I know it's very unlikely I'll find even a single person here who meets this criteria...

I know it's very unlikely I'll find even a single person here who meets this criteria, but anyone here an actual political moderate/centrist who doesn't believe in any conspiracy theories at all? Just curious.

If so, why do you lurk/post here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


What is a conspiracy theory? Like the 'elite pedos run finance' conspiracy? What about the 'jews run the media' conspiracy theory? Or the racist 'white genocide' conspiracy theory?

Do you believe in the simple definition of words? Do you even know what a conspiracy is?

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damn, that white girl has a badonkadonk!

Yes, I would say all of those are conspiracy theories that I consider to be unsubstantiated. And yes, I know what a conspiracy is.

I'm looking for people who also agree those three things are unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.

are you sure thats a girl? i've been tricked before.

she built for BBC

Why are you looking for them here?

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Conspiracies look really stupid when you do research instead of calling for their rhetoric/propaganda

Oh so you're retarded then?

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I believe a Spenglerian decline is taking place and that assigning all the blame to what is happening to one conspiracy is childish (though I certainly think that immigration is evil and egged on by wealthy people - disproportionately jews - who are sheltered from its negative effects.) I come here because it is a bastion of free speech and about as worthless as news media while being funny and offering fresh perspectives on occasion.

post webm now

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>anyone here an actual political moderate/centrist who doesn't believe in any conspiracy theories at all?
No. The narative is shaped in such a way that if you aren't a lefty revolutionary, or at the least a complacent pawn, you believe in "conspiracy theories" and are a crackpot fascist. There are no moderates in lefty politics. Only you and the counter revolutionaries.

Because they'd be such an outlier here that I'd be curious to talk to them and hear their perspective.

Everyone here is a moderate centrist who doesn’t believe in any conspiracies. This is all satire.


>who doesn't believe in any conspiracy theories at all?
what are you doing here redditor

>does not believe in conspiracies

this is dumb, lots of conspiracies are documented and easily provable. If you believe in 0 conspiracies you're the most NPC trashy pseudo-human possible

Honestly built for BBC

I consider myself a centrist and only believe a few conspiracies (Marylin Monroe didn't kill herself, FBI was negligent when it came to 911, etc). I mostly browse here because this is the first places I hear about happenings. When the corona virus first popped up the media only mentioned it in passing, but anons here were posting vids of people being welded into their apartments.
When theres a shooting news organizations will give vague details but they'll be a dozen videos here of the actually shooting and some user will post the shooters manifesto, family history, possible motives etc.
It may not be the most accurate place, and theres a lot of speculation going on, but you can find information here that the news simple wont tell you. The news comes from 1 journalist that tells you what they want you to hear, Yas Forums drowns you in info and you have to decide for yourself.

I don’t believe any of the conspiracy theories posted here (vaccines, Sandy Hook, 9/11, Holocaust, Q shit), but I’m not much of a moderate either. Always enjoyed the humor threads.

Well it depends on your criteria for conspiracy theory. I believe Epstein was murdered, China is lying about its Coronavirus numbers, and the Clintons are shady as fuck. I don't think those are all that controversial though. Politically I'm a social liberal that likes free speech, weed, guns, and border control, so I guess that's around moderate.

Only a tinfoil hat idiot believes in conspiracies

>I would say all of those are conspiracy theories that I consider to be unsubstantiated
How are unsubstantiated? He listed mostly facts.
It's not really a THEORY as much as it's a CONSPIRACY that's a FACT. Theories are unproven things.

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I don't subscribe to the conspiracy theory that media outlets and politicians are incapable of telling lies.

Cheaper than netflix.

I would consider that position to still be a conspiracy theory.

I have found this to not be true, unless your entire political sphere is twitter.com

If a conspiracy is proven, it's no longer a conspiracy theory. Of course I believe in some actual conspiracies that have occurred. For example, MKULTRA could be considered one, because many of their subjects were unconsenting and unaware they were being dosed, and it was ran by a government agency.

>reverse search
You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. OP come the fuck on. Name your pics or write her name at the bottom of the post

Yes, they are all conspiracies.


There'd be no point arguing. I just personally consider those to not be facts, and most Americans also don't consider them to be facts. I also don't consider any infographic ever to have been posted on Yas Forums to be honest or informative.

I've found it depends on the conspiracy. For instance I love reading moon landing conspiracy claims, then researching them and learning the very convincing scientific answers for the hoax-beliver's claims. Then I look at something like 9/11 or the claims of gas in syria or wmd in iraq, and I have a different opinion of how often conspiracy theories are true. For instance almost every aspect of corporate governance\politics is a series of very real conspiracies between parties. This is not at all outlandish or controversial to realize.

How much evidence would you require to accept a claim such as "Jewish led NGOs, religious groups, and other jewish organizations are very visibly active in flooding europe with refugees", for instance?

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Conspiracies aren't real you schizo fearmonger. It's just a TV trope, for movies and fiction. Why would our governments conspire about anything? They are like our employees.

I'm apolitical and I just come here to laugh and shit post from my bunker. I feel no allegiance to any popular ideology on this board.

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Tattoos. You know she low key only fuck with black dudes with their Big black pipe. White peckerwood can only watch after paying and subscribingto her patrion lol

I got a better version of that picture

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pls die mutt

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so you believe whatever Shlomo tells you
shoo, you establishment pawn

Calling something a conspiracy theory isn't an argument.

> Conspiracies aren't real you schizo fearmonger.
>Why would our governments conspire about anything?

You are living it.

How could you pay attention to the past few years and come anywhere close to that conclusion? They're sellouts that don't give a shit about people at the very least.

What else is there to believe?

Q predicted this

There are lots of pics of her posted in Yas Forums and /s/ pretty regularly. Don't know her name and don't have any of them, though. Just a screenshot I took.

I'm a Jew myself, so probably very strong evidence. Even if I weren't, I'd say the same. Jews in the US and some other places just heavily lean left for a variety of fairly understandable reasons.

Exactly. Experts constantly debunk all of these terrible schizoid fantasies.

>can't see her asshole

>Why would our governments conspire about anything?
Lol.. 4 real?

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So what constitutes proof for you? Someone with a bachlors in communications saying that it's true on the news, or someone with an MA in education saying it in their classroom? What kind of degree turns a human being into an infallible fountain of truth?

Big Joel? Is that you?

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Correct, it isn't at all. But an argument would consist of me writing many paragraphs across many posts due to the character limit. That's not worth anyone's time.

That's why I'm just looking for people who share my perspective. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.

What the fuck do you want? t. protectionist mixed-economy nationalist

>I'm a Jew myself, so probably very strong evidence. Even if I weren't, I'd say the same. Jews in the US and some other places just heavily lean left for a variety of fairly understandable reasons.
Checkout that poster and tell me what it is missing to convince you, if anything, thx!!

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Checks flag

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>For example, MKULTRA could be considered one, because many of their subjects were unconsenting and unaware they were being dosed, and it was ran by a government agency.
Yea I mean the government just took foster children and tried to abuse them sexually and violently in order to split their personality ( this is how multiple personality disorder is known to occur ), and then train the alternate personality to be a killer assassin unknown from the prime personality. They did this to little children.
But they're not capable of doing anything else right? Most of the " conspiracy theories " you've mentioned and have been mentioned in this thread are FAR FAR more tame than that.
The most outlandish conspiracy in the thread so far is the MK ultra one.

Judging by your post, I’m not sure you know what “centrist” means. Hitler and Stalin were both centrists. Fascism is a quintessential textbook definition of centrism. Drawing from elements of both the left and right of the post French Revolution political dichotomy has absolutely zero to do with wether or not someone is radical or moderate.

What’s her name?

Depends on your definition of "conspiracy theory".

For example is "the government is spying on us" still considered a conspiracy theory?

Nice bait faggot

If those are the "people" you are looking for then go to fucking Reddit and enjoy your "safe space" imbecile.

Buck Angel

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"unsubstantiated" Yes, go along to reddit or stop shitting up the board posting bait troll threads.

>Conspiracies aren't real you schizo fearmonger. It's just a TV trope, for movies and fiction. Why would our governments conspire about anything? They are like our employees.
Fiction is generally based on reality in substantial ways. Only foolish people focus on marvel style drivel. Serious fiction in film or lit form both have a very powerful ability to reveal very real issues. Duh? What kinda jew forgets that fact?

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There is no such thing as a conspiracy theory. The term is an ad hominem.

i post for the irony, its funny to me but ive been here so long its actually starting to dilute my thoughts, like i say i hate niggers ironically but after being he for so long i am actually starting to hate them same goes for jews

>muh infographic
OP is right, these infographics are like a bunch of random info and numbers. Why do incels do this?

Conspiracy comes from the latin word "conspirare" which means "to breathe together"

I am legitimately a moderate centrist. And I don't believe in any conspiracy theories at all.

This criterias

I just come here once in a while to remind myself that this place is filled to the brim with retards & incels

You're an idiot.
Hitler wasn't a fascist he was a national socialist and national socialism isn't "centrism" it's literally ethnic nationalism.
Pro-tip if your political platform entails ethnic cleansing, you aren't a fucking centrist.

>Fascism is a quintessential textbook definition of centrism.

If fascism is centrism, then what’s liberalism?

>Yea I mean the government just took foster children and tried to abuse them sexually and violently in order to split their personality ( this is how multiple personality disorder is known to occur ), and then train the alternate personality to be a killer assassin unknown from the prime personality. They did this to little children.

First, I'd need to research all of those graphs to see if they're accurate. Assuming they are accurate, I don't see how they support your point.

That's not what ad hominem means (I know you meant "conspiracy theorist", though, which can be an ad hominem).

It is a "thought-terminating cliche" term that's used to shut down arguments, but it's also silly to say "there's no such thing". If I came up with a theory that your parents were trying to kill you, that would be a conspiracy theory, for example. It's a theory/hypothesis of a conspiracy.

Oh nvm, you're just retarded and unwilling to do even a minuscule amount of research is all.

By the way, "Russia is controlling the U.S." is a conspiracy theory.

So you refuse to even consider reading the captions?

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If Saudi Arabia can dictate what women are allowed to wear, I say the time has come for a white country to do the same.

Of course "Russia is controlling the U.S." is a conspiracy theory. Why would you think I would disagree with that? I'm not looking for anyone who believes that, either. I don't believe it.

I'm here, i don't believe in conspiracy theories, but they still exist, they could happen. It's kinda like that one quote 'the world is shaped in the eyes of an artist' or something. All these retards are a tad bit too artistic.

Basically, yes and no. :)

I dont believe or not believe , in right wing OR left wing conspiracy theories (muh Russia , intersectionality) .

If you don't believe there are any conspiracies out there that could be true you're not very intellige... Oh centrist nvm you already said that.

All three of those examples are technically happening. No one is conspiring there. Blatant and out in the open.

I meant the poster here:>How much evidence would you require to accept a claim such as "Jewish led NGOs, religious groups, and other jewish organizations are very visibly active in flooding europe with refugees", for instance?

The other poster was showing the guy who wouldnt accept the very concept of a government conspiring (lol)

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If I state a belief that I have, and you call it a conspiracy theory, that is a thought terminating cliche. Calling ANYTHING a conspiracy theory is inaccurate. Either you can prove it to be false using logic and facts, or you can't.

Cause it's funny as shit

Wikipedia mother fucker or any you like.
> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra
Don't ask me for a source on well known history you dumb mother fucker. Educate yourself bitch.