put the boomers in camps, continue with life

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Trump is a boomer and so are many of his friends
someone nuke this faggot poonigger, what a retarded idea


Along with chinks, niggers and jews

you have to go to camp boomer
coof coof

drop memeflag faggot an Auschwitz for boomers, then? Interdasting!

Based pajeet.

nyet is more like gulag for grandma comrade

This plan makes way too much sense instead we need a chimp out.

Honestly based

Are you really this daft to think that I cannot be a real Nepali?

>put all the vulnerable people in one place
wow amazing. just create a single point of failure. incredible idea.


Literally no such thing.

Attached: 1542597685281.png (446x435, 78.89K)

These people are 2 weeks behind the memes.
"Boomer remover" was 10 days ago.
It kills everyone.
He has a solution to an old assumption.

Attached: fellow-kids.jpg (650x325, 55.24K)

kek sorry flag unrecognizable
would recognize, bro spends much time there with rinpoche
how's that one case going btw

>a single point of failure
implying they are allowed out of tents without being shot on sight

source: j-just trust me bros!

That one case recovered. But we have another case as of yesterday. But that person is doing well too. Hopefully they will recover

Just more predictive programming trying to acclimate the public to the concept of euthanizing the elderly, as well as anyone who isn't willing to be subjected to New World Order/Agenda 21 slavery.

I know you guys think it's funny to see the boomers finally face some form of consequences for their actions. I do have to admit that there is a certain level of humorous irony in that.

However, you should stop and consider the implications for this. If the human population across this planet collectively accept this, which they will, then the same thing will happen to you when you reach a certain age. I'm not even talking about in your sixties, but something like 30 or 40. The minutes that you are no longer producing for this system, you will be discarded and euthanized. No retirement for you.

What do you think movies like Onions Green/Logan's Run, etc, were depicting? Or that Twilight Zone episode called The Obsolete Man?

Video very much related.

Boomertration Camps

Pajeet is a retard. Our tests report false negatives all the time. You want to concentrate all of the boomers in one place and rely on a faulty test to ensure an infected patient doesn't get into the population?

Absolute fucking retard. This is why India is still a 3rd world country.

Good idea. I recommend FEMA camps as safe zones for direct disposal


Godspeed them and your country user.
Be safe, seriously.

To camp /pol you go boomer

Attached: 0aa.png (882x733, 1017.16K)

no no we need to just shut the entire country down and completely destroy the economy. it just makes more sense

Attached: age.png (750x863, 116.54K)

Arbeit Macht Coof

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Arbiet macht nicht coof

Attached: 1584939272541.jpg (640x640, 28.26K)

so basically a gulag for 70+.
Is he joking?

Maybe the boomer kike lovers shouldn't have trusted the government and sold away the country to corporations and China? They deserve to be rounded up and coofed on for only not trusting the government to once again crash the economy.

You too user

Lets call it a vacation at Cuba instead. Bay something. Give them some viagra and cocaine while at it.

>muh economy
Ok shill

I mean you guys have best lungs in the market.

based and for their own protection

>Agenda 21
i'm sorry boomer you have to step into the van

its going to be great when the rest of the states follow suit and start ordering all the non (((essential))) businesses to close down and literally everybody loses their job

He's right you know. If anything, i'd also say to collect all the spics, illegals, """migrants""", tanned germans, preteen female gynecologists, melanin enriched kangz and the rest in military bases. Preferably ones with nuclear warheads and remote out of base detonators.

The Boomlag Archipelago

Not a boomer, just a useless millennial that's horrified at the direction this world is moving towards.

It's the Day of the Pillow. As a boomer, I feel like I have consumed enough resources and I will happily step into the van. Just take care of my cat, please.

seriously, there's no way the US government is competent enough to organize something like this safely.

all the elderly would infect each other on the way to the camps, or standing around waiting to be tested. then Trump would be squarely blamed even by his own supporters which is obviously the real danger here.

yes, put them in camps and gas them

based putin misinformation spreader

Superpower 2020

Are you that poo who thinks he looks West Asian?

they need them with the air pollution in kathmandu
i know i was surprised, i had vision of clear mountain air but it's actually in a depression with a cloud of smog over it

spoken like a true patriot, sir.

good to know. Thanks user

kek russian strategy is to make the boomers not give a fuck, go out, overload hospitals
0/10 herdfag


All under 40 healthy people should be forcibly put on cruise ships and infected with the virus. In two months they can return and go back to work. The old people can continue self segregating.

Well you are probably the only Nepali poster here so let me say, you look like a proper pajeet.

FEMA camps for old folks is the next lógicos conclusion of FEMA camps for non old people.

>two months
anyone under 40 who's not a NPC would rather be shot in the head than spend 2 months on a fuckin cruise ship boomer

That is a straight up horrible idea... That is basically how you gaurantee all the boomers get it. At least on their own they would have a chance.

>That is a straight up horrible idea... That is basically how you gaurantee all the boomers get it. At least on their own they would have a chance.
boomer typing detected, off you go enjoy your stay

Like 30 % in IC are below 50. It's not only a boomer remover you dumb fuck. Isolating the boomers and letting the virus spread would just end up with millions of young people in ventilators, the medical system can't handle that so you would end up with millions of dead young people.

not a hard tweet to write. more children die from the flu on avg. infecr them first. that's 25%. then the younger workforce. another 20%. that's 45% of the needed 66%.

There another one too. And the one you were talking about lives in the US.
And you are correct. We do look like pajeets. But there are some chink looking ones as well

imagine trying to tell boomers to stay at home while everyone else it out making moves

>wow amazing. just create a single point of failure. incredible idea.
Now you understand why we call pajeet engineering pajeet engineering.

Why not just put them all on a cruise ship? This guy is a fucking idiot. Staying isolated in their homes is the best way to keep them alive.

you can't that why we have to concentrate them in camps to make surveillance practical

Why is that hard to write, just kit the keys on the keyboard. Jesus christ, what a fucking faggot.

Military are trained to shoot down the enemy. COVID-19 won't stand a chance.

>put hundreds of elderly people in the same place to "protect them"
>"Oops! Corona got in through the fence!"
>hundreds dead
You leave them old people alone, ya fucking poop!