organized down the back yards on one side towards the forest, ghetto showers, generators, fish and nutria grilling.
I was pretty young then, but i was still amazed.
I still remember playing phoenix wright laying in my bag, snug as they come.
Had lads siphoning gas, hunting and fishing, kids went with the moms to pick what we could salvage or use from our destroyed homes, rifles watching the inlet and warding away chimps at riflepoint.
Pretty wholesome, and everyone sorta just POPPED into place sorta went unspoken.
We didn't even like most of our neighbors but that didn't matter. I like them now.

Be careful amerisharts. Yesterday I was going on about the usual stuff in the sense that nonwhites have to be killed and I got a permaban out of nowhere for "violating US laws"
Obviously butthurt shitskins jave been reporting people forever, but these glownigger mods are now taking their anti-white actions.


the virus targets white men you fool, you won't even see the real happening

That man has tits.

>what do?
Join the opposition. I'd never submit to this payaso.

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you should be reported for being a faggot. pol is a board of peace. violence or threats of violence has no place here.

be so apologetically violent and surgical every fucking beaner in the state is afraid.
night vision is a real thing.

I live in the Italian controlled part of Los Angeles, that guy is in the wrong neighborhood.

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celebrate and embrace diversity

The Demographics Party jackasses will be the first to die.

El Jefe will get reinforcements from every max-security prison in California. your unibrow / greasy-hair mafia in Los Angeles will be overrun in a day.

ur all so weak uve been collapsing on the inside of your group domains
shut the fuck up

>beaner behind american symbol for fear of being laughed out and disregarded
>is still laughed out and disregarded
you make the average white dude pick between beaners and wops, I'm sorry dude you lose that roll every day of the week.
Weight of numbers is only absolute in a morale-proof vacuum
when pedro has no skills no food no water and two mags of 2 year old chinese ammo, has been sleeping intermittently between crank and shifts and "putting in work" and then you have the crazy faggots that will pop a beaner just to POP A BEANER harrassing you, then the rival beaners brawling with what time and materiel you have left.
Now you pretend that these weathered, out of their element, resourceless disorganized and spread thin entities are somehow beef WITH A WHOLLY DISPARATE GROUP IN A DIFFERENT TERRITORY
and morale is never gonna be a factor when the lil goon squad is torn up by an m24 on their way to little italy?
what are you gonna do when you get there?
whos even gonna survive the drive in?
nostra didn't just run with fear, they provide a service to their constituency within the neighborhood.
Wow a bunch of untrained unarmored bullet bait walking around aimlessly in a strange neighborhood run by a gang renown for carrying the pricey shit.
Checks out, beaner logic.

400 yards out with a 300 mag aimed at his watermelon dome like I was shooting hogs

Fucking based. I remember Katrina it was the year I graduated HS and it was insane what was happening it opened my eyes to what really happens when society collapses and everyone dgaf. Even the police were going to the Cadillac dealers and stealing all the Cadillac ext Trucks and going around like roving gangs. I don’t know how old you are but you sound like you weren’t that old, it was truly a time of shoot first and ask questions and throw their body in the water later

That nigger has thin arms.

Not to mention the crime lab was submerged under water and destroyed all evidence and a lot of feral murders walked free, Well tbqh its not like they didn’t anyway with the 90 day murder law

I'll battle

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Start taking stimulants and killkillkill my way out of the city.
You should always have strong military grade stims as part of your shtf kit.
I'd never use them under normal circumstances but if shtf you gotta stay awake.

All I have is NoDoz. What's your strongest upper?

thats no meme either, i saw scores of bodies, and few of them were floaters
when the parents sent us up to TN with family first chance out, the airport was an actual morgue, i still remember that shitty blue carpet, jet black from ichor.
Nobody cared about it, no one talks about it.
Because fuck the south right?
But I am prepared for worse, that lil 13 year old did all his puking and crying for a lifetime.
Now I'm ready to fill my Father's shoes for my new neighbors, and I'm gonna follow that mans example to the letter.
At the "camp" us kids and the women were pretty much enured from the horrors of the outside, I only realized how bad it was when I wanted to help dad out and sorta you know, tag along as sons do.
Glad I got that little taste now.
Here's to you fellow survivors, shit was a wreck, and the city fuckers took like 4 years to half fix my favorite shark fishing pier, faggots (courthouse)

lol stronger than nodoz.
Caffeine won't be enough to keep you up for days.

craze. i think its banned for basically being meth

Meth? Coke? Crack? Something else?

amphetamine will do.
military uses it

El Jefe is like Kony. Cokes up his gang before battle. nodoz is useless vs coked out psychopaths

Coke is a shit combat stimulant.
Too much euphoria fogs the mind.

>mfw under the jurisdiction of Lockheed
At least it will be comfy.

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also the comedown mid firefight?
talk about an extra morale tarpit
problem with coke is, 30 minutes later you "need more"
real shit stim, as you said, and creates peaks and valleys all below par in performance

Crazy Tattoos and owns a gun in a fall of society they are the first to get shot in the head no questions or debate

meth will also fuck you.
pure amphetamine leaves you clear-headed and awake for days.
just don't make a habit out of it. the lack of sleep will fuck you in the long run. it's good for getting to safety.
apparently us military uses modafinil now.

i don't do anything but my yearly trip to look at myself as a third party.
I've dabbled here and there, but i was planning on using epinephrine in a pinch.
I'd rather have my wits about me, my new neighborhood has a ton of olds and gays. Terrible working/fighting/surviving stock, gotta be ONNIT.
But i have a few pens on hand for that quick boost. I already linked up with the two nam boys at our dead end about sharing shifts since our decks look down a hill and the one way in.
I just want to avoid drugs where possible, I get too rowdy, why I stopped.

Who will be like Buck Naked

You've played far too much Left 4 Dead 2.

Yeah, I don't enjoy them myself. I enjoy my sleep.
they're good to have on hand for bugging out though. I'll have to get out of the city to get to friends and family and I want to be aware of everything while I'm on the move.

As in none?
If that's where your mind goes man, that's telling.
Ill hit the books on that then, nothing is off the table, I got kin. Thanks for the help!
I just dread that hunger lol.

I don't have an addictive personality so I can't really pretend to know that pain but be careful with that shit if you have a problem.

wrath is for low test faggots. be cold, calculated, meticulous and businesslike. nothing is scarier than an unstoppable unfeeling machination or process. the weight of inevitability and the unknown needs to haunt their every waking hour. leave no evidence of their existence.

this. make it a point to hunt these ferals down before they can even start to misbehave.


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>what are shock and awe tactics
nobody stops to think "wow that guy is super cold and calculating" during a battle or conflict
violence is the only language sone of these people understand so you send the message of stay the fuck away

kinda want the opposite effect, you want the shit to look "witchy" to cop a term, you want aftermath and chaos, makes the warlord look weak
you dont level off and come back later, while they arrive at one scene you are at the next.
Make the people doubt them, make their grunts doubt them, burn their supplies if you can, hence the house thing, starve them, force them to roam, force them into the buco al lupo.
Methodical is great, and isn't precluded, but terror and constancy, keep them running dwindling numbers of cracked out animals on doubles, triples.
A good deer rifle and a few pdfs and it's pretty easy to cycle from target to target in a warlord no police state situation.
A warlord will have enemies and aspirants, especially in the Ree-for-all, you do this to make him sweat, make him look pathetic, and make him run his beans too hard crippling morale. It's simply a day or two of carnage to nick his femoral and toss him in the pacific.
Best part is, I know I'm not the only Joe Smith with that mindset and ideation, so Jefe will find his reign short and miserable.

If you're going to try to kill them all you do it hard and fast.
Don't give them time to regroup and only gtfo when they do manage to get their shit together.
Cold and calculating won't instill fear. It's preferable for them to not know their buddy is dead before you're on them. Don't give time for things to seem suspicious.

I already live in Mexican neighborhood in Los Angeles called Hawaiian gardens. No black people in sight.

He’d have to able to spell Jurisdiction

Violence is not the supreme authority. Intelligence is.