Where's the solid proof that China is lying about their numbers...

Where's the solid proof that China is lying about their numbers? I ain't a mathematician or or a virologist but this shit looks retarded to me even.

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China hasn't told the truth about anything in the last 50 years, I need proof that they're telling the truth this time.

Hows this?

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>chink telecoms report 5.6 million chink accounts being deleted over the past couple of months
>accounts get auto deleted if you dont pay your bills for over a two month period.

Thanks for the backup


A curve like youve presented doesnt occur even in the most optimistic scenarios. Any medical personnel worth their salt wont believe this graph

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brt de ti je sos

Apart from the videos of them puting 2-3 in a body bag and chalking it up as one? Apart from that fact the week they opened all those welded shut doors to a shit ton of bodies they registered 0 deaths the same week?

Is Serbia becoming a vassal of China?

traffic is still at ~0% in Wuhan, city is still on complete lock down despite "no new cases"

do you find that believable?

>Where's the solid proof that China is lying
They're chinks.

Check out the SARS curve

Got a link to that Ahmet?

I trust PRC. It is the most reliable and competent government in the current world. I hope entire world will follow their example, to make bright, progressive and prosperous future for mankind real.

Not paying their bill doesn't mean they're dead tho.
Lots of people are out of jobs or just dont go to work because of the epidemic.
It's reasonable to assume that people are just cutting costs with non-essential services because they're running out of money.

I know, that was my point, and when I saw the graph on the youtube livestream I knew it looked shady as fuck so I brought it here. I may have communicated poorly in my OP but I believe the situation is horrific in China and that they are faking, but I'm trying to find even more solid proof so I can redpill retarded nothingburger npcs

Holy fucking shit, thanks bros. Please post everything you have on this.

Yes it is. Vucic literally said the other day that he is turning away from Europe towards China.

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5.6 million people cant afford to pay a 100 dollar bill in the country of China even though you need such a device to communicate to your boss, family, and for more rudimentary things.

I will say, if China ISNT lying, then the numbers will start going back up in april/may. Aka when those people go back to work and can pay their bill again.

If it doesnt then oh shit, 5.6-8 million chinks in an area that contains 11 million chinks died off.

Pravi srbi su žuti

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The west is dumb as fick if it believes anything China says. My home country didn't which is my from the begging we did the right thing and had very few casualties. Schools still aren't open, millions of people are still on home arrest yet WHO (an organisation basically run by the CCP) and Western leaders believe China. Even "based" and "redpilled" fags here believe it kek.

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>If it doesnt then oh shit, 5.6-8 million chinks in an area that contains 11 million chinks died off.
It will go back up. This was almost a smoking gun for China's foul play and it has gotten media attention (I saw two articles today that mentioned it, one in the SG IBTimes).
Now that they know that we know, they'll cook those books in April/May by whatever means necessary.

Are you able and willing to go to China amid a pandemic crisis in order to investigate?
This shit seems fishy and I wouldn't trust any information provided by a state that is controlled by the party.
But there's not much you can do right now.

why would China let this info out ever ?
>muh super big brother
why CCP didn't cover this up ?

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>couldn't stop the virus spreading to the rest of the world
>somehow stopped it spreading to the rest of China

Not buying it mate

Uskoro tebra. It wouldn't surprise me at this point, Huawei on fucking everything around here.

If it were possible and all expenses were paid; I unironically would go to Wuhan right now with a gopro strapped to the top of my hazmat suit and make a livestream for you guys.

SARS was contained

There is no solid proof China is lying about anything and anybody claiming so is just engaging in an act of wishful thinking. They hope to undermine the trust towards the Chinese administration in the trying times of pandemic so that they can further the American supremacy around the world for whatever obscure reason. With that being said, everything they say is flat out dishonest and deserves no real attention. China has handled the crisis in a commendable fashion. Whether the US and the rest of the world lives up to the same standard remains to be seen.

>I'd willingly go to Wuhan with a camera to record proof.

You really don't know how China works.

They supposedly gained about 75 million accounts in the last year, their numbers seem highly fluctiational.

There is a tracker of China’s lies about the virus dating to last year. What about the doctor they murdered? What about their suppression of it? What about the people they made orange chicken out of?


>They cant pay a $100 bill?
No, actually, most of the cant. GDP per capita is around $10,000 per year. They are living pay check to pay check and in poverty. If anything comes up they're fucked on the bills; and something fucking came up.

>Thinks CCP has premonitions
They already came up with an explanation for those figures and the west will believe it. That's all they need.

Not only that, the use WeChat for just about everything. Think facebook, twitter, uber, paypal, tinder, snapchat, and way more all in one app that everybody uses. No phone in China make life almost impossible.

>If it were possible and all expenses were paid; I unironically would go to Wuhan right now with a gopro strapped to the top of my hazmat suit and make a livestream for you guys.

You’re a brave man because that sounds like you’re signing yourself up to be served as orange chicken aka the Chinese killing you for exposing them for filth

Your flag is filtered on my pc. I need info on how to filter you on phones too.

I said it before and I’ll say it again.
The proof is already public. It might not be official but anyone with two brain cells to rub together will look at the whole situation and come to a logical close enough conclusion.
Look at it this way, a highly infectious airborne virus that survives on surfaces and lingers in areas infects a large amount of victims in China to the point where they decide to shut it all down and quarantine people. The shutdown is so massive the environment in China dramatically improves yet the government wants to report laughably low numbers and surprisingly low deaths despite social media leaks freaking out on a mass scale and the very public suppression of information.
This said virus is now international and wreaks havoc at an amazing rate world wide murders people in Italy at a quick pace and even in America you surely don’t think our media is also telling the whole truth do you?
World wide numbers are basically a moonshot up, deaths are steadily rising, and China.... China wants to tell the world they ready to start working again and they had a day of no new infections and no deaths.
Look at it, only a retard would believe the claimed origin of this virus the place with the largest population in the world, the densest cities on earth have an infection and death rate lower than New York, California, Italy and the world? How does that make any sense.... the numbers are basically doubling every few days but China puts down +0? Lol ok pals

All fake news. Some of it stems from the fact it's hard to determine which things are real and which events were staged to make China look bad, this is a true hybrid war. I don't know how much of it is true, but a lot of people are more likely to pay more attention to China's record by default without ever questioning Uncle Sam's motives and agenda in the same manner. That's the reason you choose to trust Google on this one despite being well aware Google is essentially a proxy for the American intelligence community.

You shouldn't filter the truth.

some faggot on Yas Forums told me so before he went on shilling for some ZOG puppet

Emphasis on:
>If it were possible

Can anyone from China even post here right now? We need to find someone who's there and kickstarter a Yas Forums investigation.

mutt is right.

And they have the dirtiest people in the world. Yes, some of the current infected epicenters are dirty, but China’s wet markets and social customs make New York and San Francisco look Zurich clean. I’m not going to believe that the city whose makeshift hospitals were just glorified jail cells and hotels collapsing on people could suddenly not have an airborne virus not create new cases for days on end. This is frustrating because no major country has yet to call out China on its bullshit.

>UN flag
Fuck off, chang.

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Mainly because they claim three times the infected in Italy but less death. It seems quite unlikely.

You are clearly such a member of the Chinese internet defense force it’s so obvious and bad it actually hurts your case for you are fighting opposing views too strongly.
However I am not your enemy and you raise some valid points. Who does benefit from a world wide pandemic? America IS lying about things related to this virus, namely the seriousness and numbers. Because why are they so hard up on this stimulus package while at the same time telling people it’s going to be ok just stay home? Sounds like it’s time to panic
But you have to look at yourself, it’s not ALL fake news. Your government is lying to you as well, China HAS been lying and things aren’t adding up.
Personally I don’t care because even if everyone told the truth what could I a regular joe do about anything?
China did kill a doctor and journalists and disappeared a few people and let’s not talk about Hong Kong.
America is lying about the virus severity, deaths, infections something fishy is going on in government and the elections as well.

Because only downsyndrome retards like you would try so hard to jump to the conclusion that mobile contracts = people when there where almost twice as much mobile contracts than people able to hold a phone in their hand living in China


You clearly know its an obviously larping Pajeet

No major country will. My parents left Taiwan believing the "freedom" and "justice" meme.. They now know Big Corps decide of everything and they all choose to depend on China rather than keep their business in the West and pay fair wages. They are traitors but it doesn't matter to them since they believe in the "global human family". Your whole life basically revolves around China you just aren't aware of it.

In my heart we are all Pajeets.

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>I don't know how much of it is true, but a lot of people are more likely to pay more attention to China's record by default without ever questioning Uncle Sam's motives and agenda in the same manner.

You know that none of it is true. I dare any Chinese to ask/bring up Tiananmen Square without having his or her social credit destroyed. Here in the US, ask us about the atomic bomb, and in our schools we will tell you about its history and the ethical debate it brought up as to whether it could be considered a war crime or a sacrifice. We don’t censor and we allow for debate. We don’t burn our citizens so we can lie about the fatality rate

Do we have an agenda? Yes. Everyone does
Do we want to remain a super power? Yes. Anyone in that position would
want to be

Do we want to be a propaganda, oppressive, fascist regime continuously violating human rights and having an Orwellian social credit score with small penises? Fuck no

Meme flaggot opinions are automatically discarded.

Srbija do Tokija is not a meme now.

Those are click farms. 1/3 of all Chinese mobile users are click farms.

>it’s China

That’s how you know they are lying.

Providing that you are right, the Chinese administration has resorted to such draconian measures merely to prevent the country from descending the path of chaos. Your government is guilty of doing the same things, except that they're better at camouflaging their actions whilst pretending to care about social justice and human rights. It's not pretty, but it's regrettably necessary in the times of unrest. The CIA are only waiting for the right opportunity to destabilize China with whatever means necessary and they don't care about anything else.

Where's the proof they aren't?

Youre not worth your paycheck

Can you say there are only two genders?


China Mobile used to have 900 million subscribers. They've lost less than a percent. Hardly enough to draw any conclusions.

Spoken like a true patriot, I’m actively watching this thread because I’m genuinely interested in people’s view on this and I have nothing to do everything is canceled here in Jew York.
But don’t be fooled brother, we have strong propaganda too it’s just so good because is subversive and people don’t hear about it because it gets buried. Not hidden, but burried. I’m sure there’s tons of hidden shit too though. Did you know the government shot and killed veterans?
Look up “bonus army” massacre or rebellion whatever.
Our government does fucked up shit