So now that it's become clear that the USA is totally incompetent when it comes to handling emergency situations, winning wars, and helping people with natural disasters, what exactly do they have to be proud of?

Corona began in China but it isn't a big deal there now, because it was handled. Now we have a bunch of self righteous Murifats criticizing China for spreading Corona, when the reality is that it's only become a problem because of their half cocked response. I think most of this is because Trumptards can't seem to find the spine to criticize their dear leader.

Anyway, just came here to rub it in your eyes a little, the world now sees how pathetic and inept America is.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>now that it's become clear that the USA is totally incompetent when it comes to handling emergency situations, winning wars, and helping people with natural disasters

You do know we're going to do this right back to you after we nuke you.

Canada Australia or isrral

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>it was handled

Attached: pbox.png (1484x1275, 837.69K)

>asks for proof

only the exponentially rising count of corona carriers, the lost wars in the middle east and asia, katrina....what else you want? Are you in denial? Nobody likes you guys.

>what exactly do they have to be proud of?
Handing their country to jews and letting them rot it morally, spiritually, and financially.

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You dont have control of your government and your government will only nuke for pillage purposes, not to defend you. You are the typical delusional American making empty threats.

Nothing. We have muh GDP and the ability to consume product and get excited for next product.

My family owned slaves, so I’m kind of proud of that, but as a nation we should be ashamed for not sending them back to the jungles of Africa with the kikes who brought them here.

Hirohito made the mistake Xi is making. Carry on :)

>economy is good so we are cool

No not really, it's actually a joke how rich your country is and how shitty your standard of living is. You also get force fed gmo mutant food that makes you look like obese mongrels.

This isn't ww2 and Xi is now leading the pack, have you considered you are making the same mistake hirohito made?

Show flag, insect.

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nah, get fucked. you aren't in charge here.


(I'm beginning to wonder if this is a legitimate "Asian male death-trance" we witnessed then and are seeing here. The absolute DELUSION America will just for some random unknown imaginary reason bring fire down from heaven upon yellow man. And then we do it, and they surrender. I guess we're going to see this again and again until either the delusion is cured, or Asia exists no more.)


How is it a delusion? You lost in vietnam and Korea, you pussy out every time. You haven't used nukes in forever. Your politicians are owned by the Chinese. It's game over for you, and now to top it all off you are becoming an embarassment for how you handle a simple illness. What happened to American land of the free? When did it become Murikkka land of the obese incel?

Pearl Harbor. Like Japan, you attacked us. And like Japan, you are about to be transformed forever and in a way you won't like.

> proof
Hurricane Katrina
California Forrest fires
Now corona
Pretty sure OP was accurate

We walked out of Vietnam to avoid nuking Asians a second time. That is the only reason we left. Like you said yourself, however, today is a different era. And this time the world agrees with us your particular Asian nation must be punished. You harmed the world and are now gloating about it. This is the end of China coming. And as another Asian speaking to you, I am calmly informing you we, AMERICA, WILL end you for this.

So keep gloating. Jade is about to rise in price.
>t. Japanese-AMERICAN

You dumbfucks still talk about WW2 like you fought in it, that was another time and another generation. Nobody respects you like them, you are now boomers and millenials that would kill your unborn child for a cellphone. You even let doctors cut off your young mens dicks. Lol, wtf is going on over there Rick?

You won't end anything but the world supply of lard and hormone treatment you fucking trans cuck.....It's crazy that instead of a valid argument you just talk about your nukes or some military shit. That never ends well for you, this isn't a rambo movie.

Accept your fate.

Attached: CoVid19_USA.png (1152x1620, 223.35K)

Okay Pajeet

I hate Trump but if he decides soon, like tomorrow soon that he is about to go full dictator mode to enforce these quarantines not only will he win my vote in november anyone from his entire bloodline who decides to run for office will also automatically win my vote

>Killing everyone who is sick
>Handling the virus

You are a fucking retard. Chyna is trash and Beijing is getting fucked by their own bio weapon right now.

You can't even trust US statistics

Yeah but "freedom" loving americans don't understand that so i guess he won't get your vote. I can't believe how dense they have been about this whole situation.

Whatever you say nigger-chink

No one cares faggot.

If usa is so bad why do people migrate to it?

well... those are not US statistics, those are Swiss stats, and it is quite negative for USA. :/

>blinding trusting china's "official report" on coronavirus

don't be this guy

Yeah you don't care, you don't care about anything. You lose and lose over and over again, you are beyond saving at this point.

because it has shitty leaders that will gladly sell their people out, people go there to make a quick buck off suckers and the gtfo as soon as possible. Americans are ignorant and will pay stupid prices for the cheapest immigrant food they can afford becasue all of their food is shit and they forgot how to cook.

I know, I was just reinforcing the post

China's sloppy imperialist ambition is the cause, Not deflecting this one chinaman, We'll not soon forget

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Holy shit a fucking american lecturing about imperialism, maybe some brainswashed school children will buy that. Are you an American history teacher? How many times do you force your class to watch Rambo? FYI that isn't accurate history.

Shut the fuck up you subhuman, usa can oblitherate chinks with a single strike

.....vietnam has entered the chat

Vietnamese kicked chink ass

It was a joint effort, there were chinese soldiers in north vietnam, you are too fucking ignorant to know your own wars....dick face

Imagine being a 2 inch penised Chink posting on Yas Forums for .10 cents a post, lol. Fucking subhumans.

muh dick

kek, your insecurity is showing

>Start spreading the disease everywhere
>"I-It w-w-wasn't our f-fault!!!"

When this is all over and done with.... China is finished. Sanctions, reparations, economic despair due to boycotts...

The repercussions of this virus are going to be like witnessing the Berlin Wall come down and the Soviet Union collapse.

I'm not sick, so thanks USA. There aren't any reported cases in my county.

>You do know we're going to do this right back to you after we nuke you.

sick of listening to Americans say stuff like this.

you won't do shit, fatty.

Wait until the number of cases exponentially skyrockets and other countries begin to get it under control while he still struggle

>When this is all over and done with.... China is finished. Sanctions, reparations, economic despair due to boycotts...

China seems to be bouncing back already and is doing fine.

at the end of the day, everything is made in China.

>because it was handled
nice source

>everything is made in China
note the mention of boycotts in user's post.

>retarded opinion
it checks out


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ching chong wing wong

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>emergency situations,

>winning wars,
>lost every conflict since and including 'Nam

>helping people with natural disasters

Attached: trump.png (850x861, 177.8K)

Stupid revisionist history by western powers that have to feed their ego now that their power tripping days are over

>After riding out a supply shock that closed down most of its factories, China is bracing for a second wave demand shock to its economy

>Closure of overseas markets to hit exports, while psychological scars, bankruptcy and job losses will hit domestic demand

March 23:

Yea right. I make a lot of money from China. Honestly I rather prop them up than the degenerate country I live in which is the USA.

chink correct the record on suicide watch

I hope you enjoy that propaganda that is just meant to keep from grabbing your pitch fork while it lasts. You are very close to the reckoning that has been a long time coming.

everybody knows you are pathetic racist fear mongers, you don't have to keep reminding them

oh look another chang post

>racist fear mongers
okay bud, enjoy your bat soup

lol no
they can source all of their materials from africa now and the whole purpose of their nation is to keep their peasants too occupied to revolt. they will continue subsidizing the manufacture of everything in the world and greedy shortsighted capitalist nations will keep lapping it all up until they die of dependence and gluttony