white genocide isn't real
White genocide isn't real
Other urls found in this thread:
no but white suicide is
No but white oppression is
it isn't. everything posted here is just satire.
Open the borders of Israel and your opinion is change immediately
there's nothing stopping white couples from having kids -- they just don't FEEL like it
What the fuck has happened to /pol
kys OP
Yeah, whites arent going anywhere
Also lets slide this thread shall we?
>what is the link between schizophrenia and andrenochrome?
>why are ashkenzi jews prone to schizophrenia?
>how is adrenochrome harvested?
>why were jews expelled from 109 countries?
>what is the origin of the "vampire", and why does the myth exist universally across cultures?
>what is pizzagate?
>why do the people named in pizzagate theories seem to contract corona at incredibly high rates?
>how do the chinese prefer to prepare their meats?
>how many chinese died of corona?
I need these answers anons. You do, too
it was real. but what's going on now is just outbreeding
your continent is not white and since you're american you have no idea about anything outside of your continent, you don't know what is and what isn't real
Holy shit, this thread and most of its comments are proof demons took over Yas Forums. Sweet fuck, how did it get this bad? There's no way you're oldfags who got bluepilled. You have to be invaders who took over.
anti-white sentiment is.
of course not! these are just r/donald dotards and their shitty "based black" mentality. because remember... "da democwatz r da reel rasis". mainstream conservatives unfortunately took over this place and it hasn't been the same.
>who needs causation when I can just say something
>what’s social engineering?
Duh. This thread stinks of Redditfags. Sage in all fields
I don't fucking know, dude. No one on this board has empathy anymore and pro-white politics have disappeared. This is some twilight zone shit. I saw the fall starting a year ago but now it's really gotten fucking bad. It's to the point I'd almost say Yas Forums disgusts me as much as reddit now.
why do mud people flood into our countries?
>women picking 5'10' over 6'0'+
lol keep dreaming tyrone
Imagine thinking white supremacy politics are somehow good
Jesus this guy is a whole head taller than them. I bet he could literally rip that nigger's head right off.
discord invasion. hide these threads and move on.
then why the fuck are you even here? you can post all about this shit on social media and not get banned for it?
Day of the Shill is.
Funny thing is she will come right back to bbc.
Racial replacement is genocide. Look at how many nonwhites there are in america, south africa and europe today.
>What is wrong with wanting a state for just your group?
>Why should the world be homogenized?
>Why does diversity mean shipping "people of colour" (brown. brown is the colour) into countries where white people are native?
>Why do we CONSISTENTLY see White people build solid countries, only to have POCs move in and demand Whites change it to better suite them?
I don't hate POCs, I just like White people too. Why should I be okay with watching people like me, my family, and my friends slowly vanish?
RELATED: youtube.com
>1 post by this ID
Even her family will celebrate her rape and murder
Your grandma is good brother.
It objectively is
>(brown. brown is the colour)
I found it
>then why the fuck are you even here? you can post all about this shit on social media and not get banned for it?
gonna make a proper response?? because you'll find plenty of your kind on social media where you can get to talk about killing crackas and whitoids and shit.
>gonna make a proper response?? because you'll find plenty of your kind on social media where you can get to talk about killing crackas and whitoids and shit.
The Indian govt. is trying to decrease the Indian birthrate, are Indians being genocided?
a stupid edgy name for a real thing.tho if whiteoids are too weak to stop their own replacement they dont deserve to exist as ethnic group. also once you go from an ethnostate (90%+ natives) theres no going back, see USA, its the one thing that cannot be reversed
>once you go from an ethnostate (90%+ natives) theres no going back, see USA, its the one thing that cannot be reversed
It cannot be reversed, but it can be remedied. As long as there are White people, there is hope.
>Imagine not being white
Must be rough. Anyway, LISTEN UP, FAGGOTS.
This thread is filled with reddit tier garbage, and I’m here to remind everyone that Yas Forums is a National Socialist board. Ancaps, monarchists, and based Christians are tolerated. EVERYONE ELSE NEEDS TO GET FUCKED. You queers, niggers, conservative cowards, kikes, egalitarians, libshits, and commie scum already have a gay board that fits you just right. It’s called reddit. Go there. Stay there. Quit shitting up our board, or we’re going to start breaching containment and winding up in places you thought were exclusively reserved for fags like you.
>forum and links:reddit.com
Go back.
Take your meds schizo
If it's not why do you have to strawman it?
>has population of 1.3 Billion
>grossly overpopulated
>are Indians being genocided?
No, you fucking ape
Fuck you and burn in hell shitkike
Fucking kek, the jew cope
No more Murdoch for you
I doubt you can get any more based than this.
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
>Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
jew media confirmed genocidal
Are they also importing masses of foreigners?
>white genocide isn't real
Then why do you worry so much about it?
True. All whats left of the magyars is culture and language
White people are angry cucks that are afraid of their own shadows.
Kys kike faggot
Imagine thinking inviting millions of 70 IQ niggers and destroying white countries is being good
Odd that the reporter is telling the truth there that she is lying about everything and that made her nose grow
White genocide is being directed by Israel. To think otherwise makes you a disgusting traitor
Exiting thread now
imagine being a nigger
Typical lefties stealing memes again
gotta own those evil pesky nahztee democratz amirite fellow trump supporter!?