SA bros

Lekke boys. Where’s everyone quarantining? I feel like this lockdown is too late. Once this thing spreads to townships you’ll see 5-10million dead niggers with our high TB and HIV rates. The army won’t be enough in Joburg. This is it lads. The apocalypse is upon us.

Stay safe lads.

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I live in a tiny coastal town, and some cunt came here from Germany and spread it all over KZN. fucking son of a fucking whore cunt

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What's happening in your country? Also it's really hard to find hot Saffer girls on the internet since "south african girls" defaults to oogaboogas.

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>Also it's really hard to find hot Saffer girls on the internet since "south african girls" defaults to oogaboogas.

Try narrow your search down to 99% of white south african girls, add Single Mother to the filter

Are we going floppyhunting boerbro's?

>Are we going floppyhunting boerbro's?

they in quarantine

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I want to quarantine inside jou poephol.

A-at least the fathers of the bastard children are w-white, right?

>A-at least the fathers of the bastard children are w-white, right?

normal people here don't race mix, but the Coconut blacks (i wouldnt call them niggers) have white girls on their arms

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The few that make it out ill gladly donate a fal round.

Bump because I'm actually curious as to how far the disease is spreading in Africa and am baffled as fuck there are never any south africans on Yas Forums even in countries like Australia to discuss something like this.

Don’t need to mah dude. Just spread the virus to one and you’ve done your job in killing thousands

Total lockdown for 21 days. Army deployed. Shitshow

Zimbabwe had it’s first death yesterday. We haven’t had a death yet but our confirmed cases are around 402. I think it’s much closer to 10k to be honest. Just waiting for the deaths to roll in. If this thing hits africa hard then it’ll be 10’s of millions dead within a month or so. The projections are scary



>Ja bro go to university in Australia don't stay home and go to Stellies.
Fokken supposed to study paramedicine and I'm stuck at home and can't do my prac classes. Thought about deferring my degree and coming back home but now I'm stuck here.

Fokken gatvol right now

Honestly think you’re in better hands there brah. Africa is a shithole and the worst place to be for a pandemic

>5-10 million dead niggers
And that's bad because..? Just nature's way of taking out the trash, if you're healthy and young you're fine

Do you think nigs will just chimp and your defence force won't do shit?

They’ll definitely chimp. Defence force will defend life and liberty. It will be glorious

SANDF couldn't organise a root in a brothel.

Legit my pa used to yell at soldiers whenever he saw them and call them fat fucking kaffers. He used to be a Sergeant in 5SAI, fought In Angola since '85 and quit in '97 out of disgust.

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serious question -> is it possible to go to SA and go work on a big farm? i.e. for a racist white farmer that would appreciate having you around because A) you can basically Afrikaans B) you can basically Boer C) you are decent with a rifle D) you are racist af and just want to have some brothers around and a hill to die on when the hordes overrun us.

yeah probably, you just have to find one

Farm worker earns minimum 2800 rand per month, go calculate that in € and see how much you want to work there.

Hey guys, I need some advice. I'm currently in Grahamstown. My parents live in Durban and offered to drive to pick me up before the lockdown. Should I go home to durban or just wait it out alone in my apartment in Grahamstown?

go to them, if the chimp out happens they're going to need your help to survive
don't tell them that though

Stay with family. Better to be in a group than alone

If they have the room then do it. If nothing else, they'll appreciate the company.

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Only in Orania would you find such an opportunity. Everywhere else, the addiction to cheap black labour hasn't changed one bit, and probably never will.

By the way, a personal observation - Europeans find SA outside of the small cosmopolitan areas too much of a culture and environmental shock for their sensitive constitutions. Australians and Southerners would probably make a much better fit.

Things are most likely gonna go to shit in the coming weeks, seriously considering heading to farm.

how will things go to shit?

Once load shedding starts again, people will refuse to stay at home and then the purge will begin.

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>SA thread gonna die again

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This period of lockdown is only going to be livable for a small minority of South Africans imo, they'll be able to sit comfortable at home watching netflix, with more that enough food and water, while large numbers of people in squatters camps have fuck all to do, little food and a propensity to gather in large groups when they're pissed

Make sure you have some kind of home defense.

Pepper ball guns are effective and legal without a license and can be bought on short notice. Also get your fucking money offshore.

You guys should leave SA and come to Gibraltar like I did. Good weather, booming economy, and almost 0 kaffirs.


Obviously I mean when this all dies down

Africa could use a 75% population reduction.

I've been in Australia since January and everyone here is a fucking huge pussy no wonder they're so shit at rugby.
It's safer here but okes don't know basic street smarts it's like like living in a bubble where nothing bad ever happens.

t. white from Lansdowne

Most coconut blacks are pretty cool.

Wtf are coconut blacks, and niggers are niggers.

>75% population reduction
99.8% actually

while this is true sadly the good ones will suffer under the chimp out

Thanks for the specific answer. Ideally it would be actually more of a blackpilled, making a last stand kind of deal where you just want food and shelter and some good bantz before going topside and manning the fifty, while the ammo dwindles.


You live in paradise. Stop trying to invent problems and fix up your own goddamn country.

where can I get a yolandi gf?

>better leave Europe for Africa
Fucking non-country.

I used to live there, if you have enough supplies to survive the lock down do it, but that includes water too, since the water problem has not been fixed from what i last heard.

The problem with them driving to from durban and back again is the route goes through the transkei and alot of tribal homelands. Usually the black folk there are chilled as fuck but widespread disease could be likened to witchcraft stuff which easily make rural townships panick, and who knows what they might do with a burning tire to chase away corona-Chan.
The point is stay safe, but its probably better to take a longer safe route but tell them to leave asap, ahead of lockdown.

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can a man dream or what ya cunt.

who said im belgian. also, if you're gonna live in clown world why then wouldn't you go ringside and get a front row seat. besides, ive lived in brazil and can't imagine SA is rio-tier.

Cape Town. Just chilling and waiting for the townships to get decimated.

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>who said im belgian
nobody said you're belgian you dumb fuck

i worry about you boys all the time. please charge your electric fences, lock your doors, and i hope to god you all got FALs buried or stashed somewhere. good luck friens.

Hoping that every negroid dies and all white people in africa survive.

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non-country is a belgian specific Farage jibe unless you're referring to south park

My point was that you want to leave Europe for Africa. I'd rather be in Moldova than SA.

some people would rather die with some extremely misguided notion of purpose yet adventure than to become a worthless future boomer hoarding shit paper. just because it's not your cuppa tae doesn't mean its wrong ya petrol huffin poof.

well good luck to you in your endeavours.

Go outside and have a look at the Belgian soldiers which have been patrolling the streets just like they do in France.
There's your purpose, you're literally protecting your countrymen.

you're a leftoid, aren't you?

What ? How on earth is that your conclusion? Show flag kike

it doesn't make sense to me either. it's probably a bot.