i need real proof , come on i'm waiting

Attached: adrenochrome-4.jpg (960x717, 59.27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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>posts proof

Attached: adrenochrome.png (652x533, 188.59K)

just sayin'

Adrenochrome is real, it's purported effects are not, and harvesting it from live people is retarded and definitely not. You can easily synthesize it from adrenaline, which is synthesized all the time and sold under the brand name epinephrine.

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Hola, shill

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you fucktards are going to end up with some psycho actually kidnapping a random child and eating his brains to test it

Do you not see the fucking patent retard? You take adrenaline and oxidize it with a persulfate. It can't be that complicated considering your body does it literally all the time.

Stop reading retarded websites and pick up a fucking chemistry book for once in your life.

This is even more schizo than satanic gangstalking.
I really hope you are just pretending to be retarded.

Faggot shill chet thread

>adrenochrome is real
>pic related is skizophrenic creepypasta tier bullshit

Yea oxidized epi is real just let an epi pen expire and you got adrenochrome.
Not much info is out there on it.

This shit is probably happening quite often. As for wether or not the elites of our society do it there’s no way for us poltards to prove it we are all just random nobody’s sitting on our phones or computers speculating and commenting. I think it’s pretty far fetched. Even if the whole hollywood vampire pedo elite theory is wrong... we do know human trafficking and child sex slavery and child porn exists because you hear about it in the news all the time.
I think there’s SOME truth to a lot of this. But frazzledrip is never going to be anything but a Yas Forums born creepypasta and nothing more I’m sure.

You can order it from sigma aldrich

Someone with an actual brain

Nice reddit response! Have an upvote!

it is, nigger. It wont save you from getting corona'd tho

Who is the girl in the background of this pic?


It's not only adrenochrome its a vast array of pyshco actives produced by the body like DMT in the pineal and opiods and other substances that all contribute to the high, its like the difference between weed and pure THC



Synthesized adrenaline is certainly not adrenaline
Just a synthetic that mimics the physiological effect of [ADR]
Epinephrine is a derivative of a synthetic and would not produce any pyschedelic effect.
The difference in dudeweed terms would be like
>K2 legal buzz from the liquor store vs.
>99% pure solvent-free cold press THC rosin


Trust no plan until we know what the plan is

Attached: PureSatire.jpg (1100x4250, 1.17M)

> imagine wasting your one and only precious existence pushing useless threads like this one

It's not a proof, but here a book about immortality, child farms and celebrities from the 70's.
It's not a bad book.

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It's oxidized epinephrine
>take epipen
>inject content is a container
>let it react with air
>you now have adrenochrome, no need for schizo eating people bullshit

try again rabbi, rub rub rub

>Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine).
>In vivo, adrenochrome is synthesized by the oxidation of epinephrine. In vitro, silver oxide (Ag2O) is used as an oxidizing agent

Qfags are all retarded, adrenochrome is real but the elite don't torture children to harvest some magical drug to make them immortal. Also, you're a faggot OP

cool story nigger, they still eat kids, did you even watch the vid

>this brain dead NPC thinks a youtube video is proof of anything

No, I don't watch videos with child eating bullshit. Take off your tinfoil hat

>shilling for vampires

Attached: vampire-comic.png (940x300, 119.48K)

>he needs proof
Take your meds schizo

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Nigger leaf

>shilling for kikes
Q is a psyop you dumb cunt, kill yourself

>tinfoil hat
wow I must be onto something here

Attached: tinfoil.jpg (184x195, 10.68K)

Isn't this form the maze runner?

OP massive faggot

>say something retarded
>get called a retard
>wow i must be on to something here

just a psyop goyim

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Right, you are on to the path of being interned in a mental institution. Take a break from the 24/7 stream of internet bullshit and go for a walk

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Yes, it is

so many shills right now with similar threads
Holocaust, Adrenochrome, BBC, white girls hating white guys, and anti trump

Go here youll see it

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lets inform the public about the pedophile cabal, this will surely work in (((our))) favor

imagine unironically believing this adrenochrome bs.
you watched too many movies or animes.
get back to reality nigger

It exists, but all the schizos base their claims on it's use and effects from a throwaway paragraph from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

If you weren't such a dumb faggot you'd know that people have known about them for fucking decades and absolutely nothing has been done to stop them. Since you're a dumb faggot you're also too dumb to realise that shoving all this retarded shit like adrenochrome in to the pedo ring situation makes it sound retarded so normalfags will be far less likely to believe any of it. You're either a brain dead cunt making it harder to expose these pedos or you're a shill and you know exactly what you're doing. Kill yourself

the memeflags are here goys


Attached: woke.jpg (351x447, 15.86K)

Is that's how it is? Imagine being that retarded

>muh flag
Definitely a retarded newfag

t. pseudo scientist who watched too much hollywood

There is none

>Fe is one of the critical parts of adrenochrome

There is no Fe on the molecule...

what was this? maybe upload to a image host and link it

just learn science and how the human being work we have an adrenal gland... do the maths..

>people have known about pedos for fucking decades
that's where you're wrong kiddo

G-g-guys jackie chan isn't looking so good.....

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kys chill faggot only millenials knows this from that movie for druggies

Confirmed shill, you glowniggers deserve to have the most painful death imaginable

Then how does that fit in with the entire schizo-meltdown over the Wuhan lab making synthetized adrenochrome laced with coronavirus (jesus fucking christ why didn't they just lace it with cyanide you schizo-retards), and the pedosatanist celebrities going into withdrawal over the loss of the Wuhan supply?


Attached: C-658VsXoAo3ovCs.jpg (660x315, 31.84K)

This should shut these qtards up

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But your the one with the meme flags? How hard is it to just show your flag, honestly you guys are so fucking dumb

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You faggots are too obvious, you literally all say the exact same dumb shit with the same retarded pictures full of disinformation

The Electric Illuminati whipped up a magical spell to cast a plague of rabbit fever and the cure is childrens kidney juice.

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Most adreno threads get archived or moved to /bant/ pretty fast. This shill thread is still up. What a surprise.

There's an ancient Asian myth about a rabbit or rabbits on the moon churning something. The Chinese version of the story states the rabbit is making the elixir of life. Surely this is just co-incidence?

Are there other co-incidental myths like this relating to adrenochrome?

Only newfaggots and shills care about flags, which one are you? Probably a dumb faggot that came here in 2016

Wow get a load of this schizo. Do you really think you're gonna convince anyone of this connection?

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>relating to adrenochrome
It relates to it if I say it does!
I bet you can't explain how it's related can you? Just another dumb faggot making it harder to redpill normalfags

What the fuck the Harvey Weinstein corpse just flew over my house

Are you really that embarassed of your country? What purpose does a meme flag provide you?

New Hanx tweet from yesterday.

Be honest, does it sound like he's just talking about an epidemic?

I was saying it's a co-incidence, but since you faggots start shilling so fast, I'm beginning to think I'm on to something.

Attached: HanxMar23.png (1140x372, 26.45K)

As if that doesn't already happen. Pay attention dumb fuck that's what this is all about

It exposes brain dead newfags and shills, you retards just can't help themselves and bring up flags as if it's an argument every time. The funniest part is that I didn't change my flag until I saw this Dutch shill sperg over it

800,000 children a year go missing and this faggot seriously doesn't beleive this shit is already happening. Kys

>I was saying it's a co-incidence, but since you faggots start shilling so fast, I'm beginning to think I'm on to something.
You people are so fucking stupid it's actually insane. How do retards like you even exist?

This is autism at the highest level

Oprah had guests talking about jewish satanic pedo murders back in the fucking 80's you zoomer shill retard.

>these kids are being kidnapped for pedos to fuck and torture
>guess that means they're also harvesting a magical immortality drug from their blood too!
I want all Qfags to die

Canada is still a meme flag though :/

C-cohencidence?! B-but that's antisemitism!

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You're missing the connection being made between iron and adrenochrome entirely.
Adrenochrome, being a hormone, gets released into the bloodstream to travel through the body. Supposedly, the elites are drinking the blood of the kids they diddle while it's got this adrenochrome release into it and realistically it's probably pretty hard to separate the adrenochrome out of the blood while it's still freshly collected along with the a few anons pointing out that it's probably the whole cocktail of release chemicals and not just pure adrenochrome that gives the high.
This is relevant because human blood (and all mammals too) have high iron content in their blood as Hemoglobin is used to transport oxygen in the blood stream. Hemoglobin makes up about 96% of your blood's dry content and is rich in iron. Obviously, if you are drinking a notable quantity of blood for any reason, you will have increased iron levels compared to the baseline.
The connection between iron and adrenochrome is the BLOOD. Also the image you reposted there was one I made the point out how much of a difference there actually is between adrenochrome and epinephrine because shills just kept saying "I-It's just oxidised!" which is their way of trying to trick people into thinking they must behave similarly.

I just noticed the girls at the back in cages.