China's Xinjiang reopens all elementary, high schools, the 1st provincial-level region to do so as it has reported no new COVID-19 cases for over a month.
what did they do to achieve this?
China's Xinjiang reopens all elementary, high schools, the 1st provincial-level region to do so as it has reported no new COVID-19 cases for over a month.
what did they do to achieve this?
Other urls found in this thread:
killed the infected
ate the infected
Killed the infected or lied.
Western media are buying into their propoganda. This is chinks plan to take control of the world.
See the US Fed Reserve handing out bulk loans to international businesses now? Chinks are doing that too... but now also promoting their country as “back in business”. Watch their next propoganda being the international version has “mutated” and now Chinkland is the only place to safely trade with.
Fuck Chinkna
Lie and take PR photos. Stop lying. You're not India, you're China behind an Andhra Pradesh VPN. Your children are dead. Dead as your economy and your future. Stop posting your trash, clown nation. You're diseased, dirty, broken and ugly. Kill yourselves and roll into a mass grave. Taiwan # 1.
Judging the Chinese by their totalitarian government is dumb. Imagine if everyone judged all Australians by your president.
But yes, they're very likely lying about the numbers, and their internal real numbers are probably also wrong.
Another China outbreak within 1 - 3 months is fairly likely, from everything I've heard.
prime minister*
Simple, an actual quarrantine. No one in America except for a few of us are actually following mandates set out by the government.
just news today they have double of cases of yesterday, not in this province probably but elsewhere. game is clear, just start claiming more and more until its thousands a day, finaly get on real numbers you lied about and blame foreigners.
>Western media are buying into their propoganda. This is chinks plan to take control of the world.
This is true. The obor was talking to long. They will use their transport planes to drop troops
Chinese education.
stopped testing
so they where locked down for 60 days with roads blocked
is the US going to do the same?
The level of happening faggot cope in this thread.
Any country that implements tough quarantine measures will get more or less rid of the virus in two months and the death toll will be limited.
Not dumb actually considering Chinks impact Australia in all facets of life.
Also, we have a prime minister. Get with it lad.
Chinks are already having an outbreak, just outside of the epicentre. Even their propganda machine can’t control their fuck up forever. They are promoting everything is open so they can get bulk $$$ before it’s totally fucked. Then they’ll blame USA for tanking their economy and probably fire a nuke or some shit.
When multiple independent western journalists confirm this I might believe that they’re only lying slightly.
Look at the empty desks
It's because they hate the people in Xinjiang and want them all to die from the virus so they can repopulate the province with Han.
left about 4 million to die in coof camps or in their locked down apartments basically
>following what the govt tells you to do
Are you new here?
Welded the doors of apartment buildings shut
>Imagine if everyone judged all Australians by your prime minister/government system
They infected everyone with the less dangerous strain that immunizes them from the more dangerous strain. It's their bioweapon after all, you don't think they wouldn't make a way to prevent themselves from dying from it?
oh how nice, guess they'll soon allow international sources to travel there to create stories right? :^)
This is a chinese weapon, obviously they have a vaccine for their own people, a couple thousand had to die to make it believable and thats nothing for China
Chad Xi vs Virgin Donald
Wuhan had 91 new cases on Saturday.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
When all the people there have had their organs harvested its hard to have people to infect.
Israeli Nukes, Pilpul, "Six Million Jews" in newspapers before Hitler, USS Liberty, Protocols of Zion, Kroll Inc, Larry Silverstein, פרוטוקולי ציון, קרול אינק, לארי סילברסטיין, Dancing Israelis, metzitzah b'peh, Herpes from circumcision, Eric Clopper Harvard, Bible: circumcision is for "Jews and slaves of Jews", 20,000 nerves in foreskin, Circumcision related brain damage, תנ"ך: ברית מילה מיועדת ל"יהודים ועבדי יהודים ", 20,000 עצבים בעורלה, נזק מוחי הקשור בברית המילהGoyim, Kapparot, Tikkun Olam, Tay-Sachs, Jews in pornography, Greg Lansky, Shiksa, Loxism,Shabbos Goy, New Haven Jewish slave markets, 70% of Jews vs 1% of whites owned slaves, 109 countries, Bolshevik Revolution, שוקי העבדים היהודים בניו הייבן, ישראל שחור עברי, 70% מהיהודים לעומת 1% מהלבנים היו עבדים, 109 מדינות, המהפכה הבולשביקית Samson Option, Wooden Doors, Martin H. Glynn, Dean Irebodd, Kevin MacDonald, David Cole, Anne Frank died of Typhus, Nazi Masturbation Machines, Magnus Hirschfeld, Frankfurt School, Barbara L. Spectre, אפשטיין לא הרג את עצמו, משפחת סאקלר, משפחת ששון, יוליוס ואתל רוזנברג, ברני מיידוף, סיר ההמסה: מאת ישראל זנגוויל, שיר על פסל החירות מאת אמה לזרוס, אני לא לבן אני יהודי, תוכנית קלרגי & פרס, בית הספר לפרנקפורט, ברברה ל. ספקטר Hart-Celler Act, Jacob Frank, Lavon Affair, Bilderberg Group, Henry Ford on Jews, Sabbatai Zevi, Star of Remphan, Anton LaVay, Black Cube, Rothschilds founded Israel, Sergeants Affair, King David Hotel, Irgun, Lehi, Nakam, Psy-Group, ADL, Mossad, APAIC, JIDF, Das Judenthum in der Musik
Miraculous how this happens right after they kicked out the western journalists
I mean we'll get to find out if they were lying now (they were).
This should cause round 2 :)
>Swedish flag
The CCP wants round 2, they are planning to blame it on foreigners bringing it back from the USA etc who failed to contain it as well as the CCP did.
Not reporting things means those things didn't happen
fuck le government! All us old fags know better ;;;)))
What if it's lies? The western media has a habit of using video and pictures from past events in completely unrelated and current news.
>Ban all american journalists and most foreign press
>Claim no new cases for weeks, literally not a single one wow what a miracle
>Corona continues to spread worldwide, when quarantine ends in China and it spreads again they can blame America and the rest of the world.
The people in that region are Turkic Muslims. The Han Chinese ruling elite don't care about. They probably murdered all the infected.
Turn the VPN off and show your face you fucking bat-eating chink fuck.
oppression of the uygurs does not care about the chink virus.
>what did they do to achieve this?
First of all they are a couple thousand miles from wuhan
All the good chinks were wiped out by Mao Zedong. The only ones left are helpless, baby kicking slaves. 1.3 billion can't do anything about their government? Naw, they want to dominate and they'll give everything to do so. Fuck bat eating chinks
>Sometime around 2020 will be an event that literally happens every 2-5 years.
Based Taiwan! Hope the Chinese dies off and you take back your country
the levels of butthurt in this thread is reaching pure salt levels
>what did they do to achieve this?
The S strain is the vaccine
>news piece about how China is successfully containing the situation
>be autistic newfag on Yas Forums
All governments do. If there is some massive cover-up, do you non travel fags know how many foreigners live in China? If there is some cover-up, you can bet some foreigner would've already exposed this. And if only you know how many of them actually opted to NOT return to the West, knowing that the West would handle this like shit.
>not considering that Asians largely don't have the MUH PRIDE and MUH FREEDOM complex where they have no issues conforming to authority and health advisories when the situation calls for it.
>not considering the Chinese is just an extreme case, because of the above point + authoritarian government.
Are they quarantining everyone coming into the country?
You forgot your usual Commie Flag """"CHANG""""
>no new cases
China has been reporting 40-50 cases every single day you keep posting "HURR ZERO CASES"
Propaganda. Even if they truly managed to stamp it out, it will resurface once one infected person starts mingling again with healthy ones. It's called the 2nd weave and apparently the Chinks are severely underestimating it or they simply don't give a fuck, concentrating on salvaging the economy instead. It will get really ugly again. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
I'm sure Israel is doing just fine lol
Nice VPN Chang. Did xi get it for you or you had to kill your parents for that?
Never Trust CHina
fake news,you brainless bastard
nope. he not me.
no new case means"the city no more case."wuhan still have 1900 in ICU close to death.
China = 99% of the people there are Chinese
America = Most are mutts, niggers, spics, etc
America isn't a country, it's a golem for Israel. Work like a good goy then drop fucking dead for all we care.
we would better but companies found for the plague many orders are cancelled,i got my refund for plague for the social insurance.
in china we have muslims problem.
my city were attacked by xinjiang muslims that supported by al-qaeda,they use long blades to kill more than 30 person in kunming train station.
maybe turkey did,whatever,muslim.
we have same enemies in some area.
as if you're real Chinese
post hand and have something in the background that is a local product with local writing
ha can't do it? tough luck kid
by this summer, Americans will be like "ITS ALL A LIE, CHINA ARE STILL LOCKED UP IN A HOLOCAUST"
Anyone who goes over there and videotapes normal life will be labeled a "regime shill", as if you went to damascus right now and did that.
>what did they do to achieve this?
What didn't they do is what you should be asking, these chinks showed no mercy to contain this shit