/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2471 - CHINESE VIRUS EDITIONS

► Detected: 382,008 (+3,226) ► Died: 16,558 (+51)

~~~ Remaining to surpass H1N1: 1,891 deaths ~~~
~~ who.int/csr/don/2010_08_06/en/ ~~

Spain turns ice skating rink into a morgue

4000 infected in Ottawa, health officials estimate

Virus survives on surfaces up to 17 days, longer than expected

36 year old African-American female killed by infection

Patients remain on intensive care for 20 days on artificial ventilation

All cases in study test positive 2 weeks after "recovery"

Cruise ship "recovered" case reinfected in Japan

27 year old dies, no underlying disease

CDC approvals delay testing in New York

China "suspected" deaths outnumber "confirmed" 6 to 1

Engineered SARS-related bat coronavirus caused polemic over risks

Lebanon on lockdown, 6 million people


00:55: 52 new cases and 3 new deaths in Switzerland.
00:49: 226 new cases in Germany.
00:44: 2,047 new cases and 105 new deaths in Spain.
00:40: China’s National Health Commission reports 78 new cases across the mainland, excluding Hubei province. Most of them originated in a foreign country. Of those, 31 are in Beijing and 14 in Guangdong province.
00:40: 1 new case and 7 new deaths in Hubei province, China.
00:25: 69 new cases in California, United States.
22:50: 51 new cases and 1 new death in Missouri, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Thread theme, this one is dedicated to the shills.


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It's a nothingburger. Look it's linear and not exponential.

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This is a corona-chan power post.

Give Corona-chan your energy by replying "sink the chink Corona-chan!" or there will be a cure in 1 week.

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Lmao at dead thread



>Our findings suggest that a homemade mask should only be considered as a last resort to prevent droplet transmission from infected individuals, but it would be better than no protection.

>The homemade cotton masks captured 50% of 0.02-1 micron particles, compared with 80% for the surgical mask. Although the surgical masks captured 30% more particles, the cotton masks did surprisingly well. The researchers concluded that homemade masks would be better than nothing.

>Any type of general mask use is likely to decrease viral exposure and infection risk on a population level, in spite of imperfect fit and imperfect adherence, personal respirators providing most protection.

Poorfag Mask. Least protection but better than nothing:

Now You're Trying Mask:

Schizo Mode:
Same thing as above but replace the paper towel pleb shit with an HVAC filter. Normalfags aren't buying these (yet) so you can still snag some. You can make multiple, reusable masks off just one of these.
Google a filter with a MERV rating from the link. The higher the rating, the better.

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"The captured inmates told officers they were upset after the Governor’s press conference earlier tonight, and the COVID-19 outbreak has them all scared, per Yakima Co. officials."


Digits and a new strain emerges where incels have a higher infection rate than boomers

I already killed mine. I feel horrible about this. DOGS carry this.

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>CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in U.S., highest death toll in 40 years


Hold my beer

it's a bioweapon guys you gotta believe me why don't you believe me, was it because i didn't pin it on the jews

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Fuck off shitskin.

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Wake up user.
user, it's time

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sink the chink Corona-chan!
also, fuck all yellow niggers and LMAO TZEDUNG who lost to a FUCKING SPARROW
Wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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China 81,171 (3,277) Italy 63,927 (6,077) United States 46,145 (582) Spain 35,136 (2,311) Germany 29,056 (123) Iran 23,049 (1,812) France 19,856 (860) South Korea 9,037 (120) Switzerland 8,795 (120) United Kingdom 6,650 (335) Netherlands 4,749 (213) Austria 4,477 (21) Belgium 3,743 (88) Norway 2,625 (10) Australia 2,136 (8) Canada 2,091 (24) Portugal 2,060 (23) Sweden 2,046 (27) Brazil 1,924 (34) Turkey 1,529 (37) Malaysia 1,518 (14) Denmark 1,460 (24) Israel 1,442 (1) Czech Republic 1,236 (1) Japan 1,128 (42) Ireland 1,125 (6) Ecuador 981 (18) Pakistan 892 (6) Luxembourg 875 (8) Thailand 827 (4) Poland 749 (8) Chile 746 (2) Diamond Princess 712 (8) Finland 700 (1) Greece 695 (17) Iceland 588 (1) Indonesia 579 (49) Romania 576 (7) India 511 (10) Singapore 509 (2) Philippines 501 (33) Slovenia 442 (3) Russia 438 (1) Peru 395 (5) Bahrain 377 (2) Mexico 367 (4) Egypt 366 (19) Hong Kong 357 (4) Panama 345 (6) Croatia 315 (1)…

China +78 (+7) United States +2,411 (+29) South Korea +76 (+9) Australia +249 (+1) Thailand +106 (+3) Mexico +51 (+1) Paraguay +5 (+1) Austria +3 Pakistan +17 India +12 Philippines +39 Colombia +29 Taiwan +20 Hungary +20 New Zealand +53 Oman +18 Kazakhstan +6 Georgia +5 Trinidad & Tobago +1 Uzbekistan +3 Afghanistan +2 Guam +4 Bolivia +1 French Polynesia +5 Madagascar +5 Aruba +3 Suriname +1 El Salvador +2 Fiji +1…


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> Evaluation of coronavirus in tears and conjunctival secretions of patients with SARS‐CoV‐2 infection


after getting through your blood-brain barrier, Corona-chan will gangrape your nervous system and cum in your eyes pink!

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What am I missing?

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>firearm safety courses all getting cancelled
If you didn't get your PAL, it's too late for you leaf. Buy a big fucken knoife.

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Fidget spinners

Why do brainlets refuse to get a flu shot? You get store credit too, I used mine to buy a box of Tyson(tm) Chicken Nuggets for my toaster oven!

Riots, food shortages and looting imminent!


Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! It's fucking happening bros! Where were you when Yas Forums was right about a happening for the first time?

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Sounds like the decision to end the emergency measures in the US has already been made. The right wing PR push to sell it is underway.

Potentially having millions of deaths just to get the economy back on track is a hell of a gamble.

thanks user - do you have more similar evidence?

Spain (+4.97%) Poland (-6.35%) Brazil (-3.61%) Italy (-2.57%) Russia (-0.67%) Switzerland (+3.08%) Hungary (0.00%) Greece (0.00%) France (+3.61%) Netherlands (+4.50%) India (+2.80%) Germany (+3.57%) China (+3.84%) South Africa (+4.37%) United States (+4.23%) United Kingdom (+4.37%) Singapore (+4.77%) Taiwan (+4.72%) Australia (+5.00%) Austria (+5.32%) Hong Kong (+5.38%) Japan (+8.40%) South Korea (+9.15%)

Sydney (-30%) Tokyo (-13%) Beijing (-33%) Wuhan (-26%) New Delhi (-58%) Dubai (-21%) Moscow (-42%) Rome (-56%) Milan (-52%) Berlin (-29%) Munich (-42%) Brussels (-53%) Paris (-58%) Madrid (-43%) Barcelona (-45%) London (-23%) Sao Paulo (-0%) Buenos Aires (-0%) New York (-3%) Washington (-3%) Miami (-0%) Toronto (-1%) Chicago (-3%) Houston (-2%) Mexico City (-6%) Los Angeles (-4%) Seattle (-6%)


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post linear chart nao

Heme iron

It is logarithmic scale. Take any exponential curve and plot it with Y in log scale

This, happeningfags BTFO

Who the fuck drinks blue mt dew what is this a fucking game?

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nice b8 m8

Fuck, I've been doing it all wrong.

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>one person out of several dozen had SARS-CoV-2 RNA detected in a conjunctiva swab
Wow, it's literally nothing.

count the calories user, at a glance I don't see it being more than 40K which covers you for 20 days at 2000kcal per day

gr8 b8 m8

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a girlfriend

that's a logarithmic graph, try again nothing burger

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>get a home transport
>dialisys patient
>name seems familiar
>w/e probably one of the regulars
>get ready to drive
>gets cancelled
>"yeah he died of corona"
>realize its the dude a coworker drove few days ago and that's why he's in quarantine
>can go back to sleep
thanks corona

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Is this the end of America?
Was this an actual Chinese bioweapon targeted mainly at the US?
Will the US be attacked when most weak?

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How interesting that the memeflags are always revealed to be from shitholes when they forget to hide their flag
>puerto rico

>Where were you when Yas Forums was right about a happening for the first time?
First off, Yas Forums is always right faggot. Secondly, to answer your question, I've been packing and waiting for the opportune time to get out of here and fuck off into the bush. That time is gonna happen soon.

>lmao argentina


Why are the number of death compared to the number of cases so low in the US of A?

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Second death - 69 y.o. grandma from Moscow.

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French government is not testing people except if they are dying at the hospital.

Lots of people dying in retirement home
> no tests
People struggle breathing for days
> no test, they stay at home
Stupid (((government))) official coughes
> test right way
Situation in the hospital
> shortages, no masks

Remember French medical staff was on strike before the crisis because (((macron))) was trying to destroy the medical field. We lack beds, staff, equipment, everything.
They can only handle 4000 to 5000 tests a day.


did your results come back yet?

Is it over? Italy deaths going down.

yup, nothing indeed

> wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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did you guys engineer it to be higher?

Because literally the only thing our health care is good at is critical care, and we're fucking fantastic at it.

rip babushka.

>pitch black nigger detected
It's been two days and I'm barely finishing off one 6-pack of ramen, I should be alright
>not looking at deaths/closed cases

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thankfully negative
xray showed ideopathic pneumonia tho so it could've been a false negative

Objectively speaking, without emotional arguments, what's so bad about a few dozen thousands of boomers dying? I'm not trying to be edgy or anything, but I doubt this is going to even crack the top 10 of the most life-altering events I'll witness in my lifetime.

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Look at South Korea; Look at Germany
When you find all the mild cases you find the real CFR; and it's much lower than what's been estimated.

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Do you have to pay for it?

Would love to cum inside Corona-chan

we're good at small quantities of critical/specialized care - we don't have the capacity for cities like LA, Chicago, or NY though

It says logarithmic scale, but the time axis is still linear

Dragon dildo

Italy *maybe* has it under control - meanwhile, Spain, France and Germany are full-steam ahead, accelerating
the current growth factor is 1.27, which means yesterday's new cases were 27% higher than those counted two days ago

the us' free market healthcare system is inefficient and thus you get more critical care capacity than would usually be needed, which is handy right now

Damn I would even fill Greta. Hnnnng so horny

Post the original

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Get a load of this shit.

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feel bad for that old chap tbhwy
on the other hand if he needed dyalisys life wasn't that fun anymore

user, it already is. you just don’t know it yet; whether the virus itself is a nothingburger or not, the inevitable economic and social impacts will probably be studied by historians in the future.

retard: the diet

Couple of weeks from now the UK will be delivering essential weekly rations to everyone, no shopping for yourself allowed. Some lads in hazmats and a van will be driving up and down your street handing out Weetabix, semi-skimmed milk and toilet roll.

Would make sense but people gonna go mad from isolation.

>it appears conjunctivitis is an uncommon event as it relates to COVID-19
Coronaviruses infect pretty much every tissue, this one actually seems less inclined to cause conjunctivitis (but more inclined to cause enteritis)

France is lying, no a few tests are done

>the only thing our health care is good at
Even our billing departments are shit at their jobs, and we will soon see this entire system collapse because it's always been a toy staffed by children being pushed as hard as possible to make subscription systems that keep people returning. All of those subscribers that live at healthcare facilities, or their entire lives revolve around visiting them monthly for opiates or other absurd reasons will be prime carriers of this virus the very moment it gets into the community.
It takes someone very naive to not see this

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BRAAAAAP *snifff*

Usually, yes, in this case, no

The CFR doesnt matter as much as the deaths per day, which is doubling every few days. once the healthcare system is maxed out your cfr skyrockets.

Yas Forums is right about the jews, it's literally wrong about happenings. This is the first time it got its LARP apocalypse right.

he asked what is missing, not what is unnecessary

>we know who's behind this post

>t. 12 year old

wtf is tea towel

Still my favorite coronachan yet.

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absolutely nothing
boomers dying would have economic benefits
free up some housing
less people on government pension/medical
wouldn't need to tank our economy into oblivion - the likes of which we'll be paying for in taxes for decades to come
free up senior positions that boomers have been holding because of their "experience" even though they've jacked off for the past 10 years and haven't gone to school since the 20th century

what was his name again?

yeah, not sure how he got it tho so that's worrying

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Italy was one of the few countries if not the only one that tested heavily. Try harder

that only makes it worse, then, even those few tests they do show a steady increase

You are correct, though it still causes enough serious illness to swamp hospitals, but I think when that happens, you're getting close to the overall peak as it takes a while for it to circulate to get there.

I'd say there's at least 80% or so undetected due to being subclinical, but they're fueling the spread.

Well, this is my hope anyway.

A dish rag, basically.

>feb 15
>feb 18
>feb 21

Was waiting for this boi to pop up.
Thank you user

I still don't understand the killing your pet meme. If your mom or grandad caught the virus would you kill them too? Just quarantine the damn thing.

Why should I care about so much math?

How safe is ordering food? My retarded boomer parents want to order some today idk how i feel about it.

Dishcloth for non-Americans.

And like a bat out of hell I'll be gone when the morning comes

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It’s a win win. Dead boomers+, more gibs.

Yas Forums is a creature that has two heads, mate. One head says it's happening and the other head says it isn't. In the end, Yas Forums is always right. The only thing both heads agree on is the Jews.

>bootlicker in the comments

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>1278 cases In Czech republic
>1 death

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how fucked are we?

How much do you trust the delivery guy not to spit in it?


If it's already cooked, just take it out and microwave it for 2 minutes or so

If you mean groceries, just wear gloves to unload then wash hands.

>If your mom or grandad caught the virus would you kill them too?

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Bill "Acceptance" Mitchell

hahahahaha you made a funny - good job user here's your (You)

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Flu shots only good for one year.
Flu mutates.
Vaccine that year wasn't effective.
I don't get flu shots.
Haven't been sick since 2001.
And it wasn't that bad.


This guy gets it

Damn Nazis are cretins

>The only thing both heads agree on is the Jews.
That Jews are Jewish?

If viruses are not "alive" as the biologists say then what are they? Killer nanorobots that the reptilians are experimenting on us?

Also, if they always need a host to survive, that means that the first virus was created inside a live being, right?

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>normies finally and properly catch up to corona
>I completely lose interest in following the happening
I hate normalfags so much

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Microwave it for a bit then

Why does Corona-chan have bat wings? it it confirmed to have originated from bats?

dude if you ever look how your own DNA behaves you would come to the conclusion that YOU are made of nano-bots

and you would be right

Germany is IMPORTING Italian corona cases as we speak


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>Have them leave bags outside.
>Glove hands.
>Sanitize bags.
>Place hot food (it better be hot, faggot) in new >container.
>Dispose of old containers.
>Catch coronavirus

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Its a restaurant we frequent, not some dirty turkish kebab shop. So i trust them not to do shady shit.
Guess i'll just warm it up a bit

Yes, the situation is very serious here, the government is failing to protect the citizens because they don't give a shit. They still make construction workers, painters, plumbers ans such work. Because they think of them as stupid low paid, replaceable people.
Medical unions and representatives filed complaints against the PM.

Being alive is an arbitrary definition.

Why do you type like a caveman? Are sentences difficult?

Interest or not, you might have to learn to appreciate the normalcy while it lasts

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because it indicates whether the spread is accelerating or maintaining a consistent rate

This happening is over.
The next happening that hasn't even begun is hyperinflation.
This means anyone who holds cash is going to get the stock market pornhub image of thousands upon thousands of people getting fucked, but 100 times worse.
Pepper your angus it may arrive during the fall or next year.
This is your first and only warning, burger user.

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I just saw two days ago two Lieferando maxerl chilling out together and sitting very close to each other chatting. Which is strictly forbidden because they could infect each other.
Ordering from the supermarket is ok, but I wouldn't from restaurants.

Combining the corona-chan with pangolin wouldnt be so hot

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Yes it was created when I came in you mom

This isn't fucking slam poetry.

Well now, what do you have to say about that, Mr. Biologist??

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I hope you’re only advocating for the white inmates and not the rabid niggers who belong in jail

>proper big boy rifle with sling optic and light
>proper secondary to supplement your sub2k
>plate carrier
>triple the amount of ammo you got there
>a FUCK ton of cigs (for trading)
>HAM radio
>a FUCK ton of scentless candles
>Portable Power Bank
>a FUCK ton more bic lighters
>strike matches
>alcohol (for molotovs and trading)
>absolutely grill or NO PROPANE TANKS THERE BUDDY
>sweetened condensed milk
>a fUCK ton of flour
>pure vanilla extract
>a FUCK ton of unsalted butter
>a FUCK ton of sugar
>gas can with gas in it
>fresh fruit and veggies
>POUNDS and POUNDS of beef and chicken in the freezer
you need more water than that champ.
>Tobasco and not Cholula
>he feel for the beenz meme
>"prep" devoid of any deenz at all

No thanks I'm just gonna withdraw from this and shelter it all away from my daily life and my interests, like everything else that gets tainted and turned into a commercial product by normalfags and their droves of consoomers

you guys seemed to be getting somewhere with the yellow vest stuff but there was never any follow-through

Sink the chink

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i was washing cans of beer yesterday
i still feel the residue autism

Yeah, you could think about viruses as some type of parasite too. The biologists say they are not alive because they can't replicate themselves out of a host, out of a cell. But parasites work in the same way, they need a host to reproduce, and they don't say that parasites are not alive.

in the end, herd immunity will be what saves us
let it accelerate into its natural peak


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same, my parents can't stop talking about it now that i lost most of my interest. 3 weeks ago they told me "Italy is just full of weird people, it will never be like that here"
>Ordering from the supermarket is ok
I doubt you will even get a spot to order currently.

I type that way so retards like you can follow along.

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When I hear normalfaggots talk about it I get the urge to come here to decompress

it's also not about being shady, these people working at the restaurant could be infected and work there for like two weeks until they get a fever and stay home.



Leaf logic
>hiv? Herd immunity mate

user, your body is mostly comprised of foreign cells and by the time you die you'll have been replaced multiple times over through mitosis.

Sleep on it.


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we also send them hundreds (!) of medical ventilator. yes, the ones that we will run out of in about a week

My girlfriend has asthma, she's going to fucking die, we live in the capital city of the country, where most cases are concentrated. There's no way she'll evade getting it. I don't want this to happen, I can't fucking concentrate on work, I can't live like this.

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sink the chink Corona-chan!

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the real redpill is when you realize coronavirus does not exist and the people out there taking action and wearing masks and stuff are poor victims of the media and its almost cringeworthy to look at

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meanwhile in Romania:
meme government doesn't close borders even when it's declared a world pandemic
>they send planes to Italy to bring back "our bros", they give them masks and give them a place to stay isolated in hotels
>1 million people from Italy come back
We are now here
>no masks for hospital employees, no fucks given to respect quarantine/self-isolation, not even by medical staff
>first major hospital is confirmed infected and rendered useless
>you are recommended to stay inside during the day, but are forbidden by law to go outside during the night ???
>you can legally walk unhindered during the day if you have a dog by your side
>peak is expected at easter, memepresident RECOMMENDS people not to come back, but they can if they want to~ (these are his exact words)
>our borders are now closed to anyone but romanians (be they infected or not, they just sign a declaration of not coming from red zones)
>Serbian bros close their borders at around 150 confirmed cases, they now have around 250, currently lmaoing at our lives
God, I hope this shithole fucking dies

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And that my dear fren will lead to wars across the globe. Life is going to get really interesting in the coming years.

Wut. You guys had a lesbian presidential couple?

By shady i meant purposefully trying to infect others by spitting in the food or whatever. I didn't plan on eating anything myself but idk how am gonna convince my parents to not try to order.

Are you comparing a virus that spreads through the blood like HIV with Covid-19 that spreads through the air?


uh oh

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I think the real definition comes to whether they have cells.

Kepeät mullat Martti.

this isn't hiv
80% of people experience mild to no symptoms and recover, some without knowing they ever had it

you don't recover from hiv


Calm down, dude. Take deep breathes.

can you get outside the city somehow? Do you have masks and gloves to be extra cautious?

apparently virologists found that the virus likely originated from either a bat or a pangolin (who tf knows) There later was a study published by some Chinese scientists about the virus originating from bats that were being held captive in a wuhan virology lab. But when people saw photos like pic related it was too tempting to not meme into oblivion

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Why would anyone still need to tell people this?

>Beaches still full of people and evangelists hosting 15k religious services

Oh, right. People are dumb.

one million infected when?

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more and better food and more ammo.

I know there are many bacteria in our bodies, like the intestinal flora that helps us to digest food, but the majority of our cells are foreign? I don't think so.

I'm prepping for civil unrest and staying inside for a few weeks, not for a nuclear winter. In either case, I do have a couple of things like a portable grill and power bank, as well as 200 bottles of water out of frame. Besides, when shit hits that hard to the point where I need that many lighters I doubt there'll be many inhabited homes in my area

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does he deserve it?

At the very least escape the city, you can just drive to a hotel.

Let's go anime with this


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>4. People are dying
Oh yeah, because this isn't a reality humanity has had to face every day ever since inception, mortality was invented with this particular virus

Americans will be dying in the streets within a week because muh freedom. Can't wait.

already happened in china bro

>super serious virus
>lies about numbers
> shiggy diggy

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People were still demonstrationg before we got locked on. Medical staff was getting serious. I hope things change after the pandemic. I suspect the government to still ban gathering for a very long time for no medical reason to ban demonstrations.

it originated from the bat, the pangolin may be the intermediary

Kill all chinks.

True. We could always die in russia during the winter though, so I guess we won.

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So they're Finnished?

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