Alright Yas Forums, I need your wisdom. Why do governments keep on spending money on space exploration, if space is just a lot of empty space as they tell us? Yes, I know about the Space Race and its propaganda value, I know about the weather satellites which are useful, but what's the point of ISS or deep space probes which both cost a lot?
Alright Yas Forums, I need your wisdom. Why do governments keep on spending money on space exploration...
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Colonization and the inherent value of science in itself.
Like humans can survive the radiation belts.
Imagine all the untapped resources on literally every single rock up there
>muh radiation belts
Now if only we could build things that shield from radiation
Crazy science fiction Im sure
>Alright Yas Forums, I need your wisdom
>Yas Forums
Do you use GPS navigation?
If it had been possible to use these resources, it would've already been done. It's not like attaching a rocket to some stone is very hard.
I'm not talking about satellites obviously, I mean other kinds of space missions.
What's gonna mine the materials?
Those little rovers we send to Mars?
Itd require some big machines and be costly as hell
Colonization is doomed to fail, and not because of any technical problems. Women will demand representation and once they get to Mars the first thing they'll do is cause drama. After the first one gets shot out of an airlock for threatening the mission, all future missions will be cancelled.
I have to believe Musk knows this on some level and it probably keeps him awake at night.
Just get a guy to pretend to be trans
Their point is merely to satisfy the inherent curiosity and intellectual hole that all people are born with, some choose not to pursue their questions but others simply can’t live without asking how or why or what things exist including things in space
Have you ever read about singularity? Did you understand Space Odyssey?
user, you have unironically saved space colonization.
>virgin trannie vrs chad lesbian trapped in a man's body
That's fine as a private pursuit, but why should everyone's taxes be spent on this?
You're a retarded ape so I don't even need to explain because you do not have divine spark that makes us human, in other words, an NPC.
Satisfy your intellectual holes on your own budget, by all means. But why do you want the rest of us to pay for this?
The space program is just the public relations arm of the military/intelligence surveillance state. Nothing is developed or paid for without a military application, they throw the public a bone now and again with moon landings, space shuttles, ISS, telescopes etc but those projects costs pale into insignificance when compared to the entire budget and then proclaim its for "science" and "for all mankind" etc but you'd have to be a dunderhead to believe it.
Governments don't spend nearly as much on space exploration as it's worth.
Some points:
- military applications are obvious. Spy satellites are useful, so are communication satellites. Supporting space exploration helps develop the transport and other adjacent technology, as well as test components in harsh environments.
- zero gravity itself is useful. There are things you cannot adequately test in gravity, Furthermore, there's things you can only manufacture in zero gravity - like ZBLAN. On Earth you can have zero G either for only a couple of minutes at a time with a 0G plane or for a few seconds at a time with a tower.
- space exploration in general is a positive prospect, but no government has any major incentive to put any sizable population in space, no matter how economically feasible it'd be. It decreases their control substantially.
With that in mind
>the point of ISS
zero gravity laboratory for testing manufacturing techniques, conducting experiments in general that can only occur in zero gravity or are substantially helped by zero gravity, and need more than a few minutes of it. Characterizing materials, for instance.
>the point of deep space probes
Appease scientists and the public that they're 'doing something', while ensuring the dreadful possibility of the human species not being corralled nicely onto a highly surveillanced planet is delayed. And yes, there is the scientific benefit; what is learned out there does have applications here.
That was educational, thanks.
>block radiation
t. brainlet
boomer logic - speak with conviction even when uninformed and ignorant about topic.
go back to le plebbit and indulge in your circle jerk.
>what is lead
>what is literally any material
If you can suffer the horrible colors:
>earth overpopulated
>population still growing
>nobody wants to go the genocide route
What option do we have left but to expand into space?
Right, about the radiation belts. They're mostly (relatively) low speed, ionized radiation (that's why they even exist, gamma rays and neutron radiation can't get trapped this way). You don't even need that much mass between you and space to lower that radiation to manageable levels (especially if you're only passing through).
Usually the problem isn't with the belts as much as it is with 1) cosmic rays (which tend to cause secondary radiation showers when hitting spacecraft hulls; they generally won't do much if they hit you directly, they're more dangerous to silicon circuits than to you) and 2) solar storms (which can be solved with solar storm shelters if you have a decently sized spaceship, which if you intend to colonize, you will anyways).
Incidentally, if you have a ship with a highly shielded storm shelter you can also stuff everyone into it during transit through the radiation belts and spare the expense of a little bit more shielding on the whole ship. You only need to stay an hour in the shelter in that scenario, while for a solar storm you'd need to stay up to 8 hours.
And what do you think about Mars colonization?
Civil and military space generates around $7 for $1 of tax money spent. It more than pays for itself, and that’s not including the other 2/3 of the space sector that is entirely private, mostly geosynchronous Comsats.
Government nor private space has much to do with those things, except to get nerds to support space. It’s mostly sensing and comma with a side helping of ongoing engine development.
>I know about the Space Race and its propaganda value
not really
it is just military might. that's all.
it is extremely expensive though (you could not even start guessing how much)
and that's why we have all those scientists and institutes creating content and 'amazing' discoveries 'windows to the universe' and press releases every week. all that bullshit is just PR, to cover up the fact that it is a fucking incredibly expensive way to burn taxpayers money.
it is just missiles for the military. everything else is bs
being able to get to space, means you can drop a nuke on any spot on earth from any other.
what? the most hostiles environments for human life?
you must be retarded to believe that
or you must work for them..
i want to impregnate mommy ayy lmao, sign me up to interspecies breeding program, i want to teach those naughty ayy lmao mommy vaginas the pleasure of being cummed inside by big human cock.
because earth cant survive much longer. Pollution and plutonium will kill everything in 25-30 years.
The new Arctic move is to build launch bases and space vehicles that can search for a new home like an episode of battleStar gallactica. All the ships have 30mm of gold shielding for the van allens and other belts.
Because one day this planet will no longer exist and if the human species is to survive then it's only chance is to travel to another solar system.
Artcic and Antarctic regions are literally the worst possible places to launch liquid fuel rockets. You need to be pretty close to the equator for maximum launch efficiency.
that's propaganda from the 70's
it is so outdated that you had to go to the public library to get that kind of stupid lines
Rare metals in asteroids. Mining would be lucrative .
You're retarded if you really think space exists
but even if that is not very effective or efficient now, just to be sure others do not outsmart you up there
simple paranoia is going to keep that business indefinitely
They do it to have the high ground
Mars is a pretty good early colonization candidate. It has the best chance among planets we could feasibly colonize now (without autistic floating cities) of not causing long-term health diseases associated with low gravity, while being outside of any major gravity well (higher out than Earth is from the Sun's gravity well, isn't around a gas giant - you have no clue how much harder it is to leave from one of those) and low gravity enough that space might as well be adjacent to Mars. Single stage rockets are trivial if you manage to create a martian industrial base, there's plenty of resources, the soil comparatively only needs minor treatment to be adequate for agriculture (besides being put in a pressurized environment), there's enough water ice to easily sustain a fairly large population with no water imports.
The radiation hazards get mitigated even easier than for a spaceship, because you can simply stack dirt onto your habitation modules. It's literally dirt cheap and sourced locally.
The greatest hurdles are getting a reusable rocket system good enough for one way journeys to be feasibly cheap, and to convince enough initial colonists that it can survive a couple of earth-mars synods on their own production.
Also, motivation. People will point out Antarctica as a counter example; issue is that Antarctica is already tightly controlled by governments, all useful resources are under a thick layer of ice, and it's way harder to sustain yourself heat-wise. People forget that Mars' weakness in its atmosphere is also an advantage. You can keep your houses warm by simply insulating them from the ground, the air won't have a big impact. Also, solar panels are far more feasible on Mars; Antarctica has 6 months of no sun and gets maximum 14% x 76% = 10%* of earth orbit solar irradiation; Korolev Crater gets minimum 30% x 50%** = 15% of earth orbit solar irradiation, and it's year round.
What the fuck do you think is holding the sun together? Once enough of it burns off it will continue to expand until it goes supernova because it's own gravitational pull won't be enough to contain it. Take a physics class.
>Pollution and plutonium will kill everything in 25-30 years.
Space Migration is humanity's ONLY real answer.
Only place with enough distance for lift and easiest route to avoid the Van Allens. All new spike Drives use methane. Rosneft and exxon are teamed up to get huge GTL/LNG plants online fast.
On other moons we can drill more hydrate or methane and keep traveling. The new launch pads will be in the Arctic soon.
>the space race is over
It never stopped
>Antarctica has 6 months of no sun and gets maximum 14% x 76% = 10%* of earth orbit solar irradiation; Korolev Crater gets minimum 30% x 50%** = 15% of earth orbit solar irradiation, and it's year round.
Wow. That's a nice comparison. I used to think that Mars is basically useless in terms of a large-scale solar panel use.
Based on the other guy he responded to, he was thinking you meant old global warming bullshit.
He thought wrong. And this doesn't even account for the possibilities of getting hit by comets/asteroids or supervolcanos/human stupidity making the planet no longer habitable.
Listen up faggot, space exploration is the one and only goal for humanity, it's the final frontier. If anything, world governments aren't spending enough money for the cause. Space holds all resources, in such immeasurable quantities that no one on Earth would ever need to worry of exhausting natural resources, thus making geopolitical tensions irrelevant and a thing of the past. Not to mention the possibility to create a restore point where humanity could survive. All it takes is a space rock big enough to wipe all progress ever made on Earth clean, where even archaeology couldn't possibly recover the remains of civilisation. And that's not even taking GRB's, star quakes, solar flares and other insanely over powered bullshit the space has to offer in consideration. Sure, space is dangerous and we don't have the tech to overcome these difficulties, but that's exactly why space exploration requires more funding. Look, phones and electronics have nearly reached technological singularity, while space exploration still relies on primitive V1 rocket designs. It just shows how nobody really cares about space.
Because space isn't real, and they are sucking up billions and billions of dollars to do whatever the fuck they want with.
BASED AS FUCK. Man I wonder if people will ever wake up to this. It's the noble lie.
>You only need to stay an hour in the shelter in that scenario, while for a solar storm you'd need to stay up to 8 hours.
No human being can survive deep space from GCR.
Suggest you read more papers not the PR.
If space isn't real then what's up there? It's either space or an object, right? If it's an object than what lies beyond that -- space or another object? Is it just infinite objects? Or is there space eventually?
Had to retype this because I accidentally closed the tab, fuck
* 14% is cos(minimum latitude of Antarctica), 76% is the maximum percentage of irradiation that makes it to the surface. In reality that number is going to be lower for Antarctica since the Sun will always be low in the sky, thus its light will pass through far more air and be scattered or lost.
** 30% is cos(latitude of Korolev crater), 50% is due to Mars being on average about 1.4 times as far from the Sun as Earth is. No air losses due to the atmosphere being very thin. Also worth mentioning, Korolev crater is about as north as anyone will probably colonize. Going further north is only worth it to exploit polar water ice, and that's a project that only makes sense after a sizable colony has already established and it doesn't really need a colony as much as a number of engineers doing routine maintenance on a bunch of machinery and long pipes. Most colonies will probably be closer to the equator. Examples include the Tharsis volcanoes, Olympus Mons (very intriguing for resource usage and in the case of Olympus Mons, space launches; there's a lot of autism projects you could do on Olympus), Noctis Labyrinthus (exposed mineral deposits due to areologic activity)
Also, lastly, since I mentioned solar panels - one intriguing idea if you manufacture them on Mars is to break silicon oxide rocks apart (very common) to get pure silicon and oxygen (which you can store or use to slowly terraform Mars, though the scale gets absurd if you really want to only use silicon oxide cracking to give it a breathable atmosphere; not so much if you just want to get it over the Armstrong limit), using the silicon for solar panels.
>Wow. That's a nice comparison. I used to think that Mars is basically useless in terms of a large-scale solar panel use.
If you're a govt with access to RTGs, they make more sense per unit mass than solar panels, but those are expensive and can't be manufactured locally.
The food is gone and oceans are depleted. rice bowl is going dry. insects and birds are gone and flora pollination is ending right now. food runs out, war erupts, freed neutrons scorch the Earth.
Underground DUMBs are too radioactive and hydrostatic pressure harms humans like the bends. There is no other choice but to start human exodus off earth.
Post papers. Everything I've read indicates GCRs are only a threat through secondary radiation showers, which can be mitigated through more shielding. The thing with them being that despite the high energy, they usually only interact with molecules in your body a couple of times, and thus don't have a chance to do much damage.
Of course, if you post evidence I'm going to be willing to analyze it fairly.
NASA's budget is fuck all, less than half a percent. If they wanted to spend more money on black projects they would just do it, they don't have to tell the public what it's being spent on because it's all classified.
That's not what it's about. Launching on the equator is more fuel efficient because you get a "boost" from the earth's spin. That's why USA launches their rockets from Florida and not from some northern state.
you should stop sucking elon musk's dick for a while, it's making you retarded beyond redemption
the most expensive metal in the world is 1 Kg of anything thrown into space
do you know how amazingly expensive would be that minig?
Lift under the wings. Not rockets. 25 mile runway and room for emergency landings.
stop swallowing
elon's cum is affecting seriously your brain
hurr ad hom time
Don't you have some praying to do for your Globohomo führer Hans?
>Pollution and plutonium will kill everything in 25-30 years
climate will kill everyone in 12 years
ching flu will kill us in 12 months