Alcohol is absolutely disgusting. I've never understood why people drink this shit. Must be a bunch on NPCs to enjoy this garbage. And no, I'm not a cig, weed, or coffee fag either. I literally just drink water and breathe good ol' air. But alcohol is such a scourge on humanity.
Alcohol is absolutely disgusting. I've never understood why people drink this shit...
Other urls found in this thread:
Then kill yourself, faggot.
7-11 Japan thought that we needed this because 9% Chu-Hi was not enough.
I don't get it either dehydrates you and stomach pains
You’ve never had a real conversation before in your life.
News flash OP, nobody drinks it for the taste
But drinking it is fun. Tbh I got kind of bored of it lately though. Some nights I would literally just get drunk for the hell of it, and then think all calmly about shit
>low IQ street scum can't handle the booze
>even lower IQ sewage person thinks it's the booze's fault
No surprise here.
Acid attack yourself you poofter.
Wait, but I absolutely love the taste of beer tho?
>this tread
>12 years old and what is this general
Is this brand new? I was there in January and didn't see these.
>low energy baitposting
>low energy bait img filename
>1 post by this id
watch this get 300 replies
This. Tastes like shit. When people say they like a particular drink, they’re either lying, or whey mean they can actually bear the taste of that drink.
Ok Ahmed. You can stop pretending now.
That is just plain wrong. Lots of people have their preferred drinks, and enjoy them not just because of the alcohol. I like beer for example. Also whiskey
yeah he's wrong, there wouldn't be non alcoholic beer if he were right, it tastes good if it is good beer
Beer sure I guess.
But hard liquor is pretty much exclusively for getting your mind off shit or getting piss drunk. No real inbetween
People drink it to dissociate. It tastes so bad it makes their souls leave their bodies so they can once again go for a while without having to feel anything. It‘s the same principle as any other form of self harm. The more it hurts the better it works.
Take acid and smoke DMT
Been on probation for 5 months. I'd literally kill to get wasted right now if I knew I could get away with it.
Alcohol upsets my stomach and causes me to wretch uncontrollably. People who enjoy drinking must really hate themselves to voluntarily consume poison on a regular basis.
You sound about 14, wait at least ten years when people start dying around you to pick up drinking unless you're an empty simpleton that never feels anything emotionally. If that's the case then become a hitman for the mob.
I would be a hitman if I could
>seething alcoholics
I'm 27. Been to plenty of bars with friends as a designated driver. Drinkers are idiots
ok zhang
no, you are just the ultimate beta is all buddy, sad! xD
you're that one sexless loser that gives free rides. keep on cucking bro, at least you're useful
Based and redpilled.
>Must be a bunch on NPCs to enjoy this garbage
Higher intelligence strongly correlates with higher alcohol consumption.
Even your best friend thinks youre boring. Id hate to be stuck in a dumb npc conversation with you, bucko
Does anyone even speak to you when you’re at one of these bars? Or are you just a taxi driver?
>t. no social life or friends
Only because I'm afraid of STDs. I have a pretty amazing cock
Settle down my child...
>alcohol is such a scourge on humanity.
Maybe for you, homeboi, but I enjoy a bit of tipple now and then. You sound like the type of person that would restrict something just because you don't like it. Let the adults make their own decisions and you go put your nose in the corner until your mammy says to come out.
Not gonna go into detail but thanks to our retarded beer tax system, there's this type of beer which has an alcohol content like under 2% but it costs fuck all and tastes just great. Can't get drunk on that stuff even if you really try, but my fuck if it isn't my favourite refreshment when working around the yard in summertime. Or in the sauna. Or doing woodcrafting. Or literally anything, it's really nice to be able to drink all the beer you want, without getting drunk at all.
Like with pretty much anything, you can learn to like it. I guess. Though I did make my zoomer brother drink a shot of my mates moonshine just so he'd know what good homemade moonshine tastes like.
Not true. As a general statement, beer tastes good. I've had bad beers (and, no, Budwesier and Coors Banquet and Miller High Life are not bad beers) but for the most part, they're fine.
For hard liquor, my tier list is bourbon > corn whiskey > rye whiskey > Tennessee whiskey > Irish whiskey > Scotch whisky > Canadian whisky. Can't really comment outside of of this in terms of specifics, but for broad classifications I would go whiskey > brandy > gin > vodka > rum > tequila.
I do best with vodka because I enjoy the taste of whiskey so much that I'll just drink it and nothing else without hydrating myself. With gin and vodka, I'll mix 3-4 shots with half a bottle of water (or some sports drink) and chug that..I get unbelievably dehydrated when I drink whiskey. Meanwhile, I can drink a handle of vodka every 3 days, including work days, as I work 6 days a week, and I feel generally fine. Occasssionally I'll feel groggy but that is it. If I drink something I actually like, I wake up feeling like death because that means I actually spent the entire night drinking what I like without drinking water.
I hang with my friends, do you have reading comprehension problems?
Was going to post this, just from personal experience its been true everytime.
Yes but do they actually talk to you? Or do you just sit there quietly?
Go drink your chocolate milk kiddo. Alcohol overwhelms your senses going in and then you feel a buzz later. Great experience for a man.
Absolute COPE
You're pathetic burger. You obviously know shit about history, wine culture etc. Please drown in some mountain dew or other disgusting garbage.
>free taxi boy with a stick up his ass about booze
Even traditionalist Catholicucks and average Mudshits drink, what the absolute fuck is wrong with you?
>Everyone seething in this thread so hard because they can't resist the temptation of literal brain poison
Thanks for the keks OP
No shit they talk to me, or I wouldn't go you dumb island nigger
none of those people like you lmao they're using you
No problem. Yas Forums can't cope when people accuse them of being braindead degenerates
Lol, I can imagine how those conversations go
More alcoholic coping
>he doesnt take a swig of 150+ proof grain alcohol along with multivitamins before bed or getting out of work.
Before you knock off drinking; alcohol reveals true intentions, if you're an annoying hostile insecure faggot when drunk you were always a faggot. Shit test everyone in your life with a few drinks, if they start acting shitty cut them out of your life.
I like to take care of my body
Objectively wrong, although I don't really blame someone with access to pisswater like Bud Light for holding this opinion.
>Is this brand new? I was there in January and didn't see these.
Not if you brew and ferment your own alcohoilc drinks.
I make my own mead and several fruit wines and spirits.
My life would be very different if alcohol didn't exist.
I'm absolutely a braindead degenerate. I don't care. In fact, I've had double digit drinks tonight since getting home from work and I work in the morning tomorrow.
But to claim something as absolutely pants-on-head retarded as "hurr people don't actually like the taste of beer or liquor" is nothing more than a projection of your own distaste. Whiskey and beer unironically tastes good to me. Whiskey to the point that I typically drink vodka because the sharp alcohol taste is unnerving, meaning I'll mix 1 part vodka to 2 parts water, roughly, as a "mixed drink" and just chug it. But liquor that tastes good, such as bourbon speciically, I can drink and drink and drink and drink to the point that I never rehydrate, leading to a nasty hangover.
Me too like the Iceman. Having guido mobsters eaten alive by rats in a cave.
Alcohol is what separates whites from the rest of the planet. Beer, mead, rum and wine drove white civilization to it's pinacle. Greece and Rome were full of men who fought by day and drank themselves into a stupor by night. The Norse relied on horns of mead and wine to sheild them from the cold and to steel their nerves before a raid. The British Empire was built by sailors who's only protection against scurvy was drinking rum. Yes, Asians had their rice wine, but no other civilization has alchohol so strongly intertwined with their culture as whites.
If you won't drink for the taste, if you won't drink for the feeling, at least drink to honor your ancestors.
>has never had good scotch
I'm not paying out the ass for that shit just so that I can get fucked up. If I wanted to do that, I'd buy a $20 bottle of vodka instead.
Imagine having a good time.
I bet you're fat
It's quite likely that one ore more of your ancestors was conceived because of alcohol therefore you would likely not exist at all if alcohol wasn't a thing
>drinking socially will hurt my little precious body
This is your brain on circumcision.
I drink so I can wake up tomorrow.
>uses a meme flag
>thinks others are suffering from a loss of brain cells
user.. I...
I'm uncut and thin. Try more, copers
I understand when you want to get drunk, but I can't understand those who enjoy alcohol taste. Maybe they don't taste food like me, but for me bitterness of alcohol is overwhelming, no matter what aftertaste it got, bitterness ruin everything.
yeah alcohol is trash
if you smoke cigs ur choosing to let the kikes win
weed is good for you tho
My German friend said her uncle gave her non-alcoholic beer when she was little. Is this a real thing? Wtf is the point of non-alcoholic beer?!?
People who drink alcohol are absolute retards
>This *insert alcoholic bevereage here* tastes so good!
No, It just tastes slightly less disgusting than the other alcoholic beverage.
People simply drink alcohol to escape from their pitiful realities.
Rh positive blood people drink them cuz monkey genes.
That's just to numb the pain.
Modern weed is not good for you unless you grow it yourself and flush/cure the buds the right way.
I want to go back to Japan and never leave.
Ok taxi boy.
Drinking every couple of weeks with old friends or co-workers won't kill you or harm your precious body.
Straight edge fags are like children who refuse to eat a certain food.
>liquid jew bad
>ganja jew good
Drink your ethanol and stfu like a good boomer... faggot.
Post pic.
Even your blood has no culture.
> corn whiskey > rye whiskey > Tennessee whiskey > Irish whiskey > Scotch whisky > Canadian whisky
did you mean scotch > everything else?
Gtfo muslim